Professor KITAGAWA, Akio
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering 電子情報学系
College and School Educational Field
Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Information and Communication Engineering, School of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering, College of Science and Engineering
Microelectronics Research Lab. (MeRL) TEL:076-234-4863 FAX:076-234-4863
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Nagoya Institute of Technology Doctor Graduate School, Division of Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering 198903 Unfinished course
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Nagoya Institute of Technology Electronics 198503
Kanazawa University Faculty of Engineering Research associate(1989/04/01-1995/03/31)
Kanazawa University Faculty of Engineering Assistant professor(1995/04/01-1997/03/31)
Kanazawa University Faculty of Engineering Associate professor(1997/04/01-1999/03/31)
The University of Tokyo VLSI Design and Education Center Associate professor(1999/04/01-2001/03/31)
Kanazawa University Natural Science and Technology Associate professor(2001/04/01-2012/07/31)
The University of Tokyo VLSI Design and Education Center Visiting scientist(2001/04/01-)
M.I.T. Microsystems Technology Laboratory Visiting Scientist(1997/06/01-1998/02/28)
Kanazawa University Institute of Science and Engineering Professor(2012/08/01-)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Japan Society of Next Generation Sensor Technology
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Information Processing Society of Japan
○Best poster award(2016)
○Best poster award(2016)
○Best poster award(2016)
○Yazaki Memorial Foundation(1991/10/01)
○Yazaki Memorial Foundation(1991/10/01)
○Yazaki Memorial Foundation(1991/10/01)
○Yazaki Memorial Foundation(1991/10/01)
○Yazaki Memorial Foundation(1991/10/01)
○REFEC Research Found(2003/03/19)
○Research Program on R&D Promotion(2003/08/15)
○2006 P&I Patent of The Year(2006/11/01)
○ICD Student Poster Award(2010/05/19)
○Best Paper Award(2010/10/24)
○Interactive Presentation Award(2011/03/11)
Nano/Microsystems、Communication/Network engineering、Electron device/Electronic equipment
Speciality Keywords
Microelectronics, Sensor, Wireless Network, Energy Harvesting
Research Themes
Microelectronic Sensors and Measurement Systems
Novel sensor technologies can be opened up with the state-of-the-art semiconductor technology. RF Mixed-Signal CMOS circuit and high-precision digital signal processing are particularly vital technologies to work out a sensor system on chip for the nondestructive and noninvasive testing. We are developing the free radical sensor and the millimeter-wave CT sensor for biomedical applications in collaboration with the electronics manufacturer and the technology licensing organization of Kanazawa University. The designed LSIs are prototyped and evaluated with the help of VDEC (VLSI Design and Education Center in Japan) and semiconductor manufacturers.
Wireless Networks for Internet of Things
The application field of a RF-CMOS LSI is greatly expanded in wireless communication technologies, such as a wireless sensor network and a RF-ID (Radio Frequency Identification) system, which requires the low-power dissipation or passive operation, and increasing the number of communication channels. We are developing the LSIs and the wireless network system for a disaster prevention and environment monitoring in collaboration with the electronics manufacturer. In order to promote the social implementation of IoT, we will produce the demonstration system composed by the wireless network nodes, the internet gateway, and the application software.
Circuitry for Energy Harvesting
To provide a wireless sensor network with maintenance-free feature, the energy harvesting is most effective means. The high-efficiency power generator and the low-power supply circuit is required to develop the electronic systems without the primary battery. We are developing the power management circuits minimizing the power-loss through a energy conversion process in collaboration with the research groups that are developing the high-efficiency power generators, such as a magnetostrictive vibrational power generator, an organic thin film solar cell, and a corrosion battery. The demonstration systems will be constructed with the wireless sensors having an energy harvesting capability.
