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Institute of Human and Social Sciences

198 faculty members found.Click on a name for details.

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No. Name Faculty Position Specialities
141 HARADA, Kaisei Faculty of Economics and Management,Institute of Human and Social Sciences Associate Professor Bigdata,Statistics,Input-Output table
142 HARADA KATSUMI Faculty of Education, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Associate Professor
143 HIGASHIKAWA KOJI Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor Anglo-American Law, Racial Discrimination, Jury System, Election Law
144 HIRAISHI, Koki Faculty of Education, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Associate Professor Philosophy of Education
145 Senan Fox Faculty of International Studies, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Associate Professor East Asia, China, Japan, Korean Peninsula, Okinotorishima, South China Sea, Territorial Disputes,
146 FUKUSHIMA, Takuya Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Associate Professor
147 FUKUMOTO TOMOYUKI Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor the law of civilprocedure
148 FUJISAWA, Mieko Faculty of Economics and Management,Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor Experimental Economics, Urban Economics
149 FUJITANI KAORU Faculty of Regional Development Studies, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor Physical education class,Sports Management
150 FUNABASHI HIDEAKI Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Associate Professor

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