Assistant Professor MATSUNAGA, Atsushi
Faculty, Affiliation
College and School Educational Field
Kanazawa University Museum TEL:076-264-5229
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Master Graduate School of Letters History Course:Archaeology 200309 Completed
Nagoya University Doctor Graduate School of Letters Archaeology Course 201303 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Department of History 200003
PhD. in Archaeology
Kanazawa University for the Study of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources Assistant Professor(concurrent)(2023/05/24-)
Kanazawa College of Art Part-time Lecturer(2023/04/13-)
Kanazawa University Center for Archaeological Research Assistant Professor(concurrent)(2017/04/01-2022/03/31)
Kanazawa University University Museum Assistant Professor(2017/04/01-)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Archaeological Society of Nippon
Japanese Archaeological Association
Japanese Association for Musescience
Japan Society for Chinese Archaeology
Hokuriku Society of Historical Research
Archaeological Society of Niigata Prefecture
Ishikawa Society of Archaeological Studies
Archaeological Society Of Toyama
○Kanazawa University Industry-Academia Collaboration Association 9th Young Researcher’s Encouragement Award : Special Award(2023/12/18)
○Kanazawa University Change & Callenge Award FY2022(2023/03/23)
Speciality Keywords
Basketry,Mat Impression,Prehistory,Jomon Period,Neolithic,East Asia,Archaeological Material,3D Measuring,"AMU","ORU",Weaving Technology,Folklore Archaeology,Ethno-archaeology,Southeast Asia,Historical Cultural Properties,Hokuriku Region
Research Themes
Research and Study of Diverse Historical Cultural Properties in East Asia with a Focus on Japanese Archaeology in the Hokuriku Region
Application of Prehistoric Weaving Technology to Modern Woven Products with a Focus on Ishikawa Prefectural Area
A study on the lives of people in East and Southeast Asia from the perspective of folklore archaeology and ethnoarchaeology
From "AMU" to "ORU" :A Study on Weaving Technological Innovation in Prehistoric East Asia
A Research on excavated winnowing baskets in Japan and China
A comparative study of prehistoric basketry in China and Japan
- MATSUNAGA Atsushi Archaeology of Kanazawa University and Ishikawa Prefecture Kanazawa University Museum, Center for Archaeological Research, Kanazawa University, Ishikawa Society of Archaeological Studies 2021/09/10
- MATSUNAGA Atsushi et al. Kanazawa University Campus Sites, Takaramachi Site : Report on the 19th Excavation Season of the Takaramachi Site Center for Archaeological Research, Kanazawa University 2021/03/31
- MATSUNAGA Atsushi et al. Edited by NAKAMURA Shin'ichi and LIU Bin Hemudu & Liangzhu Culture Yuzankaku Inc. 2020/12/10
- MATSUNAGA Atsushi et al. Archaeology of Niigata Prefecture III Archaeological Society of Niigata Prefecture 2019/12/27
- MATSUNAGA Atsushi et al. Archaeology and Ceramic History Department of Archaeology, School of Humanities, Kanazawa University 272-285 2011/02/26
- MATSUNAGA Atsushi et al. Edited by KOBAYASHI Tatsuo Handbook of Jomon Pottery UM Promotion Co.,Ltd. 2008/06/30
- A Record of Making of Basket Table by the Lahu Shehleh People Living in Northern Thailand: As An Ethnoarchaeological Reference
- Suzu Ware unearthed from the Yochi Sutra Mound in Kahoku City, Ishikawa Prefecture MATSUNAGA Atsushi Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 19 29-38 2024/03/29
