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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/08

Professor TSUKASAKI Keiko

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science
Division of Health Sciences,Graduate School of Medical Science
Department of Nursing,School of Health Sciences, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences


 TEL:076-265-2545 FAX:076-234-4363

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Osaka University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Medical Sciences 200703 Completed


Kanazawa University(1991/04/01-)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

Japan Academy of Community Health Nursing



Home health care nursing 、Community Health Care Nursing

Speciality Keywords

Home health care nursing. Community health care nursing.

Research Themes

A Study on Home Health Care for Patients and their Care Givers

I conduct research on the health maintenance of people who are recuperating at home and of caregiving families, and on reduction of the caregiving burden. For example, I have studied daily blood pressure changes and sleep-wake state. In addition, I am currently analyzing changes in muscle activity and pulse during caregiving activities to find in-home caregiving methods that result in a smaller physical and mental burden.



  •  Development and Validation of an Interprofessional Collaboration Scale for Home Health Care for the Frail Elderly Keiko Tsukasaki, Kaoru Kyota, Tomoya Itatani Asian Nursing Research 16 106-113 2022/05
  •  Relationship between resilience factors and caregiving status of families of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in Japan Marina Yamamoto, Keiko Tsukasaki, Kaoru Kyota Journal of Community Health Nursing Online 2023/09/07
  •  Factors Related to Emergency Hemodialysis Preparedness in the Event of a Natural Disaster Reiko Nihonyanagi, Keiko Tsukasaki, Tomoya Itatani, Hisao Nakai, Daisuke Toda Medicine  101 24 e29288 2022/06
  •  Relationship between breakfast consumption and health-related habits among university students in Japan  Mato Mie, Tsukasaki Keiko Japanese Journal of Public Health 67 11 791-799 2020/11/15
  •  Factors influencing practices among ward nurses that support ongoing independent community living after discharge: a cross-sectional study Yukari Miyamoto, Keiko Tsukasaki, Kaoru Kyota Contemporary Nurse 55 in print 2019

