Associate Professor TANIGAWA, Ryuichi
Faculty, Affiliation
Institute for Frontier Science Initiative
College and School Educational Field
Division of Humanities, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences,Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative
School of Humanities, College of Human and Social Sciences
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
The University of Tokyo Doctor School of Engineering Department of Architecture Unfinished course
The University of Tokyo Master School of Engineering Department of Architecture Completed
Ph.D. in Engineering (The University of Tokyo)
CIAS, Kyoto University Assistant Professor(2012/04/01-2015/09/30)
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo Assistant Professor(2009/04/01-2012/03/31)
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo Research Associate(2004/04/01-2009/03/31)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
The International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA)
Architectural history/Design、Historical studies in general、Area studies
Speciality Keywords
Modernization, Technology, Colonialism, Postcolonialism, Cold War, War Reparation
Research Themes
History of modern architecture, urban history, and social infrastructure in Japan and East Asia
Modern Asian architectural and urban history with an emphasis on the relationship between Japan and other Asian countries.
Cultural Resources Studies
- The Modernization of Maritime Asia Seen Through the History of Lighthouses 2016/03
- The History of North Korea-Vietnam Relations Reflected in the Kim Liên Apartments Complex, Hanoi --Prefabricated Construction Technology on the "Chollima" in 1959--
Ryuichi Tanigawa Journal of Architecture and Planning 89巻 825号 2218-2229 2024/11/01
- The Historical Significance of the Pot'onggang River Improvement Project : A Study on the Continuity and Discontinuity of Construction Work before and after Liberation from Japanese Colonial Rule Ryuichi Tanigawa 第54巻 第2号 33-61 2024/08/31
- Reconstruction of North Korea: Pyongyang's Rebirth and the Japanese Colonial Past Ryuichi Tanigawa Historical Journal 880 52-65 2023/08/01
- Reexamining the 1946 Pothong River Improvement Project in Pyongyang: Decolonizing through "Shock Brigades" Ryuichi Tanigawa The Social Sciences 52 4 3-35 2023/02/28
- The Birth of "Bungo Dokko" : From Coal Miners and Stonemasons to Tunnel Miners" Ryuichi Tanigawa 42巻 111-121 2022/06/18
- North Korea's Urban Planner Kim Jeoung-Hui
-- An elucidation and analysis of his career before the Korean Armistice (1953) Ryuichi Tanigawa, Dmitry Kuznetsov 86 781 1103-1113 2021/03/01
- Architecture teachers during the early days of North Korea: Between liberation from Japanese colonial rule and the establishment of a socialist state Ryuichi Tanigawa, Dongchun Seo Journal of Architecture and Planning 2020/12/28
- In 1958, apartment complexes were being built along Youth Street in Pyongyang 1161 38-61 2020/12/23
- ARCHITECTURE TEACHERS DURING THE EARLY DAYS OF NORTH KOREA --Between liberation from Japanese colonial rule and the establishment of a socialist state-- Ryuichi Tanigawa, Dongchun Seo 85 770 943-953 2020/04/01
- Electrial Engineer Kazuo Morita and Hydropowr – History before the Development of Colonial Korea- Ryuichi Tanigawa Journal of JSCE Vol.7 No.1 pp.91-99 2019/09/01
- Discussing Cultural Heritages from East Asian History in the 20th century Ryuichi Tanigawa The 2018 International Conference for the UNESCO CHAIR pp.115~146 2019/03/01
- Connecting World and Local Heritage: Archiving Town Memories of Ikaruga Town Ryuichi Tanigawa, Yasutaka Matsumoto Center for Cultural Resource Studies vol.20 20 2018/03/31
- Genealogy of Korean Electric Power Development – from Oi to Pujon History of Spatial Configuration in Modern Japan pp.369~402 2017/05/01
- Hydropower Plant Project on the Oi River by Anglo-Japanese Hydro-electric and American Civil Engineers Journal of Human Studies Vo.15 55-63 2017/03/31
- The Modernization of Maritime Asia Seen Through the History of Lighthouses Ryuichi Tanigawa 2016/03/31
Conference Presentations
- North Korean Prefabricated Housing Complex in Hanoi: Kim Lien Housing Complex and Its Historical Background(conference:The Commonalities and Diversity of Modern Residential Areas in East Asia)(2024/03/07)
- The Historical Significance of the Pot'onggang River Improvement Project - A Study on the Continuity and Discontinuity of Construction Work before and after Liberation from Japanese Colonial Rule(2024/02/15)
- 1945년 이후의 평양 --일본인의 귀환과 조선인의 도시건설 1945年以後の平壌――日本人の引き揚げと朝鮮人の都市建設(conference:漢陽大学・東アジア建築・都市国際コロキアム)(2019/09/27)
- 평양 청년거리 주변 아파트의 역사적 의미(平壌青年通り周辺のアパートの歴史的意味)(conference:漢陽大学・東アジア建築・都市国際コロキアム)(2019/06/01)
- 해방 후 평양의 확대와 주거 공간(解放後平壌の拡大と住居空間)(2019/05/01)