- A Report on the Special Exhibition by Students at Kanazawa University Museum in 2022,“KODAN -A Narrative History of International Exchange at Kanazawa University-” OKANO Yurika, SATO Riku, TAKAKUWA Keiju, TOMAI Kenta, NAKADA Akira, HARADA Itsuki, MATSUNAGA Atsushi, KAWAI Nozomu Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 19 1-27 2024/03/29
- Initiatives of the Ishikawa Digital Museum Network MATSUNAGA Atsushi Museum DX and Regional Cultural Heritage Symposium Ishikawa 2023 Document Collection 31-35 2023/12/17
- Weaving innovation from AMU to ORU in Prehistoric East Asia MATSUNAGA Atsushi The Archaeological Journal 786 37-39 2023/09/30
- A Report on the Special Exhibition by Students at Kanazawa University Museum in 2021,“The Force of Light” TADA Haruka, TSUBAKINO Tomoyuki, NAKAGAMI Yuga, MATSUNAGA Atsushi, KAWAI Nozomu Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 18 1-25 2023/03/27
- Modernization Heritage and Modern Archaeological Sites in Kanazawa University(Re-published in English) MATSUNAGA Atsushi 2022 Kanazawa Symposium on Modernization Heritage Research Report 29-42 2023/03/08
- Modernization Heritage and Modern Archaeological Sites in Kanazawa University MATSUNAGA Atsushi 2022 Kanazawa Symposium on Modernization Heritage Document Collection 25-35 2022/11/27
- Baskets and Ropes excavated from Tianluoshan Site and Liangzhu Sites MATSUNAGA Atsushi Archaeology of Jiangnan 2022/03/31
- A Report of the Special Exhibition by Students at Kanazawa University Museum in 2020, “Kanazawa Universityʼs Former Schools seen in the photos, Part II ‒ Tracing the origins of modern medicine”
FURUTA Tetsuro, Ooki Saeko, MATSUNAGA Atsushi, KAWAI Nozomu Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 17 1-24 2022/03/25
- Research on Archaeological Materials owned by Kanazawa University Museum in 2021: With a focus on three-dimensional measurement by 3D scanner
MATSUNAGA Atsushi Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 17 37-57 2022/03/25
- Cooking Pot“Shenfuguan” and Stove“Zao” in Erlitou Culture KUBOTA Shinji, MIYATA Yoshiki, MATSUNAGA Atsushi, CHU Xiaolong, YANG Shugang Chinese Archaeology 21 3ー19 2021/12
- A Report on the Roof-Tiles of Kumano Shrine Discovered at Makiyama, Kanazawa MATSUNAGA Atsushi Kahokugata Lake Science 24 30-37 2021/09
- A Report on the Special Exhibition by Students at Kanazawa University Museum in 2019,“IROHA:The World of Colors Seen from Various Technologies”
OKABE Mutsumi, MATSUNAGA Atsushi, SUGAWARA Hirohumi, KAWAI Nozomu Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 16 1-22 2021/03/26
- Creation of a Movie Introducing Kanazawa University Museum as a Respose to Temporary Closure of Museum
MATSUNAGA Atsushi Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 16 85-100 2021/03/26
- Exhibition of 3D Printed Replicas of Foreign Cultural Relics in the Themed Exhibition “Rice Farming and Chinese Civilization”
MATSUNAGA Atsushi, KUBOTA Shinji, NAKAMURA Shin’ichi Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 15 21-29 2020/03/27
- Prehistoric Basketry of China MATSUNAGA Atsushi Chinese Archaeology 19 91-108 2019/11/30
- Archaeological Studies of Universities 5 : Study on Basketry Remains and Mat Impressions MATSUNAGA Atsushi Universities and Buried Cultural Properties 21 2019/08/30
- Buried Cultural Properties of Universities in Japan 4 : Center for Archaeological Research, Kanazawa University MATSUNAGA Atsushi Universities and Buried Cultural Properties 5 2019/08/30
- Comparison of Prehistoric Basketry in China and Japan MATSUNAGA Atsushi The Archaeological Journal 729 34-37 2019/07/20
- Mat impressions on the bases of Jomon Pottery of Kesadaira Site : With a focus on Mat impressions of Plaiting MATSUNAGA Atsushi KESADAIRA SITE -The Excavation Report-(2nd volume) 141-146 2019/03/29
