Associate Professor Fukagawa, Miho
Faculty, Affiliation
International Research Center for Japan Studies
College and School Educational Field
Division of International Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
College of Human and Social Sciences
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Nagoya University Doctor Graduate School of Languages and Cultures Department of Japanese Studies Accomplished credits for doctoral program
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
University of Tsukuba College of Japanese Language and Culture
the Degree of Doctor of Letters
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
The Society for Teachinig Japanese as a Foreign Language
Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe.
Intercultural Education Society of Japan
Japanese language education
Speciality Keywords
Japanese Language Teaching,Second Language Acquisition,Cross-Cultural Understanding,Bussiness Japanese
Research Themes
- Effectiveness of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in an Advanced Japanese Language Course: Adopting the Topic of Artificial Intelligence Miho Fukagawa Asian Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning (Asian CLIL) Vol.1 18-28 2023
- A study of the video conferencing for cross-cultural understanding- Focusing on various video conferencing forms- FUKAGAWA, Miho,KAWAMOTO, Kenji Research Bulletin 4 4 31 2022/03
- "Investigating facemask problems associated with wearing comfort and fit", Morishima, M., Kishida, K. and Fukagawa, M. (2021), International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology Vol. 33 No. 6, pp. 980-993. 2021
- 北陸・信州の日本企業が入社後の外国人社員に求めるビジネス日本語スキル―リカレント教育に関する企業ニーズ調査から見えたこと― Miho FUKAGAWA,Sachiko SASAHARA,Soichi KOJIMA,Akira Ota,Tomonori Sato 4 2021/01
- Is the Classroom a Place to Talk Democratically? A Study on Class Communities in Video Conferencing for Cross-Cultural Understanding Kenji Kawamoto,Miho Fukagawa Japanese language Education in Europe 25 373 2021
- Practical Activities to Develop Public Speaking Ability for Undergraduate International Students 2 61 2020/03
- "Nohgaku" como Tema: desarrollo curricular del curso de aprendizaje de la cultura Japonesa mediante experiencias 2019 35 2019
- Japanese Language Education Curriculum Development for International Graduate Students of Science and Technology Fukagawa Miho,Takabatake Tomomi,Tago Kasumi,Tsutsui Masako 1 61 2019/03
- A Case Study of Language Teaching Based on CLIL in an Advanced Japanese Language Course::Adopting a Regional Historical Heritage Site as a Topic FUKAGAWA Miho,SHIKITA Noriko,NODA Toshimi The journal of Japanese Language Education Methods 24 2 108 2018
- Development of e-Learning Courses for Japanese Kanji Fukagawa Miho,Anastasia Bushimakina,Tanaka Yukiko,Kawachi Yukiko 金沢大学留学生センター紀要 20 21 2017/03
- Japanese Language Education Needs Analysis and Curriculum Development for International Graduate Students of Science and Technology Fukagawa Miho,Takabatake Tomomi 21 15 2017/03/01
- Carrier formation of International Students : A follow up study of student of Business Japanese Language Education at Kanazawa University Miho Fukagawa,Hiroshi Yamamoto,Akira Ota,Kojima Soichi 2016
- Academic Skills for International and Japanese Students : From an analysis of seminar resumes 深川 美帆,深澤 のぞみ,札野 寛子,濱田 美和 金沢大学留学生センター紀要 19 19 57 2016/03
- Positive Influences of the Speaking Activity with Japanese Students Offered to the Beginners' Level of the Japanese Language Course 深川 美帆,鶴町 佳子,川上 ゆか,岡本 さや子 金沢大学留学生センター紀要 18 25 2015/03
- Business Japanese Language Education at Kanazawa University : A follow up study of the 2011-12 students 深川 美帆,島 弘子,太田 亨 金沢大学留学生センター紀要 17 57 2014/03
- Japanese Business Language Education by Kanazawa University: Results of the first period Hiroko Shima, Akira Ota Research Bulletin 16 81-90 2013/03
- Japanese Business Language Education by Kanazawa University : Results of the first period 深川 美帆,島 弘子,太田 亨 金沢大学留学生センター紀要 16 81 2013/03
- Business Japanese Language Education by Kanazawa University : Independence from the Career Development Program for Foreign Students in Japan 0 15 77-90 2012/03
- Development of an On-line Japanese Language Course Enrollment System 0 15 45-58 2012/03
- Short-term Intensive Business Japanese Language Education by the Kanazawa University Consortium in the Framework of the Advanced Education Program for Career Development of Foreign Students in Japan : its Evaluation (Pt.3) 0 15 11-23 2012/03
- Topics for intercultural discussion: a practical study Research bulletin 0 13 23-43 2010/03
- Topics for intercultural discussion: a practical study 深川 美帆,三浦 香苗 Research bulletin 13 23 2010/03
