Associate Professor KATO Takahiro
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Education, Institute of Human and Social Sciences
College and School Educational Field
Division of Advanced Professional Development in Teacher Education, Graduate School of Professional Development in Teacher Education
School of Teacher Education, College of Human and Social Sciences
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Osaka University Doctor Unfinished course
Kanazawa University Master Graduate School, Division of Education 199803 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Kanazawa University 1996
Kanazawa University(2000/04/01-)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Japan Society for Educational Technology
Japan Association of Educators for Human Development
Japanese Society of ESD
Educational technology、Science education、Education
Speciality Keywords
educational technology,
Research Themes
Development of curriculum and educational method at various schools
Development of effective support method in Curriculum development process by teacher group
about the Change in the scholastic attainments structure in the School education which centers on"Integrated Learning"
- Making Local ESD Practice online Teaching Materials and building a Collaborative Learning Platform
Takahiro KATO, Hirohisa IKEHATA, Kazuyoshi IMAI 29 1 23 2022/11/26
- Change in Attitudes toward English Learning by Exchangeing Letters with Foreign Students Takahiro KATO, Tomonobu TSUCHIDA 44 33-41 2018/10
- Peculiarity of the Approaches and the Problem for Upgrading Teaching Skills by Using ICT -A Study based on the survey result of teachers from Ishikawa - Takahiro KATO, Miyu TAMUKAI Studies in Practical Approaches to Education 43 39-45 2018/03/01
- Teacher training aiming for conversion to inquistive learning - Curriculum Development focused on their own inquiry of Professional School for Teacher Education - Toshiko MATSUDA, Takahiro KATO, Mitsuru KOIKEDA, Masae NAKAMURA, Hinoo YACHI Bulletin of the Faculty of Education 11 27-34 2019/03
- Evaluation of Marine Education’s Effect in Elementary and Junior High Schools—Analysis of the Value Consciousness Using Text Mining Kyoko Matsumoto, Kimihito Takeno, Makoto Urata, Michio Matsubara, Takahiro Kato, Nobuo Suzuki, Kzuichi Hayakawa American Journal of Educational Research 5 No.1 76-81 2017/01
- Research on Children's Settlement Intention in Rural Areas through Community-based Education -A Case Study of Marine Education in Noto Town, Ishikawa Prefecture - 27 1 16-22 2017/07
- Adolescent's Voluntary Involvement in Space Education Proceedings of the 56 Inter-national Astronautical Congress 2005 05 E1 2005/10
- A Study of Science Education Projects in the United States Shusuke Toda, Takahiro Kato, Haruo Kurokami International Conference for Media Education 2008 6 1 95-99 2008/08
- Construction of educational practice note system on Web Research Report of JSET Conferences 07 5 89-94 2007/12
- Operation and evaluation of Precervice Teacher Training Note System on Web Research Report of JSET Conferences JSET08 03 95-102 2008/07
- Improvement and operation of Precervice Teacher Training Note System on Web Takahiro KATO, Nobuhito MATSUNO Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of JSET 24 245-246 2008/10
- Comparative Study among the Three Systems for Distance Education: DVB Digital TV, ISDN Videoconference System and Internet Proceedings of the International Conference on Distance Education Distance Learning and 21st Century Education Development 119-122 1999/04
- The Development and the Using of Web Site for Supporting the Students to Assist in the Class Nobuhito MATSUNO, MIchio MATSUBARA Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of JSET 25 1 141-144 2009/09
- Development of analysis and improvement procedure of class that uses photograph that teacher takes Part.1 Takahiro KATO, Hitoshi NAKAGAWA, Kousuke TERASHIMA, Junya SHIMODA 16 1 91-92 2009/09
Conference Presentations
- Elementary Methods An Integrated Curriculum 1999/05
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
○Development of School curricalumby which cooperates with region and the administration
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
○Analysis and consideration of academic ability survey(2009-2010)
Classes (Bachelors)
○Information Application in Education(2023)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○School Internship 1(2023)
○School Internship 2-A(2023)
○School Internship 2-B(2023)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 2(2023)
○School Internship 2-A(2023)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 2(2023)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 1(2023)
○School Internship 1(2023)
○School Internship 2-B(2023)
○Review of School Practice in the Region(2023)
○School Internship 2-A(2023)
○School Internship 2-B(2023)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 2(2023)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 2(2023)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 1(2023)
○Theory and Practice of Curriculum(2023)
○School Internship 1(2023)
○School Internship 1(2023)
○School Internship 2-A(2023)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 1(2023)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 2(2023)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 2(2023)
○School Internship 2-B(2023)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 2(2023)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 2(2023)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 1(2023)
○Study in Regional Education(2022)
○School Internship 2-B(2022)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 2(2022)
○School Internship 2-A(2022)
○School Internship 1(2022)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 1(2022)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 2(2022)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 1(2022)
○Study in Regional Education(2022)
○School Internship 2-B(2022)
○Teaching Content Case Studies 1(2022)
○School Internship 1(2022)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 2(2022)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 1(2022)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 2(2022)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 1(2022)
○School Internship 2-A(2022)
○School Internship 2-B(2022)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 2(2022)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 1(2022)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 2(2022)
○School Internship 1(2022)
○Theory and Practice of Curriculum(2022)
○Review of School Practice in the Region(2022)
○Lesson Study(2022)
○School Internship 2-A(2022)
○Theory and Practice of Curriculum(2022)
○School Internship 1(2022)
○School Internship 2-A(2022)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 1(2022)
○Review of School Practice in the Region(2022)
○School Internship 2-B(2022)
○Lesson Study(2022)
○Teaching Content Case Studies 1(2022)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 1(2022)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 2(2022)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 2(2022)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 1(2022)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 2(2021)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 1(2021)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 2(2021)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 1(2021)
○School Internship 1(2021)
○School Internship 2-A(2021)
○School Internship 2-B(2021)
○Theory and Practice of Curriculum(2021)
○Review of School Practice in the Region(2021)
○Teachers and There Workplace(2021)
○Teaching Content Case Studies 1(2021)
○Study in Regional Education(2021)
○Teaching Content Case Studies 1(2020)
○Theory and Practice of Curriculum(2020)
○Review of School Practice in the Region(2020)
○Study in Regional Education(2020)
○School Internship 2-A(2020)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 2(2020)
○School Internship 2-B(2020)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 2(2020)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 1(2020)
○School Internship 1(2020)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 1(2020)
○Teaching Content Case Studies 1(2019)
○Study in Regional Education(2019)
○Theory and Practice of Curriculum(2019)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 1(2019)
○Practical Conference on School Issues 2(2019)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 1(2019)
○Research in Special-Interested Areas 2(2019)
○School Internship 1(2019)
○School Internship 2-A(2019)
○School Internship 2-B(2019)
○Review of School Practice in the Region(2019)
○Theory and Practice of Curriculum(2018)
○Review of School Practice in the Region(2018)
○Study in Regional Education(2018)
○Teachers and There Workplace(2018)
○Advanced Study on Learning Design 2(2018)
○Teaching Content Case Studies 1(2018)
○Topics in Clinical Education E (Educational Technology and ICT Education)(2016)
○Seminar in Clinical Education E (Educational Technology and ICT Education)(2016)
International Project
International Students
Lecture themes
Others (Social Activities)