Associate Professor ANDO Ritoku
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering
College and School Educational Field
Division of Mathematical and Physical Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science and Engineering
Lab. of Plasma Physics TEL:076-264-5670 FAX:076-264-5739
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Nagoya University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Natural Science 1988 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Shimane University 1983
Dr of Science
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Plasma science、
Speciality Keywords
Research on basic plasma physics
Research Themes
Experimental study of intense electron beam and plasma interaction.
Experimental study on an intense microwave generation and its applications.
Experimental studies of polyphase ac discharge.
- Dependence of output power on cavity length in a gyrotron backward wave oscillator INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES 21 1441-1448 2000
- Energy enhancement in the two-stage autoacceleration scheme IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE 28 2275-2277 2000
- Four-stage autoacceleration for a sub-nanosecond intense relativistic electron beam IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE 28 1648-1652 2000
- Generation of an Intense electron beam with a sub-nanosecond duration using multi-stage autoacceleration Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 40 944-948 2001
- Instabilities Driven by an Intense Beam in a Plasma Filled Dielectric Lined Waveguide Immersed in a Finite Axial Magnetic Field INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES 22 8 1147-1162 2001
- Electron beam probing of strong Langmuir fields in an intense beam-plasma system IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE 27 1545-1547 1999
- Gyrotron backward wave oscillator experiments with a relativistic electron beam using an X-band rectangular waveguid INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES 19 10 1317-1324 1998
- Measurements of broad-band millimeter-wave radiation from an IREB-plasma interaction system IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE 27 682-687 1999
- Multistage automodulation using decreasing length cavities. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE 31 2 297-299 2003/04
- The dependence of microwave radiation from a beam-driven turbulent plasma on the beam-to-plasma density ratio IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE vol. 30 no. 3,pp 1203-1210 2002/06
- 2.5-D analysis of intense relativistic electron beam propagation in an unmaginetized plasma Research Report NIFS-PROC-50 52-60 2001
- Two-stage autoacceleration using decreasing length cavities IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE 27 1609-1610 1999
- Time evolution of beam energy distribution and perpendicular velocity scattering due to strong Langmuir turbulence JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 67 1273-1280 1998
- Excitation of oscillations with a broad frequency spectrum in the interaction of a high-density relativistic electron beam with a plasma PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS 23 964-970 1997
- Beam Modulation in a Strong Beam-Turbulent Plasma and its Effect on Broadband mm Radiatio Research Report NIFS-PROC-42 73-80 1999
- Effect of beam modulation on a broadband mm radiation from a strong beam-turbulent plasma Proc. 12th Int. Conf. High-Power Particles Beams 2 389-392 1999
- Four-Stage Autoacceleration of an Intense Relativistic Electron Beam Research Report NIFS-PROC-42 81-90 1999
- Generation of an Intense electron beam with a sub-nanosecond duration using multi-stage autoacceleration Proc. 13th Int. Conf. High-Power Particles Beams, (Nagaoka Japan, 2000) 291-294 2001
- Instabilities driven by an intense beam in a plasma-filled dielectric-lined waveguide immersed in a finite axial magnetic field Proc. 21st Int. Free Electron Laser conf. 2 39-40 2000
- Linear analysis of instabilities in a plasma-filled dielectric-lined circular waveguide immersed in a finite axial magnetic field Proc. 12th Int. Conf. High-Power Particles Beams 2 816-819 1999
- Measurement of IREB-driven strong Langmuir field using electron beam probing technique Proc. 13th Int. Conf. High-Power Particles Beams 893-896 2001
- Measurement of polarization of atomic helium lines due to strong caviton fields caused by IREB-plasma interactions 3rd US-Japan Workshop on Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy - - - 2001
