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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/16

Professor KODERA Noriyuki

Mail Laboratory Website
Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

WPI Nano Life Science Institute Nanometrology

College and School Educational Field

Division of Mathematical and Physical Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Physics, School of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science and Engineering


Biophysics Laboratory

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Doctor Division of Basic Sciences 200509 Completed
Kanazawa University Master Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences 200303 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Department of Physics 200103
Doctor of Philosophy in Science


Kanazawa University Bio-AFM FRC, Int. Sci. & Eng. Associate Professor(2011/08/01-)
Kanazawa University Bio-AFM FRC, Int. Sci. & Eng. Assistant Professor(2010/10/01-2011/07/31)
Kanazawa University Sch. Math. & Phys., Col. Sci. & Eng. Assistant Professor(2010/04/01-2010/09/30)
Japan Science and Technology Agency-CREST Postdoctoral Research Fellow(2007/04/01-2010/03/30)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (PD)(2005/10/01-2007/03/30)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC2)(2005/04/01-2005/09/30)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

The Biophysical Society of Japan
The Biophysical Society
The Japan Society of Applied Physics


○The 14th (H29) JSPS PRIZE(2018/02/07)
○The 9th Early Research in Biophysics Award(2013/10/29)
○Development Category, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Educa(2013/04/16)
○Young Researcher’s Nanoprobe Technology Prize(2012/04/19)
○Uchida Prize Medal(2012/02/18)
○Best Paper Award of the Japan Society of Applied Physics(2007/07/06)
○Nikkei BP Technology Prize(2003/04/04)



Speciality Keywords

High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy,Single-molecule measurement

Research Themes

Development of high-speed atomic force microscopy and direct observation of structural dynamics of biomolecules

Development of high-speed atomic force microscopy and direct observation of structural dynamics of biomolecules We have developed and improved a high-speed atomic force microscope that allows us to simultaneously observe the structure and dynamics of biomolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins. Using this new microscopy, we currently observe various biomolecules at work to understand their functional mechanisms. The left movie shows the walking behavior of myosin V, a vesicle transporter in cell, along actin filament (published in Nature, 2010). Please visit our lab website and enjoy watching other fantastic movies!


  •  TQP. Uyeda, KX. Ngo,N. Kodera, K. Tokuraku The Role of Water in ATP Hydrolysis Energy Transduction by Protein Machinery Springer Singapore 2018/05/08
  •  Uchihashi, T., Kodera, N., Ando, T. Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Springer 2015
  •  Uchihashi, T., Kodera, N., Ando, T. Atomic Force Microscopy in Nanobiology Pan Stanford Publishing 2014
  •  Takayuki Uchihashi, Noriyuki Kodera, Toshio Ando Single-molecule Studies of Proteins Springer New York 2013/01
  •  Toshio Ando, N. Kodera Intrinsically Disordered Protein Analysis : Volume 2, Methods and Experimental Tools Humana Press 2012/07

show all

  •  T. Ando, T. Uchihashi, N. Kodera, M. Shibata, D. Yamamoto, H. Yamashita Atomic force microscopy in liquid Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH  2011/12
  •  T. Ando, T. Uchihashi, N. Kodera, D. Yamamoto, M. Taniguchi, A. Miyagi, H. Yamashita Single Molecule Dynamics in Life Science Wiley-VCH 2008/12


  •  Dynamic mechanisms of CRISPR interference by Escherichia coli CRISPR-Cas3. Kazuto Yoshimi,Kohei Takeshita,Noriyuki Kodera,Satomi Shibumura,Yuko Yamauchi,Mine Omatsu,Kenichi Umeda,Yayoi Kunihiro,Masaki Yamamoto,Tomoji Mashimo Nature communications 13 1 4917 2022/08/30
  •  Guide to studying intrinsically disordered proteins by high-speed atomic force microscopy. Noriyuki Kodera,Toshio Ando Methods (San Diego, Calif.) 207 44 2022/08/30
  •  High-speed atomic force microscopy reveals a three-state elevator mechanism in the citrate transporter CitS. Sourav Maity,Gianluca Trinco,Pedro Buzón,Zaid R Anshari,Noriyuki Kodera,Kien Xuan Ngo,Toshio Ando,Dirk J Slotboom,Wouter H Roos Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 6 2022/02/08
  •  Visualization of intrinsically disordered proteins by high-speed atomic force microscopy. Noriyuki Kodera,Toshio Ando Current opinion in structural biology 72 260 2022/01/05
  •  An ultrafast piezoelectric Z-scanner with a resonance frequency above 1.1 MHz for high-speed atomic force microscopy Shimizu, M.,Okamoto, C.,Umeda, K.,Watanabe, S.,Ando, T.,Kodera, N. Review of Scientific Instruments 93 1 013701 2022/01/01 

