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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/01/08

Associate Professor HASHIMOTO, Yohei

Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering Manufacturing Systems Lab.

College and School Educational Field

Division of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Mechanical Creation Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Science and Engineering


Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Nagoya University Doctor Graduate school of engineering Mechanical Systems Engineering 201003
Nagoya University Master Graduate school of engineering Mechanical Systems Engineering 200703
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Nagoya University Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 200503
Doctor of Engineering


Kanazawa University College of Science and Engineering Research associate(2015/04/01-)
Nagoya University School of engineering Postdoctoral researcher(2014/01/01-2015/03/31)
Makita Corporation(2010/04/01-2013/12/31)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society



Production engineering/Processing studies

Speciality Keywords

Polishing, Lapping, CMP(Chemical Mechanial Polishing),Double-sided polishing, Abrasive machining, Analysis of contact problem, Friction damping

Research Themes

Study of polishing mechanism on Chemical Mechanical Polishing

Research of slurry flow in double-sided lapping/polishing

Development of smart double-sided lapping/polishing machine

Study on gyro finishing

Development a novel drag finishing machine

Study of post-process of additive manufacturing by barrel finishing



  •  Finishing speed improvement using side cover plates in gyro finishing Hashimoto Y., Nakayama Y., Furumoto T., Sekiya A., Yamada T., Kawahara T., Hosokawa A. International Journal of Automation Technology 17 1 47-54 2023/01
  •  Novel method to visualize Preston's coefficient distribution for chemical mechanical polishing process Yohei Hashimoto, Tatsuaki Furumoto, Takumi Sato, Norikazu Suzuki, Hozumi Yasuda, Satoru Yamaki, Yoshihiro Mochizuki Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 61 116521 2022/10
  •  Process state estimation in chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) by inverse analysis of in-process data Norikazu Suzuki, Rion Yamaguchi, Yohei Hashimoto, Hozumi Yasuda, Satoru Yamaki, Yoshihiro Mochizuki CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 71 1 273-276 2022/05
  •  Miniaturization of Texture Size of One-process Surface Texturing by Electrochemical Machining Tomohiro KOYANO, Katsunari TAKAHASHI, Akira HOSOKAWA, Tatsuaki FURUMOTO, Yohei HASHIMOTO Journal of The Japan Society of Electrical Machining Engineers 56 141 52-60 2022/05
  •  Improving finishing efficiency using a cover plate in gyro finishing Hashimoto Y., Nakayama Y., Furumoto T., Hosokawa A. Precision Engineering 72 140-146 2022/03