- Measurement of spatial distribution of the nonlinear collapsing wave packets by an electron beam shadowgraph Research Report NIFS-PROC-50 163-172 2001
- Measurement of strong Langmuir turbulence fields using an electron beam probe Research Report NIFS-PROC-39 37-42 1998
- Microwave radiation from IREB-plasma interaction in a dielectric-lined waveguide immersed in a finite axial magnetic field Proc. 13th Int. Conf. High-Power Particles Beams, (Nagaoka Japan, 2000) 746-749 2001
- Broadband millimeter-wave radiation from a beam driven strong turbulence Research Report NIFS-PROC-36 140-149 1997
- Revisit to current multiplication due to intense relativistic beam-plasma interaction Proc. 13th Int. Conf. High-Power Particles Beams 865-868 2001
- Two-stage autoacceleration of an intense relativistic electron beam using doubled second stage Research Report NIFS-PROC-42 211-219 2000
- 5 GHz superradiance using intense electron beams with modified energy waveforms R. Nakajima, A. Osawa, T. Kurihara, R. Ando, K. Kamada and N. S. Ginzburg NIFS-PROC-64 79-85 2006
- Electron beam shadowgraph for the study of the strong turbulent plasma. Journal of \ 7 4 182-186 2002
- Relation between beam modulation and millimeter-wave radiation from a strong beam-turbulent plasma Research Report NIFS-PROC-39 43-52 1998
- Measurement of strong Langumuir turbulence fields using an electron beam probe Proc. 12th Int. Conf. High-Power Particles Beams 1 361-364 1999
- Two-stage autoacceleration of an Intense relativistic electron beam Research Report NIFS-PROC-39 53-62 1998
Conference Presentations
- Current-Voltage characteristics of the multi-phase glow discharge and equivalent circuit.(conference:2021 annual (76th) meeting of JPS)(2021/03/15)
- Current-Voltage characteristics of the multi-phase glow discharge and zero point shift.(conference:Annual Meeting of Hokuriku Branch of Japan Physical Society)(2020/12/05)
- Distortion of voltage waveform of multi-phase AC glow discharge.(conference:Annual Meeting of Hokuriku Branch of Japan Physical Society)(2020/12/05)
- Research on equivalent circuit of the multi-phase AC glow discharge.(conference:2020 annual (75th) meeting of JPS)(2020/03/17)
- Observation of kinetic energy of injected electron beam and electrostatic potential distribution in the cusp magnetic field Ritoku ANDO, Haruki KOYANO, Shinya TSUKAHARA, Takatoshi TAZAWA, Kento NAKADA, Sugiya SATO, Kazuhiro AKIMOTO Proceedings of 2016 Symposium on Laboratory Experiment for Space Science 2017/02/28
- A consideration on the p lasma production in a biconic c usp field by electron beam injection Proceedings of 2015 Symposium on Laboratory Experiment for Space Science 2016/02/23
- Development of experimental device for research of plasma wave in the beam-plasma system A-p5 2012/12/01
- Development of experimental device for research of self trapping and nonlinear behavior of plasma waves 24p164-B 2011/11/24
- A Short Guide to Langmuir Turbulence: Theory and Experiment Vol. 81 No. 2,pp 94-104 2005/02
- S-band Superradiance in Slow Wave Structure K. Kamada, K. Ymamoto, R. Nakajima, R. Ando, I. V. Zotova**, R. M. Rozental*, A. S. Sergeev, N .S. Ginzburg 1 185-190 2006
- Demonstrations of physics developed by undergraduate students as introductory experimental physics K. Kamada, K. Matsumoto, S. Abe, M. Fujitake, R. Ando and M. Sato
- Enhancement of Perpendicular Velocity Component of An Intense Relativistic Electron Beam Using Magnetic Cusp Field A. Osawa, N. Tomisawa, R. Ando and K. Kamada NIFS-PROC-61 126-131 2005
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Fundamental Physics 2(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Freshman Seminar I(2017)
○Fundamental Physics 2(2017)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Plasma Physics(2017)
○Physics Experiments 2(2017)
○Physics Experiments 1(2017)
○Plasma Physics(2016)
○Physics Experiments 2(2016)
○Physics Experiments 1(2016)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Research Work B(2017)
○Physics of Plasma Waves(2017)
○Physics of Plasma Waves(2017)
○Physics of Plasma Waves(2017)
○Physics of Plasma Waves(2017)
○Seminar B(2017)
○Plasma Physics a(2017)
○Plasma Physics b(2017)
○Introduction to Plasma and Astrophysics b(2017)
○Exercise B(2017)
○Introduction to Plasma and Astrophysics a(2017)
○Introduction to Plasma and Astrophysics b(2016)
○Plasma Physics a(2016)
○Introduction to Plasma and Astrophysics a(2016)
○Exercise B(2016)
○Research Work B(2016)
○Plasma Physics b(2016)
○Physics of Plasma Waves(2016)
○Seminar B(2016)