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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/03/29

Professor ARAI Toyoko

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering nanphysics Lab.

College and School Educational Field

Division of Mathematical and Physical Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science and Engineering


nanophysics Laboratory TEL:076-264-5660 FAX:076-264-5739

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Tokyo Institute of Technology Master Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering applied physics 198703 Completed
Tokyo Institute of Technology Doctor biotechnology 199603 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Tokyo Institute of Technology Department of applied physics 198503
Doctor of Engineering


Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology School of Materials Science(1996/04/01-2005/08/31)
University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sci. Associate Professor(2005/09/01-2007/03/15)
Kanazawa University(2007/03/16-)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society

The Japan Society of Applied Physics
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
The Physical Society of Japan
The Electrochemical Society of Japan
The Surface Science Society of Japan


○Awards for Science and Technology Research Category(2021/04/06)
○Nanoprobe Technology Award(2004)
○Nanoprobe Technology Award(2004)


Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties、Nanostructural physics、Condensed matter physics I

Speciality Keywords

Surface science, Scanning Probe Microscopy

Research Themes

Pioneering atomic force microscopy/spectroscopy with frequency modulation/synchronization methods at the atomic scale.

Study of a nanometer-thick water film on solid surfaces

Development of scanning interaction spectro-microscope for fabrication of quantum nano-structures

Force spectroscopy based on non-contact atomic force microscopy in UHV


  •  M. Tomitori and T. Arai Micro-kinetics and dynamics of individual active sites in catalytic reactions Technology and Education Publishers 2001/08
  •  T. Arai and M. Tomitori Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Springer 2002


  •  Mechanical energy dissipation of an oscillating cantilever close to a conductive substrate partly covered with thin mica films evaluated by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy Md Mahamudul Hasan, Toyoko Arai, and Masahiko Tomitori Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 61 065006 2022/05/27
  •  Surface effect on Young’s modulus of sub-2 nanometer gold [111] nanocontacts Jiaqi Zhang, Masahiko Tomitori, Toyoko Arai, and Yoshifumi Oshima Physical Review Letters 128 14 146101 2022/04/05
  •  Peculiar Atomic Bond Nature in Platinum Monatomic Chains Jiaqi Zhang, Keisuke Ishizuka, Masahiko Tomitori, Toyoko Arai, Kenta Hongo, Ryo Maezono, Erio Tosatti, Yoshifumi Oshima Nano Letters 21 9 3922 2021/04
  •  Critical shear stress of gold nanocontacts estimated by in-situ transmission electron microscopy equipped with a quartz length-extension resonator Jiaming Liu, Jiaqi Zhang, Toyoko Arai, Masahiko Tomitori, Yoshifumi Oshima Applied Physics Express 14 075006 2021/06
  •  Atomic scale mechanics explored by in situ transmission electron microscopy with a quartz length-extension resonator as a force sensor Jiaqi Zhang, Keisuke Ishizuka, Masahiko Tomitori, Toyoko Arai, Yoshifumi Oshima Nanotechnology 31 20 205706 2020/02/28

