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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/12/27

Professor TANIUCHI Tohru

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of Humanities, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Division of Human and Socio-Environment Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies


Psychology Laboratory

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Social Environmental Science and Technology 199703 Completed
Kanazawa University Master Graduate School, Division of Letters 199403 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Kanazawa University 199203


New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa Univ.)(1998/11/02-1999/03/31)
Japan Society for Promotion of Science  (University of Tsukuba) research fellow(1999/04/01-2000/03/31)
Kanazawa University Faculty of Letters research associate(2000/04/01-2001/03/31)
Kanazawa University Faculty of Letters lecturer(2001/04/01-2004/12/31)
Kanazawa University faculty of letters associate professor(2005/01/01-2008/03/31)
Kanazawa University College of Human and Social Sciences associate professor(2008/04/01-2015/12/31)
Kanazawa University College of Human and Social Sciences professor(2016/01/01-)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

The Japanese Psychological Association

The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology
International Society for Comparative Psychology
Hokuriku Psychological Society of Japan
The Psychonomic Society
The Japanese Psychonomic Society
The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology
Hokuriku Psychological Society of Japan
Hokuriku Psychological Society of Japan


Hokuriku Psychological Society of Japan
Hokuriku Psychological Society of Japan
Hokuriku Psychological Society of Japan


Experimental psychology

Speciality Keywords

psychology of learning, comparative psychology, comparative cognitive science

Research Themes

Comparative study of concept formation

Comparative study of concept formation The second field of psychology in which animals are used is comparative psychological research. Comparative psychology researchers examine evolution of the mind and diversity of the mind by studying what kind of animal has what kind of mind. For example, I am studying questions such as whether rats are able to acquire abstract concepts about subject relationships and numbers, and whether fish and turtles are able to perform active thinking. In addition, I conduct research on the learning capacity of pigs in collaboration with Ishikawa Prefectural University Farm.

Study of learning by animal model

Study of learning by animal model I conduct research in animal psychology. There are several areas of psychology in which animals are used, one of which is the psychological research of learning. In psychology, learning means change in behavior and cognition through experience. Researchers study the mechanism by which humans change behavior and cognition through experience, using animals whose past experience and experimental experience can be strictly controlled. For example, I study the effect of experience on sexual orientation acquisition, and the impact of infancy experience using rats and mice.

Comparative study of working memory process

Development of experimental methods applicable for learning in amphibians and reptiles



  •  Rats show up to 72 hours of significant retention for spatial memory in the radial maze C.Tanaka, T.Taniuchi Learning and Behavior 52 4 330-338 2024/12/10
  •  Lack of evidence in rats for inference regarding food availability in a social context PENG LIN, ASUKA KOBAYASHI, MIKITA NISHIKAWA, TOHRU TANIUCHI Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology 74 1 1-10 2024/06/24
  •  Rats did not show evidence of prospective information-seeking: A pilot study Sumie Iwasaki, Tohru Taniuchi Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 17 2023/12/05
  •  Studying spatial learning in a hamster with a junior high school student: A second report on the Junior Doctor Project at Kanazawa University 11 1 39-54 2022/12/02
  •  Directed forgetting in rats: Evidence for active memory control? Tanaka, C., Yahagi, H., Taniuchi, T. Learning and Behavior 47 4 310-325 2019/12/01

show all

  •  Effect of case studies and concept maps on critical thinking skills and dispositions in Indonesian college students. Nasution, N. B., & Taniuchi, T. The New Educational Review 55 1 64-76 2019/04/01
  •  Concurrent learning of multiple oddity discrimination in rats  Taniuchi, T., Miyazaki, R., & Siddik, M. A. B. Behavioural Processes 140 6-15 2017/07/01
  •  Abstract numerical discrimination learning in rats Taniuchi, T., Sugihara, J., Wakashima, M., & Kamijo, M. Learning and Behavior 44 2 122-136 2016/06/04
  •  Analysis on helping-like behavior toward trapped conspecifics in rats Tohru Taniuchi, Shohei Ogawa, Sayaka Inoue Bulletin of Hokuriku Psychology Society of Japan 6 1 23-32 2017/12/01
  •  Training of Persistent Nose-Poke Response by Operant Conditioning in Pigs Ryousei Ueno, Tohru Taniuchi 30 2 127-136 2016/06/30
  •  Olfactory discrimination of male sexual odor in female rats: Application of a habituation-dishabituation paradigm using multiple donors 55 1 11-16 2005/06
  •  Use of a standard strain for external calibration in behavioral phenotyping. Behavior Genetics 35 3 323-332 2005/05
  •  Applying learning theory to modification of human behavior 24 1 19-29 2004/12
  •  Overshadowing of inter-item association by extra-series cue in reward serial learning by rats 54 1 19-28 2004/06
  •  Effects on shift in reward quality on proactive interference in radial maze performance by rats 24 1 41-62 2004/03
  •  Relative Memory Load as a Determinant of Learning Process in Reward Serial Learning by Rats. Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology 50 1 41-48 2000/06
  •  Interseries iransfer and effect of retention interval in rats' serial pattern learning 45 1 21-29 1995/06
  •  Effects of interrun interval and shift of reward sequence on serial pattern learning in rats 42 2 77-86 1994/05

