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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/12/11

Professor OHARA, Katsuyoshi

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering

College and School Educational Field

Division of Mathematical and Physical Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science and Engineering


Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kobe University Doctor 1998 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Kobe University 1993


Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

Mathematical Society of Japan
Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation



Complex Analysis

Speciality Keywords

Complex Analysis, Computer Mathematics, Numerical Analysis

Research Themes

Study on intersection forms of twisted cohomology groups associated with hypergeometric functions



  •  Computing holonomic D-modules associated to a family of non-isolated hypersurface singularities via comprehensive Groebner systems of PBW algebra S. Tajima, K. Nabeshima, K. Ohara, Y. Umeta Mathematics in Computer Science 17 1 2023/03/13
  •  The structure of a local system associated with a hypergeometric system of rank 9 J. Kaneko, K. Matsumoto, K. Ohara International Journal of Mathematics 31 3 2050021 2020/01/30
  •  An algorithm for computing Grothendieck local residues II: general case K. Ohara, S. Tajima Mathematics in Computer Science 14 483--496 2020
  •  An algorithm for computing Grothendieck local residues I: shape basis case K. Ohara, S. Tajima Mathematics in Computer Science 13 205--216 2019
  •  Comprehensive Gröbner systems in PBW algebras, Bernstein-Sato ideals and holonomic D-modules K. Nabeshima, K. Ohara, S. Tajima Journal of Symbolic Computation 89 146--170 2018

show all

  •  A system of hypergeometric differential equations in two variables of rank 9 J. Kaneko, K. Matsumoto, K. Ohara International Journal of Mathematics 28 3 1750015 2017/03/01
  •  Comprehensive Groebner systems in rings of differential operators, holonomic D-modules and b-functions K. Nabeshima, K. Ohara, S. Tajima Proceedings of the ACM on International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation 349-356 2016/07/20
  •  Holonomic Gradient Descent and its Application to Fisher-Bingham Integral Hiromasa Nakayama, Kenta Nishiyama, Masayuki Noro, Katsuyoshi Ohara, Tomonari Sei, Nobuki Takayama, Akimichi Takemura ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS 47 3 639-658 2011/09
  •  Some transformation formulas for Lauricella's hypergeometric functions FD Keiji Matsumoto, Katsuyoshi Ohara Funkcialaj Ekvacioj 52 2 203-212 2009/08
  •  Spectral Decomposition and Eigenvectors of Matrices by Residue Calculus Katsuyoshi Ohara, Shinichi Tajima Proceedings of the Joint Conference of ASCM 2009 and MACIS 2009, COE Lecture Note 22 137-140 2009/12
  •  Quadratic Relations for Generalized Hypergeometric Functions pFp-1 Y. Sugiki, N. Takayama, Funkcialaj Ekvacioj 46 2 213-251 2003
  •  Computation of the monodromy of the generalized hypergeometric function ${}_pF_{p-1}$ Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 51 101-124 1997
  •  Holonomic rank of A-hypergeometric differential-difference equations Nobuki TAKAYAMA JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA 213 8 1536-1544 2009
  •  The Design and Implementation of OpenXM-RFC 100 and 101 Computer Mathematics: Proceedings of the Fifth Asian Symposium (ASCM 2001) 2001
  •  Intersection numbers for loaded cycles asssociated with Selberg-type integrals K. Mimachi, M. Yoshida, TOHOKU MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 56 4 531-551 2004
  •  Numerical computations for interfaces motion related to a triple potential well problem H. Iwasaki, S. Omata and T. Zhou, Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. 14 2 457-464 2004
  •  Construction of approximate solution to a hyperbolic free boundary problem with volume constraint and its numerical computation T. Yamazaki, S. Omata, K. Svadlenka, K. Ohara Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 16 1 57-67 2006/08
  •  Bubble motion on water surface T. Yamazaki, S. Omata, H. Yoshiuchi Gakuto Intern. Ser. Math. Sci. Appl. 23 1 209-216 2005
  •  Numerical solution of film vibration with obstacle H. Yoshiuchi, S. Omata, K. Svadlenka, K. Ohara Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 16 1 33-43 2006/08
  •  Risa/Asir package for Non-commutative Groebner Bases and its Applications 1395 1 45-49 2004
  •  Estimations to the Multi-Assets American Option Pricing via a Minimizing Method Hiroshi IWASAKI, Koji ITO 18 4 671-679 2008
  •  Software Packages for Holonomic Gradient Method T. Koyama, H. Nakayama, K. Ohara, T. Sei, N. Takayama Lecture Notes in Computer Science  8592 706--712 2014/08/01
  •  An extension and efficient calculation of the Horner's rule S. Tajima, K. Ohara, A. Terui Lecture Notes in Computer Science  8592 346--351 2014/08/01
  •  Computing general error locator polynomial of 3-error-correcting BCH codes via syndrome varieties using minimal polynomial M. Z. Almuzakki, K. Ohara Recent development in computational science  6 2015/05/01
  •  Developing linear algebra packages on Risa/Asir for eigenproblems K. Ohara, S. Tajima, A. Terui Lecture Notes in Computer Science  8592 321--324 2014/08/01
  •  Dimension formula of solution spaces of A-hypergeometric differential-difference systems N. Takayama, 1 1 100-102 2005
  •  Properties and applications of Fisher distribution on the rotation group T. Sei, H. Shibata, A. Takemura, K. Ohara and N. Takayama JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS 116 440-455 2013/04
  •  Droplet collision via the SPH method with surface tension P. H. Gunawan, S. Omata, K. Ohara and M. Kazama Gakuto International Series Mathematical Sciences and Applications 34 151-156 2011/10
  •  Computing holonomic D-modules associated to a family of non-isolated hypersurface singularities via comprehensive Groebner systems of PBW algebra S. Tajima, K. Ohara, K. Nabeshima ACA Book of Abstracts 241-242 2021/07

