Professor Yusuke Kurihashi
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Structural Engineering
College and School Educational Field
Division of Geosciences and Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Environmental Design, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Civil Engineering and Disaster Prevention, School of Geosciences and Civil Engineering, College of Science and Engineering
Structural Engineering Laboratory
Academic Background
(独)北海道開発土木研究所 構造部 材料研究室 任期付研究員(2002/04/01-2005/03/31)
(独)北海道開発土木研究所 構造部 材料研究室 研究員(2005/04/01-2007/03/31)
(独)土木研究所寒地土木研究所 寒地基礎技術研究グループ 耐寒材料チーム 研究員(2007/04/01-2008/03/31)
室蘭工業大学大学院 工学研究科 くらし環境系領域 講師(2008/04-2019/04)
Kanazawa University Institute of Science and Engineering(2019/05-2022/04)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
The Society of Materials Science, Japan
Japan Concrete Institute
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Japan Society of Civil Engineering
Structural engineering/Earthquake engineering/Maintenance management engineering
Speciality Keywords
Impact resistant design,Disaster prevention structure,Maintenance,short-fiber mixed concrete,FRP sheet,repair and strengthening
Research Themes
Study on improvement of design method of impact-resistant structure
- 金子佳生,国枝稔,金久保利之,栗橋祐介 Technical Committee on Innovative Application of Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites コンクリート工学会 2013/07
- Christina Röthlin,Yusuke Kurihashi,Satoru Yamaguchi,Hisashi Konno,Norimitsu Kishi,Thomas Vogel Drop Weight Tests on Full-Scale Specimen of Rockfall Protection Galleries ETH IBK 2015/10
- 藤掛一典,今野久志,三上浩,栗橋祐介他 Safety evaluation for civil engineering structures under impact and blast loadings -preparing for rare events- 土木学会 2017/09
- 園田佳巨,香月智,桝谷浩,安藤和彦,岸徳光,栗橋祐介 Performance based design guideline for civil engineering protective structures subjected to impact loading 土木学会 2013/03
- Impact-resistant behavior of steel-fiber-reinforced porosity-free concrete beam Yusuke Kurihashi,Katsuya Kono,Masato Komuro Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 18 4 146 2020/04
- Effects of frost-damaged reinforced concrete beams on their impact resistance behavior Yusuke Kurihashi,Hisashi Konno,Yukio Hama Construction and Building Materials 274 2021/03/08
- Impact Resistance Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Deteriorated due to Repeated Freezing and Thawing Yusuke Kurihashi,Yoshinori Nonomura,Hisashi Konno Shock and Vibration 2020 2020
- Experimental Study on Impact Absorption Capacity of Various Expanded Materials for Rock Shed Yusuke Kurihashi,Naochika Kogure,Shin Ichi Nitta,Masato Komuro Shock and Vibration 2020 2020
- Simplified estimation method for maximum deflection in bending-failure-type reinforced concrete beams subjected to collision action and its application range Yusuke Kurihashi,Hiroshi Masuya Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 10 19 1 2020/10/01
- Response Characteristics of a Steel Fiber-Reinforced Porosity-Free Concrete Beam Under an Impact Load Yusuke Kurihashi,Katsuya Kono,Masato Komuro International Journal of Civil Engineering 18 6 673 2020/06/01
- Experimental Study on Buffering System for Concrete Retaining Walls Using Geocell Filled with Single-Grain Crushed Stone Yusuke Kurihashi,Ryoki Oyama,Masato Komuro,Yoshihisa Murata,Shinobu Watanabe International Journal of Civil Engineering 18 10 1097 2020/10/01
- Influence of rebar on load-carrying behavior offlexural reinforced RC beams with FRP sheet 岸 徳光,三上 浩,田村富雄,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.27 No.1 283 2005/06
- FRP シート曲げ補強 RC 梁の耐荷性状および破壊形式の予測に関する実験的研究 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 土木学会論文集 No.711 V-56 91 2002
- FRP シート曲げ補強RC梁のシート必要接着長算定に関する実験的研究 澤田 純之,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.25 No.2 1789 2003/07
- 偏心載荷を受ける AFRP シート曲げ補強 RC 梁の耐荷性状に関する実験的研究 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,澤田純之 コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレードシンポジウム 第3集 341 2003/10
- Development of shotcrete lining method with short-fiber mixed mortar and its applicability Y. Kurihashi,F. Taguchi,S. Yoshida,N. Kishi,H. Mikami Proceedings of SUS-9 2002
- Flexural behavior of RC beams reinforced with NSM AFRP rods N Kishi,H Mikami,Y Kurihashi,S Sawada Bond Behaviour of FRP in Structures: Proceedings of the International Symposium BBFS 2005 345 2005
- Repair and Reinforcing Work for Existing RC Girder by Using Jacketing FRPm and Short-Fiber Mixed Shotcreting 栗橋祐介,田口史雄,岸 徳光,三上 浩 Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios 第5集 67 2005/10
- Flexural Load-Carrying Property of RC Beams Mixed with PVA Short-Fiber Y. Kurihashi,F. Taguchi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fibre Reinforced Materials CD-ROM 2006
- Experimental Study of RC Beams Reinforced with AFRP Sheet on Tension- and Side-Surface 澤田純之,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.27 No.1 1399 2005/06
- Experimental study on debond control of FRPs for flexural strengthened RC beams with FRPs 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,澤田純之 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.51A 1049 2005/03
- Bridge-Effects of PVA Short-Fiber on Increasing Shear Load Capacity of RC Beams F. Taguchi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami,Y. Kurihashi Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fibre Reinforced Materials CD-ROM 2006
- ビニロン短繊維混入軽量コンクリートを用いた RC 梁の繰り返し衝撃載荷実験 竹本伸一,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.26 No.2 1645 2004/07
- Shear-strengthening method for RC beam using AFRP mesh together with Vinylon short-fiber mixed shotcrete F. Taguchi,Y. Kurihashi,H. Mikami,N. Kishi Proceedings of ConMat 05 CD-ROM 2005
- Bridge-effects of PVA short fiber on upgrading shear capacity of RC beams 田口史雄,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.27 No.1 283 2005/06
- AFRP シート曲げ補強 RC 梁の破壊性状に及ぼすシート接着長の影響 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,澤田純之 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.26 No.2 1615 2004/07
- Experimental study on impact resistant behavior of RC beams using Vinylon short-fiber mixed concrete Y. Kurihashi,N. Kishi,F. Taguchi,H. Mikam Proceedings of ConMat 05 CD-ROM 2005