- Akio Kitagawa LTspice Electronic Circuit Simulator Kohgaku-Sha 2016/02
- M. Hirose, A. Kitagawa, et al. Development Trend of Sensory Devices NTS 2014/11
- Ichiro Shio, Akio Kitagawa Cutting edge developments on next-generation human-interface NTS 2013/06
- Semiconductor Technology 2000/12
- M. Miyama, A. Kitagawa, J. Akita VLSI design with Hardware Description Lnaguage 2002/01
- Emerging New Memories: Phase-change RAM Akio Kitagawa, Kazuya Nakayama, Masashi Takata 電子情報通信学会誌 89 11 982-987 2006/11/01
- Evaluation for achievement in the graduation work Minoru YAMADA, Saburo TAKAMIYA, Syuya KANAGAWA, Akio KITAGAWA Japanese Society for Engineering Education 51 2 51-54 2003/03/20
- Design and preliminary evaluation of CMOS image sensor with pseudorandom pixel placement Junichi Akita, Yui Maeda, Akio Kitagawa Proc. of 2011 International Image Sensor Workshop 118-121 2011/10/10
- Vision Chip Architecture for Saccade Tracking Junichi Akita, Hiroaki Takagi, Takeshi Nagasaki, Masashi Toda, Toshio Kawashima, Akio Kitagawa Proc. of IEEE Workshop on CCD and AIS 133-136 2005/10/10
- Spectral responses of GaAs photodiodes fabricated by rapid thermal diffusion Akira Usami, Akio Kitagawa, Takao Wada, Masakuni Suzuki, Yutaka Tokuda, Hirofumi Kan IEEE electron device letters 13 1 59-60 1992/01/01
- Development of Single Triangular Truncated Microstrip Antenna for CP-SAR Sensor Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo, Vita Kusumasari, Rusmi Ambarwati, Irawan Sukma, Endah Budi Purnomowati, Akio Kitagawa 2020 10th Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Controls and Informatics Seminar 293-297 2020/08/26
- High speed crystallization of a-Si by lateral sweep annealing in steep temperature gradient Akio Kitagawa, Masaki Takeuchi, Sadaki Futagi, Syungo Kanai, Kazunori Tubota, Yasuhiro Kizu, Masakuni Suzuki IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics 75 9 1031-1035 1992/09/25
- Enhanced growth of silicon dioxide films by parallel-resonant RF plasmas Akio Kitagawa, Masaki Takeuchi, Masakatsu Kasagi, Masatoshi Hayashi, Yoshitaka Kouchi, Masakuni Suzuki Japanese journal of applied physics 29 7A L1178 1990/07/01
- Effects of rapid thermal processing on molecular‐beam epitaxy GaAs with SiOx encapsulation Akira Ito, Akira Usami, Akio Kitagawa, Takao Wada, Yutaka Tokuda, Hiroyuki Kano Journal of applied physics 69 4 2238-2244 1991/02/15
- Structure of a-Si and its transient phases upon rapid heating Yuichi Masaki, Wei-Feng Qu, Masakuni Suzuki Masakuni Suzuki, Akio Kitagawa Akio Kitagawa Japanese journal of applied physics 33 7B L1019 1994/07/01
- Dynamic phase diagram for a-Si in rapid thermal processes Akio Kitagawa, Shungo Kanai, Masakuni Suzuki Journal of non-crystalline solids 164 239-242 1993/12/02
- Redistribution of deep levels in semi‐insulating GaAs wafer by rapid thermal processing Akira Usami, Akio Kitagawa, Takao Wada Applied physics letters 54 9 831-833 1989/02/27
- A comparison of deep levels in rapidly thermal-processed GaAs films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si and GaAs substrates A Ito, A Kitagawa, Y Tokuda, A Usami, H Kano, H Noge, T Wada Semiconductor science and technology 4 5 416 1989/05/01
- ZigBee and LoRa performances on RF Propagation on the Snow Hills area Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Fransiska Sisilia Mukti, Panggih Nur Adi, Akio Kitagawa, Gomal Juni Yanris, Volvo Sihombing, Zunaidy Abdullah Siregar 2021 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and Information Engineering 36-41 2021/10/27
- Characteristics of electron traps in Si‐implanted and rapidly thermal‐annealed GaAs Akio Kitagawa, Akira Usami, Takao Wada, Yutaka Tokuda Journal of applied physics 63 2 414-420 1988/01/15
- Effects of rapid thermal processing on electron traps in molecular‐beam‐epitaxial GaAs Akio Kitagawa, Akira Usami, Takao Wada, Yutaka Tokuda, Hiroyuki Kano Journal of applied physics 65 2 606-611 1989/01/15
- Effects of High Temperature Rapid Thermal Annealing Using A Flat Gas Flame on The Electrical Properties of Phosphorus-Doped Polycrystallune Silicon Films WF WU, Y MASAKI, A KITAGAWA, M SUZUKI Journal of applied physics 79 11 8498-8502 1996
- LoRaWAN Technology in Irrigation Channels in Batu Indonesia Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Akio Kitagawa, Dwi Arman Prasetya, Rahman Arifuddin, Stanislaus Yoseph Jurnal Ilmuah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika 7 3 522-537 2021
- Production of the midgap electron trap (EL2) in molecular‐beam‐epitaxial GaAs by rapid thermal processing Akio Kitagawa, Akira Usami, Takao Wada, Yutaka Tokuda, Hiroyuki Kano Journal of applied physics 61 3 1215-1217 1987/02/01