- A Practice of Archaeological Workshop on Basketry of Jomon Period MATSUNAGA Atsushi Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 14 51-60 2019/03/28
- Research on Archaeological Materials owned by Kanazawa University Museum in 2018 MATSUNAGA Atsushi Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 14 39-50 2019/03/28
- History of Basketry in Ishikawa Prefecture from an Archaeological Perspective MATSUNAGA Atsushi THE HOKURIKU SHIGAKU 67 1-22 2018/12/30
- Stones and Archaeology:Raw Material Selections for Stone Artifacts MATSUNAGA Atsushi Natural History of Stone 14-15 2018/09/19
- Mat impressions on the bases of Jomon Pottery in the Middle of Late Jomon Period MATSUNAGA Atsushi Archaeological Report of Nakajo Site 3 164-166,255 2018/03/31
- Rearrangement of Archaeological Materials owned by Kanazawa University Museum MATSUNAGA Atsushi Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 13 17-25 2018/03/23
- ‘Weaving’in the natural world : as a clue to clarify the origins of basketry MATSUNAGA Atsushi ARCHAEOLOGICAL BULLETIN KANAZAWA UNIVERSITY 39 61-66 2018/02/23
- Domain Schools established by Maeda Family MATSUNAGA Atsushi Tablets of Kaga Domain Schools:Meirindo and Keibukan 4-5 2017/09/01
- Memorandum on Prehistoric Basketry of East Asia: Woven Objects of ‘Twining' and ‘Multiple Warp and Weft Type’ MATSUNAGA Atsushi ARCHAEOLOGICAL BULLETIN KANAZAWA UNIVERSITY 37 1-12 2015/11/22
- Prehistoric Basketry of East Asia MATSUNAGA Atsushi ARCHAEOLOGICAL BULLETIN KANAZAWA UNIVERSITY 36 15-35 2015/02/28
- Baskets,Ropes,and‘Mat impressions' on the bases of Jomon Pottery MATSUNAGA Atsushi Archaeological Report of Odake Shellmound(second volume) 11-18 2014/03/20
- Basketry of Jomon and Yayoi Periods:With a Focus on Hokuriku District MATSUNAGA Atsushi MAIBUN TOYAMA 125 4-5 2013/12/20
- Baskets and Mats excavated from Yachi Site SK1 MATSUNAGA Atsushi Archaeological Report of Niigata Prefecture II Yachi Site II 34-38 2013/03/29
- Study of Prehistoric Basketry made from Plant Materials in East Asia MATSUNAGA Atsushi NAGOYA Repository 2013/03/25
- ‘Mat impressions' on the bases of Jomon Pottery of Hayatsuki-Uwano Site MATSUNAGA Atsushi Archaeological Report of Hayatsuki-Uwano Site 305-316 2012/12/21
- ‘Mat impressions’ of the first half of Late Jomon Period MATSUNAGA Atsushi World of Sanju-inaba type Pottery 119-123 2012/10
- Basketry of Prehistoric Japan:Starting from ‘ANGIN’ Twined Cloth of Jomon Period MATSUNAGA Atsushi ‘Weaving’ of Plant Fibers:Weaving Techniques and History of Tsunan Town 13-27 2011/09/03
- ‘Mat impressions' on the bases of Jomon Pottery of Dodaira Site MATSUNAGA Atsushi Dodaira Site 415-426 2011/03/31
- Basketry Techniques of Late Jomon and Final Jomon Periods:For Understanding of Mat-impressions from Shomengahara A Site MATSUNAGA Atsushi Jomon Sciety glimpsed through Shomengahara A Site 71-77 2010/10
- Basketry Techniques of Incipient Jomon Period MATSUNAGA Atsushi Signs of Jomon Culture 73-75 2008/09
- 'Mat impressions' on the bases of Jomon pottery MATSUNAGA Atsushi Journal of the Archaeological Society of Nippon 92 2 1-48 2008/02
- Basketry Techniques of Umadaka Phase MATSUNAGA Atsushi Period of Flame-shaped Pottery 80-83 2006/09
- Classification of 'Mat impressions' of Prehistoric East Asia MATSUNAGA Atsushi ARCHAEOLOGICAL BULLETIN KANAZAWA UNIVERSITY 27 99-108 2004/06
- 'Mat impressions' of Neolithic China MATSUNAGA Atsushi Chinese Archaeology 3 22-45 2003/11
- Annular Bark Products and Their Uses MATSUNAGA Atsushi KINDAI KOUKO 34 10-12 2000/12