- ビニロン短繊維を混入した四辺支持RC 版の押し抜きせん断性状に関する実験的研究 三上 浩,岸 徳光,田口 史雄,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.26 No.2 1555 2004/07
- AFRP シート曲げ補強 RC 梁の耐荷性状に与えるコンクリート強度の影響に関する実験的研究 澤田純之,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集 第4集 377 2004/10
- 実規模PCスノーシェッドの耐衝撃性向上に関する重錘落下衝撃実験 岸 徳光,今野久志,三上 浩,川瀬良司,栗橋祐介 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.46A 1875 2000/03
- ビニロン短繊維を混入した吹付けコンクリートの耐久性に関する研究 田口史雄,吉田 行,栗橋祐介,石田 積 コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集 第4集 245 2004/10
- 段落とし部を有する RC 部材に接着した FRP シートの曲げ付着性状 三上 浩,岸 徳光,竹田俊明,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.22 No.1 487 2000/07
- Failure behavior of flexural strengthened RC beams with AFRP Sheet N. Kishi,H. Mikami,K. G. Matsuoka,Y. Kurihashi Proceedings of FRPRCS-5 87 2001
- 短繊維混入吹付けコンクリートと AFRP メッシュを併用した RC 梁のせん断補強工法の提案 田口史雄,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.26 No.1 1779 2004/07
- FRP シートの必要接着長に着目した曲げ補強 RC 梁の静載荷実験 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,松岡健一 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.23 No.1 835 2001/07
- 短繊維混入吹付けコンクリートと AFRP メッシュを併用して補強した RC 版の押し抜きせん断耐力 栗橋祐介,田口史雄,岸 徳光,三上 浩 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.26 No.1 1773 2004/07
- AFRP メッシュとビニロン短繊維混入吹付けコンクリートを併用した補強工法による RC はりの耐力向上効果 田口史雄,三上 浩,岸 徳光,栗橋祐介,吉田 行 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.50A 761 2004/03
- FRP シート曲げ補強RC 梁のシートの剥離制御に関する実験的研究 澤田純之,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.24 No.2 1417 2002/07
- AFRP シートを用いた RC 橋脚段落し部の曲げ補強法に関する実験的研究 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,澤田純之 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.50A 749 2004/03
- ビニロン短繊維を混入した RC 梁の耐衝撃性に及ぼす短繊維混入率の影響 岸 徳光,田口史雄,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.50A 1337 2004/03
- Development of strengthening system for RC members using AFRP mesh combined with high-ductility shotcrete F. Taguchi,Y. Kurihashi,H. Mikami,N. Kishi Proceedings of CONSEC-4 1697 2004
- 吹付けモルタル・AFRP メッシュ併用工法の剥落抑制効果と耐凍害性に及ぼす短繊維混入率の影響 栗橋祐介,田口史雄,三上 浩,岸 徳光 コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集 第4集 237 2004/10
- RC 梁の耐荷性状に及ぼす曲げ補強 FRP シートの引張剛性の影響に関する実験的研究 張 広鋒,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集 第4集 383 2004/10
- Impact resistant behavior of bending failure type RC beams mixed with Vinylon short-fiber 岸 徳光,田口史雄,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.51A 1675 2005/03
- Iterative loading test with a constant load amplitude for flexural reinforced RC beams with FRPs 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.51A 1309 2005/03
- ビニロン短繊維を混入した RC 版の押し抜きせん断性状に関する実験的研究 田口史雄,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレードシンポジウム 第3集 113 2003/10
- RC 梁における載荷点間隔が FRP シートの曲げ付着性状に与える影響 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,松岡健一 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.21 No.3 1555 1999/07
- 高靭性吹付けモルタルと AFRP メッシュの組み合わせにより曲げ補強した RC 柱の水平交番載荷実験 栗橋祐介,田口史雄,三上 浩,岸 徳光 コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレードシンポジウム 第3集 105 2003/10
- Flexural carrying behavior of RC beams mixed with PVA short fiber 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,田口史雄,三上 浩 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.27 No.1 277 2005/06
- AFRPロッドを埋設したRC梁の曲げ耐荷性状に関する実験的研究 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,田村富雄 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.25 No.2 1783 2003/07
- Flexural bonding property of FRP sheet adhered to RC beams H. Mikami,Y. Kurihashi,N. Kishi Congress of 16th IABSE 2000
- FRP シート曲げ補強 RC 梁のシートの剥離抑制法に関する一検討 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,澤田純之 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.25 No.2 1771 2003/07
- ビニロン短繊維混入 RC 梁の耐荷性状に及ぼす短繊維混入率の影響 田口史雄,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.25 No.1 287 2003/07
- FRP シート曲げ補強 RC 梁のスパン方向偏心載荷時における耐荷性状 岸 徳光,三上 浩,池田憲二,栗橋祐介 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.46A 1175 2000/03
- 接着長の異なる AFRP シート曲げ補強 RC 梁の破壊挙動解析 岸 徳光,張 広鋒,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.49A 915 2003/03
- An experimental study on debond-control of AFRP for flexurally strengthened RC beams S Sawada,N Kishi,H Mikami,Y Kurihashi FIBRE-REINFORCEMENT POLYMER: REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE STRUCTURES, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS 287 2003
- 引張剛性の等しい各種FRP シートを接着したRC 梁の曲げ耐荷性状 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,張 広鋒 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.24 No.2 1429 2002/07
- FRPシートで下面補強したRC版の耐衝撃性に関する実験的研究 三上 浩,岸 徳光,安藤智啓,栗橋祐介 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.48A 1531 2002/03
- AFRPシート曲げ補強RC梁のシートの必要接着長評価に関する実験的研究 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,澤田純之 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.48A 987 2002/03
- AFRP シート曲げ補強 RC 梁のシートの剥離制御法に関する実験的研究 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,澤田純之,田口史雄 応用力学論文集 Vol.5 899 2002
- AFRP シートで曲げ補強した段落し部を有するRC 柱の定変位繰り返し載荷実験 岸 徳光,三上 浩,竹田俊明,栗橋祐介,澤田純之 応用力学論文集 Vol.5 911 2002
- A proposal of design procedure for flexural strengthening RC beams with FRP sheet Y. Kurihashi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami,S. Sawada Proceedings of the 1st fib Congress 2002 157 2002
- FRP シートを下面接着した RC 版の押し抜きせん断性状 三上 浩,岸 徳光,栗橋祐介,松岡健一 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.23 No.1 847 2001/07
- AFRP シートで曲げ補強した RC 梁の破壊挙動に関する非線形数値解析 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,張 広鋒 応用力学論文集 Vol.4 333 2001
- AFRP シートで曲げ補強した RC 梁の曲げ耐荷性状に関する実験的研究 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 土木学会論文集 No.683 V-52 47 2001
- FRP シートを接着した RC 梁の耐荷性状に与える接着範囲の影響 三上 浩,岸 徳光,佐藤昌志,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.21 No.3 1549 1999/07
- RC 梁に接着した FRP シートの曲げ付着特性に与えるシート補強量の影響 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,松岡健一 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.22 No.1 481 2000/07
- FRP シートで曲げ補強した RC 梁の曲げ付着特性に関する実験的研究 岸 徳光,三上 浩,佐藤昌志,栗橋祐介 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.45A 1399 1999/03