- Performance Evaluation of Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) LoRa 920 MHz Sensor Node to Medical Monitoring IoT Based Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Akio Kitagawa 2020 10th Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Controls and Informatics Seminar 278-283 2020/08/26
- Finger Robotic control use M5Stack board and MQTT Protocol based Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Akio Kitagawa, Junichi Akita 2020 7th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering 1-6 2020/09/24
- A Novel Rectifier Architecture for UHF RFID Transponder Cui J. Akita J. Kitagawa A. 2010 International Conference on Solid-State Device and Materials 2010 351 2010/09
- Influence of H2O on the SiO2 growth by parallel-resonant RF plasma oxidation Akio Kitagawa, Masaki Takeuchi, Yoshitake Shibata Yoshitake Shibata, Masakuni Suzuki Masakuni Suzuki Japanese journal of applied physics 30 7B L1317 1991/07/01
- Hand Gesture Recognition-Based Control System Using Computer Vision for Transporter Robot Bagas Martinus Rianu, Akio Kitagawa, Wahyu Dirgantara 2023 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and Telecommunications 242-247 2023/10/26
- Ring slot CP antenna for the hybrid electromagnetic solar energy harvesting and IoT application Irfan Mujahidin, Akio Kitagawa Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control 21 2 290-301 2023/04/01
- Analyzes of Chirps Spread Spectrum of ES920LR LoRa 920 MHz Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Yuyu Wahyu, Akio Kitagawa 2022 11th Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Controls and Informatics 2022 139-144 2022/08/23
- The Compact 2.4 GHz Hybrid Electromagnetic Solar Energy Harvesting (HES-EH) circuit using Seven Stage Voltage Doubler and Organic Thin Film Solar Cell Irfan Mujahidin, Akio Kitagawa IEEE Conferences 2021 4th International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems 2021 2021
- A Performance of ES920LR LoRa for the Internet of Things Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Akio Kitagawa, Dwi Arman Prasetya, Aries Boedi Setiawan IEEE 2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology 2021 1 - 7 2021
- A Study of Programmable System on Chip (PSoC) Technology for Engineering Education Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, A Kitagawa, V Sihombing, G J Silaen, N E Mustamu, V M M Siregar, F A Sianturi, W Purba 2nd Workshop on Engineering, Education, Applied Sciences and Technology 2021 10.1088/1742-6596/1899/1/01216 2021
- Development of patch stack antenna for CP-SAR sensor Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo, Vita Kusumasari, Rusmi Ambarwati, Sholeh Hadi Pramono, Sigit Kusmariyanto, Dwi Fadila KUrniawan, Akio Kitagawa Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 10 1 200 - 207 2021
- LHCP four patches stack triangular truncated antenna using corporate feed microstrip-line for CP-SAR sensor Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo, Vita Kusumasari, Rudy Yuwono, Rahmadwati Rahmadwati, Rakhmad Romadhoni, Azizurrahman Rafli, Yuyu Wahyu, Akio Kitagawa International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 11 5 4125-4138 2021
- The Novel CPW 2.4 GHz Antenna with Parallel Hybrid Electromagnetic Solar for IoT Energy Harvesting and Wireless Sensors Irfan Mujahidin, Akio Kitagawa International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 8 393-400 2021
- CP Antenna with 2 x 4 Hybrid Coupler for Wireless Sensing and Hybrid RF Solar Energy Harvesting Irfan Mujahidin, Akio Kitagawa Sensors 21 22 7721 2021
- Performance Evaluation of LoRa ES920LR 920 MHz on the Development Board Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Akio Kitagawa International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 11 6 12-19 2020
- A Review of The Blockly Programming on M5Stack Board and MQTT based for Programming Education Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Akio Kitagawa 2019 IEEE 11th International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED) 2019/11
- The Four Patches of Triangular Microstrip Antennas as Configuration of CP-SAR Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo, Vita Kusumasari, Hadi Suyono, Rini Nur Hasanah, Akio Kitagawa Proceedings of the 2019 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering Technology 2019/09