- The current states and future developments of IT literacy support in the education of international students Journal of International Student Center, Toyama University 0 6 29-40 2007/10
Conference Presentations
- Effectiveness of discussion technologies for cross-cultural understanding - Video Conferencing and Virtual Reality -(conference:The 22nd International Conference for Media in Education)(2024/08/22)
- Distance Communication and Language Learning - Creating “real” interaction in “virtual” settings –(conference:El seminarios de enseñanza de la lengua japonesa )(2024/03/03)
- La "Cultura" como tema: curso de aprendizaje de lengua japonesa basado en AICLE(conference:IV Simposio de la Asociación de Profesores de Japonés en España)(2019/06/15)
- ビデオ会議システムを使用した異文化ディスカッションにおけるターンテイキングの諸相―直接型対面会議と遠隔型ビデオ会議の比較を通して―(2009)
- La "Cultura" como tema: curso de aprendizaje de lengua japonesa basado en AICLE(conference:Actas del V Simposio de la Asociación de Profesores de Japonés en España)(2019)
- 留学生のキャリア形成とビジネス日本語教育—ビジネス日本語講座受講生への追跡調査から—(conference:シンガポールビジネス日本語教育国際研究大会)(2015)
- 上級日本語クラスでの CLIL の実践―AI をテーマとして(conference:The 4th J-CLIL Annual Bilingual Conference)(2021/10/09)
- 演習発表型授業でのレジュメにおける問題点の考察-留学生と日本人学生のアカデミック・スキルに注目して-(conference:The Society of Technical Japanese Education (STJE))(2014)
- Video Conferencing Discussions for Cross-Cultural Understanding: Focusing on Japanese Students(conference:Intercultural Education Society of Japan)(2021)
- アカデミック・ジャパニーズイメージモデルと新規教材開発に向けての既存教材の特性分析(conference:The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language)(2014)
- "Nohgaku" como Tema: desarrollo curricular del curso de aprendizaje de la cultura Japonesa mediante experiencias(conference:Actas del V Simposio de la Asociación de Profesores de Japonés en España)(2019)
- ビデオ会議による異文化ディスカッション研究―トルコ人日本語学習者と日本人学生との実践から―(conference:International Conference on Japanese Language Education)(2011)
- Conducting learning activities in the remote learning setting during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of learning activities in LMS for Japanese language courses(conference:CASTEL/J 2021)(2021/08/11)
- ビデオ会議による異文化交流ディスカッションの方法論確立へ向けて(conference:International Conference on Japanese Language Education(ICJLE) Nagoya 2012)(2012)
- ビデオ会議による異文化交流ディスカッションの実践-文化的背景の違いに注目して-(conference:International Conference on Japanese Language Education)(2010)
- Is the classroom a place to talk democratically?: A study on class communities in video conferencing for cross-cultural understanding(conference:The 24st Japanese Language Education Symposium in Europe (AJE) , Section 10 of the 16th EAJS International Conference)(2021/08/27)
- ビデオ会議における「異文化理解」を再考する‐「他者」の議論を手がかりに‐(conference:The 19th Symposium on Japanese Language Education in Europe)(2015)
- 理系大学院留学生を対象とした初級日本語のコースデザインと教材開発 ― アカデミックな環境での日常生活で求められるコミュニケーション場面に着目して(2021/11/28)
- A Case Study of Language Teaching Based on CLIL in an Advanced Japanese Language Course: Adopting a Regional Historical Heritage Site as a Topic(conference:JLEM)(2018)
- Video Conferencing Discussions for Cross-Cultural Understanding and Japanese Language Education: Adopting Deep Active Learning(conference:The 21st Japanese Language Education Symposium in Europe (AJE) /15th EAJS International Conference)(2017)
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Japanese Culture through the Way of Tea(2020)
○Academic Japanese A(2020)
○Japanese Academic Japanese A(2020)
○Japanese Traditional Performing Arts and Music 2(2020)
○Japanese Advanced Reading 1B(2020)
○Japanese Writing 1(2020)
○Japanese Advanced Reading 1A(2020)
○Second Language Acquisition theory 2(2020)
○Second Language Acquisition theory 1(2020)
○Kanazawa Studies in Ishikawa(2020)
○Second Language Acquisition theory(2020)
○Research Abroad(2020)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2020)
○Cross-Cultual Understanding through Video Conferencing(2020)
○Advanced Reading 1B(2020)
○Academic Japanese B(2020)
○Advanced Reading 1A(2020)
○Japanese AS2(2019)
○Japanese Advanced Reading 1B(2019)
○Japanese E(2019)
○Japanese Academic Japanese A(2019)
○Japanese Traditional Performing Arts and Music(2019)
○Japanese E(2019)
○Japanese Business Japanese 2(2019)
○Japanese Academic Japanese B(2019)
○Independent Research (KUSDP)(2019)
○Japanese Writing 1(2019)
○Japanese Academic Japanese B(2019)
○Japanese AS2(2019)
○Japanese Business Japanese 1(2019)
○Japanese Culture through the Way of Tea(2019)
○Japanese Writing 1(2019)
○Japanese Business Japanese 3(2019)
○Japanese Advanced Reading 1A(2019)
○Practicum in Japanese Culture B(2019)
○Japanese Culture through the Way of Tea(2019)