- Experimental study on flexural bonding property of AFRP sheet glued on RC beams Y. Kurihashi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami,M. Sato,K. G. Matsuoka Proceedings of 7th EASEC 1271 1999
- Reinforcing method for lining of existing tunnel using Aramid FRP mesh combined with shotcrete mortar Y. Kurihashi,F. Taguchi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami Proceedings of FRPRCS-8 2007
- Experimental Study on Influence of Rebar Ratio on Punching Shear Load-Carrying Capacity of RC Slabs Bonded AFRP Sheet on Lower Surface 澤田純之,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios 第7集 297 2007/10
- Experimental study on static and dynamic response behavior of PVA short-fiber mixed RC slab Y. Kurihashi,F. Taguchi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami Proceedings of the 2nd fib congress ID 13-20 2006
- Effects of mixed PVAshort-fibre on impact resistant behavior of shear-failure type lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced beams N. Kishi,H. Mikami,Y. Kurihashi Proceedings of 2nd international conference on DAPS 395 2006
- Upgrading effects of PVA short fiber on punching shear capacity of RC slab made from LW concrete 岸 徳光,三上 浩,竹本伸一,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.28 No.2 1381 2006/07
- Experimental study of upgrading effects on impact resistant capacity for simply supported RC slabs due to mixing PVA short-fiber 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,田口史雄 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.52A 1249 2006/03
- Falling-weight impact test for RC slab made from LW concrete with PVA short fiber 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,竹本伸一 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.28 No.2 1387 2006/07
- Optimum bonding length of FRP sheet for flexural reinforced RC beams Y.Kurihashi,N.Kishi,H.Mikami,G.F. Zhang Proceedings of IABSE Symposium 2006 CD-ROM 2006
- Experimental study on behavior of RC beams reinforced in shear with AFRP sheet 張 広鋒,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.28 No.2 1441 2006/07
- An applicability of retrofitting method combined with AFRPm and PVA short-fiber mixed shotcrete on prototype RC girders F. Taguchi,Y. Kurihashi,H. Mikami,N. Kishi Proceedings of the 2nd fib congress ID 10-06 2006
- Reinforcing method for lining of existing tunnel using Aramid FRP mesh combined with shotcrete mortar Y. Kurihashi,F. Taguchi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami Proceedings of FRPRCS-8 CD-ROM 2007
- Shear Strengthening of RC beams using Aramid-fiber-reinforced plastic mesh and shotcrete F. Taguchi,Y. Kurihashi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami Proceedings of FRPRCS-8 2007
- Development of impact response analysis method for RC beams mixed with PVA short-fibre N. Kishi,H. Mikami,Y. Kurihashi Proceedings of PROTECT2007 2007
- Experimental study on side-surface bonding method for RC beam reinforced with FRP sheet 澤田純之,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.29 No.3 1495 2007/07
- Experimental study on impact resistant behavior of lightweight aggregate RC slab mixed with PVA short-fibre 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,竹本伸一 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.53A 1239 2007/03
- Development of impact response analysis method for RC beams mixed with PVA short-fibre N. Kishi,H. Mikami,Y. Kurihashi Proceedings of PROTECT2007 CD-ROM 2007
- Cyclic loading test of RC piers mixed with PVA short fibre 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,田口史雄 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.29 No.3 1435 2007/07
- Influence of mixed PVA short-fiber ratio on impact resistant capacity for light-weight shear failure type RC beams 三上 浩,岸 徳光,栗橋祐介,竹本伸一 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.52A 1237 2006/03
- Shear Strengthening of RC beams using Aramid-fiber-reinforced plastic mesh and shotcrete F. Taguchi,Y. Kurihashi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami Proceedings of FRPRCS-8 CD-ROM 2007
- Experimental Study on Impact Resistant Behavior of RC Beams with PVA Short-fiber Mixed Concrete in Lower Concrete Cover 栗橋祐介,田口史雄,岸 徳光,三上 浩 Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios 第7集 333 2007/10
- Influence of Products of Bonding Resin on Load-Carrying Capacity of RC Beams Strengthened with AFRP Sheet 澤田純之,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios 第6集 335 2006/10
- Experimental study of debond-controlling method for FRPs of flexural reinforced RC beams N.Kishi,H.Mikami,Y.Kurihashi,S.Sawada Proceedings of IABSE Symposium 2006 CD-ROM 2006
- Reinforcing Method for Lining of Road Tunnel Using Short-fiber Mixed Shotcrete in Combination with FRP Mesh 栗橋祐介,田口史雄,岸 徳光,三上 浩 Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios 第6集 327 2006/10
- A study on estimation of punching shear capacity of RC slabs reinforced with AFRP sheet 三上 浩,岸 徳光,澤田純之,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.30 No.3 1531 2008/06
- Upgrading-effects of PVA-short fiber on shear load-carrying capacity of RC cantilever beams 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,田口史雄 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.30 No.3 1459 2008/06
- Numerical simulations on impact response behavior of RC beams mixed with PVA short-fibre under falling-weight impact loading 岸 徳光,栗橋祐介,三上 浩 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 54A 1044 2008/03
- Contribution of PVA short-fiber-mixed shotcrete and AFRPM to shear capacity increase of RC beams F. Taguchi,N. Kishi,Y. Kurihashi,H. Mikami Proceedings of FRPRCS-9 CD-ROM 2009
- Load carrying behavior of flexural reinforced RC beams with pre-tensioned AFRP sheet N. Kishi,H. Mikami,Y. Kurihashi,A. M. Ali Proceedings of FRPRCS-9 CD-ROM 2009
- Finite Element Modeling of Impact Response Analysis Considering EquivalentFracture Energy Concept for Prototype RC Girders N.Kishi A.Q.Bhatti,H.Konno,Y.Kurihashi Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Workshop on Rockfall Protection 2008
- An influence of loading-ram diameter on impact response behavior of rectangular RC slabs 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 54A 1034 2008/03