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  •  Observation of Electronic States on Si(111)-7x7 through Short-Range Attractive Force with Noncontact Atomic Force Spectroscopy T. Arai and M. Tomitori PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 93 25 256101 2004
  •  Mechanical analysis of gold nanocontacts during stretching using an in-situ transmission electron microscope equipped with a force sensor Keisuke Ishizuka, Masahiko Tomitori, Toyoko Arai, Yoshifumi Oshima Applied Physics Express 13 2 025001 2020/01/21
  •  Layer-by-layer dissolution and recovery of KBr(001) surfaces covered with a nanometer-thick water film caused with a pressing tip controlled by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy Hiroaki Ooe, Toyoko Arai Applied Physics Express 12 11 115002 2019/10/23
  •  Vibrations of a molecule in an external force field Norio Okabayashi, Angelo Peronio, Magnus Paulsson, Toyoko Arai, and Franz J. Giessibl Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(PNAS) 115 4571 2018/04/16
  •  Resistivity change in Joule heat energy dissipation detected by noncontact atomic force microscopy using a silicon tip terminated with/without atomic hydrogen Toyoko Arai, Daiki Kura, Ryo Inamura, Masahiko Tomitori Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57 08NB04 2018/07/09
  •  Atomic resolution force microscopy imaging on a strongly ionic surface with differently functionalized tips T. Arai, S. Gritschneder, L. Tröger and M. Reichling JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B 28 6 1279 2010/06
  •  Electric conductance through chemical bonding states being formed between a Si tip and a Si(111)7x7 surface by bias-voltage noncontact atomic force spectroscopy T. Arai and M. Tomitori PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73 7 073307 2006
  •  Energy dissipation unveils atomic displacement in the noncontact atomic force microscopy imaging of Si(111)-(7 × 7) Toyoko Arai, Ryo Inamura, Daiki Kura, Masahiko Tomitori Physical Review B 97 11 115428 2018/03/19
  •  Quasi-stabilized hydration layers on muscovite mica under a thin water film grown from humid air Toyoko Arai, Kohei Sato, Asuka Iida, Masahiko Tomitori Scientific Reports 7 4054  2017/06/22
  •  Atomic resolution FM-AFM imaging on solid surfaces covered with thin water layers Toyoko Arai KENBIKYO 51 2 72 2016/08
  •  Influence of atomic tip structure on the intensity of inelastic tunneling spectroscopy data analyzed by combined scanning tunneling spectroscopy, force microscopy, and density functional theory Norio Okabayashi, Alexander Gustafsson, Angelo Peronio, Magnus Paulsson, Toyoko Arai, Franz J. Giessibl Physical Review B 93 16 165415 2016/04/15
  •  Amplitude dependence of image quality in atomically-resolved bimodal atomic force microscopy H. Ooe, D. Kirpal, D. S. Wastl, A. J. Weymouth, T. Arai, F. J. Giessibl Applued Physics Letters 109 14 141603 2016/10
  •  Evaluation and optimization of quartz resonant-frequency retuned fork force sensors with high Q factors, and the associated electric circuits, for non-contact atomic force microscopy Hiroaki Ooe, Mikihiro Fujii, Masahiko Tomitori, Toyoko Arai Review of Scientific Instruments 87 2 023702 2016/02
  •  Atomic-scale electric capacitive change detected with a charge amplifier installed in a non-contact atomic force microscope Makoto Nogami, Akira Sasahara, Toyoko Arai, Masahiko Tomitori Applied Physics Express 9 046601 2016/02/25
  •  Atom-resolved analysis of an ionic KBr(001) crystal surface covered with a thin water layer by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy 4. Toyoko Arai, Masashi Koshioka, Kouhei Abe, Masahiko Tomitori, Ryohei Kokawa, Masahiro Ohta, Hirofumi Yamada, Kei Kobayashi, Noriaki Oyabu Langmuir 31 13 3876-3883 2015/03
  •  Thermal transformation of 4,4″-diamino- p -terphenyl on a Si(111)-7 × 7 surface analyzed by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy Nishimura, Takashi; Sasahara, Akira; Murata, Hideyuki; Arai, Toyoko; Tomitori, Masahiko Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 43 25104-25109 2014/10/06 
  •  Resonance frequency-retuned quartz tuning fork as a force sensor for noncontact atomic force microscopy Hiroaki Ooe, Tatsuya Sakuishi, Makoto Nogami, Masahiko Tomitori, Toyoko Arai Applued Physics Letters 105 4 043107 2014/07
  •  Adsorption State of 4,4’’-Diamino-p-terphenyl through an Amino Group Bound to Si(111)-7x7 Surface Examined by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 2. Takashi Nishimura, Atsushi Itabashi, Akira Sasahara, Hideyuki Murata, Toyoko Arai, and Masahiko Tomitori J. Phys. Chem. C 114 25 11109 2010/04
  •  A Si nano-pillar grown on a Si tip by AFM in UHV for a high-quality scanning probe T. Arai and M. Tomitori APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 86 7 073110 2005