- 해방 전후의 평양에서의 주택 지역과 그 구성(conference:국제 심포지엄 의식주에서 본 식민지주의와 냉전 - 한반도와 일본 열도 -)(2019/02/22)
- Colonial Architecture as Heritage(conference:Hot Topics in Museums and Heritages)(2018/11/01)
- Discussing Cultural Heritages from East Asian History in the 20th century(conference:The 2018 International Conference for the UNESCO CHAIR, Sustainable Conservation of Asia-Pacific Cultural heritage)(2018/10/24)
- Reading Culture and Its Materiality: Creating an ‘Analog Electronic Book’ as a Mode of Critique(conference:The international conference “The Toronto School: Then | Now | Next”)(2016/10/14)
- 日本建築学会(学術報告)。(2015/11/29)
- "Theory" for modern Asian Architecture(2015/11/01)
- “Lighthouse Construction in the Early 20th Century on the Korean Peninsula: Role of Japan and Britain”(2014/01/01)
- "Architectural Colonialism and Post-Colonialism-Through the Analysis of the Governor-General Building of Korea-"(conference:Association for Asian Studies, Toronto)(2012/03/01)
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
○「Research on Competitive and Mutually Dependent Relationships Between Cities in East Asia During the Cold War: The History of Pyongyang and Seoul’s Spatial Transformation」(2018-2019)
○「 『博物館建築がポピュラー文化受容に果たす空間的機能の解明とその設計還元に向けた研究』」(2012-2014)
○「『 越境する技術者、滞留する建造物、そして建物と向き合う力―旧日本植民地及び対アジア戦後賠償における空間建設史 』2007年10月~2009年3月、トヨタ財団2007年度研究助成」
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Basic Practice of Program Studies(2022)
○Cultural Heritage in East Asia B(2022)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies D(2022)
○Theory of Museum Information and Media B(2022)
○Survey of Archaeology and Cultural Resource Studies B(2022)
○Theory of Museum Information and Media(2022)
○Seminar on Cultural Heritage in East Asia B(2022)
○Theory of Museum Information and Media(2022)
○Theory of Museum Information and Media A(2022)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis D(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2022)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2022)
○Basic Practice of Field Research(2022)
○Survey of Field Studies of Cultures B(2022)
○Basic Practice of Program Studies(2022)
○Survey of Archaeology and Cultural Resource Studies A(2022)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies C(2022)
○Basic Practice of Field Research(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis C(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2022)
○Survey of Field Studies of Cultures A(2022)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2022)
○Methids of Cultural Resource Studies(2022)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2022)
○Methodology of Field Research A(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2022)
○Methodology of Field Research B(2022)
○Introduction to Humanity B(2022)
○Seminar on Cultural Heritage in East Asia A(2022)
○Methods of Archaeolofy(2022)
○Theory of Museum Information and Media(2021)
○Survey of Archaeology and Cultural Resource Studies A(2021)
○Theory of Museum Information and Media A(2021)
○Basic Practice of Program Studies(2021)
○Introduction to Humanity B(2021)
○Survey of Field Studies of Cultures A(2021)
○Survey of Field Studies of Cultures B(2021)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2021)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2021)
○Methodology of Field Research A(2021)
○Methodology of Field Research B(2021)
○Basic Practice of Field Research(2021)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2021)
○Seminar on Cultural Heritage in East Asia B(2021)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2021)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2021)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies C(2021)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies D(2021)
○Survey of Archaeology and Cultural Resource Studies B(2021)
○Methids of Cultural Resource Studies(2021)
○Methods of Archaeolofy(2021)
○Theory of Museum Information and Media B(2021)
○Cultural Heritage in East Asia B(2021)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2021)
○Seminar on Cultural Heritage in East Asia A(2021)
○Survey of Archaeology and Cultural Resource Studies A(2020)
○Survey of Archaeology and Cultural Resource Studies B(2020)
○Seminar on Cultural Heritage in East Asia B(2020)
○Theory of Museum Management(2020)
○Cultural Heritage in East Asia B(2020)
○Theory of Museum Information and Media(2020)
○Methodology of Field Research(2020)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2020)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies D(2020)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies C(2020)
○Survey of Field Studies of Cultures A(2020)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2020)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2020)
