POZAR NORBERT (ぽじやーる のるべると) 准教授 POZAR Norbert
理工研究域 数物科学系
理工学域 数物科学類 計算科学コース
自然科学研究科 数物科学専攻
自然科学研究科 数物科学専攻
University of California, Los Angeles 博士課程 Department of Mathematics 2011
Charles University in Prague 修士課程 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Mathematical and Computer Modelling in Physics and Technology 2006
金沢大学 准教授(2018/12/01-)
金沢大学 助教(2013/08/01-2018/11/30)
東京大学 大学院数理科学研究科 特任研究員(2011/09/01-2013/07/31)
日本数学会 Member(2022-2023)
- On volume-preserving crystalline mean curvature flow I. Kim, D. Kwon, N. Pozar Mathematische Annalen 32pages頁 2021/10/21 査読有 原著論文
- Viscosity solutions for the crystalline mean curvature flow with a nonuniform driving force term Yoshikazu Giga, Norbert Pozar SN Partial Differential Equations and Applications 1巻 39号 1-26頁 2020/10 査読有 原著論文
- Singular limit of the porous medium equation with a drift Inwon Kim, Norbert Pozar, Brent Woodhouse Advances in Mathematics 349巻 682-732頁 2019/06/20 査読有 原著論文
- An efficient numerical method for estimating the average free boundary velocity in an inhomogeneous Hele-Shaw problem Irma Palupi, Norbert Pozar The Science Reports of Kanazawa University 62巻 69-89頁 2019/04 査読有 原著論文
- A numerical level set method for the Stefan problem with a crystalline Gibbs-Thomson law Norbert Pozar 京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 2094巻 137-145頁 2018/11 査読無 原著論文 研究論文(プロシーディング)
- Long-time behavior of the one-phase Stefan problem in periodic and random media Norbert Pozar, Giang Thi Thu Vu Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S 11巻 5号 991-1010頁 2018/10 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Approximation of General Facets by Regular Facets with Respect to Anisotropic Total Variation Energies and Its Application to Crystalline Mean Curvature Flow Yoshikazu Giga, Norbert Pozar Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 71巻 7号 1461-1491頁 2018/04/10 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Porous medium equation to Hele-Shaw flow with general initial density Inwon Kim, Norbert Pozar Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 370巻 2号 873-909頁 2017/10/05 査読有 原著論文
- Viscosity solutions for the level set formulation of the crystalline mean curvature flow Norbert Pozar RIMS Kôkyûroku 1997号 16-31頁 2016/07 査読無 原著論文
- A level set crystalline mean curvature flow of surfaces Yoshikazu Giga, Norbert Pozar Adv. Differential Equations 21巻 7/8号 2016/05 査読有 原著論文
- Homogenization of the Hele-Shaw Problem in Periodic Spatiotemporal Media Norbert Pozar Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 217巻 1号 155–230頁 2015/07 査読有 原著論文
- Periodic total variation flow of non-divergence type in Rn Mi-Ho Giga, Yoshikazu Giga, Norbert Pozar Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 102巻 1号 203-233頁 2014/07 査読有 原著論文
- Nonlinear elliptic-parabolic problems Inwon Kim, Norbert Pozar Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 210巻 3号 975–1020頁 2013/12 査読有 原著論文
- Anisotropic total variation flow of non-divergence type on a higher dimensional torus Mi-Ho Giga, Yoshikazu Giga, Norbert Pozar Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 21巻 1号 235–266頁 2013 査読有 原著論文
- Long-time behavior of a Hele-Shaw type problem in random media Norbert Pozar Interfaces and Free Boundaries 13巻 3号 373-395頁 2011 査読有 原著論文
- Viscosity Solutions for the Two-Phase Stefan Problem Inwon Kim, Norbert Pozar Communications in Partial Differential Equations 36巻 1号 42-66頁 2010/11 査読有 原著論文
- Level set method for the crystalline mean curvature flow with forcing(会議名:Algorithmy 2024)(2024/03/24)
- A rate-independent model of droplet evolution(会議名:非線形解析セミナー)(2023/11/24)
- Forcing and volume constraint in the crystalline mean curvature flow(会議名:Seminar on Partial Differential Equations)(2023/10/31)
- Continuum limit of dislocations with annihilation in one dimension(会議名:Geometric PDEs and Applications )(2023/01/17)
