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佐藤 (Target:Name)

19 faculty members found.Click on a name for details.

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No. Name Faculty Position Specialities
11 SATO, Hanae WPI Nano Life Science Institute Associate Professor
12 SATO HIDEKI Faculty of Economics and Management,Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor History of Banking Supervision in the UK and France, Bank of England, Banque de France, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, ECB, European Banking Union, European Capital Markets Union, EMU, Financial Crisis, Governance on International Finance
13 SATO FUMIHIKO Institute of Liberal Arts and Science Professor literary Uncle, German Children's and Youth Literature between the Wars, Viennese Popular Theatre, Danube, Proletarian-Revolutionary Fairy tale
14 SATO MAKOTO Institute for Frontier Science Initiative Professor Mathematical Modeling,Neural Development,emergence of brain function,neuronal network,cell migration,neuronal diversity,Visual system,Drosophila brain
15 SATO MASAHIDE Emerging Media Initiative Professor Crystal growth
16 SATO MASAYUKI Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Science and Engineering Professor Intrinsic localized mode Laser MEMS
17 SATO(HONOKI) MIKI Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences Professor Criminal procedure, Evidence Act, Exclusionary Rules, Child abuse, Parquet européen
18 SATO YASUNORI Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Associate Professor Hepatobiliary disease, pathology, molecular biology
19 SATO WATARU Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering Professor

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