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Assistant Professor SEO Daisuke
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering
College and School Educational Field
Division of Material Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Chemistry, School of Chemistry, College of Science and Engineering
Biological Chemistry TEL:076-264-5683 FAX:076-264-5742
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Waseda University Doctor science and engineering 200203 Completed
Waseda University Master Science and engineering 199903 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Waseda University 199703
Kanazawa University(2003/12/01-)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
International Society on Photosyntesis
American Chemical Society
Photoreaction center Electron transfer、Flavoprotein Iron sulfur protein Cytochrome、Bio-related chemistry、Functional biochemistry、Biophysics
Speciality Keywords
oxidoreductase,iron-sulfur protein,flavoprotein,Photosynthetic reaction center,Stopped-flow
Research Themes
Reaction mechanism of ferredoxin-NADPH oxidoreductase from gram positive bacteria
Ferredoxin-NADPH oxidoreductase(FNR) catalyzes a redox reaction between a small iron sulfur protein, ferredoxin(Fd) and NAD(P)H via a noncovalently-bound FAD prosthetic grope. Recently, we have purified a novel type of FNR with high homology to thioredoxin reductases from gram-positive bacteria and green sulfur bacteria. We investigate structure-function relationships of the enzyme with kinetic and spectroscopic measurements and genetic engineering works.
Iron sulfur type photosynthetic reaction center from photosyntetic bacteria
Green sulfur bacteria is an anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria containg a type-I(iron-sulfur type) photosynthetic reaction center (RC). We investigate the electron transfer pathways inside RC and peripheric ones involving inorganic sulfur oxidizing proteins, ferredoxin and FNRs.
Investigation of Fd-dependent oxidoreductases in bacteria
- Electron transfer kinetics in purified reaction centers from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum studied by multiple flash excitation BIOCHEMISTRY 38 12124-12137 1999
- Purification of ferredoxins and their reaction with purified reaction center complex from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS 1503 377-384 2001
- Photoreduction and reoxidation of the three iron-sulfur clusters of reaction centers of green sulfur bacteria BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 81 1208-1219 2001
- Kinetics of electron transfer between soluble cytochrome c-554 and purified reaction center complex from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH 71 121-125 2002
- Purification and characterization of ferredoxin-NAD(P)+ reductase from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEIN STRUCTURE AND MOLECULAR ENZYMOLOGY 1597 123-132 2002
- Time-resolved step-scan FTIR investigation on the primary donor of the reaction center from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH 75 161-169 2003
- Purification and characterization of ferredoxin-NADP(+) reductase encoded by Bacillus subtilis yumC ARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY 182 1 80-89 2004/09
- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of ferredoxin-NAD(P)+ reductase from Chlorobium tepidum. Muraki N, Seo D, Shiba T, Sakurai T, Kurisu G. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 64 3 186-189 2008/03
- Structure and function of the engineered multicopper oxidase CueO from Escherichia coli--deletion of the methionine-rich helical region covering the substrate-binding site. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 373 1 141-152 2007/10
- SoxAX binding protein, a novel component of the thiosulfate oxidizing multi-enzyme system in the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum. 190 18 6097-6110 2008/09
- Studies of interaction of homo-dimeric ferredoxin-NAD(P)+ oxidoreductases of Bacillus subtilis and Rhodopseudomonas palustris, that are closely related to thioredoxin reductases in amino acid sequence, with ferredoxins and pyridine nucleotide coenzymes. Seo D, Okabe S, Yanase M, Kataoka K, Sakurai T. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEIN STRUCTURE AND MOLECULAR ENZYMOLOGY 1794 4 594-601 2009/04
- Four-electron reduction of dioxygen by a multicopper oxidase, CueO, and roles of Asp112 and Glu506 located adjacent to the trinuclear copper center. Kataoka K, Sugiyama R, Hirota S, Inoue M, Urata K, Minagawa Y, Seo D, Sakurai T. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 284 21 14405-14413 2009/03
- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase encoded by Bacillus subtilis yumC. Komori H, Seo D, Sakurai T, Higuchi Y. 2010/04
- Biochemical studies of a soxF-encoded monomeric flavoprotein purified from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobaculum tepidum that stimulates in vitro thiosulfate oxidation. Ogawa T, Furusawa T, Shiga M, Seo D, Sakurai H, Inoue K. BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 2010/04
- Asymmetric dimeric structure of ferredoxin-NAD(P)+ oxidoreductase from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobaculum tepidum: implications for binding ferredoxin and NADP+. Muraki N, Seo D, Shiba T, Sakurai T, Kurisu G. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2010/09
- Crystal structure analysis of Bacillus subtilis ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase and the structural basis for its substrate selectivity. Komori H, Seo D, Sakurai T, Higuchi Y PROTEIN SCIENCE 19 2279-2290 2010/12
