Professor SASAKI, Taku
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences
College and School Educational Field
School of Humanities, College of Human and Social Sciences
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kyoto University Doctor Graduate School of Letters Ethics 200803 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Kyoto University Division of Philosophy 199903
Doctor of Philosophy
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
The Kansai Ethical Society
The Japanese Society for Ethics
Japanese Society for British Philosophy
The Kansai Ethical Society
Japan Association for the Contemporary and Applied Philosophy
the Philosophical Association of Japan
○Japanese Society for British Philosophy Award(2020/04/20)
○Japanese Society for British Philosophy Award(2020/04/20)
○Japanese Society for British Philosophy Award(2020/04/20)
Western Ethics
Speciality Keywords
Ethics, British moral philosophy in 17-18th century, John Locke, Free Will Problem, Responsibility, Blame, Addiction
Research Themes
Research for constructing conception schema to evaluate agency of Robots
- Minao Kukita, Nobutsugu Kanzaki, Taku Sasaki Introduction of Ethics through Robots The University of Nagoya Press 2017/02/28
- Taku Sasaki John Locke's Moral Philosophy Maruzen Publishing Co., Ltd. 2017/09/01
- Addiction and Free Will Taku Sasaki Annals of Ethical Studies 46 133-144 2016/06/30
- What is BLAME: A Review of BLAME: Its Nature and Norms Taku Sasaki Kanazawa Journal of Philosophy and Philosophical Anthropology 8 1-14 2017/03/31
- What is the Nature of Blame?: A Review of BLAME: Its Nature and Norms (2) Taku Sasaki Kanazawa Journal of Philosophy and Philosophical Anthropology 9 1-12 2018/03/31
- On Angela Smith’s Moral Protest Account of Blame Taku Sasaki Kanazawa Journal of Philosophy and Philosophical Anthropology 10 1-19 2019/03/31
- Blame based on Relation: Critique and Defense of T. Scanlon’s Interpretation of Blame Taku Sasaki Rinrigaku-Nenpo (Annals of Ethics) 68 233-247 2019/03/31
- Philosophy and Ethics of Forgiveness: a literature introduction of Hughes and Warmke's "Forgiveness" Taku Sasaki Kanazawa Journal of Philosophy and Philosophical Anthropology 11 67-82 2020/03/31
- Blame and Forgiveness: seeking a relation-based account of forgiveness Taku Sasaki Kanazawa Journal of Philosophy and Philosophical Anthropology 12 1-20 2021/03/31
- Freedom and Action Evaluation: A multidimensional model of action evaluation based on Scanlon's blame theory Taku Sasaki Philosophy (Tetsugaku) 72 9-20 2021/04/01
- What is the Role of Officials? On the Case Analysis of a Short Track Speed Skating Starter Judging False Starts Taku Sasaki Annals of Ethical Studies 50 4-17 2020/06/30
- A Problem of Applying Reactive Attitudes to Addicts: the Importance of Self-concept Taku Sasaki Kanazawa Journal of Philosophy and Philosophical Anthropology 13 1-18 2022/03/31
- On Standing: Considering the Asymmetry between Forgiveness and Blame Taku Sasaki Kanazawa Journal of Philosophy and Philosophical Anthropology 15 1-23 2024/03/31
Conference Presentations
- Projecting privacy: Privacy in the age of human-robot symbiotic society(conference:The 10th International Conference on Applied Ethics - The Past, Present and Future of Applied Ethics -)(2016/10/29)
- What does ethics do for addiction neuroethics?(2016/03/14)
- On the Relational Theory of Blame of T. M. Scanlon(conference:The 68th Annual Conference of The Japanese Society for Ethics)(2017/10/09)
- Can We Blame Robots?(conference:9th International Conference “Theoretical and Applied Ethics: Traditions and Prospects” ETHICS AND REVOLUTIONS)(2017/10/26)
- The Reason Why Blame does not work?: Considering the Case of Addiction(conference:Philosophy of Psychiatry and Psychology Reserch Meetings)(2018/10/28)
- How Could Robots have the Standing to Blame?(conference:The 11th International Conference on Applied Ethics)(2018/12/16)
- To react properly to addictive behaviors: Ethics of blame for addiction(conference:Student's Project meeting in 2018, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)(2019/02/09)
- Relation based account of blame: Comparing Scanlon and Smith(conference:The 1st research meeting of Philosophy and Ethics of Blame)(2019/03/24)
- Reconsider the Bystander Blaming: a case of drug addiction(conference:Nanzan University Institute for Social Ethics 40th Anniversary Colloquium 3)(2020/06/27)
- How Can Medical Workers take addicted behaviors of their patients properly?(2020/12/18)
- Responce to Blame in Particular Relation: Impermissibility, Blameworthiness, Blame, and Forgiveness(2021/02/15)
- Connecting Philosophy of Blame to Philosophy of Forgiveness(conference:The 3rd research meeting of Philosophy and Ethics of Blame)(2021/03/26)
- The limitation of machinery judgment of false start: An application of Scanlon's theory of blame.(2021/08/05)
- "Jikohinan" as blaming: evaluating addictive behaviors in terms of philosophy and ethics of blame(conference:Japanese Alcohol, Nocotine & Drug Addiction Conference 2021)(2021/12/19)
- Responsibility Ascription and Blame(conference:The 97th research meeting of Philosophy of Psychiatry & Psychology)(2022/10/27)
- Scanlonian interpretation of Attributionism(conference:The 5th research meeting on Philosophy and Ethics of blame)(2023/03/03)
- Blame and Forgiveness as Correction of Relation: An Attempt to Construct a Relation-based Theory of Forgiveness(2023/10/28)