Conference Presentations

  • LiCl-induced aversive context conditioning in Japanese fire-bellied newts.(conference: The 84th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2024/10/27)
  • Acquisition of differential conditioning with a long CS-US interval in food aversion conditioning in Japanese fire-bellied newts.(conference: The 83th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2023/10/08)
  • Acquisition of differential conditioning with a long CS-US interval in food aversion conditioning in Japanese fire-bellied newts.(conference: The 83th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2023/10/09)
  • Effects of types of demonstrators on rats’ performance in the social inference situation(conference:The 83th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2023/10/08)
  • Effects of types of demonstrators on rats’ performance in the social inference situation(conference:The 83th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2023/10/08)

show all

  • Examination of the associative mechanism of appetitive classical conditioning in Japanese fire-bellied newts(conference: The 83th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2023/10/09)
  • How long can 21 months-old age rats retain spatial memory in the eight-arm radial maze?(conference: 61th Annual Conference of Taiwan Psychological Association)(2022/10/15)
  • Acquisition of differential conditioning with a long CS-US interval in food aversion conditioning in Japanese fire-bellied newts.(conference: The 83th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2023/10/09)
  • Effects of spatial complexity of housing environment on cognitive abilities in aged mice(conference:The 82th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2022/10/15)
  • Rats can retain spatial working memory in the radial maze for 96 h(conference:The 82th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2022/10/15)
  • Effects of CS preexposure in food aversion conditioning in Japanese fire-bellied newts(conference:The 82th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2022/10/15)
  • Rats can infer the existence of food by combining information about behavior of a different strain rat and type of food sites(conference:The 82th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2022/10/15)
  • How long can 21 months-old age rats retain spatial memory in the eight-arm radial maze?(conference:61th Annual Conference of Taiwan Psychological Association)(2022/10/16)
  • Effects of gradual extension of inter-solution interval and omission of subsequent more preferable solution in anticipatory contrast in rats(conference:61th Annual Conference of Taiwan Psychological Association)(2022/10/16)
  • Sprague Dawley rats show social inference on existence of food based on behavior of a Brown Norway rat(conference:61th Annual Conference of Taiwan Psychological Association)(2022/10/16)
  • Japanese fire-bellied newts learn food aversion conditioning over CS-US interval of six hours(conference:61th Annual Conference of Taiwan Psychological Association)(2022/10/15)
  • Effects of CS-US intervals on food aversion conditioning in Japanese fire-bellied newts(conference:Psychonomic Society 63rd Annual Meeting)(2022/11/17)
  • Practice and experimental study on developing critical thinking ability: Examples of early and higher education(conference: The 2nd International Conference of Science of Education on Industrial Revolution 4.0)(2019/12/17)
  • Cross-modal transfer of oddity discrimination learning in rats(conference:International Joint Symposium of Saint Petersberg State University and Kanazawa University on Psychology)(2019/10/15)
  • Can rats reallocate memory resources from to-be-forgotten items to to-be-remembered items?(2019/10/12)
  • Evidence of food aversion conditioning in amphibians.(conference:19th Biennial Scientific Meeting of The International Society for Comparative Psychology)(2018/10/31)
  • True food aversion conditioning but not enhanced neophobia in Japanese fire-bellied newts(2018/08/30)
  • Effects of contextual cues in the anticipatory contrast in rats(2018/08/29)
  • Directed forgetting of serially presented items in rats(2018/08/29)
  • Can rats acquire delayed matching to sample task of objects stimuli?(conference:The 77th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2017/08/30)
  • Food aversion conditioning in Japanese fire belly newts(conference:The 77th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2017/08/30)
  • Examination on associative mechanism of appetitive classical conditioning in Japanese fire belly newts(conference:18th Biennial Scientific Meeting of The International Society for Comparative Psychology)(2016/07/14)
  • Appetitive classical conditioning in tortoise.(conference:The 31st International Congress of Psychology)(2016/07/27)
  • Reexamination of appetitive classical conditioning in Japanese fire belly newts(conference:The 75th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2015/09/11)