- A consideration on workability of PVA short-fiber mixed shotcrete 田口史雄,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Journal of JSCE,category F Vol.64 No.1 1 2008/01
- Finite Element Modeling of Impact Response Analysis Considering Equivalent Fracture Energy Concept for Prototype RC Girders N.Kishi,A.Q.Bhatti,H.Konno,Y.Kurihashi Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Workshop on Rockfall Protection 40 2008
- Load-carrying behavior of pumped light-weight aggregate RC beams mixed with PVA short fiber 田口史雄,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.30 No.1 315 2008/06
- Iterative loading test with constant amplitude for flexural reinforced RC beams with FRP sheet Y. Kurihashi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami Proceedings of FRPRCS-9 CD-ROM 2009
- Material properties of shotcrete mixed with PVA short-fibre and micro hollow granular for repairing and reinforcing of existing concrete structures 田口史雄,栗橋祐介,三上 浩,岸 徳光 Journal of JSCE,category E Vol.64 No.1 94 2008/02
- Experimental Study on Load-Carrying Behavior of Flexural Reinforced PC Beams with Pre-Tensioned AFRP Sheet 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,澤田純之 Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios 第8巻 257 2008/10
- AFRPシート緊張接着RC梁のシート剥離性状に及ぼすシート導入緊張率の影響 栗橋祐介,A. M. Ali,岸 徳光,三上 浩 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.32 No.2 1315 2010/06
- Iterative loading test with constant amplitude for flexural reinforced RC beams with FRP sheet Y. Kurihashi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami Proceedings of FRPRCS-9 2009/07
- 水中硬化型接着樹脂とAFRP版を用いて水中補強したRC梁の静載荷実験 三上 浩,岸 徳光,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.32 No.2 1327 2010/06
- Flexural strengthening effects due to bonding pre-tensioned AFRP sheet to pre-cracked RC beams using a simple anchoring method A. M. Ali,N. Kishi,Y. Kurihashi,H. Mikami proceedings of IECC-6 2010/06
- ひび割れ補修したRC梁のAFRPシート緊張接着による曲げ補強効果 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,A. M Ali コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集 第10巻 357 2010/10
- Numerical simulation of impact response behavior of rectangular reinforced concrete slabs under falling-weight impact loading Norimitsu Kishi,Yusuke Kurihashi,Sara Ghadimi Khasraghy,Hiroshi Mikami PERFORMANCE, PROTECTION AND STRENGTHENING OF STRUCTURES UNDER EXTREME LOADING 82 266 2011
- Falling-weight impact test for 2/5 scale model of rockfall protection gallery with/without sand cushion H. Kon-no,S. Yamaguchi,H. Nishi,N. Kishi,Y. Kurihashi Proceedings of 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Advances in Geomaterials and Structures 355 2010/05
- 支持条件の異なるRC版の静的および衝撃荷重載荷実験 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 56A 1160 2010/03
- 敷砂緩衝材を設置しないRC製ロックシェッド模型の耐衝撃挙動に関する重錘落下衝撃実験 今野久志,岸 徳光,栗橋祐介,山口 悟,西 弘明 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 56A 1101 2010/03
- FRPシート曲げ補強した損傷を有するRC梁の耐荷性状に関する数値解析的検討 岸 徳光,三上 浩,小室雅人,栗橋祐介 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 56A 956 2010/03
- Falling-weight impact test for 2/5 scale model of rockfall protection gallery with/without sand cushion H. Kon-no,S. Yamaguchi,H. Nishi,N. Kishi,Y. Kurihashi Proceedings of 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Advances in Geomaterials and Structures CD-ROM 2010
- Load-Carrying Capacity of Flexural Reinforced PC Beams with Pretensioned AFRP Sheet Y. Kurihashi,N. Kishi,A. M. Ali,H. Mikami ADVANCES IN FRP COMPOSITES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 695 2010
- Upgrading effects of PVA short-fiber mixed concrete on impact resistant capacity of RC slabs 安達 優,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.31 No.2 1243 2009/06
- Load-Carrying Capacity of Flexural Reinforced PC Beams with Pretensioned AFRP Sheet Y. Kurihashi,N. Kishi,A. M. Ali,H. Mikami ADVANCES IN FRP COMPOSITES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 695 2010
- Experimental study on dynamic response behavior of PVA short fiber mixed LW-AG reinforced concrete slab Y. Kurihashi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami Proceedings of PROTECT2009 CD-ROM 2009
- Simulation method for evaluation of impact behavior for PVA short-fiber mixed LW RC beams 可知典久,岸 徳光,栗橋祐介,三上 浩 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.31 No.2 811 2009/06
- Load carrying behavior of flexural reinforced RC beams with pre-tensioned AFRP sheet N. Kishi,H. Mikami,Y. Kurihashi,A. M. Ali Proceedings of FRPRCS-9 2009/07
- Numerical simulation of LW-AG RC beams mixed with PVA short-fiber under impact loading N. Kishi,H. Mikami,Y. Kurihashi,Y. Adachi Proceedings of PROTECT2009 2009/08
- Experimental study on dynamic response behavior of PVA short fiber mixed LW-AG reinforced concrete slab Y. Kurihashi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami Proceedings of PROTECT2009 2009/08
- Material Property of PVA Short-fiber Mixed Shotcrete with Shrinkage-reducing Agent 安達 優,田口史雄,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩 Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios 2009/10
- Flexural strengthening effects due to bonding pre-tensioned AFRP sheet to pre-cracked RC beams using a simple anchoring method A. M. Ali,N. Kishi,Y. Kurihashi,H. Mikami proceedings of IECC-6 CD-ROM 2010
- Numerical simulation of impact response behavior of rectangular reinforced concrete slabs under falling-weight impact loading Norimitsu Kishi,Yusuke Kurihashi,Sara Ghadimi Khasraghy,Hiroshi Mikami PERFORMANCE, PROTECTION AND STRENGTHENING OF STRUCTURES UNDER EXTREME LOADING 82 266 2011
- Numerical simulation of impact response behavior of rectangular reinforced concrete slabs under falling-weight impact loading Norimitsu Kishi,Yusuke Kurihashi,Sara Ghadimi Khasraghy,Hiroshi Mikami PERFORMANCE, PROTECTION AND STRENGTHENING OF STRUCTURES UNDER EXTREME LOADING 82 266 2011
- Dynamic Response Analysis for Rigid Steel Portal Frames under Impact Loading Masato Komuro,Norimitsu Kishi,Yusuke Kurihashi,Wai-Fah Chen PERFORMANCE, PROTECTION AND STRENGTHENING OF STRUCTURES UNDER EXTREME LOADING 82 247 2011
- Flexural reinforced effects of pre-tensioned AFRP sheet bonding for PC beams at centroid of section 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,A. A. M. Ali Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.31 No.2 1369 2009/06
