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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/04/21

Professor CHO Sei

Faculty, Affiliation

Institute of Liberal Arts and Science

College and School Educational Field


Academic Background


Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society



Speciality Keywords

The Edo period’s Health Care Publications(Yojosho)

Research Themes



  •  Place, sociality, health: Forms of relocation and recuperation in modern Japan Zhao Jing Communication and the Public 3 4 2018
  •  Nurturing Life in the Nuclear Pollution Era: Creating Treatment for Nuclear Disasters Based on Yojo Literature from the Edo Period of Japan 2016/03

Conference Presentations

  • The Representation of Bedding in latter half of Edo period's Health Care Publications (Yojosho) (conference: Modernity and Health in East Asia )(2022/11/25)
  • Nurturing a Healthy Life for All by Involving All: The Publications of Yojo (nurturing life;養生) in Early Modern Japan(conference:The 6th International Health Literacy Conference: A Health Literate Asia and Beyond )(2018/10/25)


  •  Suzuki Akira's Otomemaki Shouchu Zhao Jing Socio-environmental studies 6 6 69 2001
  •  Suzuki Akira's Perception of the Japanese Language : Exploring the Terms "kokoro no koe", "kokoro aru onsei" and "kokoro naki onsei" in the Treatises Gengyo shishuron and Gago onjouko Socio-environmental studies 5 5 185 2000
  •  On the Evaluative Transition of Akira Suzuki in Japanese Historical Linguistics 7 174 2003
  •  Development of an effective support system for a foreign language proficiency training program (in languages other than English) for students studying abroad Forum of Language Instructors 2018/03

Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○「近現代東アジアにおける「健康観」形成の比較史研究 」(2020-2023) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Chinese for Business Communication 2(2020)
○Chinese for Business Communication 1(2020)
○Chinese for Business Communication(2020)
○Practicum in Different Cultures I(2020)
○Practicum in Different Cultures II(2020)
○Practicum in Different Cultures I(2020)
○Practicum in Different Cultures II(2020)
○Seminar/Chinese II(2020)
○Seminar/Chinese II-1(2020)
○Seminar/Chinese II-2(2020)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2020)
○Chinese C(2020)
○Chinese B(2020)
○Chinese B(2020)
○Chinese B-1(2020)
○Chinese B-1(2020)
○Chinese B-2(2020)
○Chinese B-2(2020)
○Chinese C-1(2020)
○Chinese C-2(2020)
○Chinese A4-2(2020)
○Chinese A4-2(2020)
○Chinese A4-1(2020)
○Chinese A2-2(2020)
○Chinese A2-2(2020)
○Chinese A2(2020)
○Chinese A2(2020)
○Chinese A4(2020)
○Chinese A4(2020)
○Chinese A2-1(2020)
○Chinese A2-1(2020)
○Chinese A4-1(2020)
○Chinese B-1(2020)
○Chinese B-1(2020)
○Chinese C-1(2020)
○Chinese A2(2019)
○Chinese A4-1(2019)
○Chinese A2-1(2019)
○Chinese A4-2(2019)
○Chinese A4-2(2019)
○Chinese A2(2019)
○Chinese A4(2019)
○Chinese B(2019)
○Chinese B-1(2019)
○Chinese B-1(2019)
○Chinese B-2(2019)
○Chinese B-2(2019)
○Chinese C(2019)
○Chinese C-1(2019)
○Chinese C-2(2019)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2019)
○Cross-cultural Experiences(2019)
○Chinese for Business Communication(2019)
○Chinese A4-1(2019)
○Cross-cultural Experiences(2019)
○Chinese B(2019)
○Practicum in Different Cultures I(2019)
○Practicum in Different Cultures II(2019)
○Chinese A2-2(2019)
○Chinese A2-2(2019)
○Chinese A2-1(2019)
○Chinese A4(2019)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2019)
○Seminar/Chinese II(2019)
○Seminar/Chinese II-1(2019)
○Seminar/Chinese II-2(2019)
○Freshman Seminar I(2019)
○Practicum in Different Cultures I(2019)
○Practicum in Different Cultures II(2019)
○Chinese for Business Communication 1(2019)
○Chinese for Business Communication 2(2019)
○Practicum in Different Cultures I(2018)
○Practicum in Different Cultures II(2018)
○Chinese for Business Communication 1(2018)
○Chinese for Business Communication 2(2018)
○Chinese A2-1(2018)
○Chinese A2-2(2018)
○Chinese A4-1(2018)
○Chinese A4-2(2018)
○Chinese B-1(2018)
○Chinese B-2(2018)
○Chinese C-1(2018)
○Chinese C-2(2018)
○Seminar/Chinese II(2018)
○Practicum in Different Cultures II(2018)
○Chinese for Business Communication(2018)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2018)
○Cross-cultural Experiences(2018)
○Seminar/Chinese II-1(2018)
○Seminar/Chinese II-2(2018)
○Chinese A2(2018)
○Chinese A4(2018)
○Chinese B(2018)
○Chinese C(2018)
○Practicum in Different Cultures I(2018)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2017)
○Chinese for Business Communication 1(2017)
○Chinese for Business Communication 2(2017)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2017)
○Seminar/Chinese II(2017)
○Chinese A4-1(2017)
○Chinese A2-2(2017)
○Chinese A4-2(2017)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2017)
○Chinese A4-2(2017)
○Chinese A4-1(2017)
○Chinese A2-1(2017)
○Seminar/Chinese II-2(2017)
○Chinese C(2017)
○Chinese A4(2017)
○Seminar/Chinese II(2017)
○Chinese B(2017)
○Chinese A2(2017)
○Chinese A4(2017)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2017)
○Seminar/Chinese II-1(2017)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2017)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2017)
○Seminar/Chinese II(2017)
○Chinese A2-2(2017)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2017)
○Chinese for Business Communication 1(2017)
○Chinese A2-2(2017)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2017)
○Chinese A2(2017)
○Chinese A2-1(2017)
○Chinese A4(2017)
○Chinese A2-1(2017)
○Chinese A2(2017)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2017)
○Chinese A2(2017)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2017)
○Chinese A2-1(2017)
○Chinese A4-2(2017)
○Chinese A4-2(2017)
○Chinese A4-1(2017)
○Chinese A4-1(2017)
○Cross-cultural Experiences(2017)
○Chinese for Business Communication 2(2017)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2017)
○Chinese for Business Communication(2017)
○Cross-cultural Experiences(2017)
○Seminar/Chinese II(2017)
○Chinese B(2017)
○Chinese B(2017)
○Chinese B(2017)
○Chinese C(2017)
○Seminar/Chinese II-2(2017)
○Chinese A4(2017)
○Chinese A4(2017)
○Seminar/Chinese II-1(2017)
○Chinese A2-2(2017)
○Kanazawa/Noto and World Culture(2017)
○Seminar/Chinese II(2016)
○Seminar/Chinese II(2016)
○Chinese C(2016)
○Chinese A4(2016)
○Chinese B(2016)
○Chinese A2(2016)
○Seminar/Chinese II(2016)
○Chinese A4(2016)
○Chinese for Business Communication(2016)
○Seminar/Chinese II(2010)
○Chinese A2(2010)
○Chinese A2(2010)
○Chinese A4(2010)
○Chinese A4(2010)
○Chinese A4(2010)
○Chinese B(2010)
○Chinese B(2010)
○Chinese B(2010)
○Chinese C(2010)
○Chinese A2(2010)
○Seminar/Chinese II(2009)
○Chinese A2(2009)
○Chinese A2(2009)
○Chinese A2(2009)
○Chinese A4(2009)
○Chinese A4(2009)
○Chinese A4(2009)
○Chinese B(2009)
○Chinese B(2009)
○Chinese C(2009)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Basic Study in Comparative Literature 1(2023)
○Basic Study in Comparative Literature 1(2022)
○Basic Study in Comparative Literature 1(2021)
○Basic Study in Comparative Literature 1(2020)
○Basic Study in Comparative Literature 1(2019)
○Chinese A2-1(2017)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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