  • Examination of appetitive classical conditioning processes in Japanese fire belly newts using US devaluation method(conference:The 80th Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association)(2016/07/28)
  • 日本の HIV 陽性者における AIDS 発症に特異的な楽観性と主観的健康統制感の関連(2023/09/17)
  • 老齢ラットの放射状迷路課題における順向性干渉に対する若齢時からの訓練経験の効果(2023/09/15)
  • ラットの放射状迷路遂行におけるwin-shift傾向に及ぼす採餌からの経過時間の効果(2023/09/15)
  • アカハライモリの食物嫌悪条件づけにおける潜在制止(2023/09/15)
  • ラットの食物選択における他個体への同調性(2023/09/15)
  • ラットの長時間保持間隔にわたる放射状迷路遂行における匂い手がかりの効果(2022/09/08)
  • ラットの予期的対比における後続餌の提示中止の効果(2022/09/09)
  • ラットは異系統の他個体ラットの行動に基づく社会的推論を示す(2022/09/08)
  • Conditional place discrimination of visual stimuli by miniature pigs(conference:The 80th Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association)(2016/07/27)
  • Absence of suppression of intake of less preferable food by anticipation of more preferable food in rats(conference:The 31st International Congress of Psychology)(2016/07/28)
  • Synesthesia-like perceptionin Human, Rodents (Rats and Hamsters), and Fish.(conference:The 31st International Congress of Psychology)(2016/07/27)
  • Do rats use remember- and forget-cue to reallocate memory resource in directed forgetting?(conference:The 80th Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association)(2016/07/27)
  • List-like presentation of remember- and forget-items in a same trial effectively demonstrates directed forgetting in rats(conference:The 31st International Congress of Psychology)(2016/07/26)
  • Numerical discrimination of visual stimuli by pigs(conference:The 31st International Congress of Psychology)(2016/07/26)
  • Rats failed to suppress intake of less preferable food in anticipation of more preferable food(conference: 18th Biennial Scientific Meeting of The International Society for Comparative Psychology)(2016/07/15)
  • Directed forgetting in rats by list-like presentation of remember- and forget-items on the radial maze(conference: 18th Biennial Scientific Meeting of The International Society for Comparative Psychology)(2016/07/15)
  • Numerical discrimination of visual stimuli by pigs: Two versus three(conference:49th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology)(2015/09/16)
  • The effect of the number of training stimuli on same/different relational learning in rats(conference:The 75th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2015/09/11)
  • Do rats suppress intake of less preferable food in anticipation of more preferable food?(conference:The 75th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2015/09/11)
  • Synesthesia-like perception in goldfish(conference:The 75th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2015/09/11)
  • Rats showed directed forgetting when forget-items and a remember-item were presented in the same trial simultaneously(conference:The 75th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2015/09/11)
  • Effects of congruity between transitive order and spatial arrangement of premise stimuli on transitive inference in rats(conference:The 75th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2015/09/11)
  • Conditional discrimination of numerical visual stimuli in a miniature pig(conference:The 75th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2015/09/11)
  • Appetitive Pavlovian conditioning in Japanese fire belly newts(conference:The 22nd International Conference on Comparative Cognition)(2015/04/16)
  • Role of distance and direction during a 3D virtual reality search task with landmarks(conference:The 22nd International Conference on Comparative Cognition)(2015/04/18)
  • Absence of abstract relational learning in a same/different discrimination with small number of training stimuli in rats(conference:The 22nd International Conference on Comparative Cognition)(2015/04/18)
  • Oddity discrimination learning of object stimuli in rats(2014/03/07)
  • Appetitive classical conditioning and absence of latent inhibition in Japanese fire belly newts(conference:74th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2014/07/19)
  • Oddity discrimination learning and transfer in rats.(conference:73th annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2013/09/15)
  • Relational oddity discrimination of object stimuli in rats(conference:32nd annual meeting of Japanese Psychonomic Society)(2013/12/07)
  • Conditional discrimination learning of same/different relationships among pictorial stimuli in rats(conference:The 21st International Conference on Comparative Cognition)(2014/03/28)
  • Abstract relational learning of pictorial stimuli in rats(conference:74th Annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology)(2014/07/19)
  • Numerical discrimination of object stimuli in rats. Symposium “Timing, counting, and navigation learning in rats”(conference: 18th Biennial Scientific Meeting of The International Society for Comparative Psychology)(2016/07/16)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

○Application of learning techniques for behavior modification in animal
○Development of learning tasks for physio-pharmachological study with rodents