- Development of Triangular Array Eight Patches Antennas for Circularly-Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar Sensor Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo, Vita Kusumasari, Edi Supriana, Rusmi Ambarwati, Akio Kitagawa Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control 18 2 631-639 2020/04
- A Performance of Radio Frequency and Signal Strength of LoRa with BME280 Sensor", Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi and Akio Kitagawa Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control 18 2 649-660 2020/04
- Low-Power and Lossy Networks OF Wireless Sensor Networks with Protocols Algorithm Comparison Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Akio Kitagawa, Abdur Rabi, Nachrowie, Rahman Arifuddin Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science 3 1 2020/02
- A Study of LoRa Performance in Monitoring of Patient's SPO2 and Heart-Rate IoT based Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Akio Kitagawa International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 11 2 238-251 2020/02
- Performance Evaluation of E32 Long Range Radio Frequency 915 MHz based on Internet of Things and Micro Sensors Data Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Akio Kitagawa International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 10 11 38-49 2019/11
- The Array Microstrip Antenna for Mobile-Internet of Satellite Energy Communication Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo, Vita Kusumasari, Rini Nur Hasanah, Hadi Suyono, Akio Kitagawa International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering 8 3 119-128 2019/07
- ZigBee Radio Frequency (RF) Performance on Raspberry Pi 3 for Internet of Things (IoT) based Blood Pressure Sensors Monitoring Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Akio Kitagawa International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 10 5 18-27 2019/05
- A Study of Limited Resources and Security Adaptation for Extreme Area in Wireless Sensor Networks Jumadi Mabe Parenreng, Akio Kitagawa, Dyah Darma Andayani Journal of Physics 1244 1 12013 2019/06
- Quality of Service and Power Consumption Optimization on the IEEE 802.15.4 Pulse Sensor Node based on Internet of Things Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Akio Kitagawa International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 10 5 144-154 2019/05
- Performance Evaluation WPAN of RN-42 Bluetooth based (802.15.1) for Sending the Multi-Sensor LM35 Data Temperature and RaspBerry Pi 3 Model B for the Database and Internet Gateway Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Akio Kitagawa International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 9 12 pp.612-620 2019/01/02
- Resource Optimization Techniques and Security Levels for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on the ARSy Framework Jumadi Mabe Parenreng, Akio Kitagawa Sensors 18 5 pp.1594-1609 2018/05/01
- Triangular Microstrip Antenna for Circularly-Polarized Synthetic Aperture Rader Sensor Application Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo and Akio Kitagawa Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 12 1 pp.310-318 2018/10/01
- Development of Sixteen Elements of Microstrip Triangular Array Antenna for Circularly Polarized-Synthetic Aperture Radar Sensor Application Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo and Akio Kitagawa Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 10 5S pp.535-550 2018/04/01
- The Analysis of Basic Construction of Triangular Microstrip Antenna Using Modified Lossless Power Divider for Circularly-Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar Sensor Application Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo and Akio Kitagawa 12th International Power Engineering, Optimization and Computing Conference Paper ID 59 2018/07/14
- Comparison Topologies of Resonant Tank from Class-C Wireless Power Transfer, 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics Irawan Sukma and Akio Kitagawa 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics POS2.52 pp.1-2 2018/08/29
- Development of Equilateral Triangular Array Antenna with Truncated-Tip for Circularly Polarized-Synthetic Aperture Radar Sensor Application Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo and Akio Kitagawa Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar pp.1462-1467 2018/06/04
- Development of Sixteen Elements of Microstrip Triangular Array Antenna for Circularly Polarized-Synthetic Aperture Radar Sensor Application Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo, Akio Kitagawa International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computing (ICEEComp2018) Paper ID 92 2018/04/01
