last modified:2025/02/18
Professor TAKAYAMA Takuzo
Faculty, Affiliation
Experimental Research Center for Envisioning the Future
College and School Educational Field
Academic Background
Kanazawa University Experimental Research Center for Envisioning the Future Professor(2023/04-)
Kanazawa University Frontier Science and Social Co-creation Initiative Professor(2022/04-2023/03)
Toshiba Corporation(1991/04-2004/09)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Epidemiology and preventive medicine、Radiation science、Human genetics
Speciality Keywords
Research Themes
- A comprehensive risk factor analysis using association rules in people with diabetic kidney disease Tadashi Toyama,Miho Shimizu,Taihei Yamaguchi,Hidekazu Kurita,Tetsurou Morita,Megumi Oshima,Shinji Kitajima,Akinori Hara,Norihiko Sakai,Atsushi Hashiba,Takuzo Takayama,Atsushi Tajima,Kengo Furuichi,Takashi Wada,Yasunori Iwata Scientific Reports 13 1 2023/07/20
- Activities Related to Construction of Personalized Medicine and Preventive Healthcare System 高山卓三,高山卓三,岩田誠司,佐藤肇 東芝レビュー 69 11 2014
- The CdTe detector module and its imaging performance. MORI I,TAKAYAMA T,MOTOMURA N Annals of Nuclear Medicine 15 6 2001
- Feasibility Study of SPECT Quantification Using CdTe Semiconductor Detector. 高山卓三,樋渡圭,中村信之,本村信篤,森一生,大野良一 核医学 37 4 2000
- Feasibility Study of CdTe Semiconductor Detector for Gamma Camera. Evaluation of Planar Images. 高山卓三,中村信之,本村信篤,森一生,尾崎勉,大野良一 核医学 37 3 2000
- The Compensation Method for the Effects of System Resolution to the Left Ventricular Volume Measurements Using QGS Program. TAKAYAMA T,MOTOMURA N,OGAWA K Conference Record. 1998 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Vol.3 1999
- Practical Compensation Method of Downscattered Component Due to High Energy Photon in 123I Imaging. 本村信篤,市原隆,高山卓三,青木茂,久保均,竹田寛 核医学 36 9 1999
- Application of transmission scan-based attenuation compensation to scatter-correction thallium-201 myocardial single-photon emission tomographic images Jun Hashimoto,Koichi Ogawa,Atsushi Kubo,Takashi Ichihara,Nobutoku Motomura,Takuzo Takayama,Shiro Iwanaga,Hideo Mitamura,Satoshi Ogawa Eur.J.Nucl.Med 25 120 1998
- The Compensation Method for the Effects of System Resolution to the Left Ventricular Volume Measurements Using QGS Program. 高山卓三,本村信篤 核医学 35 8 1998
- Determination of Energy Window Width and Position for the Triple Energy Window (TEW) Scatter Compensation Method. 高山卓三,市原隆,本村信篤,尾川浩一 核医学 35 2 1998
- Gamma-ray production cross section with 14Mev neutron 8 elements from Z=22 to 29 Takuzo Takayama,Yoshiyuki Ohta,Junji Yamamoto,Akito Takahashi,Kenji Sumita JAERI-M 91 32 255 1991
- Measurement of production cross section of short-lived nuclei by cyclic using a pulsed neutron source Junji Yamamoto,Jun Datemichi,Takeshi Kataoka,Takuzo Takayama,Akito Takahashi,Kenji Sumita JAERI-M 90 25 259 1990
- Measurement of gamma-ray production cross section for manganese and cobalt with 14MeV neutrons. 高山卓三,山本淳治,高橋亮人,住田健二 日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集 1990 1990