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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/09

Professor Ichishima Noriko

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of International Studies, Institute of Human and Social Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of International Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
College of Human and Social Sciences


Academic Background


Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society




Japanese language education

Speciality Keywords

Research Themes


  •  樋口, 謙一郎,Tanaka, Mitsuharu,二村, 洋輔,仲, 潔,市嶋, 典子 Overseas language diffusion and the "localist" approach V2-Solution 2022
  •  ICHISHIMA Noriko 市民性形成とことばの教育―母語・第二言語・外国語を超えて 2016/08


  •  Learner perceptions and the learning process of dialogue assessment: An analysis of data from the Action Research Zero (ARZ) Workshop.from the Action Research Zero (ARZ) Workshop. ICHISHIMA Noriko Japanese Language Education in Europe 24 258 2020/07
  •  Exploring how the novice Japanese language learners and teachers develop dialogue process: Based on the case study of the activity-based Japanese language education conducted in Italy ICHISHIMA Noriko Studies of Language and Cultural Education 18 40 2020/12/28 
  •  Change of awareness about Japanese language and citizenship of a Japanese language learners from Syria: Interview of a Japanese language learner who had moved to Sweden as a refugee ICHISHIMA Noriko Studies of Language and Cultural Education 17 71 2019/12/31 
  •  A Prospect and Obstacles on Promotion Policy of Oversea Japanese-Language Education: A Prospect and Obstacles on Promotion Policy of Oversea Japanese-Language Education Noriko, Ichishima 57 151 2018/09/30 
  •  内戦、国家、日本語 : シリアの日本語学習者の語りから イチシマ ノリコ 45 18 236 2017/09 

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  •  Practical studies in Japanese language education: A report about Action Research Zero Workshop in Venice (Italy). Mariotti, M,Ichishima, N Annali di Ca’ Foscari: Serie orientale 53 369 2017/07
  •  How Do the learners Create the Evaluation Criteria? ICHISHIMA Noriko 2 2 25 2013/03 
  •  A Report on Interactive Reading Taught in a Japanese Reading Class: A Viewpoint From a Learner's Perception on Culture ICHISHIMA Noriko 秋田大学国際交流センター紀要 1 1 43 2012/03
  •  How do we approach our jissen-kenkyu (pedagogy and research harmony) research questions?: from curiosity to study design Hirose, Wakako,Ozeki, Fumi,Chung, Kyunghee,Ichishima, Noriko Waseda studies in Japanese language education 7 5 43 2010/05 
  •  Which Class Design can Accommodate both Process and Independent Evaluation? : The Value and Significance of Evaluation for Learner and Teacher Ichishima Noriko WEB版リテラシーズ 6 2 11 2009/12
  •  Learner perceptions of mutual self-evaluation and the learning process 日本語教育 142 134 2009/07
  •  The qualitative change of action research theses in Japanese language teaching: content analysis on the journal of Japanese language teaching 25 3 2009
  •  The value of helping JSL students to discover their reason for continuing higher education: action research based on report analyses and episode interviews 24 65 2008
  •  chokaikatsudo ni okeru kyodo-goi no kakudai no shiten kara- Journal of practical study on teaching Japanese language 3 217 2005/12

Conference Presentations

  • 相互文化性における文化観の混在と矛盾(2020/03/08)
  • Learner perceptions and the learning process of dialogue assessment: An analysis of data from the Action Research Zero Workshop.(conference:23rd Japanese Language Education Symposium in Europe (AJE))(2019/08/29)
  • Describing of;ractices for connecting teachers in different fields: Collaborative;practice evaluation;based on;paper review(conference:2017, 2nd International Conference on Japanese Language, Education, Literature, and Culture)(2018/09/08)
  • 日本語公共空間と公共性(2017/11/25)
  • 平和・希望としての日本語―内戦下の日本語学習者の語りか(2017/08/31)

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  • Language selection and identity of learners of Japanese language in abroad: Based on experience of learners of Japanese language in Syria(2016/07/08)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○「シリア出身の日本語学習者の学習環境とアイデンティティ形成過程の動態について 」(2019-2023) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Japanese Textbook Research 2(2023)
○Seminar A4(2023)
○Seminar B4(2023)
○Computers and Japanese Language Education 2(2023)
○Graduation thesis(2023)
○Computers and Japanese Language Education 1(2023)
○Seminar B3(2023)
○Japanese Textbook Research 1(2023)
○Pedagogical Methodology of Japanese B2(2023)
○Graduation thesis(2023)
○Seminar A3(2023)
○Cross-Cultural Understanding 1(2023)
○Seminar B2(2023)
○Practicum in Teaching Japanese to Speakers of Other Languages B(2023)
○Seminar A2(2023)
○Graduation thesis(2023)
○Introduction to Japanese Language Education 2(2023)
○Pedagogical Methodology of Japanese B(2023)
○Pedagogical Methodology of Japanese B1(2023)
○Practicum in Teaching Japanese to Speakers of Other Languages B(2023)
○Seminar B1(2023)
○Seminar A1(2023)
○Graduation thesis(2023)
○Introduction to Japanese Language Education 1(2023)
○Cross-Cultural Understanding 1(2023)
○Seminar A4(2022)
○Computers and Japanese Language Education 2(2022)
○Japanese Textbook Research 2(2022)
○Japanese Textbook Research 1(2022)
○Computers and Japanese Language Education 1(2022)
○Seminar A3(2022)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Teaching IIb(2023)
○Practical Seminar in Japanese Language Teaching(2023)
○Lecture on Japanese Language Teaching Ia(2023)
○Lecture on Japanese Language Teaching Ib(2023)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Teaching IIa(2023)
○Practical Seminar in Japanese Language Teaching(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation II(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation II(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Teaching IIb(2022)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Teaching IIa(2022)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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