- Developing Basic Configuration of Triangle Array Antenna for Circularly Polarized-Synthetic Aperture Radar Sensor Application Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo, Akio Kitagawa IEEE The 2017 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and Telecommunications 2017 112-117 2017/10/23
- A Model of Security Adaptation for Limited Resources in Wireless Sensor Network Jumadi Mabe Parenreng, Akio Kitagawa Journal of Computer and Communication 5 3 10-23 2017/03/13
- Analysis Performance of Triangle Microstrip Antenna for Basic Construction of Circularly Polarized-Synthetic Aperture Radar Application Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo, Akio Kitagawa Jurnal Teknologi 80 2 93-104 2018/03
- Design of Wireless Measurement of Soil Gases and Soil Environment Based on Programmable-System-On-Chip Arief Sudarmaji, Akio Kitagawa, Junichi Akita The International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering 2013 2013 E5 2013/08
- Temperature Modulation with Specified Detection Point on Metal Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors for E-Nose Application Arief SUDARMAJI, Akio KITAGAWA Sensors & Transducers 186 3 93-103 2015/03
- Application of Temperature Modulation-SDP on MOS Gas Sensors: Capturing Soil Gaseous Profile for Discrimination of Soil under Different Nutrient Addition Arief SUDARMAJI, Akio KITAGAWA Journal of Sensors 2016 1035902 2016/03
- Current-Sensitive CMOS Preamplifier for Investigating Space Plasma Waves by Magnetic Search Coils Mitsunori Ozaki, Satoshi Yagitani, Hirotsugu Kojima, Ken Takahashi, Akio Kitagawa IEEE Sensors Journal 14 2 421-429 2014/02
- Circuit Implementation, Operation, and Simulation of Multivalued Nonvolatile Static Random Access Memory Using a Resistivity Change Device Kazuya Nakayama, Akio Kitagawa Active and Passive Electronic Components 2013 839198 2013/12
- Novel power reduction technique for ReRAM with automatic avoidance circuit for wasteful overwrite Takaya Handa, Yuhei Yoshimoto, Kazuya Nakayama, Akio Kitagawa Active and Passive Electronic Components 2012 181395 2012/04
- Chu-lingual - Environmental monitoring system by entomic sounds analysis T. Wada, J. Akita, A. Kitagawa Journal of information processing 53 3 1017-1021 2012/03
- Tone Manipulation Method Using Closed Curve Y. Iwabuchi, J. Akita, A. Kitagawa The journal of the society for art and science 10 3 157-166 2011/09
- Wireless Moisture Sensor Using a Micro-strip Antenna T. Toba and A. Kitagawa Journal of Sensors 2011 827969 2011/12
- Phase change nonvolatile SRAM and register Kitagawa A. Nakayama K. The Symposium on Phase Change Optical Information Storage 2009 33 2009/11
- CoOx-RRAM Memory Cell Technology using Recess Structure for 128Kbits Memory Array 2010 IEEE IMW 10.1109/IMW.2010.548 2010/05
- Rapid-thermal-processing induced deep level traps and their spatial distribution in MBE GaAs Akio Kitagawa, Yutaka Tokuda, Akira Usami, Takao Wada, and Hiroyuki Kano Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 92 361-365 1987/04
- Rapid Thermal Annealing of Si-Implanted semi-insulating GaAs Akio Kitagawa, Masayuki Katayama, Yutaka Tokuda, Akira Usami, and Takao Wada RIKEN Symposium 1987 21-26 1987/12
- Variations of electron traps in MBE AlGaAs by rapid thermal processing Hiroyuki Ueda, Akio Kitagawa, Yutaka Tokuda, Akira Usami, Takao Wada, and Hiroyuki Kano Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 126 221-226 1988/04
- Effects of rapid thermal processing on SiO2/GaAs interfaces Yutaka Tokuda, Masayuki Katayama, Nobuo Ando, Akio Kitagawa, Akira Usami, Yajiro Inoue, Hdeki Takematsu, and Takao Wada Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 126 215-220 1988/04
- Diffusion of Te, Zn into GaAs from doped SiO2 films by rapid thermal processing Akio Kitagawa, Akira Usami, Yutaka Tokuda, Takao Wada, Hirofumi Kan, and Tadasi Murakami Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 126 65-70 1988/04
- Spatial inhomogeneities in rapidly thermal-processed GaAs wafer Akira Usami, Akio Kitagawa, and Takao Wada Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 146 419-424 1989/12
- Deep-level transient spectroscopy studies of rapid thermal processed GaAs with SiO2 encapsulant Masayuki Katayama, Yutaka Tokuda, Nobuo Ando, Akio Kitagawa, Akira Usami, Yajiro Inoue, and Takao Wada Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 146,431 436 1989/12
- Effects of rapid thermal processing on MBE GaAs on Si Akira Ito, Akio Kitagawa, Yutaka Tokuda, Akira Usami, Hiroyuki Kano, Hiroshi Noge, and Takao Wada Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 146 413-418 1989/12