- Mat impressions of Plaiting on the bases of Jomon Pottery:With a Focus on Hokuriku District MATSUNAGA Atsushi KINDAI KOUKO 32 10 2000/03/13
Conference Presentations
- The 5,000-year-old Traces on the Campuses of Kanazawa University (conference:Investigating the Ancient World: Studies of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources by Kanazawa University, the 2024 Forum)(2024/07/27)
- Student-planned Exhibitions at Kanazawa University Museum(conference:Japanese Association for Musescience:19th Annual Meeting)(2024/06/28)
- Thinking about Rice Straw Weaving after the Yayoi Period ―Focusing on Archaeology, Folklore, and Ethnology―(conference:Japanese Archaeological Association:90th General Meeting)(2024/05/26)
- Prehistoric Basketry of Kanazawa in the Jomon Period (conference:Kanazawa Citizen Open Lecture)(2024/03/09)
- Thinking about Basketry in Daily Life during the Yayoi Period from Peripheral Fields (conference:Shimonogo Historical Park Yayoi People Training Course)(2024/03/02)
- Thinking about the Basketry of Yayoi Period : with a focus on Shimonogo site(conference:Shimonogo Historical Park Yayoi People Training Course)(2024/02/18)
- Initiatives of the Ishikawa Digital Museum Network(conference:Museum DX and Regional Cultural Heritage Symposium Ishikawa 2023)(2023/12/17)
- Basketry of Jomon Period in Toyama(conference:Kitadai Jomon Archaeology Lecture in 2023)(2023/10/15)
- Weaving Innovation in Prehistoric Toyama: From AMU in the Jomon Period to ORU in the Yayoi Period(conference:Etchu Shidankai Research presentation meeting 2023)(2023/08/27)
- Excavating Life in the Early-modern and Modern Kanazawa:Focusing on the 19th and 20th Excavations of the Takaramachi Site(conference:Investigating the Ancient World: Studies of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources by Kanazawa University, the 2023 Forum)(2023/07/22)
- Implementation and Results of the “Kanazawa University Modernization Heritage Promotion Project” in FY2022 Innovate MUSEUM Project(conference:Japanese Association for Musescience:18th Annual Meeting)(2023/06/23)
- Aiming for the earliest traces of rice cooking:a basic study of pottery excavated from Kuahuqiao site(conference:Japan Society For Chinese Archaeology:2022 Annual Meeting)(2023/01/07)
- Ancient Japan Sea Culture from Archaeological and Historical Materials of Kanazawa University Museum(conference:Kanazawa University Open Lecture)(2022/12/26)
- Modernization Heritage and Modern Archaeological Sites in Kanazawa University (conference:2022 Kanazawa Symposium on Modernization Heritage)(2022/11/27)
- Report of Ethnoarchaeological Survey on the Mountain Peoples of the Northern Thai in 2022(conference:JSSAA survey report meeting 2022)(2022/10/08)
- Livelihood of Jomon Period : From perspectives of Hokuriku District and East Asia(conference:2021 Kanazawa Conference of the Japanese Archaeological Association)(2021/10/17)
- Overview of Winnowing Baskets excavated in the Japanese Archipelago(conference:6th Meeting of Society for Study of Winnowing Baskets)(2021/03/20)
- Deep-Belly Jar and Cooking Stove of the Erlitou Culture based on the Analysis of Pottery Use Marks(conference:Japan Society For Chinese Archaeology:2020 Annual Meeting)(2021/01/09)
- Key Points of Winnowing Baskets excavated from Archaeological Sites(conference:5th Meeting of Society for Study of Winnowing Baskets)(2020/06/12)
- Changes in the rice cooking methods from Early Yayoi period to Early Kofun period: Based on ceramic use-wear analysis in Karako-kagi site(conference:The 37th Japan Society for Scientific Studies on Cultural Properties Annual Congress)(2020/09/05)
