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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/07/08

Professor KOGUMA, Takeshi

Faculty, Affiliation

Institute of Liberal Arts and Science

College and School Educational Field


404 号室

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Doctor 2007 Completed
Kanazawa University Master 1995 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Chuo University 1989
Master of Education


Kanazawa Uiversity Institute of Liberal Art and Science Professor(2021/04/01-)
University of Shiga Prefecture Department of International Communications Professor(2016/04/01-2021/03/31)
University of Shiga Prefecture Department of International Communications Associate Professor(2014/04/01-2016/03/31)
Miyazaki University  Associate Professor(2012/04/01-2014/03/31)
Ishikawa National College of Technology Department of General Education Professor(2011/04/01-2012/03/31)
National Institute of Technology, Toyama College Associate Professor(2010/04/01-2011/03/31)
Ishikawa National College of Technology Department of General Education Associate Professor(2007/04/01-2010/03/31)
Ishikawa National College of Technology Department of General Education Assistant Professor(2001/04/01-2007/03/31)
Ishikawa National College of Technology Department of General Education Lecturer(1998/04/01-2001/03/31)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society

International Pragmatics Association
The English Linguistics Society of Japan
The Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association
The linguistics Society of Japan
The Pragmatics Society of Japan



English linguistics、Cognitive Linguistics / Cognitive Grammar

Speciality Keywords

Research Themes


  •  The Encyclopedia of Cognitive Linguistics 2019/10/15
  •  Mike BORKENT Barbara DANCYGIER, and Jennifer HINNELL (eds.),Katsunobu IZUTSU, Takeshi KOGUMA Language and the Creative Mind CSLI Publications 2013/02/15
  •  Fey PARRIL, Vera TOBIN, Mark TURNER(eds.), Takeshi KOGUMA  Meaning, Forms & Body CSLI Publications 2010/04/15
  •  Dictionary of English Lexical Polysemy 2007/03/20


  •  Proximal Demonstrative Mapping in Japanese and English: Orientation and Fictive Movement Takeshi KOGUMA, Katsunobu IZUTSU Studies of Language and Culture 27 34-45 2023/03/31
  •  Minimal Utterance Units and Unbreakable “Morphosyntactic” Structures for Asking, Answering, Denying, and Specifying Izutsu, Koguma  Studies in Pragmatics 24 37-58 2023/02/20
  •  Allocutivity as positive politeness: speaker/addressee-indexing functions of -gai[wai/zoi]-ya and -gai[wai/zoi]-ne in the Kanazawa dialect of Japanese Izutsu, Koguma  Proceedings of the 24th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan 17 177-184 2022/07/31 
  •  What's my name in absolute solitude?: The essence of monologic selves in Japanese Takeshi KOGUMA, Katsunobu IZUTSU Studies of Language and Culture 26 19-31 2022/03/30 
  •  ‘I came,’ ‘I saw,’ ‘I am’: Deictic Conceptions Behind Experience Report and Disclosure Katsunobu IZUTSU,Takeshi KOGUMA,Yontaek KIM Japanese/Korean Linguistics 26 287 2020/08

