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College of Human and Social Sciences

185 faculty members found.Click on a name for details.

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No. Name Faculty Position Specialities
71 SASAKI, Taku Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor Ethics, British moral philosophy in 17-18th century, John Locke, Free Will Problem, Responsibility, Blame, Addiction
72 SASAKI, Hazuki Institute of Liberal Arts and Science Associate Professor Global Governance, Global Counter-Terrorism, Terrorism Prevention, Transnational Issues
73 SATO KIYOKAZU Faculty of Economics and Management,Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor accounting theory,realoption,Financial Accounting,financial statement analysis
74 SATO Shunsuke Faculty of International Studies, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Associate Professor
75 SATO HIDEKI Faculty of Economics and Management,Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor History of Banking Supervision in the UK and France, Bank of England, Banque de France, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, ECB, European Banking Union, European Capital Markets Union, EMU, Financial Crisis, Governance on International Finance
76 SATO FUMIHIKO Institute of Liberal Arts and Science Professor literary Uncle, German Children's and Youth Literature between the Wars, Viennese Popular Theatre, Danube, Proletarian-Revolutionary Fairy tale
77 SAMUTA HIKARU Faculty of Transdisciplinary Sciences, Institute of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Sciences Professor Regional Economics
78 SHIBUYA, Yoshikata Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Associate Professor
79 SHIMIZU KUNIHIKO Faculty of International Studies, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor
80 SHIRAISHI, Hideo Faculty of Regional Development Studies, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Associate Professor Urban planning,Architectural planning,Transport planning,Community development,Shophouse,Historical and cultural townscape,GIS,Asia and Africa,Choice behavior modeling

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