- Local Treasures of Kanazawa University Museum(conference:Kanazawa Citizen Open Lecture)(2020/02/15)
- History and Culture in Hokuriku District from an Archaeological Perspective:Focusing on the Archeological Materials Owned by Kanazawa University Museum(conference:Kanazawa University Open Lecture)(2020/02/06)
- Winnowing Baskets of Yayoi Period and East Asia(conference:4th Meeting of Society for Study of Winnowing Baskets)(2019/09/26)
- Hands-on Exhibits and Their Effects:A Case Study in Special Exhibition NATURAL HISTORY OF STONE(conference:Japanese Association for Musescience:14th Annual Meeting)(2019/06/28)
- Twined Cloths of Jomon Period:Before the Emergence of Loom-woven Textiles(conference:Tokamachi City Museum Open-lecture 2019)(2019/06/22)
- Use of 3D Illustrations in Ceramic use-wear analysis:A Case study in Joto site(conference:The 36th Japan Society for Scientific Studies on Cultural Properties Annual Congress)(2019/06/01)
- Historical Change of the Material Culture and the Progress of Social Complexity in China(conference:Japanese Archaeological Association:85th General Meeting)(2019/05/19)
- A Preliminary Study on Winnowing Baskets of Neolithic China(conference:3rd Meeting of Society for Study of Winnowing Baskets)(2019/05/18)
- Arrangement and Reseaerch on Archaeological Materials of Fourth Higher School(conference:Ishikawa Council of Museums:Annual General Meeting 2019)(2019/05/10)
- Jomon Basketry and Related Topics :With a Focus on TWINING(conference:Prehistoric Asahi Town:Plants and Basketry of Jomon Period)(2019/03/23)
- Prehistoric Basketry of China(conference:Japan Society For Chinese Archaeology:2018 Annual Meeting)(2018/11/04)
- Cooperation between University Museum and Center for Archaeological Research in Kanazawa University(conference:Japanese Association for Musescience:13th Annual Meeting)(2018/06/22)
- Revaluation of Archaeological Materials owned by Kanazawa University Museum(conference:Ishikawa Council of Museums:Annual General Meeting 2018)(2018/05/11)
- Basketry of Early Jomon Period in Hokuriku District(conference:Northland Shellmound Study Group:2nd Meeting)(2018/02/12)
- History of Basketry in Ishikawa Prefecture:from an archaeological perspective(conference:Hokuriku Society of Historical Research:59th Annual Meeting)(2017/11/26)
- Basketry of Liangzhu Culture(conference:43th Annual Meeting of Department of Archaeology, School of Humanities, Kanazawa University)(2017/11/25)
- Basketry of Yayoi Period:In Comparison with Basketry of Jomon and Kofun Periods(conference:42th Annual Meeting of Department of Archaeology, School of Humanities, Kanazawa University)(2016/11/19)
- Basketry of Jomon and Yayoi Periods:With a Focus on Hokuriku District(conference:Archaeological Course of Toyama Prefectural Center for Archaeological Operations)(2013/09/08)
- Basketry of Prehistoric Japan:Starting from ‘ANGIN’ Twined Cloth of Jomon Period(conference:Tsunan Symposium:‘Weaving’ of Plant Fibers:Weaving Techniques and History of Tsunan Town)(2011/10/15)
- Basketry Techniques of Jomon Period:With a Focus on Umadaka Phase(conference:Tsunan Symposium:Period of Flame-shaped Pottery)(2006/10/14)
- Basketry of Neolithic Culture in the lower region of Chang-jiang River(conference:Forum for Chinese Achaeology in Kanazawa University)(2006/03/13)
- Study of ‘Mat impressions’:For the purpose of assessing materials of Niigata Prefecture(conference:187th Niigata Colloquium of Archaeology)(2004/11/20)
- ‘Mat impressions’ of Neolithic China(conference:Japan Society For Chinese Archaeology:13th Annual Meeting)(2002/10/12)
- Two Museum DX Projects of Kanazawa University Museum : IDMN and KUDA MATSUNAGA Atsushi MUSEO ACADEMIAE 26 5-6 2024/06/27