  •  Low-flux elucidation of initial growth of Ge clusters deposited on Si(111)-7x7 observed by scanning tunneling microscopy Z.A.Ansari,T.Arai,and M.Tomitori PHYSICAL REVIEW B 79 033302 2009/04
  •  Carbon tips as sensitive detectors for nanoscale surface and sub-surface charge T. Arai, S. Gritschneder, L. Tröger and M. Reichling NANOTECHNOLOGY 15 1302-1306 2004
  •  Atomic force microscope Si tip with Ge clusters with the capability of remoulding by heating Z.A. Ansari, T. Arai and M. Tomitori NANOTECHNOLOGY 18 8 084020 2007
  •  Evidence of temperature dependence of initial adsorption sites of Ge atoms on Si(111)-7x7 Z.A. Ansari, M. Tomitori and T. Arai APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 88 171902 2006
  •  Energy spectra of electrons backscattered from sample surfaces with hetero structures using field emission scanning tunneling microscopy M. Hirade, T. Arai and M. Tomitori JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REV 45 3B 2278-2282 2006
  •  Hexagonal arrangement of Ge clusters self-organized on a template of half unit cells of Si(111)-7 x 7 observed by scanning tunneling microscopy Z.A. Ansari, T. Arai and M. Tomitori SURFACE SCIENCE LETTERS 574 17-22 2005
  •  Detection improvement for electron energy spectra for surface analysis using a field emission scanning tunneling microscope M. Hirade, T. Arai and M. Tomitori JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REV 42 7B 4837-4840 2003
  •  Interplay between nonlinearity, scan speed, damping, and electronics in frequency modulation atomic-force microscopy M. Gauthier, R. Perez, T. Arai, M. Tomitori and M. Tsukada PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 89 14 146104 2002
  •  DNA molecules sticking on a vicinal Si(111) surface observed by noncontact atomic force microscopy T. Arai, M. Tomitori, M. Saito and E. Tamiya, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 188 474-480 2002
  •  Germanium islands grown on a Si(111)7x7 surface observed by noncontact atomic force microscopy with simultaneous imaging on damping T. Arai and M. Tomitori APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 188 292-300 2002
  •  An applicability of scanning tunneling microscopy for surface electron spectroscopy M. Tomitori, M. Hirade, Y. Suganuma and T. Arai SURFACE SCIENCE 493 49-55 2001
  •  Simultaneous imaging of tunneling current and damping energy by noncontact-AFM in ultrahigh vacuum T. Arai and M. Tomitori APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 72 51-54 2001
  •  Simultaneous imaging of tunneling current variation by noncontact atomic force microscopy in ultrahigh vacuum T. Arai and M. Tomitori JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REV 39 6B 3753-3757 2000/06
  •  Bias dependence of Si(111)7x7 images observed by noncontact atomic force microscopy T. Arai and M. Tomitori APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 157 207-211 2000
  •  Atomic force microscope tip sharpening and evaluation by electric field confinement using a metal grid approached to the tip T. Arai and M. Tomitori JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B 18 2 648-652 2000
  •  Energy spectrum of backscattered electrons excited by a field emission STM with a build-up [111]-oriented W tip M. Tomitori, H. Terai and T. Arai, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 144145 123-127 1999
  •  Interaction measurements between a tip and a sample in proximity region controlled by tunneling current in a UHV STM-AFM T. Arai and M. Tomitori APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 144145 501-504 1999
  •  Tip cleaning and sharpening processes for noncontact AFM in UHV M. Tomitori and T. Arai APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 140 432-438 1999
  •  Removal of contamination and oxide layers from UHV-AFM tips T. Arai and M. Tomitori APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 66 319-323 1998
  •  Scanning Auger electron microscopy evaluation and composition control of cantilevers for ultrahigh vacuum atomic force microscopy T. Arai and M. Tomitori JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REV 36 6B 3855-3859 1996/06
  •  Effects of electric potentials on surface forces in electrolyte solutions T. Arai and M. Fujihira JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B 14 2 1378-1382 1996
  •  Analysis of surface forces on oxides in aqueous solutions using AFM T. Arai, D. Aoki, Y. Okabe and M. Fujihira THIN SOLID FILMS 273 322-326 1996
  •  Effect of tip shape on force-distance curves of AFM in aqueous electrolytes T. Arai and M. Fujihira JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 374 269-273 1994
  •  Nanomechanical Interaction between a Tip and a Sample with Changing Bias Voltage Observed by Using Scanning Probe Microscopy M.Tomitori,T.Arai 29 4 239-245 2008

