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Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering

40 faculty members found.Click on a name for details.

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No. Name Faculty Position Specialities
21 NINOMIYA, Junichi Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor Coupled Model (Air-Sea-Wave), Air-Sea Interaction, Storm Surge, Tropical Cyclone (Typhoon), Extra-tropical cyclone, Ocean Environment
22 HASEGAWA TAKASHI Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Professor Stratigraphy paleontology geochemistry
23 HATA, Mitsuhiko Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Professor atmospheric aerosol, biomass combustion
24 HAMADA, Maki Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor Mineralogy, high pressure mineralogy, ore mineralogy, descriptive mineralogy, crystallography, Mossbauer spectroscopy
25 HARA, Hiroe Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor Multivariate water quality data,micropollutants in water,Advanced water purification technology,advanced wastewater treatment,Toxicogenomics
26 HIRAMATSU YOSHIHIRO Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Professor earthquake, source mechanism, the structure of the interior of the earth, seismicity, volcano, gravity anomaly
27 FUKADA SAIJI Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Professor Bridge Vibration
28 FUJII, Yoko Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor Architectural planning, urban planning, inclusive design, people with disabilities
29 FURUUCHI MASAMI Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Professor Assesment of Atmospheric Environment.Air Pollution Control Technology. Air Cleaning Device.
30 Ryo HONDA Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering Professor Environmental Process Engineering, Environmental Microbiology, Water Treatment Process, Sustainability Science

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