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Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering

40 faculty members found.Click on a name for details.

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No. Name Faculty Position Specialities
31 MATSUURA, Norihisa Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor Biological water treatment, Microbial ecology, Microbial measurement
32 MATSUMOTO, Kunihiko Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor urban planning,Urban Design
33 MIZUKAMI TOMOYUKI Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor Petrology, Structural Geology, Spectroscopy, Tectonics, Geodynamics
34 MUHAMMAD, Amin Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor
35 MURATA AKIRA Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor Earthquake Engineering, Disaster Prevention Engineering
36 MORISHITA TOMOAKI Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Professor
37 Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor
38 YAMAGUCHI, Hiromichi Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor Transportation, Disaster prevention and mitigation, Long distance travel, Data science
39 Xiong Xi Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor Slope stability,Deep foundation,Unsaturated soil
40 YUHI MASATOSHI Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Professor Sandbar, Coastal Process, Ocean Waves, Image Processing

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