Conference Presentations

  • High-temperature flame etching to prepare tungsten tips for scanning probe microscopy(conference:The 24th International Conference on non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy(ncAFM2023))(2023/09/25)
  • Real-Space DFT simulation of energy dissipation due to atomic displacements of a Si tip and a Si(111)-(7×7) surface detected by nc-AFM(conference:The 24th International Conference on non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy(ncAFM2023))(2023/09/25)
  • Evaluation of the surface resistivity of metals by using frequency modulation atomic force microscopy(2023/03/17)
  • Evaluation of tungsten tips prepared by hydrogen-oxygen gas flame(2023/03/17)
  • Non-contact evaluation of surface resistivity using frequency modulation atomic force microscopy(conference:The 22nd International vacuum congress (IVC-22))(2022/09/11)

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  • In situ observation of Nano-Water Droplet on SiO2 glass by FM-AFM(conference:The 22nd International vacuum congress (IVC-22))(2022/09/11)
  • Critical shear stress of gold nanocontact measured by TEM combined with a quartz resonator(conference:The 22nd International vacuum congress (IVC-22))(2022/09/11)
  • Surface Effect on Young’s Modulus of Sub-Two-Nanometer Gold [111] Nanocontacts(conference:The 22nd International vacuum congress (IVC-22))(2022/09/11)
  • Surface resistivity evaluated by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy through Joule heat energy dissipation(conference:The 23rd International Conference on non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy(ncAFM2022))(2022/08/01)
  • Oscillatory behavior of dissipation energy in hydration layers at the interface between a nanometer-thin water film and a KBr(100) surface observed by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy(conference:The 23rd International Conference on non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy(ncAFM2022))(2022/08/01)
  • Application of energy dissipation to the observation of KBr/nanowater film interface by frequency modulated atomic force microscopy(2022/03/26)
  • Force measurement of solid-liquid interface in nanometer-thick water film by FM-AFM(2021/03/12)
  • Mechanical properties of Pt-Pt bond in an atomic chain measured by TEM combined with a frequency-modulation force sensing system(2020/03/12)
  • Tip fabrication method of the quartz force sensor for ambient FM-AFM and the effect of the Q value of force sensor on FM-AFM image(2019/12/07)
  • Fabrication and Evaluation of metal tip for nc-AFM/STM(2019/12/07)
  • Energy dissipation due to displacement of a Si adatom on Si(111)-(7×7) with noncontact atomic force microscopy(conference:27th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM27))(2019/12/05)
  • Mechanical properties of Pt atomic chain measured by TEM combined with a frequency-modulation force sensing system(2019/10/28)
  • Mechanical properties of Pt atomic chain measured by TEM combined with a frequency-modulation force sensing system(2019/09/18)
  • Fabrication and evaluation of a metal tip for quartz tuning fork force sensors used in nc-AFM/STM(2019/09/18)
  • Covalent bonding force and dissipation energy between an atom at a Si tip apex and surface atoms on Ge/Si(111) detected by nc-AFM(2019/09/18)
  • Discrimination of Si and Ge atoms in dissipation energy images on Ge/Si(111)-(5x5) using non-contact atomic force microscopy(conference:The 22nd International Conference on non contact Atomic Force Microscopy(ncAFM22))(2019/07/29)
  • Mechanical properties of Pt nano-contacts measured by TEM-FM force gradient measurement at a small amplitude(2019/06/17)
  • Crystal orientation dependence of Young’s modulus of Au nanowires evaluated by TEM-FM force gradient measurement at a small amplitude(2019/06/17)
  • Mechanical properties of Pt nano-contacts measured by TEM combined with a frequency-modulation force sensor(conference:10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT2019))(2019/06/23)
  • In-situ measurement of Young's modulus for Au nanocontacts by ultrahigh vacuum TEM with quartz crystal oscillator sensor(conference:10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT2019))(2019/06/23)
  • Mechanical properties of Pt nano-contacts measured by TEM combined with a frequency-modulation force sensing system (2019/03/09)
  • Quantitative Elasticity Evaluation of Gold Nano-Contacts on Sub-10 nm Scale (2019/03/09)
  • Orientation dependence Young's modulus of Au nanowires estimated by TEM-FM method (2019/03/09)
  • Measurement of sample surface resistance by non-contact atomic force microscopy with metal tip (2019/03/11)
  • Fabrication and Evaluation of metal tip for nc-AFM/STM by flame etching (2019/03/11)
  • Identification of Si and Ge atoms from energy dissipation images obtained by non-contact atomic force microscopy (2019/03/09)