- SOI structures prepared by lateral annealing of a-Si films in steep temperature gradient Yasuhiro Kizu, keiichi Konda, Masaki Takeuchi, Akio Kitagawa, and Masakuni Suzuki Conf. On Solid State Devices and Materials 22 219-222 1990/08
- Nonvolatile memory based on reversible phase transition in chalcogenide semiconductor thin film K. Nakayama, T. Kitagawa, K. Hshimoto, K. Ohotsuka, A. Kitagawa, and M. Suzuki IEEE Jpn. IEMT Symp. WC1-3 93-96 1993/06
- Zone-melting recrystallization of Si films by flat gas flame heating S. Kanai, S. Futagi, M. Kugenuma, M. Takeuchi, A. Kitagawa, M. Suzuki, and S. Takenaka IEEE Jpn. IEMT Symp. WA2-3 37-40 1993/06
- Rapid annealing of poly-Si films by gas flames Yuichi Masaki, Masahiko Suzumi, Weifeng Qu, Akio Kitagawa, and Masakuni Suzuki 2nd Int. Rapid Thermal Processing Conf. 1994 244-248 1994/08
- Transient phases and their transition temperatures of a-Si in non-isothermal processes Masakuni Suzuki, and Akio Kitagawa Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 321 743-738 1994/12
- Impurity activation in poly-Si films by rapid thermal annealimg using flat gas flames Weifeng Qu, Akio Kitagawa, Yuichi Masaki, Yoshio Kakimoto, and Masakuni Suzuki 3rd Int. Rapid Thermal Processing Conf. 1995 307-311 1995/08
- Phase transition in noncrystalline solids viewed from heating rate dependence Kazuya Nakayama, Kazuhiko Kojima, Nobuo Takahashi, Yuichi Masaki, Akio Kitagawa, and Masakuni Suzuki Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 398 363-367 1996/12
- Study of glass transition based on the fragmentation model Yuichi Masaki, Akio Kitagawa, and Masakuni Suzuki Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 398 369-374 1996/12
- Wandering dangling bond model for Staebler-Wronski effects Masatoshi Ikeda, Akio Kitagawa, and Masakuni Suzuki Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 507 691-696 1998/12
- Nonvolatile SRAM based on Phase Change Masashi Takata, Kazuya Nakayama, Takatomi Izumi, Toru Shinmura, and Akio Kitagawa The 17th Symposium on Phase Change Optical Storage, memory and Beyond 2005 83-88 2005/11
- Nonvolatile SRAM based on Phase Change Masashi Takata, Kazuya Nakayama, Takatomi Izumi, Toru Shinmura, Junivhi Akita, and Akio Kitagawa IEEE NVSMW 2006 S-6 95-96 2006/02
- Design and Characterization of Nano-Displacement Sensor with High Frequency Oscillators Kitagawa A. Journal of Sensors 2011 360173 2011/06
- Electron Spin Resonance Measurement with Micro-Inductor on Chip Kitagawa A. Journal of Sensors 2011 813636 2011/07
- Vision Chip Architecture for Detecting Line of Sight Including Saccade J.Akita, H.Takagi, T.Nagasaki, M.TOda, T.Kawashima, A.Kitagawa IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E89-C 11 1605-1611 2006/11
- Column-Parallel Vision Chip Architecture for High-Resolution Line-of-Sight Detection Including Saccade J.Akita, H.Takagi, K.Doumae, A.Kitagawa, M.Toda, T.Nagasaki, T.Kawashima IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E90-C 10 1869-1875 2007/10
- A rectifier structure for UHF RFID transponder with high efficiency Cui J., Akita J., Kitagawa A. IEICE Electronics Express 7 14 1186 2010/07
- Pulse number control of electrical resistance for multi-level storage based on phase change K. Nakayama, M. Takata, T. Kasai, A. Kitagawa, J. Akita JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 40 5061-5065 2007/10
- Effect of gas flame annealing on the structure of poly-Si films Yuichi Masaki, Masahiko Suzumi, Weifeng Qu, Yoshio Kakimoto, Akio Kitagawa, and Masakuni Suzuki JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 1995/03
- Study of glass transition in Mn-doped Ge15Te85 glasses by electron spin resonance T. K. Chackraborty, Syouichi Ueda, Akio Kitagawa, Masakuni Suzuki Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 37 9 4718 1998/09
- On the viscosity change in strong and fragile glasses THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 280 393-400 1996/01
- Nonvolatile memory based on phase change Kazuya Nakayama and Akio Kitag TB2 181-185 2004/11
- Photoelectrochemical properties of Rhodamine-C18 sensitized p-CuSCN photoelectrochrmical cell (PEC) C. A. N. Fernando, Akio Kitagawa, Masakuni Suzuki, Kousin Takahashi, and Teruhisa Komura 1994/01
- Random orientated pixcels for CMOS image sensor and display devices J. Akita, T. Tanikoshi, A. Kitagawa 50 7 1068-1071 2006/07
- Model for the glass transition in amorphous solids based on the fragmentation Masakuni Suzuki, Yuichi Masaki, and Akio Kitagawa PHYSICAL REVIEW B 53 6 3124-3131 1996/06