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  •  A calculation method for workpiece profile variation during double-sided lapping by considering workpiece elastic deformation  Hashimoto Y., Ozaki R., Furumoto T., Hosokawa A. Precision Engineering 73 457-469 2022/01
  •  A novel measurement method for the torque acting on the upper platen in a three-way double-sided lapping/polishing machine Hashimoto Y., Ozaki R., Furumoto T., Hosokawa A. Precision Engineering 72 891-898 2021/11
  •  Thermal stress cleavage of a single-crystal round sapphire bar by carbon dioxide laser  Furumoto T., Saito R., Watanabe K., Ochi Y., Hashimoto Y., Yamaguchi M., Koyano T., Hosokawa A. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 297 117237 2021/11
  •  Study on the relationship between material removal rate and tool flank temperature in orthogonal turn-milling Shimanuki K., Hosokawa A., Koyano T., Furumoto T., Hashimoto Y.  Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing 15 3 JAMDSM0043 2021/06
  •  Experimental investigation into the spatter particle behavior of maraging steel during selective laser melting Furumoto T., Egashira K., Oishi K., Abe S., Yamaguchi M., Hashimoto Y., Koyano T., Hosokawa A. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing 15 4 JSMDSM0039 2021/06
  •  Effects of the powder morphology, size distribution, and characteristics on the single track formation in selective laser melting of H13 steel Yamaguchi M., Furumoto T., Tanabe Y., Yamada S., Osaki M., Hashimoto Y., Koyano T., Hosokawa A. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing 15 3 JSMDSM0035 2021/06
  •  CO2 laser cleavage of chemically strengthened glass Furumoto T., Hashimoto Y., Ogi H., Kawabe T., Yamaguchi M., Koyano T., Hosokawa A. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 289 116961 2021/03
  •  Internal face finishing for a cooling channel using a fluid containing free abrasive grains Yamaguchi M., Furumoto T., Inagaki S., Tsuji M., Ochiai Y., Hashimoto Y., Koyano T., Hosokawa A. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 114 497-507 2021/03
  •  Fundamental investigation of gyro barrel finishing - Experimental investigation of contact force between cylindrical workpiece and abrasive media under dry conditions - Yohei Hashimoto, Takuma Ito, Yugo Nakayama, Tatsuaki Furumoto, Akira Hosokawa Precision Engineering 67 1 123-136 2021/01
  •  Studies on high-efficiency and high-precision orthogonal turn-milling, The effects of relative cutting speed and tool axis offset on tool flank temperature  Koji Shimanuki, Akira Hosokawa, Tomohiro Koyano, Tatsuaki Furumoto, Yohei Hashimoto Precision Engineering 66 180-187 2020/11
  •  Material removal efficiency improvement by orientation control of CMP pad surface asperities Norikazu Suzuki, Hirotaka Misono, Eiji Shamoto, Yohei Hashimoto, Hozumi Yasuda, Yoshihiro Mochizuki Precision Engineering 62 3 83-88 2020/03
  •  Studies on eco-friendly grinding with an extremely small amount of coolant, Applicability of contact-type flexible brush-nozzle  Akira Hosokawa, Ryosuke Shimizu, Takihiro Kiwata, Tomohiro Koyano, Tatsuaki Furumoto, Yohei Hashimoto International Journal of Automation Technology 13 5 648-656 2019/09
  •  Formation mechanism of pores inside structure fabricated by metal-based additive manufacturing Kyota Egashira, Tatsuaki Furumoto, Kiichi Hishida, Satoshi Abe, Tomohiro Koyano, Yohei Hashimoto, Akira Hosokawa International Journal of Automation Technology 13 3 330-337 2019/05
  •  Estimation of material removal rate distribution in double-sided polishing of thick square workpiece considering workpiece attitude Yohei HASHIMOTO, Tomoya SANO, Tatsuaki FURUMOTO, Akira HOSOKAWA Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing 13 1 JAMDSM0020 2019/03/07
  •  Development an identification method of friction coefficient between wafer and carrier in double-sided lapping Yohei Hashimoto, Tomoya Sano, Tatsuaki Furumoto, Akira Hosokawa Precision Engineering In Press In Press In Press 2019/02/07
  •  Turning of difficult-to-machine materials with an actively driven rotary tool (ADRT), Proposition of reciprocating turning contingent on fundamental cutting characteristics  Akira HOSOKAWA, Haruki YOSHIMATSU, Tomohiro KOYANO, Tatsuaki FURUMOTO, Yohei HASHIMOTO Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing 12 5 JAMDSM0103 2018/10
  •  Prediction of polishing pressure distribution in CMP process with airbag type wafer carrier Norikazu Suzuki, Yohei Hashimoto, Hozumi Yasuda, Satoru Yamaki, Yoshihiro Mochizuki CIRP Annals -Manufacturing Technology 66 1 329-332 2017/05
  •  Development of Highly Accurate Simulation Model of Wafer Behavior Considering Contact Between Wafer and Carrier during Double-sided Lapping  Yohei Hashimoto, Ryota Kondo, Tatsuaki Furumoto, Akira Hosokawa Journal of Japanease Society of Precision Engineering 83 5 2017/05
  •  Evaluation of the Minimum Quantity Lubrication in Orthogonal Cutting with the Application of Finite Element Method A. S. Jamaludin, A. Hosokawa, T. Furumoto, T. Koyano, Y. Hashimoto International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering 17 01 2017/01
  •  Tool Failure Mechanism in High-Speed Milling of Inconel 718 by Use of Ceramic Tools Norikazu Suzuki, Risa Enmei, Yohei Hashimoto, Eiji Shamoto, Yuki Hatano International Journal of Automation Technology 8 6 837-846 2014/06
  •  Analytical prediction of contact stiffness and friction damping in bolted connection Eiji Shamoto, Yohei Hashimoto, Miki Shinagawa, Burak Sencer CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology 63 1 353-356 2014/05
  •  Elasto Hydrodynamic Lubrication Analysis of CMP Process with Consideration of Micro Asperity Contact of Polishing Pad Yohei Hashimoto, Norikazu Suzuki, Masakazu Asaba, Rei Hino, Eiji Shamoto Journal of Japanease Society of Precision Engineering 79 1 73-80 2013/01
  •  Dynamic Finite Element Analysis of Contact Stress in CMP Process Yohei Hashimoto, Norikazu Suzuki, Rei Hino, Eiji Shamoto Journal of Japanease Society of Presicion Engineering 77 5 513-519 2011/05

Conference Presentations

  • Development of high accuracy estimation of friction coefficient between wafer and carrier during double-sided lapping(2017/10/28)
  • Investigation of Friction Coefficient between Wafer and Carrier in Double-sided Lapping - Evaluation of Effect of Normal Force between Wafer and Carrier -(2018/03/15)
  • Investigation of slurry flow path to top surface of workpiece in double-sided lapping(conference:2023 JSPE Spring Meeting)(2023/03/14)
  • Visualization of Preston’s coefficient distribution in CMP(conference:2023 JSPE Spring Meeting)(2023/03/14)
  • Study on support structures removal constructed by metal AM process using gyro finishing(conference:生産システム部門研究発表講演会2023)(2023/03/06)

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  • Improvement of surface roughness by gyro finishing(conference:The 14th Manufacturing & Machine Tool Conference)(2022/10/07)
  • Effective removal of support structures constructed by PBF process using gyro finishing(conference:The 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE2022))(2022/11/28)
  • Novel drag finishing machine for less variation in finishing speed(conference:The 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE2022))(2022/11/28)
  • Investigation of Contact Force between Cylindrical Workpiece and Abrasive Media in Gyro Finishing Process(conference:ISAAT2019 (The 22nd International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology))(2019/12)
  • Investigation on force acting on workpiece with respect to actual amount of abrasive media on the workpiece in dry gyro barrel finishing(conference:8th International Conference of ASPEN (ASPEN2019))(2019/11)
  • MOMENT DEPENDENT SHIFT IN TRAILING EDGE CONTACT POSITION AGAINST RETAINER RING IN CMP(conference:2019 international conference on planarization/CMP technology (ICPT 2019))(2019/09)
  • Improvement in prediction accuracy of polishing pressure distribution in CMP process(conference:International Conference on Planarization/CMP Technology 2018)(2018/10/14)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○「非う蝕性歯質欠損のin vitroによる発生機序解明に関する研究」(2017-2019) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Introduction to Machine Analysis B(2018)
○Machining Exercise(2018)
○Introduction to Machine Analysis B(2017)
○Machining Exercise(2017)
○Introduction to Machine Analysis B(2017)
○Introduction to Machine Analysis B(2016)
○Machining Exercise(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Machining Technology(2017)
○Machining Technology(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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