  • The observation of water layers on KBr(001) in humidified air(2019/03/12)
  • Fabrication and Evaluation of metal tip for nc-AFM force sensor by flame etching(2018/12/01)
  • Relationship between fabrication way of FM-AFM force sensor and its Q-value(2018/12/01)
  • Identification of Si and Ge atoms by measuring energy dissipation with noncontact atomic force microscopy(2018/11/24)
  • Correlation between electric conductance and spring constant of gold point contacts analyzed using frequency modulation atomic force microscopy(2018/11/24)
  • Observation of specific mechanical properties of Au nanowire by TEM incorporating Lateral Extension Resonator(2018/11/21)
  • Investigation of Measurements of Mechanical Properties of Nano Contacts Using Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy(2018/11/21)
  • Imaging of oxide Si surface under ultra-thin water film by FM-AFM(2018/11/21)
  • Measurement of surface resistance on semiconductor by non-contact atomic force microscopy with tungsten tip(2018/11/19)
  • Energy dissipation detected by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy(2018/11/19)
  • Reaction of a CO molecule on a surface to a metallic tip(conference:14th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN-14) and 26th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM26))(2018/10/23)
  • Estimation for Young’s Modulus of Au Nanowires by TEM combined with AFM(conference:14th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN-14) and 26th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM26))(2018/10/23)
  • Measurements of Electronic Conductance and Mechanical Properties of Gold Point Contacts Based on Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy(conference:14th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN-14) and 26th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM26))(2018/10/22)
  • Atomic Scale Analysis Using Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy for Cleaved KBr–Water Interfaces Formed in Air with Different Humiditie(conference:14th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN-14) and 26th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM26))(2018/10/23)
  • Surface Resistance Change of Ge Islands Grown on Si(111)-(7×7) Evaluated by Joule Heat Energy Dissipation in Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy(conference:14th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN-14) and 26th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM26))(2018/10/23)
  • Quasi-stabilized hydration layer on a muscovite mica surface covered with a nanometer-thick water film(conference:The 3rd International Symposium on “Recent Trends in the Elucidation and Function Discovery of Next Generation Functional Materials of Surface / Interface Properties”,)(2018/06/18)
  • Surface resistivity change detected by non-contact atomic force microcopy through Joule heat energy dissipation(conference:21st International Conference on non contact Atomic Force Microscopy(ncAFM2018))(2018/09/17)
  • Atom-resolved FM-AFM study of KBr(100) surfaces covered with a thin water film under humidified air conditions using a moisture-proofed qPlus sensor(conference:21st International Conference on non contact Atomic Force Microscopy(ncAFM2018))(2018/09/19)
  • Peculiar Size-Dependent Elasticity of Gold Contacts on a Single-Nano Scale(2018/03/24)
  • Analysis of surface structures and properties by use of the dissipation channel of non-contact atomic force microscopy(2018/03/25)
  • Size Effect of Au Nano-Contact in Single-Nano-Scale(2018/03/19)
  • Atom-resolved FM-AFM imaging with quartz force sensor in humidified air(2018/03/17)
  • Energy Dissipation Detected by Non-contact Atomic Force Microcopy on Si(111)-(7×7) under Bias Voltages(conference:25th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM25))(2017/12/07)
  • FM-AFM analysis of the interface with quasi-stabilized hydration layers between a thin water film and a muscovite mica surface(conference:The 20th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2017/09/26)
  • Displacement of Si adatoms on Si(111)-(7×7) through Si tip approach over hexagonal hollow sites detected by dissipation channel of nc-AFM(conference:The 20th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2017/09/26)
  • Young’s Modulus of Au nanocontacts measured by FM-AFM under TEM observation(2017/09/06)
  • FM-AFM measurement using the quartz force sensor in humid air conditions(2017/09/07)
  • Displacement of Si adatoms on Si(111)-(7×7) unveiled by dissipation channel of non-contact atomic force microscopy(2017/09/07)
  • Interface between a nm-thick water film and a mica surface characterized by FM-AFM(2017/09/06)
  • Measurement of Young’s modulus in Nano-metal by TEM-AFM Method(2017/08/17)
  • Detection of hidden atomic displacements on Si(111)-(7×7) by dissipation channel of non-contact atomic force microscopy(2017/08/19)