show all

  •  Monologic Deixis: Two Distinct Conceptions behind Reflexive Speech Event Takeshi KOGUMA,Katsunobu IZUTSU,Yong-Taek KIM 日本語用論学会第22回大会発表論文集 (第15号) 15 169 2020/06 
  •  Experience report starters and their evoked speech event conceptions: Conceptual overlap of interpersonal and ideational metafunctions Katsunobu IZUTSU,Takeshi KOGUMA 『人間文化』 46 56 2019/03/20 
  •  How to start, go on, or stop in EFL Communication Katsunobu IZUTSU, Takeshi KOGUMA, Yong-taek KIM 47 23-36 2019 
  •  Speech-event conceptions behind discourse-pragmatic characteristics of the construction ‘do and see’ in East Asian languages Katsunobu IZUTSU,Takeshi KOGUMA Investigationes Linguisticae, 41 57 2018/12 
  •  Case-marking idiosyncrasy in subordination: the Japanese dative #ni#IR and beyond Takeshi KOGUMA,Katsunobu IZUTSU Investigationes Linguisticae 41 72 2018/12 
  •  Partitioning in Demonstrative Mapping: A Reconsideration of Stage-based Models of Speech Event Conception Izutsu, Katsunobu,Koguma, Takeshi Journal of Hokkaido University of Education (Humanities and Social Sciences) 69 1 27 2018/08 
  •  Anchoring Speaker: A Conceptual Account of a Copula Distinction in Tibetan with Related Phenomena in Japanese, English & Mongolian Takeshi KOGUMA,Katsunobu IZUTSU 『人間文化』 42 42 2 2017/03/21 
  •  A preliminary examination of linguistic typology centered at event conception: with a primary reference to reflexive beneficiary-subject constructions 39 43 2015/10/31 
  •  Favorable and Unfavorable Effects: A Typology of Benefactive and Adversative Constructions in Japanese, Korean, and Ainu Katsunobu IZUTSU Language and the Creative Mind 119 2014/02
  •  A Cognitive Approach to Nominative/Genitive Conversion in Japanese Takeshi KOGUMA Meaning, Forms & Body 129 2010/01
  •  A Typological Implication from Nominative/Genitive Conversion in Japanese Takeshi Koguma Journal of Japanese Language & Culture 14 19 2009/04
  •  Nominative-Genitive Conversion in Japanese: A Cognitive Grammar Approach Takeshi KOGUMA 2007/03
  •  Coreferential Reference- point/Target Alternation in Japanese: What Makes X-no Y Replace Y-no X under the Same Intended Interpretation? How do their Designations Differ? Takeshi KOGUMA JHL (Journal of Hokkaido Linguistics) 3 41 2004
  •  Cognitive Salience and Occurrence of Time-referring Prepositions Takeshi KOGUMA 『KLS (Proceedings of Kansai Linguistic Society)』 17 186 1997
  •  Cognitive Analysis on the Structure of "S+MAKE+NP+NP" Takeshi KOGUMA 『KLS (Proceedings of Kansai Linguistic Society) 』 15 153 1995
  •  Cognitive Analysis on the Structure of "S+MAKE+NP+NP" Takeshi KOGUMA Journal of English Language and Literature 2 1-6 1994
  •  How to cooperate with Assistant English Teachers Takeshi KOGUMA 『石川県立小松工業高等学校紀要』 7 20 1992

Conference Presentations

  • Speaker-referential Vocatives in Self-directed Solitude Speech: Diverse Manifestations of Self-reference among Languages(conference:18th International Pragmatics Conference)(2023/07/11)
  • When to prefer split-self conceptions: self-reference in solitude speech in English, Ainu, Korean, and Japanese.(conference:18th International Pragmatics Conference)(2023/07/11)
  • Look at You! instead of Look at yourself!: Inviting Split-Addressee to Speaker’s Standpoint for Surprise Sharing (conference:The 16th ELSJ International Spring Forum)(2023/05/13)
  • Self-Addressing in Monology : A Cross-linguistic Perspective(conference:5th International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA 2022))(2022/11/05)
  • Proximal Demonstrative Mapping in Japanese and English: Orientation and Fictive Movement (conference:9th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication – INPRA 2022)(2022/06/21)