- Contribution of PVA short-fiber-mixed shotcrete and AFRPM to shear capacity increase of RC beams F. Taguchi,N. Kishi,Y. Kurihashi,H. Mikami Proceedings of FRPRCS-9 2009/07
- Effect of Pre-tensioning Ratio of AFRP Sheet on Load-carrying Behavior of Flexural Reinforced PC Beams with Pre-tensioned AFRP Sheet 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,澤田純之 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.31 No.2 2009/06
- Load-carrying behavior of shear-failure type RC beam reinforced bonding AFRPS on bottom surface 鈴木健太郎,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.31 No.2 1393 2009/06
- Upgrading effects of AFRPS boding on load-carrying capacity of RC beams with loading history 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,A. A. M. Ali Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.31 No.2 1387 2009/06
- Load-carrying behavior of RC beams with loading history reinforced with pre-tensioned AFRPS 三上 浩,岸 徳光,栗橋祐介,澤田 純之 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.31 No.2 1375 2009/06
- Dynamic Response Analysis for Rigid Steel Portal Frames under Impact Loading Masato Komuro,Norimitsu Kishi,Yusuke Kurihashi,Wai-Fah Chen PERFORMANCE, PROTECTION AND STRENGTHENING OF STRUCTURES UNDER EXTREME LOADING 82 247 2011
- PVA短繊維混入率の異なる片持ちRC梁の静載荷実験 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,田口史雄 コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集 第10巻 229 2010/10
- Numerical simulation of LW-AG RC beams mixed with PVA short-fiber under impact loading N. Kishi,H. Mikami,Y. Kurihashi,Y. Adachi Proceedings of PROTECT2009 CD-ROM 2009
- 載荷履歴を有するRC梁のAFRPシート緊張接着補強効果に及ぼすひび割れ補修の影響 青坂真也,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.32 No.2 1321 2010/06
- 支持条件の異なるRC版に関する重錘落下衝撃実験,コンクリート工学年次論文集 又坂文章,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.32 No.2 745 2010/06
- ソイルセメントを用いた三層緩衝構造の限界状態および荷重分散領域に関する実験的検討 牛渡裕二,栗橋祐介,鈴木健太郎,川瀬良司,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 60A 963 2014/03
- 三層緩衝構造を設置した実規模 RC 製ロックシェッドの耐衝撃挙動 今野久志,山口 悟,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.36 No.2 535 2014/07
- Sheet debonding behaviour of reinforced RC beams with pretensioned AFRP sheet Yusuke Kurihashi,Norimitsu Kishi,Hiroshi Mikami Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, CICE 2012 CD-ROM 2012
- ソイルセメントを用いた三層緩衝構造を設置した落石防護擁壁模型に関する重錘衝突実験 牛渡裕二,栗橋祐介,前田健一,鈴木健太郎,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 59A 997 2013/03
- Static Loading Tests on Reinforced PC Girders with Pretensioned AFRP Sheet by Using Removable Pretensioning Device Y. Kurihashi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami Proceedings of FRPRCS-11 CD-ROM 2013
- Numerical Study on Load-Carrying Behavior of RC Beams Reinforced with Pretensioned AFRP Sheet M. Komuro,N. Kishi,Y. Kurihashi,and,H. Mikami Proceedings of FRPRCS-11 CD-ROM 2013
- Effects of Pretension Force and Sheet Volume on the Load-Carrying Behavior of a Flexurally Reinforced RC Beam with a Pretensioned AFRP Sheet N. Kishi,Y. Kurihashi,H. Mikami,M. Komuro Proceedings of FRPRCS-11 CD-ROM 2013
- せん断キーを設けた場合のAFRP板水中接着曲げ補強RC梁の静的耐荷性状 池下雄哉,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.34 No.2 1321 2012/07
- AFRPシート緊張接着曲げ補強PC梁の曲げ耐荷性能に及ぼす定着方法の影響 土佐亮允,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.34 No.2 1303 2012/07
- 版厚の異なる二辺支持RC版の耐衝撃挙動 中野雄哉,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.34 No.2 655 2012/07
- 支持条件の異なる版厚の大きいRC版の耐衝撃挙動 三上 浩,岸 徳光,栗橋祐介,山口 悟 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.34 No.2 649 2012/07
- FRP板水中接着曲げ補強RC梁の耐荷性能に及ぼすFRP補強材の引張軸剛性と接着樹脂の影響 鹿嶋辰紀,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.34 No.2 1327 2012/07
- 梁幅を変化させたAFRPシート緊張接着曲げ補強RC梁のシート剥離性状に及ぼす導入緊張率の影響 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,今野久志 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.34 No.2 1315 2012/07
- 落石防護擁壁用三層緩衝構造の緩衝性能に及ぼすソイルセメント中の芯材ジオグリッド位置の影響 鈴木健太郎,牛渡裕二,岸 徳光,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.34 No.2 709 2012/07
- ソイルセメントに関する重錘落下衝撃実験 山口 悟,岸 徳光,栗橋祐介,牛渡裕二 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.34 No.2 733 2012/07
- PVA短繊維混入によるRC柱の靭性能向上効果 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,田口史雄 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 58A 879 2012/03
- PVA短繊維および軽量骨材を用いたRC床版の疲労耐久性評価に関する検討 野々村佳哲,中村拓郎,田口史雄,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 58A 1197 2012/03
- 支持条件と版厚が鉄筋コンクリート版の衝撃耐荷挙動に及ぼす影響 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 58A 1000 2012/03
- Load-Carrying Behavior of Pre-Cracked RC Beams Reinforced with Pretensioned AFRP Sheet N.Kishi,Y.Kurihashi,H.Mikami Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering ,CICE2012 CD-ROM 2012
- Shear Strengthening of RC Beams using FRP Mesh and PVA Short Fiber Mixed Shotcrete T. Nakamura,F. Taguchi,Y. Kurihashi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami Proceedings of APFIS2012 CD-ROM 2012
- Large-scale falling-weight impact test of rc slabs with cushion material S. Yamaguchi,H. Nishi,H. Kon-No,N. Kishi,Y. Kurihashi,Y. Ushiwatari 9th International Conference on Shock&Impact Loads on Structures 677 2011/11
- 支持条件と版厚が異なる RC 版の静的押し抜きせん断性状 三上 浩,岸 徳光,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.33 No.2 811 2011/07
- AFRPシート緊張接着曲げ補強RC梁の耐荷性状に及ぼすシート目付量および導入緊張率の影響 土佐亮允,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.33 No.2 1309 2011/07
- AFRP版を用いて水中接着曲げ補強したRC梁の耐荷性状に及ぼす補強材表面処理の影響 池下雄哉,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.33 No.2 1303 2011/07
- シート厚および導入緊張率を変化させたAFRPシート緊張接着曲げ補強PC梁の静載荷実験 栗橋祐介,岸 徳光,三上 浩,AbdelAziz Mohamed Ali Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.33 No.2 1297 2011/07
- 支持条件の異なるRC版の静的および衝撃荷重載荷実験 又坂文章,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.33 No.2 799 2011/07
- AFRPシート緊張接着によるRC梁の曲げ補強効果および破壊形式予測法に関する実験的研究 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,A. M. Ali Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 57A 812 2011/03
- PVA 短繊維を混入した大型RC 梁の耐衝撃性に関する実験的研究 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介,田口史雄 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 57A 1115 2011/03
