Institute of Liberal Arts and Science
60 faculty members found.Click on a name for details.
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No. | Name | Faculty | Position | Specialities |
31 | SHIBAGUCHI Tsubasa | Institute of Liberal Arts and Science | Associate Professor | Muscle hypertrophy, Muscle atrophy, Muscle regeneration, Mitochondria |
32 | SUGANO Takashi | Institute of Liberal Arts and Science | Professor | Number Theory, Automorphic Forms, Automorphic L function, prehomogeneous vector space |
33 | SUZUKI Masakatsu | Institute of Liberal Arts and Science | Professor | Semiconductor laser, Image sensor, Li ion battery, Solar cells, First principles caluculation, Magnetic material |
34 | TAKINO TAKAHISA | Institute of Liberal Arts and Science | Professor | cancer cell, invasion, metastasis, extracellular matrix, matrix metalloproteinase, signal transduction |
35 | DALISSIER Michel | Institute of Liberal Arts and Science | Associate Professor | Robert Musil,Interculturality,Private Collections of Books of Philosophers,Marginalia,Thing and Object,Good Sense,Simone de Beauvoir,Objectivity,Translation,Unpublished Manuscripts,Patricide,Perception,Prématuration,Philosophy of Literature,Philosophy of Philosophy,Preference,Prejudices,Critique,Sartre,Lévinas,Contradiction,Overtaking (doublage),Logic,Ontology,Consciousness,Nothingness,The Kyoto School,Comparative Philosophy,Comparison,Deleuze,Kant,Husserl,Heidegger,Predication,Making (faire),Language,Reality,Nishida Kitarô,Unification,Bergson,French Philosophy,Merleau-Ponty,Phenomenology,Imagination,History,Taking up (reprise),Behavior,Body,World,Logic of Place,Metaphysics |
36 | CHO SEI | Institute of Liberal Arts and Science | Professor | The Edo period’s Health Care Publications(Yojosho) |
37 | TOMA Takashi | Institute of Liberal Arts and Science | Associate Professor | (Astro-)Particle Physics Phenomenology, Dark Matter, Neutrinos |
38 | NISHIKAWA, Mikita | Institute of Liberal Arts and Science | Assistant Professor | Physiology of Learning, Comparative Psychology |
39 | NISHIJIMA YUICHI | Institute of Liberal Arts and Science | Associate Professor | CALL Natural Language Processing |
40 | Yudai NONAKA | Institute of Liberal Arts and Science | Assistant Professor |