- Heating rate dependence of phase transition temperature in Se7Te3 glasses K. Nakamura, K. Kojima, I. Tamaru, Y. Masaki, A. Kitagawa, and M. Suzuki JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 198 758-761 1996/01
- A sharp photocurrent enhancement in photoelectrochemival cells with a photocathode sensitized by dye films of rhodamine-C18 and methylviolet-C18 prepared by Langmuir-Blodgett techniques C. A. N. Fernando, Akio Kitagawa, Masakuni Suzuki, Kousin Takahasi, and Teruhisa Komura 1995/11
- Nonvolatile Memory Based on Phase Change in Se-Sb-Te Glass Kazuya Nakayama, Akio Kitag JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REV 42 2A 404-408 2003/02
- Crystal violet dye-sensitized photocurrent by participation of surface states on p-CuSCN C. A. N. Fernando, I. Kumarawadu, K. Takahashi, A. Kitagawa, M. Suzuki Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 58 337 1999/01
- Effects of high temperature rapid thermal annealing using flat gas flame on the electrical properties of phousphorus-doped poly-crystalline silicon films Weifeng Qu, Yuichi Masaki, Akio Kitagawa, and Masakuni Suzuki JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 79 11 8498-8502 1996/11
- ESR study of glass transition in Mn-Doped Se70Te30 chalcogenide glass in non-isothermal process T. K. Chackraborty, Syouichi Ueda, Akio Kitagawa, Masakuni Suzuki Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 36 9 5444 1997/09
- Lateral grain growth in poly-Si films by gas flame high temperature annealing Weifeng Qu, Akio Kitagawa, Yuichi Masaki, Masakuni Suzuki Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 441 89 1997/12
- Submicron nonvolatile memory cell based on reversible phase transition in chalcogenide glasses Kazuya Nakayama, Kazuhiko Kojima, Fumitoshi Hayakawa, Yutaka Imai, Akio Kitagawa, Masakuni Suzuki Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 39 11 6157 2000/11
- Multiple Programming Method and Circuitry Masashi Takata, Akio Kitagawa IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E87-C 10 1679-1682 2004/10
- Remarkable stability of the enhanced sharp photocurrent in methylviolet-C18 and rhodamine-C18 dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cell with p-CuSCN C. A. N. Fernando, Koshi Takahashi, Akio Kitagawa, Masakuni Suzuki Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 69 345 2001/11
- Phase-change switching memory Kazuya Nakayama, Toshihiko Kasai, Sanae Fukushima, Kazuhiko Kojima, Akio Kitagawa, Minoru Kumeda, Masakuni Suzuki Proceedings of The 13th Symposium on Phase Change Optical Information Strage 13 61 2001/12
- Fast Square-Area Detection Algorithm Using Automata for VLSI Implementation Junichi Akita, Kazuhiro Maeda, Akio Kitagawa, Masakuni Suzuki 1999 IEEE Workshop on CCD & Advanced Image Sensors 1999 455 1999/01
- Transient phases of a-Si by rapid heating Yuichi Masaki, Masakuni Suzuki, and Akio Kitagawa JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 77 4 1766-1770 1995/04
Conference Presentations
- Free radical sensor and measurement system on a chip(conference:SENSOR EXPO JAPAN 2017)(2017/09/13)
- Method of the place and rout for standard cell design based on genetic algorithm optimization(conference:2016 IEICE spring meeting)(2016/03/17)
- Free radical sensor and measurement system on a chip(conference:Innovation Japan 2017)(2017/08/31)
- Wireless sensor network for social-infrastructure-monitoring by energy harvesting(conference:SENSOR EXPO JAPAN 2015)(2015/09/16)
- Sensor Network powered by Organic Thin Film Solar Cell(conference:Innovation Japan 2017)(2017/08/31)
- Architecture and algorithm of Analog-to-Digital Converter(conference:Presentation meeting of new technology in Kanazawa university)(2015/08/18)
- Acceleration sensor network with energy harvesting(conference:emesse Kanazawa 2017)(2017/05/18)
- Serial-Parallel-Architecture for Stochastic Analog-to-Digital Coverters(conference:Workshop on LSI and Systems 2015)(2015/05/11)
- Systems and analog circuits in the future(conference:19th Analog VLSI symposium)(2015/04/24)
- Serial-Parallel-Architecture for Stochastic Analog-to-Digital Coverters(conference:2015 IEICE spring meeting)(2015/03/13)
- Power management circuit for monitoring system(conference:2015 IEICE spring meeting)(2015/03/13)
- Electrical radical sensor for micro-analytical method(conference:Presentation meeting of new technology in Kanazawa university)(2014/08/22)
- Environmental monitoring system - Chu-ligual(conference:Ishikawa Insect Museum, Display for a limited time)(2013/12/01)
- Development Trend of Sensor LSI(conference:Physical sensor and system technology)(2011/12)