- 四辺支持RC 版の耐衝撃性に及ぼすコンクリート強度の影響と耐衝撃設計法 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 57A 1239 2011/03
- Large-scale falling-weight impact test of rc slabs with cushion material S. Yamaguchi,H. Nishi,H. Kon-No,N. Kishi,Y. Kurihashi,Y. Ushiwatari 9th International Conference on Shock&Impact Loads on Structures 677 2011
- ソイルセメントを用いた三層緩衝構造の設計法の一提案 藤堂俊介,牛渡裕二,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.36 No.2 505 2014/07
- 三層緩衝構造におけるソイルセメントの長期耐久性向上策に関する実験的検討 鈴木健太郎,栗橋祐介,川瀬良司,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.36 No.2 499 2014/07
- せん断キー配置間隔を変化させた AFRP 板水中接着曲げ補強 RC 梁の耐荷性状 栗橋祐介,三上 浩,河本幸子,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.36 No.2 1177 2014/07
- 落石防護擁壁用三層緩衝構造のジオグリッド位置が緩衝性能に及ぼす影響に関する実験的検討 牛渡裕二,保木和弘,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.36 No.2 541 2014/07
- 落石防護擁壁用三層緩衝構造の緩衝性能に及ぼすソイルセメント中の芯材ジオグリッドの影響 鈴木健太郎,牛渡裕二,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.35 No.2 727 2013/07
- AFRP シート曲げ補強 RC 梁の耐衝撃性能に関する実験的検討 栗橋祐介,今野久志,三上 浩,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 60A 953 2014/03
- FRP 板水中接着曲げ補強 RC 梁の耐荷性能に及ぼす補強量の影響 三上 浩,栗橋祐介,小室雅人,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 60A 575 2014/03
- 緩衝材として砕石を設置した実規模 RC製ロックシェッドの重錘落下衝撃実験に基づいた弾性衝撃挙動 岡田慎哉,今野久志,山口 悟,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 60A 1007 2014/03
- Elastic impact testsof a full-scale rockfall protection gallery with cushion material Y. Kurihashi,H. Kon-No,S. Yamaguchi,N. Kishi Proceedings of RocExs2014 CD-ROM 2014
- Full-scale impact tests of rockfall protection gallery - cases using TLAS and gravel cushion - H. Kon-No,H. Nishi,N. Kishi,Y. Kurihashi,C. Roethlin,T. Vogel Proceedings of RocExs2014 CD-ROM 2014
- AFRP板水中巻付け補強によるコンクリート円柱の耐荷性能向上効果 河本幸子,栗橋祐介,三上 浩,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.35 No.2 1315 2013/07
- AFRP板水中接着曲げ補強RC梁の耐荷性状に及ぼすせん断キー配置間隔の影響 栗橋祐介,三上 浩,鹿嶋辰紀,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.35 No.2 1297 2013/07
- ソイルセメント厚が異なる落石防護擁壁用三層緩衝構造の重錘落下衝撃実験 藤堂俊介,牛渡裕二,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.35 No.2 769 2013/07
- AFRPシートと鋼板のせん断付着性状に関する実験的研究 小崎大樹,栗橋祐介,三上 浩,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.35 No.2 1327 2013/07
- AFRPシート接着補強による損傷RC梁の耐衝撃挙動 今野久志,西 弘明,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.35 No.2 721 2013/07
- 支持条件と版厚を変化させたRC版の重錘落下衝撃実験と耐衝撃設計法の提案 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 59A 1025 2013/03
- ソイルセメント・ジオグリッド・EPSから成る三層構造の静載荷実験 栗橋祐介,牛渡裕二,川瀬良司,中野雄哉,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 59A 989 2013/03
- AFRP補強材を用いた水中接着曲げ補強RC梁の耐荷性状に及ぼす補強材幅の影響 工藤雅史,岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.33 No.2 1291 2011/07
- せん断スパン比および導入緊張率の異なるAFRP シート緊張接着曲げ補強 RC 梁の静載荷実験 小崎大樹,栗橋祐介,三上 浩,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.36 No.2 1165 2014/07
- Strengthening effects of bonding AFRP plate on flexural capacity of RC beams for submerged application Y. Kurihashi,H. Mikami,M. Komuro,N. Kishi Proceedings of the 13th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, EASEC 2013 CD-ROM 2013
- Impact loading tests of steel portal frames with different types of connections M. Komuro,N. Kishi,Y. Kurihashi STESSA 2012: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BEHAVIOUR OF STEEL STRUCTURES IN SEISMIC AREAS 1003 2012
- Prediction and Conclusions of FE-Simulations for Full-scale Impact Test on Protection Gallery Y. Kurihashi,M. Komuro,N. Kishi,K. Schellenberg,T. Kawarai Proceedings of 6th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Rockfall Protection (RocExs20017) 2017/05
- Impact-resistant performance of a RC beam strengthened with externally bonded AFRP sheet Xing Guo Wang,Yusuke Kurihashi,Kun Jia Zhu Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock 34 8 2015/04
- 単粒度砕石を充填したジオセルによる緩衝効果に関する実験的研究 大山 亮貴,小室 雅人,栗橋 祐介,村田 佳久,渡邊 忍 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 61A 1002 2015/03
- AFRP シート曲げ補強したT 型 PC 梁の重錘落下衝撃実験 栗橋祐介,西 弘明,三上 浩,小室雅人,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 61A 980 2015/03
- 敷砂と砕石緩衝材を用いた落石防護覆道の実規模衝撃載荷実験 山口 悟,小室 雅人,栗橋祐介,今野 久志,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 61A 1012 2015/03
- 三層緩衝構造を設置した実規模RC製ロックシェッドの耐衝撃挙動と数値解析による適用性検討 今野 久志,西 弘明,山口 悟,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 61A 1024 2015/03
- Numerical simulation of AFRP Rod NSM RC beams under falling-weight impact loading Masato Komuro,Yusuke Kurihashi,Tomoki Kawarai,Norimitsu Kishi American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication 2017-October SP 327 285 2017
- 凍結融解作用を受けた RC 梁の耐衝撃挙動 勝見悠太,水田真紀,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.37 No.2 595 2015/07
- H形鋼梁の耐衝撃挙動に関するファイバーモデルの適用性検討 小室雅人,栗橋祐介,牛渡裕二,鈴木健太郎,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 62A 1011 2016/03
- 竜巻飛来物の衝突を受けるリングネットを用いた防護ネットシステムの衝撃解析 原田怜,秋岡民康,筒井喜平,鈴木利治,栗橋祐介,小室雅人 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 62A 1061 2016/03
- Effect of sheet volume on impact resistant capacity of RC beam strengthened with AFRP sheet Y. Kurihashi,H. Mikami,M. Komuro,N. Kishi Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering, CICE 2016 841 2016
- Strengthening effects of bonding AFRP plate on shear load-carrying capacity of RC beams for submerged application Yusuke Kurihashi,Hiroshi Mikami,Masato Komuro,Norimitsu Kishi FRPRCS-12/APFIS-2015 - Joint Conference of the 12th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures, FRPRCS 2015 and the 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Fiber Reinforced Polymers in Structures, APFIS 2015 2015
- Impact resistant behavior of RC beam damaged by freeze-thaw action Yusuke Kurihashi,Maki Mizuta,Akinori Shimata,Norimitsu Kishi Key Engineering Materials 711 745 2016
- AFRP シート緊張接着曲げ補強 RC 梁の曲げ耐荷性状に関する実験的研究 岸 徳光,三上 浩,栗橋祐介 土木学会論文集 E2 (材料・コンクリート構造) Vol.72 No.2 165 2016
- Impact resistant behavior of RC slab strengthened bonding FRP sheet to its back surface H. Mikami,N. Kishi,T. Ando,Y. Kurihashi Proceedings of DAPSIL 462 2003
- AFRP シート補強 T 形PC 梁の耐衝撃挙動に及ぼす補強方法の影響 栗橋祐介,今野久志,三上 浩,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.37 No.2 1147 2015/07
- Impact damage test of RC beams strengthened with externally bonded AFRP sheet Xing Guo Wang,Kun Jia Zhu,Kurihashi Yusuke Tiedao Xuebao/Journal of the China Railway Society 37 4 111 2015/04
