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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/12/28

Professor TANAKA Koji

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science
Division of Health Sciences,Graduate School of Medical Science
Department of Nursing,School of Health Sciences, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences


Academic Background


School of Health Sciences, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University(2020/04-)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society



Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing、Clinical nursing、Community health nursing

Speciality Keywords

Mental Health Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Psychiatric Liaison Nursing, Suicide Prevention, Screening Systems of Mental Health, Lifecycle and Mental Health, Mental Health for Nurses, Therapeutic Relationships in Nursing, Global Health in Mental Health

Research Themes

Research contributing to the development of primary health care

We will explore effective screening and support methods for hard-to-reach populations in primary health care settings, such as suicide prevention, abuse prevention, prevention of bullying and mental health problems in schools, support for drug addiction, support for people in social withdrawal, and support for people in various forms of poverty.

Research on the difficulties of living and recovery of people with mental health difficulties

We are conducting research to understand people with mental health difficulties and to accompany them on their journey to recovery. From there, we will examine the type of support necessary for the people concerned, and aim to construct new services and support models.

Research on the nature of supportive human relationships, understanding of the subject, and support in nursing (especially the Psycho-Social-Spiritual aspects)

In the fields of liaison psychiatric nursing and psycho-oncology, we will explore the nature of supportive relationships and the understanding and support of the subject from the psycho-social-spiritual aspect. In addition, we will explore how to understand and support the mental health of nursing professionals.



  •  Help-Seeking in Nursing and Medical Students: A Concept Analysis  Journal of Research in Nursing in press 2025
  •  Recovery in Mother-To-Mother Peer Supporters Who Have Experienced Difficulties in Child-Rearing: A Phenomenological Study Nakashima C, Tanaka K, Shinmasu Y, Ikeuchi S, Nagata K Journal of Advanced Nursing Early View 2024/12
  •  Moral Distress in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Experienced by Nurses Caring for Critically Ill Neonates: A Phenomenological Study.  Journal of advanced nursing Early View 2024/11/18
  •  Components of spirituality in older adults: A phenomenological study through interviews based on dignity therapy Nagata K, Tanaka K Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 38 2 476-486 2024/03/07
  •  Insights from primary care workers supporting people at risk of suicide in local communities in Japan: A qualitative descriptive study Tanaka K, Ikeuchi S Journal of Advanced Nursing 80 8 3264-3277 2023/12/13

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  •  Difficulties in suicide prevention facing primary healthcare workers based on the characteristics of people with suicide risk and healthcare systems Tanaka K, Ikeuchi S Journal of Advanced Nursing 79 8 2911-2923 2022/12/04
  •  Support nursing researchers' need from academic societies during COVID-19: A cross-sectional survey Nagata K, Tanaka K (Corresponding author), Takahashi Y, Asada Y, Shimpuku Y, Yoshinaga N, Sugama J Nursing and Health Sciences 24 4 871-881 2022/10/02
  •  Evaluation of learning in the psychiatric nursing practicum modified to combined hospital and on-campus practicum due to the COVID-19 pandemic Nagata K, Tanaka K Journal of Wellness and Health Care 46 1 49-64 2022/08
  •  Japan Triage and Acuity Scale)の信頼性と妥当性の検証(Verification of the reliability and validity of the Japanese Triage and Acuity Scale for emergency outpatients according to the working style of nurses Murata Y, Sakai K, Konya C, Tanaka K Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 24 476-489 2021/08
  •  Work-related experiences of people living with young-onset dementia in Japan, Health and Social Care in the Community Ikeuchi S, Omote S, Tanaka K, Okamoto R, Morikawa Y, Iritani O Health and Social Care in the Community 30 2 548-557 2020/09/06

Conference Presentations


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Introduction of Clinical Nursing(2024)
○Introduction to nursing system(2024)
○Mental Health(2024)
○Introduction of Clinical Nursing(2024)
○Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: Clinical Practice(2024)
○Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing(2024)
○Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: Skills Laboratory(2024)
○Introduction to Bioethics(2024)
○Nursing Research: Practice(2024)
○Introduction to Bioethics(2020)
○Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: Skills Laboratory(2020)
○Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing(2020)
○Mental Health(2020)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○International Collaborative Research for Innovation(2024)
○Preventive Medicine(2024)
○Mental Health Nursing: Lecture(2024)
○Nursing Psychology: Lecture(2024)
○Research Design in Nursing 1: Lecture(2024)
○Research Design in Nursing 2: Lecture(2024)
○Laboratory Rotation Ⅱ(2024)
○Nursing Education: Lecture(2024)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Research(2024)
○Mental Health Nursing: Seminar(2024)
○Nursing Administration: Lecture(2024)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2024)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Seminar(2024)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Lecture(2024)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Research(2024)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Research(2024)
○Preventive Medicine(2023)
○Gerontological Reha. & Mental Health Nursing: Res.(2023)
○Introduction to Health Science: Lecture(2023)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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