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  •  Effects of maintaing web-based diaries by caregivers on adherence to care regimens in preschoolers with asthma Hashi Shinobu, Tsukasaki Keiko, Nakamura Toshimi, Kyota Kaoru, Itatani Tomoya Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing  in print in print 2019
  •  Tsunami evacuation simulation using geographic information systems for homecare recipients depending on electric devices Hisao Nakai, Tomoya Itatani, Ryo Horiike, Kaoru Kyota, Keiko Tsukasaki PLOS ONE in print in print in print 2018
  •  Predictors of potentially harmful behaviour by family caregivers towards patients treated for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in Japan Daisuke Toda, Keiko Tsukasaki, et al. Psychogeriatrics  18  357-364 2018
  •  Modeling the factors associating with health-related habits among Japanese students Mie Mato, Keiko Tsukasaki Health Promotion International in press in press in press 2017/11
  •  Factors promoting sense of coherence among university students in urban areas of Japan Mie Mato, Keiko Tsukasaki Gloval Health Promotion in print in print in print 2017
  •  Preparedness for Protecting the Health of Community-Dwelling Vulnerable Elderly People in Eastern and Western Japan in the Event of Natural Disasters Keiko Tsukasaki, Hatsumi Kanzaki, Kaoru Kyota, Akie Ichimori, Shizuko Omote, Rie Okamoto, Teruhiko Kido, Chiaki Sakakibara, Kiyoko Makimoto, Atsuko Nomura, Yukari Miyamoto Journal of Community Health Nursing 33 2 107-116 2016/04
  •  Nursing care in multifunctional small group homes providing day, visiting, and overnight services for older people living at home Nobuko Katahira, Keiko Tsukasaki International Journal of Nursing Practice 22 605-615 2016/08
  •  Factors related to evacuation intentions of power-dependent home care patients in Japan Hisao Nakai, Keiko Tsukasaki, Kaoru Kyota, Tomoya Itatani, Reiko Nihonyanagi, Yasuko Shinmei, Shizuko Yasuoka Journal of Community Health Nursing 33 4 196-208 2016/10
  •  Illuminance, subjective sleep quality, and psychosomatic health in elderly individuals requiring care: A survey of Japan’s Hokuriku region in winter   Akie Ichimori, Keiko Tsukasaki, Emi Koyama Journal of Community Health Nursing 32 2 104-114 2015/04
  •  Relationship between the degree of property damage and changes in red blood cells, hematocrit, and hemoglobin among victims of the Noto Peninsula Earthquake. Omote S,Kato M,Kido T,Okamoto R,Ichimori A,Sakakibara C,Tsukasaki K Environ Health Prev Med 18 2 151-64 2013/03
  •  Measuring illuminance and investigating methods for its quantification among elderly people living at home in Japan to study the relationship between illuminance and physical and mental health. Ichimori A,Tsukasaki K,Koyama E Geriatr Gerontol Int 13 3 798-806 2013/07
  •  Low back load produced by changing a diaper at various bed heights experienced by female care workers in a nursing home Kaoru Kyota, Keiko Tsukasaki, Atsuko Nomura Journal of Physical Therapy Science 25 4 469-475 2013/04
  •  Differences in home-based family caregiving appraisal for caregivers of the elderly in rural and urban Japanese communities Junko Imaiso, Keiko Tsukasaki, Fuki Okoshi  Journal of Community Health Nursing 29 25-38 2012/02
  •  Supply of goods from hospitals to outpatients practicing intermittent self-catheterization in Japan Shuko Maeda, Keiko Tsukasaki, Tsugiyasu Kanda, Takeo Shimasaki, Manabu T. Moriyama, Yumiko Kohno, Kazuyo Kyuji  International Journal of Urological Nursing 6 3 115-124 2012/11
  •  The impact of sleep on ambulatory blood pressure of female caregivers providing home care in Japan: an observational study Keiko Tsukasaki, Kiyoko Makimoto, Teruhiko Kido 45 2 1721-1730 2008/12
  •  The impact of sleep interruptions on vital measurements and chronic fatigue of female caregivers providing home care in Japan Keiko Tsukasaki, et al 5 Nursing and Health Sciences 8 1 2-9 2006/03
  •  Study on effects of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure for intermittent wakening during the night 25 87-90 2001/12
  •  A foot-care program to facilitate self-care by the elderly Shizuko Omote, et al. BMC Research Notes 10 586 2017
  •  A longitudinal study on sleep, ambulatory blood pressure and fatigue of family caregivers providing home care Rie Naganuma, Keiko Tsukasaki, Teruhiko Kido Chiaki, Sakakibara, Akie Ichimori, Shizuko Omote  35 1 37-44 2011/07
  •  The sense of married female teachers for taking caregiver's role for their elder parents 金沢大学医学部保健学科紀要 24 2 39-46 2001/03
  •  A study on nocturnal sleep associated with 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure in family caregivers providing home care 29 1 59-68 2005/08
  •  Difference between low back load caused by changing a diaper at various bed heights in female care workers Kaoru Kyota, Keiko Tsukasaki 10th Pan-Pacific Conference on Occupational Ergonomics Proceedings 2014/08
  •  Development of an evaluation scale for health guidance practice to support parents of preschool children with developmental disorders with acceptance of their child's disability Chiemi Neyoshi, Keiko Tsukasaki, Yuka Chihara Journal of Wellness and Health Care 45 1 17-31 2021/08
  •  Factors affecting the care management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia among care managers in Japan Kuniko Ishii, Keiko Tsukasaki, Kaoru Kyota, Tomoya Itatani, Daisuke Toda, Journal of Wellness and Health Care 45 2 掲載予定 2022/02
  •  Responding to cases of elder abuse requiring protection and separation: skills for specialists Fuki Okoshi, Keiko Tsukasaki, Shizuko Omote 39 2 1-12 2016/01
  •  Intervention to construct a system for defecation care in long-term care health facilities for the elderly Chiaki Sakakibara, Keiko Tsukasaki  35 2 15-27 2011/12
  •  Awareness of the necessity of support provided at the time of a natural disaster among the elderly living in the community and influencing factors 40 2 77-84 2017/02
  •  Fecal properties and associated factors in elderly persons requiring care at a long-term care health facility for the elderly Chiaki Sakakibara, Keiko Tsukasaki 34 1 39-49 2010/07
  •  Low back load differences between novice and skilled caregivers when changing a diaper on a futon and a bed Kaoru Kyota, Keiko Tsukasaki  36 2 25-34 2012/12
  •  A study on method of influence on sleep, ambulatory blood pressure and fatigue by nighttime care 29 1 107-115 2005/08
  •  Influences of care dependency on elderly community residents' attitudes toward evacuation Kaoru Kyota, Tomoya Itatani, Keiko Tsukasaki 40 2 23-32 2017/02
  •  Load on low back muscles during home care activities: experimental study involving novice caregivers Kaoru Kyota, Keiko Tsukasaki, Katsuyuki Shibata, Tomoya Itatani, Teruhiko Kido 40 1 45-54 2016/07
  •  Field survey on the oral hygiene status and the oral care habits of elderly in need of care who use a day service 29 2 123-130 2005/12
  •  The significance of participating in community rheumatic group or rheumatism sufferers with walking limitation 29 1 77-83 2005/08
  •  Survey of dehydration during the summer in home-cared elderly people using day service 29 2 105-112 2005/12
  •  The Relationships of Nocturnal Sleep with 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Fatigue of Family Caregivers Providing Home Care 60-63 2003/01