- Crystalline mean curvature flow with a volume constraint(会議名:京都大学大学院理学研究科 談話会)(2021/07/07)
- Incompressible limit of the porous medium equation with a drift(会議名:南大阪応用数学セミナー)(2021/04/17)
- Forcing and volume constraint in the crystalline mean curvature flow(会議名:2020 KMS Annual Meeting)(2020/10/24)
- Forcing in the crystalline mean curvature flow(会議名:Surface and Interface Dynamics II)(2020/10/22)
- Self-similar solutions of the crystalline mean curvature flow(会議名:偏微分方程式の解の幾何的様相)(2019/06/12)
- Viscosity approach to the crystalline mean curvature flow and its applications(会議名:Minisymposium "Singular parabolic equations and the motion of interfaces" at The 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2019))(2019/07/19)
- Viscosity approach to the crystalline mean curvature flow(会議名:Mini-symposium: Nonlinear Geometric Partial Differential Equations)(2020/02/06)
- Incompressible limit of the porous medium equation with a drift(会議名:The 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications)(2018/07/05)
- Viscosity solutions for the crystalline mean curvature flow(会議名:BIRS Workshop 18w5033 - Advanced Developments for Surface and Interface Dynamics - Analysis and Computation)(2018/06/21)
- Large-time behavior of the anisotropic Stefan problem in nonuniform media(会議名:The 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications)(2018/07/09)
- A numerical level-set method for the Stefan problem with a crystalline Gibbs-Thomson law(会議名:数値解析学の最前線 ---理論・方法・応用---)(2017/11/10)
- Singular limit of the porous medium equation with a drift(会議名:Free Boundary Problems and Nonlinear PDEs)(2017/09/27)
- Crystalline curvature flow in three dimensions and the level set method(会議名:界面現象の数理・モデリング研究合宿 2017)(2017/06/11)
- A level set approach to the crystalline mean curvature flow(会議名:日本数学会2017年度年会)(2017/03/26)
- A level set method for the crystalline mean curvature flow(会議名:The 18th Northeastern Symposium on Mathematical Analysis)(2017/02/21)
- A level set method for the crystalline mean curvature flow(会議名:Mathematical Aspects of Surface and Interface Dynamics 12)(2016/10/19)
- A level set approach to the crystalline mean curvature flow(会議名:Anisotropy)(2016/09)
- A level set approach to the crystalline mean curvature flow of surfaces(会議名:AIMS conference)(2016/07)
- Motion of surfaces by crystalline mean curvature: viscosity solutions approach(会議名:Developments of the theory of evolution equations as applications of the analysis for nonlinear phenomena)(2015/10)
- Motion of surfaces by crystalline mean curvature: viscosity solutions approach(会議名:The 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2015))(2015/08)
- Homogenization of a Hele-Shaw-type problem in periodic spatiotemporal media(会議名:Developments in the theory of Homogenization)(2015/07)
- A viscosity approach to motion of surfaces by crystalline mean curvature(会議名:Viscosity solutions and related topics)(2015/03/27)
- Homogenization of a Hele-Shaw-type problem in periodic spatiotemporal media(会議名:Workshop on Free Boundaries in Laplacian Growth Phenomena and Related Topics)(2013/10/14)
- A viscosity approach to total variation flows of non-divergence type(会議名:Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2013)(2013/09/07)
- Homogenization of a Hele-Shaw-type problem in periodic time-dependent media(会議名:不均質媒質における異常拡散の数理と環境問題への応用)(2013/03/08)
- Homogenization of a Hele-Shaw-type problem in periodic time-dependent media(会議名:Weak KAM Theory and Related Topics)(2013/01/15)
○基盤研究(C)(一般)「Toward applications of the crystalline mean curvature flow」(2023-2025) 代表者
○若手研究「Development of Viscosity and Variational Techniques for the Analysis of Moving Interfaces」(2018-2022) 代表者
○国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B))「エネルギー勾配流の新潮流:数学理論が開く多様な現象と応用の世界」(2020-2024) 分担者
○若手研究(B)「Viscosity methods in homogenization of nonlinear PDEs」(2014-2017) 代表者