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Institute of Science and Engineering

233 faculty members found.Click on a name for details.

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No. Name Faculty Position Specialities
51 KAKUTA, Takahiro Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor Material Science, Polymer Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Organic-inorganic hybrid
52 KATAOKA Kunishige Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering Professor Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Protein engineering, Metalloproteins
53 Nobuyuki Kato Faculty of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Professor population dynamics,Evolution Equations
54 Teruhisa KADOKAMI Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering Professor Low Dimensional Topology, Knot Theory
55 KANEKO HIROSHI Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor
56 KANEMORI MASAAKI Faculty of Biological Science and Technology,Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor stress response, molecular chaperone, ATP-dependent protease
57 KAMIMOTO, Shingo Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor asymptotic analysis, resurgence theory, exact WKB analysis
58 Hiroyasu Kamei Faculty of Biological Science and Technology,Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor Embryonic growth, Zebrafish, Hypoxia, Growth retardation, Catch-up growth, Insulin/IGF-signalling, Neural crest cells
59 KAWAE TAKESHI Faculty of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor functional oxide materials
60 Kawakami Yu Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor Geometric analysis,Minimal Surface,Gauss Map,Value Distribution Theory,Differential Geometry,Complex Analysis

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