Conference Presentations


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

○Hypergeometric functions, Special functions in some variables, Computer Mathematics, Computer Algebra

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Freshman Seminar I(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Introduction to Discrete Mathematics b(2017)
○Introduction to Discrete Mathematics a(2017)
○Mathematical Sciences 2(2017)
○Introductory Mathematical sciences(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Introduction to Discrete Mathematics(2016)
○Mathematical Sciences 2(2016)
○Introductory Mathematical sciences(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Special Lecture on Computational Science(2017)
○Special Lecture on Computational Science(2017)
○Special Topics on Computer Algebra(2017)
○Lectures A for Foreign Students IIa(2017)
○Special Topics on Computer Algebra(2017)
○Special Topics on Computer Algebra(2017)
○Special Topics on Computer Algebra(2017)
○Special Lecture on Computational Science(2017)
○Seminar A(2017)
○Exercise A(2017)
○Seminar A(2017)
○Lectures A for Foreign Students IIb(2017)
○Research Work A(2017)
○Exercise A(2017)
○Research Work A(2017)
○Special Lecture on Computational Science(2017)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics b(2017)
○Introduction to Mathematical and Physical Sciences IIb(2017)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics a(2017)
○Introduction to Mathematical and Physical Sciences IIa(2017)
○Lectures A for Foreign Students IIa(2016)
○Special Lecture on Computational Science(2016)
○Seminar A(2016)
○Exercise A(2016)
○Research Work A(2016)
○Lectures A for Foreign Students IIb(2016)
○Introduction to Mathematical and Physical Sciences IIa(2016)
○Introduction to Mathematical and Physical Sciences IIb(2016)
○Exercise A(2016)
○Special Topics on Computer Algebra(2016)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics a(2016)
○Topics in Computational Science b(2016)
○Research Work A(2016)
○Basics of Discrete Mathematics b(2016)
○Seminar A(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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