Institute of Science and Engineering
233 faculty members found.Click on a name for details.
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No. | Name | Faculty | Position | Specialities |
141 | Naito Hisashi | Faculty of Frontier Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering | Associate Professor | Biomechanics, Motor Control, Bipedal Walking, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Multi-body Dynamics |
142 | NAKANISHI, Wataru | Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering | Associate Professor | Spatial Informatics Applied Statistics |
143 | NAKANO, Masahiro | Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering | Associate Professor | Organic Solar Cell,Metal Oxide,organic field-effect transistor,organic synthesis |
144 | NAKANO, Yusuke | Faculty of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering | Associate Professor | Power engineering, Power conversion, Electrical power equipment, Electrical insulation, Monitoring and diagnosis |
145 | NAGAO HIDEMI | Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering | Professor | Electronic Structure, Biophysics |
146 | Hirohisa Nagatani | Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering | Professor | Surface Spectroscopy,Spectroelectrochemistry,Liquid/Liquid Interface |
147 | NAGANO, Atsuhira | Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering | Associate Professor | Period mappings, K3 surfaces, Abelian varieties, Hypergeometric equations, Automorphic functions |
148 | Hajime Nagoya | Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering | Professor | integrble systems, conformal field theory, Painleve eauations |
149 | NIIYAMA, Tomoaki | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering | Associate Professor | Fracture,Plastic deformation,Dislocations,Molecular dynamics simulations,Self-organized criticality,nonequilibrium physics,Materials science,Complex systems,Chaos,Nonlinear dyanmics |
150 | Nishikawa Yuichi | Faculty of Frontier Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering | Assistant Professor | Rehabilitation, Neuroscience, exercise physiology, medical and biological engineering |
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