○Basic Practice of Field Research(2020)
○Survey of Field Studies of Cultures B(2020)
○Methodology of Field Research A(2020)
○Methodology of Field Research B(2020)
○Survey of Field Studies of Cultures(2020)
○Seminar on Cultural Heritage in East Asia A(2020)
○Seminar on Cultural Heritage in East Asia A(2020)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2019)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies C(2019)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2019)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies D(2019)
○Cultural Heritage in East Asia B(2019)
○Theory of Museum Information and Media(2019)
○Methodology of Field Research(2019)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies(2019)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2019)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2019)
○Methodology of Field Research B(2019)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2019)
○Methodology of Field Research A(2019)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2019)
○Introduction to Humanity 1(2019)
○Introduction to Humanity B(2019)
○Seminar on Cultural Heritage in East Asia A(2019)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies C(2018)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2018)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2018)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2018)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies D(2018)
○Methodology of Field Research B(2018)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies(2018)
○Methodology of Field Research(2018)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2018)
○Theory of Museum Information and Media(2018)
○Seminar on Cultural Heritage in East Asia B(2018)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2018)
○Methodology of Field Research A(2018)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2018)
○Cultural Heritage in East Asia B(2017)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies(2017)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2017)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2017)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2017)
○Methodology of Field Research B(2017)
○Theory of Museum Information and Media(2017)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2017)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2017)
○Methodology of Field Research(2017)
○Seminar on Cultural Heritage in East Asia A(2017)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2017)
○Methodology of Field Research A(2017)
○Seminar on Cultural Heritage in East Asia A(2017)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies(2017)
○Practice of Museology(2017)
○Practice of Museology(2017)
○Basic Practice of Field Research(2016)
○Theory of Museum Information and Media(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies b(2022)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages II2(2022)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages I2(2022)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 2(2022)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages I1(2022)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 2(2022)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 1(2022)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages II1(2022)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies a(2021)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 2(2021)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 2(2021)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies a(2020)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 1(2020)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 1(2020)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages I2(2020)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages II2(2020)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages I1(2020)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages II1(2020)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages I1(2019)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages I2(2019)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages II1(2019)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages II2(2019)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 1(2019)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 1(2019)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies(2019)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies(2018)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages II2(2018)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages II1(2018)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages I2(2018)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages I1(2018)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 1(2018)