Professor SUGANO Takashi
Faculty, Affiliation
Institute of Liberal Arts and Science
College and School Educational Field
Division of Mathematical and Physical Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science and Engineering
TEL:076-264-5646 FAX:076-264-5738
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
The University of Tokyo Doctor Graduate School, Division of Science 198403 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
The University of Tokyo 197803
Mie University Faculty of Education(1988/04/01-1991/03/31)
Hiroshima University Faculty of Science(1991/04/01-1997/03/31)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Algebra、Number Theory、Automorphic Forms
Speciality Keywords
Number Theory, Automorphic Forms, Automorphic L function, prehomogeneous vector space
Research Themes
L-Functions attached to Automorphic Forms
Study on Automorphic Forms of several variables
Study on Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces
- Local Theory of Primitive Theta Functions. Compositio Math. 123 30 2000/09
- On standard L-functions attached to automorphic forms on definite orthogonal groups. Nagoya Math. J. 152 40 1998/12
- Fourier-Jacobi expansion of Eisenstein series on unitary groups of degree three. J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 9 347-404 2002/06
- On the local Hecke series of some classical groups over p-adic fields J. Math. Soc. Japan 35 133-152 1983/01
- On holomorphic cusp forms on quaternion unitary groups of degree 2 J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 31 521-568 1985/01
- On Dirichlet series attached to holomorphic cusp forms on SO(2,q) Advanced Studies in Pure Math. 7 333-362 1985/12
- A note on zeta fucntions associated with certain prehomogeneous affine spaces Advanced Studies in Pure Math. 15 415-428 1989/06
- Shintani functions and its application to automorphic L-functions for classical groups, I. The case of orthogonal groups Math. Ann. 299 17-56 1994/05
- Shintani functions and automorphic L-functions for GL(n) Tohoku Math. J> 48 165-202 1996/08
- Jacobi forms and the theta lifting Commentarii Math. Univ. St. Pauli 44 1-58 1995/07
- On the L-funcrtions associated with hermitian modular forms of genus 2 Bull. Fac. Educ. Mie Univ. Natur. Sci. 42 1-28 1991/02
- Zeta functions of prehomogeneous affine spaces Nagoya Math. J. 132 91-114 1993/12
- Whittaker-Shintani functions on the symplectic group of Fourier-Jacobi type Compositio Math. 79 321-349 1991/09
- Whittaker-Shintani functions for orthogonal groups Tohoku Math. J. 55 1-64 2003/03
- Inner product formula for Kudla lift Automorphic forms and zeta functions 280-313 2006/01
- On the Fourier-Jacobi expansion of the unitary Kudla lift A.Murase, T.Sugano COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA 143 1-46 2007/02
Conference Presentations
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Algebra 2A(2018)
○Introductory Methods of Mathematics A(2018)
○Algebra 2B(2018)
○Introductory Methods of Mathematics B(2018)
○Algebra 2B(2017)
○Algebra 2A(2017)
○Algebra 2B(2017)
○Introductory Methods of Mathematics B(2017)
○Introductory Methods of Mathematics A(2017)
○Algebra 2A(2017)
○Teaching Practicum V(2017)
○Teaching Practicum IV(2017)
○Linear Algebra 1(2017)
○Teaching Practicum IV(2016)
○Teaching Practicum V(2016)
○Algebra 3(2016)
○Linear Spaces B(2016)
○Linear Spaces A(2016)
○Introduction to Current Mathematics(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Research Work A(2018)
○Seminar A(2018)
○Exercise A(2018)
○Mathematics Education b(2018)
○Number Theory(2018)
○Mathematics Education a(2018)
○Number Theory(2017)
○Number Theory(2017)
○Mathematics Education b(2017)
○Research Work A(2017)
○Exercise A(2017)
○Seminar A(2017)
○Mathematics Education a(2017)
○Number Theory(2017)
○Number Theory(2017)
○Number Theory(2016)
○Mathematics Education a(2016)
○Seminar A(2016)
○Mathematics Education b(2016)
○Exercise A(2016)
○Research Work A(2016)