  • Imaging of hydration layers on muscovite mica under a thin water film by frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy(2017/08/19)
  • Mechanism of dissipation detected with non-contact atomic force microscopy on Si(111)-(7×7)(2017/03/17)
  • Analysis of mechanical properties of Au nanocontacts by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy(2017/03/17)
  • Investigate of energy dissipation detected with non-contact atomic force microcopy(2017/03/14)
  • Sensitivity depending on characteristics of quartz tuning fork for NC-AFM force sensor(2017/03/14)
  • Imaging on mica surface with ultra thin water layer by FM-AFM in air(2017/03/14)
  • Vibrational spectroscopy of single CO molecule under the force field produced by a metallic tip(2016/09/13)
  • Mechanism of energy dissipation detected in non-contact atomic force microscopy(2016/09/13)
  • Mechanical properties of gold nanocontacts measured by frequency-modulation AFM combined with TEM(2016/09/13)
  • Simultaneous measurements of electric conductance and mechanical properties of Au nanocontacts(2016/09/13)
  • Atom-resolved analysis of mica surfaces covered with a thin water layer in air by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy(conference:The 19th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2016/07/25)
  • Effect of amplitudes on bimodal FM-AFM in ambient condition(conference:The 19th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2016/07/25)
  • Influence of the atomic-scale tip apex on the IETS vibrational spectroscopy of single molecules(conference:The 19th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2016/07/25)
  • Electronic conductance and mechanical properties of Au nanocontacts with FM-AFM(2016/06/14)
  • Atom-resolved imaging on solid surfaces with ultra thin water layer by FM-AFM in air(2016/06/14)
  • Tip-sample distance dependence of the output of a charge amplifier in NC-AFM(conference:The 18th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2015/09/07)
  • Simultaneous NC-AFM imaging with current and damping energy using a retuned fork sensor with a high Q-value(conference:The 18th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2015/09/07)
  • Dissipation decrease in a proximity region enhanced with a hydrogen-terminated Si tip in non-contact atomic force microscopy(conference:The 18th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2015/09/07)
  • Nanoscale capacitive analysis of surface states using a charge amplifier based on non-contact atomic force microscopy(conference:The 17th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2014/08/04)
  • Atom-resolved FM-AFM imaging of a KBr(001) surface covered with water layers in air with high humidity(conference:The 17th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2014/08/04)
  • High Q-value and noise reduction for a retuning quartz force sensor(conference:The 17th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2014/08/04)
  • Atomic contrast change of NH3–reacted Si(111)-7x7 surfaces observed by non-contact atomic force microscopy(conference:The 17th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2014/08/04)
  • Analysis of surface electronic states using nc-AFM with a charge amplifier(conference:The 16th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2013/08/05)
  • Two-prong type force sensor based on a quartz tuning fork for nc-AFM(conference:The 16th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2013/08/05)
  • Feedback control responsible for contrast change in nc-AFM images(conference:The 16th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2013/08/05)
  • Decrease in electrostatic force in a tunneling region detected by nc-AFM/STM(conference:The 16th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy)(2013/08/05)
  • Estimation of Critical Shear Stress of Au nanocontacts using microscopic nanomechanics measurement method(2023/12/02)
  • Estimation of Critical Shear Stress of Au nanocontacts using microscopic nanomechanics measurement method(conference:JAIST International Symposium of Nano-Materials for Novel Devices (JAIST-NMND2023))(2024/01/11)
  • Introduction of microscopic nanomechanical measurement method(conference:JAIST International Symposium of Nano-Materials for Novel Devices (JAIST-NMND2023))(2024/01/11)
  • Structural and chemical analysis of tungsten tips for scanning probe microscopy prepared by flame etching(conference:JAIST International Symposium of Nano-Materials for Novel Devices (JAIST-NMND2023))(2024/01/11)
  • In situ observation of Nano-Water Droplet on SiO2 glass by FM-AFM(conference:The 9th International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies(EM-NANO2023))(2023/06/05)
  • Observation of calcite surface in nanometer-thick water film by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy(conference:The 9th International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies(EM-NANO2023))(2023/06/05)