- Design and Evaluation of high-sensitive tactile sensor with electro-static method(conference:30th Symposium on Sensor, Micro-machine, and Applications)(2013/11/06)
- Wonder Technology of Wireless seinsors(conference:Research meeting for advanced technology)(2011/09)
- Creativity education with exercise method on Product planning and catalog design(conference:Japan Creativity Society 35th annual meeting)(2013/10/26)
- Increased Diversity of VLSI applications(conference:Association of Industries in Ishikawa and Nagoya)(2010/06)
- Phase change nonvolatile SRAM and register(conference:Symposium on Phase Change Optical Information Storage)(2009/11)
- Embeded Phase Change Memory on Si LSI(conference:The Japan Society of Applied Physics)(2009/09)
- Development of integrated sensors based on RF-CMOS technology(conference:The Instisute of Image Information and Television Engineers)(2009/06)
- Studies on the novel sensor LSI(conference:Japan Society of Next Generation Sensor Technology)(2007/01)
- Phase-change switching memory(conference:The 13th Symposium on Phase Change Optical Information Storage)(2004/11)
- Nonvolatile memory based on phase change(conference:The 2nd International Symposium on Nanomanufacturing)(2001/12)
- Free Radical Sensor based on Parametric Electron Spin Resonamce(conference:LSI and System Workshop)(2016/05/16)
- Adaptability resource and security based workload system on wireless sensor network(conference:LSI and System Workshop)(2016/05/16)
- Stochastic Analog-to-Digital Converter based on Static Random Access Memory Structure.(conference:LSI and System Workshop)(2016/05/16)
- A Model of Security Adaptation for Limited Resources in Wireless Sensor Network(conference:The 4th Conference on Sensors and Networks)(2017/03/18)
- Production of the midgap electron trap (EL2) in molecular-beam-epitaxial GaAs by rapid thermal processing 1987/03
- Characteristics of electron traps in Si-implanted and rapidly thermal-annealed GaAs 1988/02
- Effects of rapid thermal processing on electron traps in molecular-beam-epitaxial GaAs 1989/02
- Redistribution of deep levels in semi-insulating GaAs wafer by rapid thermal processing 1989/04
- A comparison of deep levels in rapidly thermal-processed GaAs films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si and GaAs substrates 1989/05
- Enhanced growth of silicon dioxide films by parallel-resonant rf plasmas 1990/07
- Effects of rapid thermal processing on molecular-beam epitaxy GaAs with SiO2 encapsulation 1991/04
- Influence of H2O on the SiO2 growth by parallel-resonant rf plasma oxidation 1991/07
- Spectral responses of GaAs photodiodes fabricated by rapid thermal diffusion 1992/01
- High speed crystallization of a-Si by lateral sweep annealing in steep temperature gradient 1992/09
- Dynamic phase diagram for a-Si in rapid thermal processes 1993/09
- Structure of a-Si and Its Transient Phases by Rapid Heating 1994/07
- Visual Processor using 2D automaton K. Maeda, J. Akita, A. Kitagawa CAS98-79 31 1999/01
- CMOS Integration of Nonvolatile Random Access Memory Y. Imai, K. Nakayama, A. Kitagawa 1999 50 2000/09
- Phase Change Nonvolatile RAM based on Chalcogenide Semiconductor K. Nakayama, Y. Imai, A. Kitagawa ICD2001-25 9 2001/05
- Phase Change Random Access memory S. Fukushima, A. Kitagawa, K. Nakayama 2001 11 2001/09
- The development to a sensor of RF CMOS technology Akio Kitagawa 33 23 37-44 2009/06
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
○VLSI design and technology applications
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
○「線状ガス炎によるpoly-Si TFT策性用急速高温アニール装置の試作」(1995-1996)
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
○Integration of Phase Change Random Access memory(1999-2000)
○Phase Change Random Access memory(2001-2002)
○Phase Change Random Access Memory(2003-2003)
○Ubiquitous Network Conrolling Unit(2003-2004)
○Phase Change Memory Cell Array(2007-2007)
○Development of RF CMOS Circuits(2007-2010)
○Phase Change Memory Cell Arry(2008-2010)
Classes (Bachelors)
○Introduction to Engineering(2023)
○Introduction to Engineering(2023)
○Student-Initiated Project(2023)
○Advanced Topics on Information & Communication Engineering A(2023)
○Electronic Circuit Analysis and Exercise A(2023)
○Electronic Circuit Analysis and Exercise B(2023)
○Student-Initiated Project(2023)
○Integrated Circuit B(2023)
○Integrated Circuit A(2023)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Integrated Circuit Design for Emerging Devices(2023)
○Integrated Circuit Design for Emerging Devices(2023)
○Design of Mixed-Signal LSI A(2023)
○Design of Mixed-Signal LSI B(2023)