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Seminar in Comparative Psychology B(2017)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2017)
○Cognitive Science of Human Nature(2017)
○Psychological Statistics 1(2017)
○Cognitive Science of Human Nature(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2017)
○Basic Experiments in Psychology 2(2017)
○Seminar in Comparative Psychology A(2017)
○Learning Psychology A(2017)
○Basic Experiments in Psychology 1(2017)
○Seminar in Comparative Psychology B(2017)
○Seminar in Psychological Experiments and Surveys(2017)
○Learning Psychology(2017)
○Learning Psychology B(2017)
○Psychological Statistics 2(2017)
○Cognitive Science of Human Nature(2016)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2016)
○Seminar in Psychological Experiments and Surveys(2016)
○Introduction to Humanity A(2016)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2016)
○Psychological Statistics 2(2016)
○Seminar in Learning Psychology B(2016)
○Seminar in Comparative Psychology A(2016)
○Psychological Statistics 1(2016)
○Questionnaire Methods in Psychology(2016)
○Basic Experiments in Psychology 1(2016)
○Common English 2(2016)
○Basic Experiments in Psychology 2(2016)
○Introduction to Humanity 1(2016)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Seminar in Comparative Cognitive Science 1(2017)
○Lecture on Comparative Cognitive Science 2(2017)
○Lecture on Learning Psychology 1(2017)
○Seminar in Comparative Cognitive Science 2(2017)
○Lecture on Learning Psychology 2(2017)
○Seminar in Learning Psychology I1(2017)
○Seminar in Learning Psychology II2(2017)
○Seminar in Comparative Cognitive Science 2(2017)
○Seminar in Learning Psychology I2(2017)
○Practice in Psychology I(2017)
○Seminar in Psychology I2(2017)
○Psychology of Learning and Behavior(2017)
○Seminar in Psychology I1(2017)
○Practice in Applied Psychology(2017)
○Seminar on Psychology of Learning and Behavior(2017)
○Psychology of Learning and Behavior II(2017)
○Seminar in Psychology II2(2017)
○Seminar in Psychology II1(2017)
○Practice in Psychology II(2017)
○Seminar on Psychology of Learning and Behavior I(2017)
○Seminar on Psychology of Learning and Behavior II(2017)
○Psychology of Learning and Behavior(2017)
○Seminar on Learning Psychology(2017)
○Seminar on Animal Experimentation(2017)
○Psychology of Learning and Behavior I(2017)
○Seminar in Learning Psychology II1(2017)
○Lecture on Comparative Cognitive Science 1(2017)
○Seminar in Comparative Cognitive Science 1(2017)
○Seminar in Learning Psychology I1(2016)
○Seminar in Learning Psychology II1(2016)
○Seminar in Psychology II2(2016)
○Seminar in Psychology II1(2016)
○Practice in Psychology II(2016)
○Seminar in Learning Psychology I(2016)
○Training on Research Project Management I(2016)
○Seminar in Comparative Cognitive Science 1(2016)
○Seminar in Comparative Cognitive Science 2(2016)
○Practice in Psychology I(2016)
○Seminar in Comparative Cognitive Science(2016)
○Lecture on Comparative Cognitive Science 2(2016)
○Lecture on Comparative Cognitive Science(2016)
○Lecture on Learning Psychology(2016)
○Seminar in Comparative Cognitive Science(2016)
○Lecture on Comparative Cognitive Science 1(2016)
○Practice in Psychology II(2016)
○Seminar in Psychology I(2016)
○Seminar in Psychology II(2016)
○Supervised Independent Study and Research II(2016)
○Seminar in Learning Psychology II(2016)
○Seminar on Animal Experimentation(2016)
○Lecture on Learning Psychology 1(2016)
○Lecture on Learning Psychology 2(2016)
○Practice in Psychology I(2016)
○Seminar in Psychology I1(2016)
○Seminar in Comparative Cognitive Science 1(2016)
○Seminar in Comparative Cognitive Science 2(2016)
○Seminar in Learning Psychology I2(2016)
○Seminar in Psychology I2(2016)
○Training on Research Project Management(2016)
○Seminar on Psychology of Learning and Behavior(2016)
○Psychology of Learning and Behavior(2016)
○Seminar on Learning Psychology(2016)
○Psychology of Learning and Behavior(2016)
○Training on Research Project Management(2016)
○Seminar on Psychology of Learning and Behavior I(2016)
○Psychology of Learning and Behavior I(2016)
○Seminar on Psychology of Learning and Behavior II(2016)
○Psychology of Learning and Behavior II(2016)
○Seminar in Learning Psychology II2(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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