show all

  • Speaking, listening, and having something in mind: self-referential manifestations of a thinking speaker in reflexive speech(conference:9th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication – INPRA 2022)(2022/06/23)
  • Allocutivity as positive politeness: speaker/addressee-indexing functions of -gai[wai/zoi]-ya and -gai[wai/zoi]-ne in the Kanazawa dialect of Japanese(conference:The 24th Annual Meeting of Pragmatic Society of Japan (PSJ))(2021/12/18)
  • What’s my name in absolute solitude?: the essence of monologic selves in Japanese(conference:17th International Pragmatics conference)(2021/06/28)
  • Monologic Deixis: Two Distinct Conceptions behind Reflexive Speech Event (conference:22nd Conference of Pragmatic Society of Japan )(2019/12/23)
  • ‘I came,’ ‘I saw,’ ‘I am’: deictic conceptions behind experience report and disclosure(conference:THE 26TH JAPANESE/KOREAN LINGUISTICS CONFERENCE)(2018/12/01)
  • Experience report starters and their evoked speech event conceptions intermingling interpersonal and ideational metafunctions(conference:ALSFAL XIV (2018) )(2018/10/11)
  • Converb construction headed by a verb of mental process “see” in Japanese and Korean: Tentativeness attenuation in hypotactic and paratactic environments(conference:ALSFAL XIV (2018) )(2018/10/10)
  • How to alert the addressee: the speech event conception underlying apprehensive markers and expressions(conference:Societas Linguistica Europaea 51st Annual Meeting)(2018/08/31)
  • Future Event Reference: where evidentiality, modality, and mirativity intersect(conference:Seoul National University International Conference on Linguistics (2018 SNU))(2018/06/16)
  • Case-marking idiosyncrasy in subordination: the Japanese dative ni and beyond(conference:International Conference on Asian Linguistics (ICAL 2016))(2016/12/15)
  • ‘Do and see/hear’: Speech-event conceptions behind the discourse-pragmatic characteristics of the converb construction in Japanese, Korean, and Ainu (conference:International Conference on Asian Linguistics (ICAL 2016))(2016/12/15)
  • Different partitioning in the stage-based model of speech event: With contrastive reference to deictic expressions for topic entities in Japanese and Korean conversations (conference:High Desert Linguistics Society Conference (HDLS 2016))(2016/11/13)
  • Two Types of Anchoring Speakers: A Conceptual Account of a Copula Distinction in Tibetan(conference:10th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics (AELCO2016))(2016/10/27)
  • A Blending Approach to Constructionally-motivated Dative ni in Japanese (conference:International Workshop on Cognitive Grammar and Usage-Based Linguistics)(2016/06/19)
  • Usage-based motivation for and against blending: causative/passive and benefactive/malefactive interactions in Japanese (conference:International Workshop on Cognitive Grammar and Usage-Based Linguistics)(2016/06/19)
  • Have a N(verbal-stem) Periphrastic Verbal Construction: A Reference-Point Model Approach(conference:International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC12))(2013/06/27)
  • Body-part Active-zone Specification Construction in English: With Special Reference to Inverse Construction in Japanese(conference:4th UK Cognitive Linguistic Conference (UK-CLC 4))(2012/07/10)
  • Favorable and Unfavorable Effects: A Typology of Benefactive and Adversative Constructions in Japanese, Korean, and Ainu (conference:Conceptual Structure, Discourse & Language (CSDL11))(2012/05/18)
  • A Cognitive Account for Contact-verb Construction in Japanese: With Special Reference to Inverse Construction(conference:International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC11))(2011/07/14)
  • Reference-Point-and-Trajector Interaction: A Unifying Account for Nominative / Genitive- Alternation (conference:Conceptual Structure, Discourse & Language (CSDL10))(2010/09/19)
  • A Cognitive Approach to Verbs of Contact Construction in Japanese: Interactional vs. Displaced Modes(conference:Conceptual Structure, Discourse & Language (CSDL10))(2010/09/18)
  • A Cognitive Approach to Nominative/Genitive Conversion in Japanese(conference:Conceptual Structure, Discourse & Language (CSDL9))(2008/10/18)


  •  Cognitive Analysis of the Structure: "S+ MAKE + Argument 1 (NP) + Argument 2 Takeshi KOGUMA 1995

Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○「現代日本語と韓国語における条件表現の対象研究 —語用論的連続性を中心に—」(2014-2016) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Introduction to Region-studies(2022)
○Academic Skills(2022)
○English for Academic Purposes I(2022)
○English for Academic Purposes II(2022)
○English for Academic Purposes III(2022)
○English for Academic Purposes IV(2022)
○TOEIC Preparation I(2022)
○TOEIC Preparation I(2022)
○TOEIC Preparation I(2022)
○TOEIC Preparation II(2022)
○TOEIC Preparation II(2022)
○TOEIC Preparation II(2022)
○TOEIC Preparation III(2022)
○TOEIC Preparation III(2022)
○TOEIC Preparation III(2022)
○TOEIC Preparation III(2022)
○TOEIC Preparation IV(2022)
○TOEIC Preparation IV(2022)
○TOEIC Preparation IV(2022)
○TOEIC Preparation IV(2022)
○English for Academic Purposes I(2021)
○English for Academic Purposes I(2021)
○English for Academic Purposes II(2021)
○English for Academic Purposes II(2021)
○English for Academic Purposes III(2021)
○English for Academic Purposes III(2021)
○English for Academic Purposes IV(2021)
○English for Academic Purposes IV(2021)
○TOEIC Preparation I(2021)
○TOEIC Preparation I(2021)
○TOEIC Preparation I(2021)
○TOEIC Preparation II(2021)
○TOEIC Preparation II(2021)
○TOEIC Preparation II(2021)
○TOEIC Preparation III(2021)
○TOEIC Preparation III(2021)
○TOEIC Preparation III(2021)
○TOEIC Preparation IV(2021)
○TOEIC Preparation IV(2021)
○TOEIC Preparation IV(2021)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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