炭竈 享司 (すみかま たかし) 特任助教 SUMIKAMA, Takashi
国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 さきがけ研究者(2020/11-2024/05)
金沢大学 ナノ生命科学研究所 特任助教(2020/04-)
金沢大学 ナノ生命科学研究所 博士研究員(2018/04-2020/03)
福井大学 医学部 特命助教(2010/02-2018/03)
分子科学研究所 博士研究員(2008/10-2010/01)
名古屋大学 理学研究科 G-COE研究員(2008/04-2008/09)
○Papers of the Month(2019/09)
- Voltage sensors of a Na+ channel dissociate from the pore domain and form inter-channel dimers in the resting state Nature Communications 14巻 7835頁 2023/12/19 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Computation of topographic and three-dimensional atomic force microscopy images of biopolymers by calculating forces Biophysical Reviews 15巻 2059頁 2023/11/27 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Updating view of membrane transport proteins by simulation studies Biophysics and Physicobiology 20巻 e200041頁 2023/11/02 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- The structural basis of divalent cation block in a tetrameric prokaryotic sodium channel Nature Communications 14巻 1号 4236頁 2023/07/15 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Imaging single CaMKII holoenzymes at work by high-speed atomic force microscopy Science Advances 9巻 26号 eadh1069頁 2023/06/30 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Antithetic effects of agonists and antagonists on the structural fluctuations of TRPV1 channel Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120巻 20号 e2301013120頁 2023/05/16 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Intuitive interpretation of heterochromatin and euchromatin through rapid Hi-C analysis bioRxiv 2022/10/28 査読無
- Computed Three-Dimensional Atomic Force Microscopy Images of Biopolymers Using the Jarzynski Equality The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13巻 5365頁 2022/06/09 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Vectorial insertion of a β-helical peptide into membrane: A theoretical study on polytheonamide B Mahroof Kalathingal,Takashi Sumikama,Shigetoshi Oiki,Shinji Saito 120巻 4786頁 2021/09
- Conductance selectivity of Na+ across the K+ channel via Na+ trapped in a tortuous trajectory Kenichiro Mita,Takashi Sumikama,Masayuki Iwamoto,Yuka Matsuki,Kenji Shigemi,Shigetoshi Oiki Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118巻 12号 e2017168118頁 2021/03/23 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Computed Atomic Force Microscopy Images of Chromosomes by Calculating Forces with Oscillating Probes Takashi Sumikama,Adam S. Foster,Takeshi Fukuma Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124巻 3号 2213頁 2020/01 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Queueing arrival and release mechanism for K+ permeation through a potassium channel Takashi Sumikama,Shigetoshi Oiki Journal of Physiological Sciences 69巻 6号 919頁 2019/08 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- High-speed AFM reveals accelerated binding of agitoxin-2 to a K+ channel by induced fit Ayumi Sumino,Takashi Sumikama,Takayuki Uchihashi,Shigetoshi Oiki Science Advances 5巻 7号 eaax0495頁 2019/07 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Capturing the Freeze-Drying Dynamics of NaCl Nanoparticles Using THz Spectroscopy Katsuhiro Ajito,Yuko Ueno,Jae-Young Kim,Takashi Sumikama Journal of the American Chemical Society 140巻 42号 13793頁 2018/10 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Origins of Heat Evolution in Mixing Water and Dimethyl Sulfoxide Kazuko Mizuno,Takashi Sumikama,Yoshinori Tarnai,Masahiko Tani 2018 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) 2018-September巻 2018/09 査読有 研究論文(プロシーディング)
- A Letter to Editors —生物物理誌への提言— Takashi SUMIKAMA Seibutsu Butsuri 58巻 2号 108頁 2018 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- チャネルの入口がイオンの透過速度を決める Takashi Sumikama,Shigetoshi Oiki 生物物理 58巻 1号 012頁 2018 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Structure and dynamics of solvent molecules inside the polytheonamide B channel in different environments: a molecular dynamics study Mahroof Kalathingal,Takashi Sumikama,Toshifumi Mori,Shigetoshi Oiki,Shinji Saito Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20巻 5号 3334頁 2018 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Digitalized K+ Occupancy in the Nanocavity Holds and Releases Queues of K+ in a Channel Takashi Sumikama,Shigetoshi Oiki Journal of the American Chemical Society 138巻 32号 10284頁 2016/08 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Origin of the Shape of Current-Voltage Curve through Nanopores: A Molecular Dynamics Study Takashi Sumikama Scientific Reports 6巻 25750頁 2016/05 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 膜内KcsAカリウムチャネルの原子間力顕微鏡による構造と動態解析 Ayumi Sumino,Daisuke Yamamoto,Takashi Sumikama,Masayuki Iwamoto,Takehisa Dewa,Shigetoshi Oiki 生物物理 55巻 1号 005頁 2015 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Mechanism of ion permeation through a model channel: Roles of energetic and entropic contributions Journal of Chemical Physics 139巻 16号 165106頁 2013/10/28 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- The Open Gate Structure of the Membrane-Embedded KcsA Potassium Channel Viewed From the Cytoplasmic Side Ayumi Sumino,Takashi Sumikama,Masayuki Iwamoto,Takehisa Dewa,Shigetoshi Oiki Scientific Reports 3巻 1063頁 2013/01 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Cycle Flux Algebra for Ion and Water Flux through the KcsA Channel Single-File Pore Links Microscopic Trajectories and Macroscopic Observables Shigetoshi Oiki,Masayuki Iwamoto,Takashi Sumikama PLoS ONE 6巻 1号 e16578頁 2011/01 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- A mesoscopic approach to understanding the mechanisms underlying the ion permeation on the discrete-state diagram Shigetoshi Oiki,Masayuki Iwamoto,Takashi Sumikama Journal of General Physiology 136巻 3号 363頁 2010/09 査読有
- Mechanism of ion permeation in a model channel: Free energy surface and dynamics of K+ ion transport in an anion-doped carbon nanotube Takashi Sumikama,Shinji Saito,Iwao Ohmine Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110巻 41号 20671頁 2006/10 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- AFM image computations by force calculation and combined studies of AFM and MD simulations(会議名:The First International Symposium of Nano Life Science: Nano Biotechnology, Biosensor, Computation (NanoBiocom2023))(2023/09/18)
- Computational and theoretical studies in collaboration with experiments to elucidate biological phenomena(会議名:International Conference on Theoretical and High Performance Computational Chemistry 2024)(2024/04/21)
- Chromosome modeling by polymer simulation and comparison with 3D-AFM measurements(会議名:第5回ゲノム生物物理学セミナー)(2023/08/28)
- Molecular mechanism of selective ion permeation through the K+ channels: A computational study(会議名:The 10th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies Congress)(2023/11/01)
- K+チャネルでの選択的イオン透過とNa+チャネルのゲーティングの新機構(会議名:日本生物物理学会)(2023/11/15)
- A development of rapid classification method of A/B compartments based on Hi-C and an insight into structural dynamics of A/B compartments(会議名:第3回Hi-C研究会)(2023/05/11)