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  •  Architecture of zero-latency ultrafast amplitude detector for high-speed atomic force microscopy Umeda, K.,Okamoto, C.,Shimizu, M.,Watanabe, S.,Ando, T.,Kodera, N. Applied Physics Letters 119 18 181602 2021/11/01 
  •  Movements of Mycoplasma mobile Gliding Machinery Detected by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy. Kohei Kobayashi,Noriyuki Kodera,Taishi Kasai,Yuhei O Tahara,Takuma Toyonaga,Masaki Mizutani,Ikuko Fujiwara,Toshio Ando,Makoto Miyata mBio 12 3 e0004021 2021/05/28
  •  Native cyclase-associated protein and actin from Xenopus laevis oocytes form a unique 4:4 complex with a tripartite structure. Noriyuki Kodera,Hiroshi Abe,Phuong Doan N Nguyen,Shoichiro Ono The Journal of biological chemistry 100649 2021/04/08
  •  Chained Structure of Dimeric F1-like ATPase in Mycoplasma mobile Gliding Machinery. Takuma Toyonaga,Takayuki Kato,Akihiro Kawamoto,Noriyuki Kodera,Tasuku Hamaguchi,Yuhei O Tahara,Toshio Ando,Keiichi Namba,Makoto Miyata mBio e0141421 2021/07/20
  •  Structural and dynamics analysis of intrinsically disordered proteins by high-speed atomic force microscopy. Noriyuki Kodera,Daisuke Noshiro,Sujit K Dora,Tetsuya Mori,Johnny Habchi,David Blocquel,Antoine Gruet,Marion Dosnon,Edoardo Salladini,Christophe Bignon,Yuko Fujioka,Takashi Oda,Nobuo N Noda,Mamoru Sato,Marina Lotti,Mineyuki Mizuguchi,Sonia Longhi,Toshio Ando Nature nanotechnology 16 2 181 2021/02
  •  Direct visualization of translational GTPase factor pool formed around the archaeal ribosomal P-stalk by high-speed AFM. Hirotatsu Imai,Toshio Uchiumi,Noriyuki Kodera Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 51 32386 2020/12/22
  •  Molecular and Functional Analysis of Pore-Forming Toxin Monalysin From Entomopathogenic Bacterium Pseudomonas entomophila. Saori Nonaka,Emil Salim,Koki Kamiya,Aki Hori,Firzan Nainu,Rangga Meidianto Asri,Ayu Masyita,Takumi Nishiuchi,Shoji Takeuchi,Noriyuki Kodera,Takayuki Kuraishi Frontiers in immunology 11 520 520 2020
  •  Visualizing dynamic actin cross-linking processes driven by the actin-binding protein anillin. Kyohei Matsuda,Mitsuhiro Sugawa,Masahiko Yamagishi,Noriyuki Kodera,Junichiro Yajima FEBS letters 594 8 1237 2020/04
  •  Insight into structural remodeling of the FlhA ring responsible for bacterial flagellar type III protein export Terahara, N. Inoue, Y. Kodera, N. Morimoto, Y. V. Uchihashi, T. Imada, K. Ando, T. Namba, K. Minamino, T. Sci. Adv. 4 4 eaao7054 2018/04/25 
  •  Na+-induced structural transition of MotPS for stator assembly of the Bacillus flagellar motor Terahara, N. Kodera, N. Uchihashi, T. Ando, T. Namba, K. Minamino, T. Sci. Adv. 3 11 eaao4119 2017/11/01 
  •  Real-space and real-time dynamics of CRISPR-Cas9 visualized by high-speed atomic force microscopy Shibata, M. Nishimasu, H. Kodera, N. Hirano, S. Ando, T. Uchihashi, T. Nureki, O. Nature communications 8 1 1430 2017/11/10 
  •  CYK4 Promotes Antiparallel Microtubule Bundling by Optimizing MKLP1 Neck Conformation T. Davies, N. Kodera, GS. Kaminski Schierle, E. Rees, M. Erdelyi, CF. Kaminski, T. Ando, M. Mishima PLoS Biol. 13 e1002121 2015/04 
