Associate Professor YAMAGATA, Koichi
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering
Associate Professor
College and School Educational Field
Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering, College of Science and Engineering
Quantum information theory laboratory
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Osaka University Doctor Graduate School of Science Department of Mathematics 201303 Completed
Osaka University Master Graduate School of Science Department of Mathematics 201003 Completed
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Speciality Keywords
Research Themes
- Gill and Massar type bound for estimation of SU(2) channel Koichi Yamagata Physica Scripta 99 12 125266 2024/11/11
- Efficiency of estimators for locally asymptotically normal quantum statistical models Akio Fujiwara,Koichi Yamagata The Annals of Statistics 51 3 1159 2023/06/01
- EFFICIENCY OF QUANTUM STATE TOMOGRAPHY FOR QUBITS Koichi Yamagata International Journal of Quantum Information 09 04 1167 2011/06
- Quantum local asymptotic normality based on a new quantum likelihood ratio Koichi Yamagata,Akio Fujiwara,Richard D. Gill The Annals of Statistics 41 4 2013/08/01
- Noncommutative Lebesgue decomposition and contiguity with applications in quantum statistics Akio Fujiwara,Koichi Yamagata Bernoulli 26 3 2105 2020/08
- Quantum monotone metrics induced from trace non-increasing maps and additive noise K. Yamagata Journal of Mathematical Physics 61 5 052202 2020/05/01
- Maximum logarithmic derivative bound on quantum state estimation as a dual of the Holevo bound K. Yamagata Journal of Mathematical Physics 62 6 062203 2021/06/01
- Information Geometry of Randomized Quantum State Tomography Akio Fujiwara,Koichi Yamagata Entropy 20 8 609 2018/08/16
- Experimental demonstration of adaptive quantum state estimation for single photonic qubits Ryo Okamoto,Satoshi Oyama,Koichi Yamagata,Akio Fujiwara,Shigeki Takeuchi Physical Review A 96 2 2017/08/18
- Intuitive Automatic Music Arrangement System for Wave Files Following Sensitivity Words Koichi YAMAGATA,Shota MIYOSHI,Maki SAKAMOTO Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI 2019 JSAI2019 2C5-E-5-05 2019/06
- Computer Vision System for Expressing Texture Using Sound-Symbolic Words Koichi Yamagata,Jinhwan Kwon,Takuya Kawashima,Wataru Shimoda,Maki Sakamoto Frontiers in Psychology 12(595986) 1 2021/10/07
- Realization of high-speed adaptive quantum state estimation Saki Nohara,Ryo Okamoto,Koichi Yamagata,Akio Fujiwara,Shigeki Takeuchi Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58 7 072001 2019/06/17
- Image Retrieval System Using Japanese Sound Symbolic Words for Surface Texture Koichi YAMAGATA,Tatsuki KAGITANI,Maki SAKAMOTO International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering 2B 3 1 2019/03
- Experimental demonstration of adaptive quantum state estimation Ryo Okamoto,Minako Iefuji,Satoshi Oyama,Koichi Yamagata,Hiroshi Imai,Akio Fujiwara,Shigeki Takeuchi Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2013
- Neural Network Model for Visualization of Conversational Mood with Four Adjective Pairs Koichi Yamagata,Koya Kawahara,Yuto Suzuki,Yuki Nakahodo,Shunsuke Ito,Haruka Matsukura,Maki Sakamoto AHFE (2023) International Conference. Emerging Technologies in Healthcare and Medicine 116 2023/01
- Automatic Advertisement Copy Generation System from Images Koichi YAMAGATA,Masato KONNO,Maki SAKAMOTO Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI 2019 JSAI2019 3J3-E-4-01 2019/06
- A New Way of Making Advertising Copies: Image as Input Yuji Nozaki,Masato Konno,Koichi Yamagata,Maki Sakamoto Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 LNAI12331 402 2020/07
- Adaptive Quantum State Estimation of Mixed States Using Photons Satoshi Oyama,Minako Iefuji,Ryo Okamoto,Koichi Yamagata,Akio Fujiwara,Shigeki Takeuchi 2013 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS PACIFIC RIM (CLEO-PR) 2013
- COSMOS: accurate detection of somatic structural variations through asymmetric comparison between tumor and normal samples Koichi Yamagata,Ayako Yamanishi,Chikara Kokubu,Junji Takeda,Jun Sese Nucleic Acids Research 44 8 e78 2016/02/01
- Automatic Estimation of Multidimensional Personality From a Single Sound-Symbolic Word Maki Sakamoto,Junji Watanabe,Koichi Yamagata Frontiers in Psychology 12 595986 1 2021/04/22
- Experimental Demonstration of Adaptive Quantum State Estimation Ryo Okamoto,Minako Iefuji,Satoshi Oyama,Koichi Yamagata,Hiroshi Imai,Akio Fujiwara,Shigeki Takeuchi Physical Review Letters 109 130404 1 2012/09/28
Conference Presentations
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Object-oriented Programming A(2023)
○Object-oriented Programming B(2023)
○Information and Communication Engineering Laboratory II(2023)
○Information and Communication Engineering Laboratory III(2023)
○Advanced Topics on Information & Communication Engineering B(2023)
○Presentation and Debate(2023)
○Student-Initiated Project(2023)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Quantum statistics A(2024)
○Quantum statistics B(2024)