  •  In-situ preparation of noncontact AFM tips for surface force spectroscopy T. Arai and M. Tomitori 8 204-205 2004
  •  Simultaneous measurements of surface topography and damping energy by noncontact AFM M. Tomitori and T. Arai 319-323 2003
  •  Germanium Nanostructures on Silicon Observed by Scanning Probe Microscopy M. Tomitori and T. Arai 29 7 484-487 2004//7
  •  Relationship between the Geometrical Structure of a Tip Apex of a Scanning Probe Microscope and the Intensity of the Signal in Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy 2. 岡林則夫, Alexander GUSTAFSSON, Angelo PERONIO, Magnus PAULSSON, 新井豊, Franz J GIESSIBL Vacuum and Surface Science 61 651-656 2018/10/01
  •  Energy dissipation detected by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy Toyoko Arai Vacuum and Surface Science 61 632-638 2018/10/01

Arts and Fieldwork


○“Positioning mechanism and microscope with the same”, US patent, US 7,672,048 B2(country:U.S.A)(No:4644821)

Theme to the desired joint research

○Atomic resolution imaging on novel material surfaces by atomic force microscopy

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Fundamental Physics 1B(2020)
○Introduction to Solid State Physics A(2020)
○Introduction to Solid State Physics B(2020)
○Solid State Physics(2020)
○Physics Experiments 1(2020)
○Physics Experiments 2(2020)
○Fundamental Physics 1(2020)
○Introduction to Solid State Physics B(2019)
○Introduction to Solid State Physics A(2019)
○Solid State Physics(2019)
○Physics Experiments 2(2019)
○Physics Experiments 1(2019)
○Fundamental Physics 1(2019)
○Fundamental Physics 1(2018)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2018)
○Physics Experiments 1(2018)
○Physics Experiments 2(2018)
○Solid State Physics(2018)
○Introduction to Solid State Physics A(2018)
○Introduction to Solid State Physics B(2018)
○Freshman Seminar I(2018)
○Physics Experiments 2(2017)
○Physics Experiments 1(2017)
○Introduction to Solid State Physics(2017)
○Freshman Seminar I(2017)
○Solid State Physics(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Introduction to Solid State Physics(2016)
○Solid State Physics(2016)
○Physics Experiments 1(2016)
○Physics Experiments 2(2016)
○Experiments in Fundamental Physics(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Solid State Physics b(2019)
○Solid State Physics a(2019)
○Surface Science(2018)
○Solid State Physics a(2018)
○Solid State Physics b(2018)
○Solid State Physics b(2017)
○Solid State Physics a(2017)
○International Research Internship(2017)
○Surface Science(2017)
○Surface Science(2017)
○Fostering the independence of researchers(2017)
○Surface Science(2017)
○Fostering the independence of researchers(2017)
○International Research Internship(2017)
○Seminar B(2017)
○Research Ethics(2017)
○Research Work B(2017)
○Exercise B(2017)
○Overseas Research(2017)
○Surface Science(2017)
○Solid State Physics a(2016)
○Solid State Physics b(2016)
○Solid State Physics(2016)
○Overseas Research(2016)
○International Research Internship(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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