  •  Cofilin-induced unidirectional cooperative conformational changes in actin filaments revealed by high-speed atomic force microscopy KX. Ngo, N. Kodera, E. Katayama, T. Ando, TQ. Uyeda eLife 4 04806 2015/02 
  •  Two-ball structure of the flagellar hook-length control protein flik as revealed by high-speed atomic force microscopy N. Kodera, K. Uchida, T. Ando, S. Aizawa J. Mol. Biol. 427 2 406-414 2015/01/30 
  •  The path to visualization of walking myosin V by high-speed atomic force microscopy N. Kodera, T. Ando Biophys. Rev. 6 42067 237-260 2014/01/01 
  •  IgGs are made for walking on bacterial and viral surfaces J. Preiner, N. Kodera, J. Tang, A. Ebner, M. Brameshuber, D. Blaas, N. Gelbmann, HJ. Gruber, T. Ando, P. Hinterdorfer Nature Communications 5 4394 2014/07 
  •  High-Speed AFM and Applications to Biomolecular Systems T. Ando, T. Uchihashi, N Kodera Ann. Rev. Biophys. 42 1 393-414 2013/05 
  •  Phosphorylation-Coupled Intramolecular Dynamics of Unstructured Regions in Chromatin Remodeler FACT M. Hashimoto, N. Kodera, Y. Tsunaka, M. Oda, M. Tanimoto, T. Ando, K. Morikawa, S. Tate Biophys. J. 104 10 2222-2234 2013/05 
  •  Guide to video recording of structure dynamics and dynamic processes of proteins by high-speed atomic force microscopy Uchihashi, T. Kodera, N. Ando, T. Nature Protocols 7 6 1193-1206 2012/06 
  •  Video imaging of walking myosin V by high-speed atomic force microscopy Kodera, N., Yamamoto, D., Ishikawa, R. & Ando, T. NATURE 468 72-76 2010/11 
  •  Dynamic proportional-integral-differential controller for high-speed atomic force microscopy Kodera, N., Sakashita, M. & Ando, T. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77 083704 2006/08 
  •  Active damping of the scanner for high-speed atomic force microscopy Kodera, N., Yamashita, H. & Ando, T. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76 053708 2005/04
  •  A high-speed atomic force microscope for studying biological macromolecules Ando, T., Kodera, N., Takai, E., Maruyama, D., Saito, K. & Toda, A. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 98 22 12468-12472 2001/10 

Conference Presentations


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

○Observation of biomolecular dynamics by high-speed AFM, Improvement and functional extension of high-speed AFM

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○Challenging Research (Exploratory)「Direct observation of strain-dependent dynamic behaviors of biomolecules by high-speed AFM」(2017-2019) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Exercise in Mechanics 1(2021)
○Physics Experiments 1(2021)
○Physics Experiments 2(2021)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2020)
○Fundamental Physics 1(2017)
○Freshman Seminar I(2017)
○Introduction to Region-studies(2017)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2010)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Nano Molecular physics A(2021)
○Nano Molecular physics B(2021)
○Advanced nano life science(2021)
○Biophysics a(2021)
○Biophysics b(2021)
○Introduction to Dynamics of Biomolecules a(2021)
○Lecture on Development of Advanced Nano-Diagnostic Method(2021)
○Introduction to Dynamics of Biomolecules b(2020)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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