○Academic Japanese A(2019)
○Academic Japanese B(2019)
○Cross-Cultual Understanding through Video Conferencing(2019)
○Practicum in Japanese Culture A(2019)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2019)
○Research Abroad(2019)
○Practicum in Japanese Culture A(2019)
○Practicum in Japanese Culture B(2019)
○Second Language Acquisition theory(2019)
○Kanazawa Studies in Ishikawa(2019)
○Second Language Acquisition theory 2(2019)
○Japanese Business Communication 2(2019)
○Second Language Acquisition theory 1(2019)
○Japanese Traditional Performing Arts and Music(2019)
○Advanced Reading 1A(2019)
○Advanced Reading 1B(2019)
○Practicum in Japanese Culture B(2018)
○Second Language Acquisition theory 1(2018)
○Practicum in Japanese Culture A(2018)
○Japanese Academic Japanese A(2018)
○Japanese Business Japanese 3(2018)
○Japanese Writing 1(2018)
○Japanese Business Japanese 2(2018)
○Japanese Academic Japanese B(2018)
○Japanese Advanced Listening 1(2018)
○Kanazawa Studies in Ishikawa(2018)
○Practicum in Japanese Culture B(2018)
○Japanese Culture through the Way of Tea(2018)
○Japanese Traditional Performing Arts and Music(2018)
○Japanese Business Japanese 4(2018)
○Japanese <Writing 1> / Quarter(2018)
○Japanese Advanced Reading 1(2018)
○Practicum in Japanese Culture A(2018)
○Advanced Reading 1B(2018)
○Japanese AS2(2018)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2018)
○Japanese AS2(2018)
○Japanese Business Japanese 3(2018)
○Japanese Traditional Performing Arts and Music(2018)
○Japanese Culture through the Way of Tea(2018)
○Advanced Reading 1A(2018)
○Japanese Writing 1(2018)
○Japanese Traditional Performing Arts and Music(2018)
○Academic Japanese B(2018)
○Academic Japanese A(2018)
○Cross-Cultual Understanding through Video Conferencing(2018)
○Japanese Business Japanese 2(2017)
○Japanese Business Japanese 1(2017)
○Practicum in Japanese Culture B(2017)
○Academic Japanese A(2017)
○Japanese Culture through the Way of Tea(2017)
○Cross-Cultual Understanding through Video Conferencing(2017)
○Cross-Cultual Understanding through Video Conferencing(2017)
○Japanese Culture through the Way of Tea(2017)
○Academic Japanese B(2017)
○Japanese Culture through the Way of Tea(2017)
○Japanese B(2017)
○Practicum in Japanese Culture B(2017)
○Kanazawa Studies in Ishikawa(2017)
○Second Language Acquisition theory(2017)
○Japanese B(2017)
○Practicum in Japanese Culture A(2017)
○Cross-Cultual Understanding through Video Conferencing(2017)
○Japanese Culture through the Way of Tea(2017)
○Advanced Reading 1A(2017)
○Japanese Culture through the Way of Tea(2017)
○Academic Japanese B(2017)
○Academic Japanese A(2017)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2017)
○Japanese B(2017)
○Japanese B(2017)
○Advanced Reading 1B(2017)
○Cross-Cultual Understanding through Video Conferencing(2017)
○Japanese Art Performance and Music(2017)
○Japanese Art Performance and Music(2017)
○Japanese Art Performance and Music(2016)
○Japanese Culture through the Way of Tea(2016)
○Japanese Art Performance and Music(2016)
○Japanese Culture through the Way of Tea(2016)
○Practicum in Japanese Culture A(2016)
○Japanese D2(2016)
○Business Japanese 3(2016)
○Japanese AS2(2016)
○Japanese D2(2016)
○Business Japanese 2(2016)
○Second Language Acquisition theory(2016)
○Kanazawa Studies in Ishikawa(2016)
○Japanese Art Performance and Music(2016)
○Japanese B(2016)
○Japanese B(2016)
○Japanese B(2016)
○Japanese B(2016)
○Japanese B(2016)
○Japanese B(2016)
○Academic Japanese B(2016)
○Advanced Reading 2B(2016)
○Academic Japanese A(2016)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2016)
○Advanced Reading 2A(2016)
○Advanced Reading 1A(2016)
○Advanced Reading 1B(2016)
○Practicum in Japanese Culture B(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Pedagogy b(2022)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Pedagogy a(2022)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Pedagogy b(2020)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Pedagogy a(2020)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Pedagogy Ib(2020)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Pedagogy Ia(2020)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Pedagogy Ia(2019)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Pedagogy Ib(2019)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Pedagogy Ia(2018)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Pedagogy Ib(2018)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Pedagogy Ia(2017)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Pedagogy Ib(2017)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Pedagogy Ib(2016)
○Seminar in Japanese Language Pedagogy Ia(2016)