- Flexural load-carrying property of RC beams mixed with PVA short-fiber Y. Kurihashi,F. Taguchi,N. Kishi,H. Mikami Proceedings of the 4th International Specialty Conference on Fibre Reinforced Materials 135 2017
- AFRP ロッドで曲げ補強した RC 梁の衝撃応答解析 瓦井智貴,岸 徳光,小室雅人,栗橋祐介 コンクリート工学年次論文集 Vol. 39 No. 2 583 2017/07
- CFRP シート曲げ補強した RC 梁の耐衝撃挙動 船木隆史,岸 徳光,栗橋祐介,三上 浩 コンクリート工学年次論文集 Vol. 39 No. 2 577 2017/07
- An Examination on the Influence of Certain Parameters on Three-Dimensional Dynamic Frame Analysis for a Rockfall Protection Gallery F. Yamasawa,H. Konno,H. Nishi,N. Kishi,M. Komuro,Y. Kurihashi Proceedings of 6th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Rockfall Protection (RocExs20017) 2017/05
- Upgrading Effects of Near-Surface Mounting of Aramid Fiber Reinforced Polymer Rods on Impact Resistant Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beams N. Kishi,M. Komuro,Y. Kurihashi,H. Mikami Proceedings of 6th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Rockfall Protection (RocExs20017) 2017/05
- AFRPロッド下面埋設曲げ補強RC梁の耐衝撃性向上効果に関する実験的検討 岸 徳光,小室雅人,栗橋祐介,三上 浩,船木隆史 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.63A 1188 2017/03
- 損傷度の異なる扁平RC梁のAFRPシート接着による耐衝撃性向上効果 栗橋祐介,今野久志,三上 浩,酒井啓介,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.63A 1177 2017/03
- 凍害劣化したRCはりの耐衝撃挙動と残存耐力に関する実験的研究 栗橋祐介,水田真紀,岸 徳光,池田和隆 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.63A 1237 2017/03
- 衝撃的外力により損傷した凍害劣化RC 梁の残存耐力 池田和隆,島多昭典,栗橋祐介,水田真紀,岸 徳光 コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集 第16巻 477 2016/10
- 衝撃荷重により損傷した扁平 RC 梁の AFRP シート曲げ補強効果 栗橋祐介,今野久志,三上 浩,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.38 No.2 763 2016/07
- 衝撃荷重により損傷した実規模 RC 落石覆工の AFRP シートによる補修補強効果 船木隆史,今野久志,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.38 No.2 769 2016/07
- 凍結融解作用により劣化した RC 梁の耐衝撃挙動 勝見悠太,栗橋祐介,水田真紀,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.38 No.2 781 2016/07
- 扁平 RC 梁の耐衝撃挙動に及ぼす敷砂緩衝材の影響 酒井啓介,栗橋祐介,今野久志,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.38 No.2 787 2016/07
- AFRP ロッド下面埋設曲げ補強 RC 梁の重錘落下衝撃実験 岸 徳光,栗橋祐介,三上 浩,佐藤元彦 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.38 No.2 1375 2016/07
- リングネットを用いた防護ネットシステムに対する竜巻飛来物の自由落下試験 原田怜,星野賢治,秋岡民康,小室雅人,栗橋祐介,梅沢広幸 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 62A 1072 2016/03
- AFRP シート曲げ補強したRC 梁のシート破断抑制法に関する実験的研究 栗橋祐介,三上 浩,今野久志,佐藤元彦,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 62A 1043 2016/03
- 凍害劣化RC 梁の耐衝撃性能に関する実験的研究 栗橋祐介,水田真紀,島多昭典,勝見悠太,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 62A 1053 2016/03
- FRP シートを用いて曲げ補強したH 形鋼梁の曲げ耐荷性状 三上 浩,栗橋祐介,小室雅人,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 62A 647 2016/03
- 重錘落下衝撃を受ける H 形鋼梁の耐衝撃挙動 葛西勇輝,小室雅人,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 鋼構造年次論文報告集 Vol. 23 2015/11
- AFRP 板水中接着により曲げおよびせん断補強した RC 梁の耐荷性状 杉本成司,栗橋祐介,三上 浩,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.37 No.2 1165 2015/07
- AFRP および PFRP シートで曲げ補強した RC 梁の重錘落下衝撃実験 佐藤元彦,栗橋祐介,三上 浩,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.37 No.2 1153 2015/07
- 実規模 RC ロックシェッドの耐衝撃挙動に及ぼす緩衝材の影響 佐伯侑亮,今野久志,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.37 No.2 613 2015/07
- 三径間連続鋼鈑桁橋の健全性に関する実験的・数値解析的検討 成田彩華,小室雅人,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 鋼構造年次論文報告集 22 931 2014/11
- AFRP 帯で水中接着せん断補強した RC 梁の耐荷性状 杉本成司,栗橋祐介,三上 浩,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.36 No.2 1183 2014/07
- 緩衝材として砕石を設置した実規模 RC 製ロックシェッドの耐衝撃挙動 佐伯侑亮,今野久志,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.36 No.2 547 2014/07
- AFRP シート曲げ補強 RC 梁の耐衝撃挙動に及ぼすシート目付量の影響 三上 浩,今野久志,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.36 No.2 523 2014/07
- Falling-Weight Impact Tests of Flexural Strengthened RC Beams with AFRP Sheet Yusuke Kurihashi,Hisashi Kon-No,Hiroshi Mikami,Norimitsu Kish RESPONSE OF STRUCTURES UNDER EXTREME LOADING 636 2015
- ロックシェッドに関する耐衝撃設計法の安全余裕度の評価に関する研究 岸 徳光,山口 悟,牛渡 裕二,栗橋祐介,佐伯侑亮 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 61A 1034 2015/03
- 衝撃荷重による損傷を有する RC 梁のAFRPシート曲げ補強による耐衝撃性向上効果 三上 浩,栗橋 祐介,今野久志,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 61A 990 2015/03
- 材料特性の異なる FRP 板で水中接着曲げ補強した RC 梁の曲げ耐荷性状 三上 浩,栗橋祐介,小室雅人,岸徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.37 No.2 1159 2015/07
- スパン長の異なるH 形鋼梁の重錘落下衝撃実験 小室雅人,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 62A 999 2016/03
- 重錘落下衝撃を受ける扁平 RC 梁のファイバー要素解析 牛渡裕二,栗橋祐介,西 弘明,岸 徳光 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.38 No.2 799 2016/07
- Failure probability for extreme load cases evaluated by FE-calculations - A case study for the rockfall protection gallery rieinertobel Yusuke Kurihashi,Masato Komuro,Matthias Schubert,Rocco Custer,Kristian Schellenberg IABSE Symposium, Nantes 2018: Tomorrow's Megastructures S27 2018
- CFRP ロッドを用いて下面埋設曲げ補強を施した RC 梁の重錘落下衝撃実験 岸 徳光,栗橋祐介,三上 浩,小室雅人 コンクリート工学年次論文集 Vol. 39 No. 2 1147 2017/07
- DYNAMIC RESPONSE ANALYSIS OF RC SLABS WITH VARIOUS SUPPORT CONDITIONS UNDER IMPACT LOADING 鄭丹丹,小室雅人,岸徳光,栗橋 祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.40 No.2 685 2018/07
- CFRP シート/ロッドを用いて曲げ補強したRC 梁の静的および衝撃荷重載荷実験 岸徳光,栗橋祐介,三上浩,船木隆史 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.40 No.2 709 2018/07
- 埋設型枠と水中不分離性モルタルで補修した扁平RC 梁の静載荷実験 戸上卓也,栗橋祐介,南 真樹,西谷内龍司 コンクリート工学年次論文集 Vol. 39 No. 2 1171 2017/07
- Numerical Simulation of AFRP Rod NSM RC Beams under Falling-weight Impact Loading M. Komuro,Y. Kurihashi,T. Kawarai,N. Kishi Proceedings of FRPRCS-13 2017/10
- Impact Tests of RC Beams Flexurally Strengthened with CFRP Material N. Kishi,M. Komuro,Y. Kurihashi,H. Mikami Proceedings of FRPRCS-13 2017/10
- Impact resistant behavior of steel fiber reinforced PFC beam strengthened with AFRP sheet Yusuke Kurihashi,Masato Komuro,Katsuya Kono,Eiki Yasuda IABSE Young Engineers Colloquium in East Asia - Proceedings 35 2018
- AFRP シート下面接着曲げ補強 RC 梁の衝撃応答解析 瓦井智貴,小室雅人,岸徳光,栗橋祐介 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.40 No.2 715 2018/07
- アラミド繊維シート接着による木材の耐衝撃性向上効果 栗橋祐介,坂井秀敏,岡田泰一,斎藤智久,小室雅人 構造工学論文集 Vol. 64A 855 2018/03
- 凍結融解繰返しにより凍害劣化した RC 梁の耐衝撃挙動 戸上卓也,栗橋祐介,野々村佳哲,今野久志 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.40 No.2 727 2018/07