Conference Presentations

  • Relationship between difficulties related to care management for elderly with dementia living in communities and interprofessional collaboration(conference:The 6th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Sceience)(2020/02/29)
  • Preparedness of community-based support for managing the health of vulnerable elderly residents during natural disasters in Japan(conference:The 6th International Conference on Community Health Nursing Research)(2015/08)
  • Development of an evaluation scale for health guidance practice to support parents to accept their preschool child's developmental disability(conference:26th EAFONS)(2023/03/10)
  • Web-based care to improve adherence to preschoolers' asthma management by parents(conference:APAAACI & APAPARI )(2018/10)
  • The Relationship between Sense of Coherence and Social Capital, Self-Efficacy, and Mental Health among University Students in Japan(conference:19th EAFONS)(2016/03)

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  • Elderly Living Independently in the Community: An evaluation of first step toward foot care intervention(conference:The 6th International Conference on Community Health Nursing Research)(2015/08)
  • Impact of the physical health-status of victims of the Noto Peninsula earthquake(conference:The 4th International Conference on Community Health Nursing Research)(2009/08)
  • An attempt at formulating criteria for determining elder neglect at home(initial report) (conference:The 4th International Conference on Community Health Nursing Research)(2009/08)
  • A longitudinal study on sleep, ambulatory blood pressure and fatigue of family caregivers providing home care (conference:The 12th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars)(2009/03)
  • Differences in 24-hour blood pressure, biological measurement of sleep, and fatigue levels between gender in Japanese family caregivers(conference:The 200The 2007 international conference on the International Council of Nurses)(2007/05)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Advanced Nursing: Clinical Practice(2023)
○Nursing Research: Practice(2023)
○Introduction to Bioethics(2021)
○Introduction to Community Health Nursing(2021)
○Family Nursing(2021)
○Guidance for Community Health Nursing(2021)
○Home Health Nursing(2021)
○Home Health Nursing: Laboratory Practice(2021)
○Home Health Nursing: Practice(2021)
○Introduction of Nursing for Wellness People(2021)
○Health Education and Health Promotion(2021)
○Introduction to Community Health Nursing(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Adv. Public Health and Home Care Nursing: Seminar(2021)
○Adv. Public Health and Home Care Nursing: Lecture(2021)
○Research Design in Health Science(Clinical): Lecture(2021)
○Public Health and Home Care Nursing: Seminar(2021)
○Public Health and Home Care Nursing: Research(2021)
○Public Health and Home Care Nursing: Lecture(2021)
○Research Design in Nursing 1: Lecture(2021)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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