- Museum DX and Regional Cultural Heritage Symposium Ishikawa 2023〈Report〉 MATSUNAGA Atsushi Current Awareness-E 475 2024/03/07
- Weaving Innovation in Prehistoric Toyama: From AMU in the Jomon Period to ORU in the Yayoi Period(Abstract) MATSUNAGA Atsushi Toyama Shidan 202 79 2023/11/30
- Activities at Kanazawa University Museum during the Coronavirus Pandemic MATSUNAGA Atsushi News Letter of the HOKURIKU SOCIETY OF HISTORICAL RESEARCH 65 4-6 2023/11/08
- Livelihood of Jomon Period : From perspectives of Hokuriku District and East Asia MATSUNAGA Atsushi Abstracts of Research Presentations at 2021 Conference of the Japanese Archaeological Association 16 2021/10/16
- Treasure Town!?, Takaramachi2 Exhibition Guide MATSUNAGA Atsushi 2022/02/01
- Arrangement and Reseaerch on Archaeological Materials of Fourth Higher School MATSUNAGA Atshushi Bulletin of Ishikawa Council of Museums 84 2019/09/30
- Hands-on Exhibits and Their Effects:A Case Study in Special Exhibition NATURAL HISTORY OF STONE MATSUNAGA Atshushi Japanese Council of University Museums 2019 and 14th Japanese Association for Musescience:Meeting Guide and Abstracts 2019/06/27
- Historical Change of the Material Culture and the Progress of Social Complexity in China KUBOTA Shinji, QIN Xiaoli, YOSHIKAI Masato, KOYANAGI Yoshiki, MAKIBAYASHI Keisuke, YANG Ping, KAMIYA Yoshimi, MATSUNAGA Atsushi, NAKAMURA Shin'ichi Japanese Archaeological Association:85th General Meeting Abstracts 2019/05/19
- Prehistoric Basketry of China MATSUNAGA Atshushi Japan Society For Chinese Archaeology:2018 Annual Meeting Abstracts 2018/11/03
- Revaluation of Archaeological Materials owned by Kanazawa University Museum MATSUNAGA Atshushi Bulletin of Ishikawa Council of Museums 82 2018/09/30
- Cooperation between University Museum and Center for Archaeological Research in Kanazawa University MATSUNAGA Atshushi Japanese Council of University Museums 2018 and 13th Japanese Association for Musescience:Meeting Guide and Abstracts 2018/06/21
- Excavation Method, Strata, Wooden-bucket Well MATSUNAGA Atshushi Archaeological Report of Sites of Toyama Castle and Castle Town 2015/12/28
- Strata, Structural Remains MATSUNAGA Atshushi Archaeological Report of Yokomakuri Site II 2015/03/31
- Mat Impressions on the bases of Jomon Pottery MATSUNAGA Atshushi Archaeological Report of Mitani Site 2015/03/20
- Early Kofun Pottery of Nakakaido Site, Ritual Remains of Nakakaido Site MATSUNAGA Atshushi Archaeological Report of Hananoki Site and Nakakaido Site 2013/03/29
- Structural Remains and Relics of Zen'nami-minami Site MATSUNAGA Atshushi Archaeological Report of Zen'nami-minami Site II and Gokurakuji Temple Site in Legend 2010/03/31
- Relics, Comparison with Pottery of Fuefukida Site MATSUNAGA Atshushi Archaeological Report of Himegoze Site I 2008/01/31
- Structural Remains and Relics MATSUNAGA Atshushi Archaeological Report of Yogonji Site II 2007/07/31
- Relics:pottery and stone tools,Jomon Pottery of Ogakuchi Site MATSUNAGA Atshushi Archaeological Report of Ogakuchi Site 2006/12/20
- Relics of Middle and Lower Strata MATSUNAGA Atshushi Archaeological Report of Yogonji Site I 2006/03/31
- Location and Geographical Environment, Strata and Topography,Relics MATSUNAGA Atshushi Archaeological Report of Mokubutsu Site 2004/03/31
Arts and Fieldwork
○Character of SHIKO no MORI in Kanazawa University Library and Kanazawa University Museum(Design and Drawing)(2023/03-2023/03)(place:SHIKO no MORI in Kanazawa University Library(Central))
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
○ Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)「A study on the lives of people in East and Southeast Asia from the perspective of folklore archaeology and ethnoarchaeology」(2023-2024)
○Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)「From "AMU" to "ORU" :A Study on Weaving Technological Innovation in Prehistoric East Asia」(2022-2025)
○Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)「An interdisciplinary study on the shapes of winnowing baskets as embodiment of local cultures」(2020-2023)
○Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)「A comparative study of prehistoric basketry in China and Japan」(2018-2019)
Competitive research funding,Contribution
○Application of Prehistoric Weaving Techniques to Modern Textile Products, mainly in the Ishikawa Area 9th Young Researcher’s Encouragement Award, Research Grant Kanazawa University Industry-Academia Collaboration Association(2024-2024)
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Practice of Archaeology D(2023)
○Theory of Museum Materials B(2023)
○Practice of Archaeology 4(2023)
○Practice of Museology D(2023)
○Practice of Museology(2023)
○Practice of Archaeology C(2023)
○Practice of Archaeology 3(2023)
○Theory of Museum Materials A(2023)
○Practice of Museology C(2023)
○Practice of Museology(2023)
○Practice of Archaeology 2(2023)
○Practice of Museology B(2023)
○Practice of Archaeology B(2023)
○Practice of Museology(2023)
○Practice of Archaeology IIA(2023)
○Practice of Museology A(2023)
○Practice of Archaeology 1(2023)
○Practice of Museology(2023)
○Practice of Archaeology A(2023)
○Practice of Archaeology IIA(2023)
○The History and Culture of Kanazawa(2023)
○The History and Culture of Kanazawa(2023)
○The History and Culture of Kanazawa(2022)
○The History and Culture of Kanazawa(2022)
○Practice of Archaeology 4(2022)
○Practice of Museology(2022)
○Practice of Museology D(2022)
○Practice of Archaeology D(2022)
○Theory of Museum Materials B(2022)
○Theory of Museum Collection(2022)
○Practice of Archaeology IIB(2022)
○Practice of Museology(2022)
○Practice of Archaeology 3(2022)
○Practice of Museology C(2022)
○Theory of Museum Collection(2022)
○Practice of Archaeology IIB(2022)
○Theory of Museum Materials A(2022)
○Practice of Archaeology C(2022)
○Practice of Archaeology IIA(2022)
○Practice of Archaeology B(2022)
○Practice of Museology(2022)
○Practice of Museology B(2022)
○Practice of Archaeology 2(2022)
○Practice of Archaeology 1(2022)
○Practice of Archaeology A(2022)
○Practice of Archaeology IIA(2022)
○Practice of Museology(2022)
○Practice of Museology A(2022)
○The History and Culture of Kanazawa(2021)
○Practice of Archaeology 3(2021)
○Practice of Archaeology IB(2021)
○Practice of Archaeology IA(2021)
○Practice of Museology(2021)
○Practice of Archaeology 4(2021)
○Practice of Archaeology 2(2021)
○Practice of Archaeology 1(2021)
○Practice of Museology(2020)
○Practice of Archaeology IIA(2020)
○Practice of Field Archaeology A(2020)
○Practice of Field Archaeology B(2020)
○Measurement Practice A(2019)
○Practice of Museology(2019)
○Practice of Archaeology IB(2019)
○The History and Culture of Kanazawa(2019)
○Practice of Archaeology IA(2019)
○Practice of Museology(2018)
○Theory of Museum Exhibition(2018)
○Measurement Practice A(2018)
○Measurement Practice B(2018)
○Practice of Archaeology IIA(2018)
○Practice of Archaeology IIB(2018)
○The History and Culture of Kanazawa(2018)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
International Project
International Students
Lecture themes
Others (Social Activities)
○Ishikawa Cultural Tourism Special Guide(2023-) Registered as Ishikawa Cultural Tourism Special Guide