- AFRP シートで曲げ補強した鋼繊維補強無孔性コンクリートはりの耐衝撃性 木内洋介,栗橋祐介,河野克哉,安田瑛紀 Annual Journal of Japan Concrete Institute Vol.40 No.2 1423 2018/07
- 2 種類のRC 梁下面埋設FRP ロッドの耐衝撃性向上効果に関する実験的研究 岸 徳光,小室雅人,栗橋祐介,三上 浩,船木隆史 構造工学論文集 Vol. 64A 875 2018/03
- 圧縮強度400 N/mm2 を有する鋼繊維補強コンクリート梁の耐衝撃挙動 河野克哉,栗橋祐介,多田克彦,小室雅人 コンクリート工学年次論文集 Vol. 39 No. 2 1087 2017/07
- RC 落石覆工の衝撃応答解析結果に基づく破壊確率の検討 栗橋祐介,R. Custer,小室雅人,K. Schellenberg コンクリート工学年次論文集 Vol. 39 No. 2 625 2017/07
- Impact loading tests of steel fiber reinforced pfc beam strengthened with pet frp sheet Yusuke Kurihashi,Katsuya Kono,Eiki Yasuda,Masato Komuro 13th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, SILOS 2019 245 2019
- 落石防護擁壁に用いるソイルセメント製緩衝工の適用範囲に関する一検討 牛渡裕二,西 弘明,栗橋祐介,岸 徳光 コンクリート工学年次論文集 Vol. 39 No. 2 643 2017/07
- 各種発泡材料の緩衝性能評価に関する重錘落下衝撃実験 栗橋祐介,小暮直親,新田真一,小室雅人,戸上卓也 構造工学論文集 Vol. 64A 908 2018/03
- AFRPロッド下面埋設補強RC梁に関する衝撃応答解析手法の妥当性検討 小室雅人,瓦井智貴,岸徳光,栗橋祐介 土木学会論文集 A2(応用力学) Vol. 74 No. 2 I_315 2018/06
- About the disaster of rock shed on Hakusan Shirakawago White Road Hiroshi Masuya, Yusuke Kurihashi 12 2019/12
- Estimation of response displacement based on energy absorption of RC beam subjected to impact action Yusuke Kurihashi, Hiroshi Masuya 12 2019/12
- Verification Test of Restoration Effect of Offshore Concrete Structure Using Permanent Formwork Panels and Underwater Inseparable Mortar Yusuke Kurihashi,Masaki Minami,Ryuji Nishiyauchi International Journal of Civil Engineering 2021/09/11
- Experimental study on development of multi-layered absorbing system with high-performance materials Hiroyuki Inao,Yusuke Kurihashi,Hiroshi Masuya 13 2022/01
- Impact Resistance Design of Porosity-Free Concrete Beams Strengthened with Aramid Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Sheet Yusuke Kurihashi,Katsuya Kono,Eiki Yasuda,Masato Komuro ACI STRUCTURAL JOURNAL 118 1 101 2021/01
- Damage Reduction Effect by Setting the Foamed Resin Materials for RC Beams Subjected to Collision Action Yusuke KURIHASHI,Hiroshi MASUYA 21 598 2021/10
- Damage reduction effect by setting various foamed materials for RC beams subjected to collision action Yusuke Kurihashi,Hiroshi Masuya 13 2022/01
- A study on the estimation of maximum displacement of various RC beams subjected to collision load Zen Takahashi,Yusuke Kurihashi,Hiroshi Masuya 13 2022/01
- Impact response of reinforced concrete beam with cushion using finite-element analysis Tung Thanh Pham,Yusuke Kurihashi,Hiroshi Masuya Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 2022/12
- Evaluation of rockfall risk on mountain roads using motion analysis simulation Takanari Fuji,Hiroshi Masuya,Yusuke Kurihashi,Kaori Nakanishi 13 2022/01
- Performance of reinforced concrete beam with cushion subjected to impact loading Tung Thanh Pham,Yusuke Kurihashi,Hiroshi Masuya Case Studies in Construction Materials 16 2022/06
- Full-scale experiments and numerical analysis of the capture performance of post reinforced rockfall protection fence using steel cable net for blocking surface Taichi Ishii,Yoichi Nishita,Hiroshi Masuya,Yusuke Kurihashi 68 944 2022/03
- Study on full scale experiment and analysis of rockfall barrier with fence panel of hybrid structure (part2) Taichi Ishii,Yoichi Nishita,Hiroshi Masuya,Yusuke Kurihashi 13 2022/01
- Study on evaluation of;deflection distribution of synthetic plate girder;bridge concrete deck by impact vibration Hiromu Yamaguchi,Yusuke Kurihashi,Hiroshi Masuya,Hiroshi Yokoyama,Tomoharu Kurosaki Journal of Structural Engineering, A 68 782 2022/03
- LARGE DISASTER OF ROCKSHED ON HAKUSAN SHIRAKAWA-GO WHITE ROAD Hiroshi Masuya, Yusuke Kurihashi, Tomomi Ihara 7th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Rockfall Protection 7 2022/06
- EVALUATION OF ROCKFALL RISK ON HAKUSAN SHIRAKAWAGO WHITE ROAD BY NUMERICAL SIMULATION Takanari Fuji, Hiroshi Masuya, Yusuke Kurihashi 7th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Rockfall Protection 7 2022/06
- FULL-SCALE EXPERIMENT OF ROCKFALL BARRIER WITH HYBRID PROTECTION STRUCTURE Taichi Ishii, Yoichi Nishita, Hiroshi Masuya, Yusuke Kurihashi 7th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Rockfall Protection 7 2022/06
- A STUDY ON THE ESTIMATION OF MAXIMUM DISPLACEMENT OF VARIOUS RC BEAMS SUBJECTED TO COLLISION LOAD Zen Takahashi, Yusuke Kurihashi, Hiroshi Masuya 7th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Rockfall Protection 7 2022/06
- Effect of spacing lap splices and joint length of flat RC beams with noncontact lap splices on fracture properties Kaito Tanaka, Yusuke Kurihashi, Ririka Onishi, Hiroshi Masuya 69 2023/03
- Experimental study on the behavior of upper reinforcing bars in RC slabs subjected to out-of-plane loads Hiroshi Yokoyama, Yuji Maki, Yusuke Kurihashi, Hiroshi Masuya 69 2023/03
Conference Presentations
- 精度を追求した重錘落下装置で構造部材の挙動を解明する 栗橋祐介 土木学会誌 11 月号 42 2017/11
- At the turnaround point of my life Yusuke Kurihashi Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan 67 9 890 2018/09
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
○Evaluation of impact-resistant structures
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Structural Mechanics B(2022)
○Surveying and Practice 2(2022)
○Civil Engineering Design Practice 1(2022)
○Structural Mechanics A(2022)
○Civil Engineering Design Practice 1(2022)
○Civil Engineering Experiment(2022)
○Surveying and Practice 2(2022)
○Surveying and Practice 1(2022)
○Surveying and Practice 1(2022)
○Civil Engineering Experiment(2022)
○Structural Mechanics A(2020)
○Structural Analysis A(2020)
○Surveying and Practice 1(2020)
○Civil Engineering Design Practice 1(2020)
○Graduation thesis Or Design(2020)
○Structural Analysis B(2020)
○Civil Engineering Experiment(2020)
○Structural Mechanics B(2020)
○Surveying and Practice 2(2020)
○Practice of Environmental Design(2019)
○Civil Engineering Design Practice 1(2019)
○Graduation thesis Or Design(2019)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Exercises in structural engineering and materials(2022)
○Advanced Structural Engineering A(2022)
○Exercise on Civil Engineering(2022)
○Advanced Structural Engineering A(2022)
○Advanced Practice(2020)
○Exercise on Civil Engineering(2020)
○Exercise on Civil Engineering(2019)