- An Inquiry into Moral Forgiveness in the Relation-based Account of Forgiveness: Examining the Asymmetry of Standing in Blame and Forgiveness(conference:The 6th research meeting on Philosophy and Ethics of blame)(2024/03/26)
- Review: "Resurrecting Locke's Ethics" by Takumichi Kojo Taku Sasaki Syakai to Rinri 33 161-165 2018/11/30
- Reply to Takumichi Kojo's Review Taku Sasaki Syakai to Rinri 33 173-176 2018/11/30
- Ethics of responsibility and blame: Examining relations between people Taku SASAKI 73 78-116 2024/03/31
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
○「Creating the framework allowing us to refrain from blaming for addictive actions」(2017-2019)
○2022「Construction and evaluation of the foundation for the evaluation of philosophical and ethical theories of blame based on normative blaming phenomena」(2020-2022)
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2021)
○Freshman Seminar I(2021)
○Applied Ethics with Case Studies(2021)
○History of Ethical Thought A(2021)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2021)
○Human Sciences in the Age of Globalization(2021)
○Introduction to Human Sciences(2021)
○Academic Skills(2021)
○History of Ethical Thought B(2021)
○Applied Ethics(2021)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2021)
○Advanced Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology B(2021)
○Basic Seminar in Applied Ethics B(2021)
○Basic Seminar in Applied Ethics A(2021)
○Common English B(2020)
○Common English A(2020)
○Seminar in Applied Ethics B(2020)
○Introduction to Human Sciences(2020)
○Basic Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology B(2020)
○Advanced Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology A(2020)
○Seminar in Applied Ethics A(2020)
○Basic Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology(2020)
○Advanced Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology(2020)
○Introduction to Philosophical Anthropology A(2020)
○Modern Philosphy(2020)
○Lecture on Modern Ethical Thought(2020)
○Basic Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology A(2020)
○Seminar in Applied Ethics(2020)
○Lestures in Contemporary Ethical Thought(2020)
○Introduction to Philosophical Anthropology(2020)
○Contemporary Anglo-American Philosophy(2020)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2020)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2020)
○Human Sciences in the Age of Globalization(2020)
○Applied Ethics with Case Studies(2020)
○Basic Seminar in Applied Ethics(2019)
○Advanced Seminar in Applied Ethics B(2019)
○Advanced Seminar in Applied Ethics A(2019)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2019)
○Freshman Seminar I(2019)
○Human Sciences in the Age of Globalization(2019)
○Advanced Seminar in Ethical Thought A(2019)
○Advanced Seminar in Ethical Thought B(2019)
○Applied Ethics with Case Studies(2019)
○Basic Semiar in Ethical Thought B(2019)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2019)
○Basic Semiar in Ethical Thought A(2019)
○Advanced Seminar in Ethical Thought(2019)
○Basic Semiar in Ethical Thought(2019)
○Lestures in Greek Ethical Thought(2019)
○History of Modern Philosophy A(2019)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2019)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2018)
○Introduction to Philosophical Anthropology A(2018)
○Basic Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology(2018)
○Seminar in Applied Ethics(2018)
○Applied Ethics(2018)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2018)
○Seminar in Applied Ethics A(2018)
○History of Ethical Thought A(2018)
○Introduction to Philosophical Anthropology(2018)
○Basic Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology B(2018)
○Basic Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology A(2018)
○Seminar in Applied Ethics B(2018)
○Human Sciences in the Age of Globalization(2018)
○Applied Ethics with Case Studies(2018)
○Freshman Seminar I(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2017)
○Common English 1(2017)
○Seminar in Ethical Thought(2017)
○Seminar in Ethical Thought A(2017)
○Seminar in Ethical Thought B(2017)
○Modern Philosphy(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2017)
○Basic Seminar in Applied Ethics B(2017)
○Lestures in Modern Philosophy(2017)
○Contemporary Anglo-American Philosophy(2017)
○Basic Seminar in Applied Ethics A(2017)
○Basic Seminar in Applied Ethics(2017)
○Lecture on Modern Philosophy(2017)
○Lecture on Modern Ethical Thought(2017)
○Lestures in Contemporary Ethical Thought(2017)
○Common English 1(2016)
○Basic Semiar in Ethical Thought(2016)
○Advanced Seminar in Ethical Thought(2016)
○Introduction to Philosophical Anthropology(2016)
○Introduction to Philosophical Anthropology A(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Special Lecture on Ethics 2(2021)
○Special Lecture on Ethics 1(2021)
○Seminar in History of Ethics I1(2019)
○Seminar in History of Ethics I2(2019)
○Special lecture on Contemporary Philosophy 1(2018)
○Special lecture on Contemporary Philosophy 2(2018)
○Seminar in History of Ethics I2(2018)
○Seminar in History of Ethics I1(2018)
○Seminar in History of Ethics I 1(2017)
○Seminar in History of Ethics I 2(2017)
○Special lecture on Contemporary Philosophy 2(2017)
○Special lecture on Contemporary Philosophy 1(2017)
○Special Lecture on Ethics 1(2016)
○Special Lecture on Ethics 2(2016)
○Special Lecture on Ethics(2016)
○Seminar on Ethics 1(2016)
○Seminar on Ethics 2(2016)
○Seminar on Ethics(2016)