- Document Role of the C-terminal extension stacked on the re-face of the isoalloxazine ring moiety of the flavin adenine dinucleotide prosthetic group in ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase from Bacillus subtilis Seo, D., Asano, T., Komori, H., Sakurai, T. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 81 143-148 2014/08
- Replacement of Tyr50 stacked on the si-face of the isoalloxazine ring of the flavin adenine dinucleotide prosthetic group modulates Bacillus subtilis ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase activity toward NADPH Seo, D., Naito, H., Nishimura, E., Sakurai, T. Photosynthesis Research 125 1-2 321-328 2015/02
- Pre-steady-state kinetic studies of redox reactions catalysed by Bacillus subtilis ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase with NADP+/NADPH and ferredoxin Seo, D., Soeta, T., Sakurai, H., Sétif, P., Sakurai, T. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics 1857 6 678-687 2016/06
- Kinetics of NADP+/NADPH reduction–oxidation catalyzed by the ferredoxin-NAD(P)+ reductase from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobaculum tepidum Seo, D., Kitashima, M., Sakurai, T., Inoue, K. Photosynthesis Research 2016/07
- Heterologous expression of Halomonas halodenitrificans nitric oxide reductase and its N-terminally truncated NorC subunit in Escherichia coli Sakurai N, Kataoka K, Sugaya N, Shimodaira T, Iwamoto M, Shoda M, Horiuchi H, Kiyono M, Ohta Y, Triwiyono B, Seo D, Sakurai T Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 169 1 61-67 2017/01
- C-terminal residues of ferredoxin-NAD(P)+ reductase from Chlorobaculum tepidum are responsible for reaction dynamics in the hydride transfer and redox equilibria with NADP+/NADPH Daisuke Seo, Tomoya Asano Photosynthesis Research 2018/06
- Analysis of Metal Proteins and Metal Complexes by Cryogenic ESR -Characterization of Ferredoxins from the Photosynthetic Bacterium Heliobacillus mobilis Atsushi Hatano, Masaharu Kitashima, Daisuke Seo, Yusuke Kataoka, Tatsuya Kawamoto, Hidehiro Sakurai, Kazuhito Inoue Science Journal of Kanagawa University 29 93-96 2018
- Kinetic and structural insight into a role of the re-face Tyr328 residue of the homodimer type ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase from Rhodopseudomonas palustris in the reaction with NADP+/NADPH Daisuke Seo, Norifumi Muraki, Genji Kurisu Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics 1861 3 2020/03/01
- Rubredoxin from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobaculum tepidum donates a redox equivalent to the flavodiiron protein in an NAD(P)H dependent manner via ferredoxin-NAD(P)+ oxidoreductase Wanwipa Ittarat, Takeshi Sato, Masaharu Kitashima, Hidehiro Sakurai, Kazuhito Inoue, Daisuke Seo Archives of Microbiology 203 799-808 2021/03/01
- Characterization of light-induced short-lived interacting radicals in the active site of flavoprotein ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase Bo Zhuang, Daisuke Seo, Alexey Aleksandrov, Marten H. Vos Journal of American Chemical Society 143 2757-2768 2021/02/24
- Thioredoxin Reductase-Type Ferredoxin: NADP+ Oxidoreductase of Rhodopseudomonas palustris: Potentiometric Characteristics and Reactions with Nonphysiological Oxidants Mindaugas Lesanavičius,Daisuke Seo,Narimantas Čėnas Antioxidants 11 5 1 2022/05
- Excited-State Properties of Fully Reduced Flavins in Ferredoxin-NADP+ Oxidoreductase Bo Zhuang, Alexey Aleksandrov, Daisuke Seo, Marten H Vos Jornal of Physical Chemistry Letter 14 1096-1102 2023/01/26
- The Role of the si-Face Tyrosine of a Homodimeric Ferredoxin-NADP+ Oxidoreductase from Bacillus subtilis during Complex Formation and Redox Equivalent Transfer with NADP+/H and Ferredoxin. Daisuke Seo Antioxidants 12 9 1741 2023/09/08
- Redox Properties of Bacillus subtilis Ferredoxin:NADP+ Oxidoreductase: Potentiometric Characteristics and Reactions with Pro-Oxidant Xenobiotics Mindaugas Lesanavičius, Daisuke Seo, Gintarė Maurutytė, Narimantas Čėnas International Journal of Molecular Science 25 10 5373 2024/05/14
- Photosynthetic NAD(P)+ reduction with iron-sulfur type reaction center in green sulfur bacteria Daisuke Seo, Kazuhito Inoue Sulphuric acid and industry 77 5 65-77 2024/05/15
Conference Presentations
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
○「 酵素基質複合体の構造ダイナミクス解析に基づく反応方向制御機構の解明」(2017-2019)
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Experiments in Basic Chemistry A(2022)
○Experiments in Basic Chemistry C(2022)
○Experiments in Basic Chemistry C(2022)
○Experiments in Basic Chemistry A(2022)
○Introduction to Data Science(2022)
○Introduction to Data Science(2021)
○Experiments in Basic Chemistry C(2021)
○Introduction to Date Science(2020)
○Experiments in Basic Chemistry C(2020)
○Experiments in Basic Chemistry A(2020)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2019)
○Experiments in Basic Chemistry C(2019)
○Experiments in Basic Chemistry C(2018)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2018)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2017)
○Experiments in Basic Chemistry C(2017)
○Introduction to Information Technology(2016)
○Experiments in Basic Chemistry C(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Seminar in Material Creation(2021)
○Seminar in Material Creation(2020)
○Seminar in Material Creation(2020)
○Seminar in Material Creation(2019)
○Seminar in Material Creation(2019)
○Seminar in Material Creation(2018)
○Seminar in Material Creation(2017)
○Seminar in Material Creation(2017)
○Seminar in Material Creation(2016)
○Seminar in Material Creation(2016)