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- 研究者情報
林 克洋 (はやし かつひろ) 教授 HAYASHI Katsuhiro
医薬保健研究域 保健学系
金沢大学 医学部 1997/03 卒業
日本リハビリテーション医学会 認定委員会 委員(2015-)
中部日本整形外科・災害外科学会 評議員(2004-)
○医療安全委員会 委員(2015-2018)
- Fluorescence-guided surgery of prostate cancer bone metastasis Journal of Surgical Research 2014/06/27
- Prognostic Value of Radiological Response to Chemotherapy in Patients with Osteosarcoma PLoS ONE 8巻 7号 2013/07/29
- Prognostic Value of Radiological Response to Chemotherapy in Patients with Osteosarcoma PLoS ONE 8巻 7号 2013/07/29
- Fluorescence-guided surgery of prostate cancer bone metastasis Journal of Surgical Research 2014/06/27
- Cryotreatment against metastatic renal cell bone tumour reduced multiple lung metastases Anticancer Research 31巻 9号 2927-2930頁 2011/09/01
- Comparison of cancer-cell seeding, viability and deformation in the lung, muscle and liver, visualized by subcellular real-time imaging in the live mouse Anticancer Research 31巻 11号 3665-3672頁 2011/11/01
- Color-coded real-time subcellular fluorescence imaging of the interaction between cancer and host cells in live mice Anticancer Research 32巻 1号 39-43頁 2012/01/01
- Diagnosis and treatment of low-grade osteosarcoma: Experience with nine cases International Journal of Clinical Oncology 19巻 4号 731-738頁 2014/01/01
- Dynamic color-coded fluorescence imaging of the cell-cycle phase, mitosis, and apoptosis demonstrates how caffeine modulates cisplatinum efficacy Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 114巻 11号 2454-2460頁 2013/11/01
- High-grade undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma of pelvis treated with curettage and bone graft after complete remission following caffeine-potentiated chemotherapy Journal of Orthopaedic Science 16巻 4号 476-481頁 2011/07/01
- Caffeine-potentiated chemotherapy for clear cell sarcoma: A report of five cases International Journal of Clinical Oncology 18巻 1号 33-37頁 2013/02/01
- Functional outcomes after total scapulectomy for malignant bone or soft tissue tumors in the shoulder girdle International Journal of Clinical Oncology 16巻 5号 568-573頁 2011/10/01
- Fluorescence-guided surgery improves outcome in an orthotopic osteosarcoma nude-mouse model Journal of Orthopaedic Research 32巻 12号 1596-1601頁 2014/01/01
- Factors that influence functional outcome after total or subtotal scapulectomy: Japanese musculoskeletal oncology group (JMOG) study PLoS ONE 9巻 6号 2014/06/17
- Outcomes and complications of reconstruction using tumor-bearing frozen autografts in patients with metastatic bone tumors Anticancer Research 34巻 10号 5569-5577頁 2014/01/01
- Pedicle versus free frozen autograft for reconstruction in malignant bone and soft tissue tumors of the lower extremities Journal of Orthopaedic Science 19巻 1号 156-163頁 2014/01/01
- Tumor-targeting Salmonella typhimurium A1-R prevents experimental human breast cancer bone metastasis in nude mice Oncotarget 5巻 16号 7119-7125頁 2014/01/01
- Synovial sarcoma in knee joint, mimicking low-grade sarcoma confirmed by molecular detection of SYT gene split Anticancer Research 34巻 6号 3105-3112頁 2014/01/01
- Prognostic Value of Histological Response to Chemotherapy in Osteosarcoma Patients Receiving Tumor-Bearing Frozen Autograft PLoS ONE 8巻 8号 2013/08/15
- Imaging UVC-induced DNA damage response in models of minimal cancer Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 114巻 11号 2493-2499頁 2013/11/01
- Single cell time-lapse imaging of focus formation by the DNA damage-response protein 53BP1 after UVC irradiation of human pancreatic cancer cells Anticancer Research 33巻 4号 1373-1378頁 2013/04/01
- Uncultured adipose-derived regenerative cells promote peripheral nerve regeneration Journal of Orthopaedic Science 18巻 1号 145-151頁 2013/01/01
- Over 10-year follow-up of functional outcome in patients with bone tumors reconstructed using distraction osteogenesis Journal of Orthopaedic Science 18巻 1号 101-109頁 2013/01/01
- Potentiation of the antitumor effect of calcium phosphate cement containing anticancer drug and caffeine on rat osteosarcoma Tanzawa, Yoshikazu;Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki;Shirai, Toshiharu;Nishida, Hideji;Hayashi, Katsuhiro;Takeuchi, Akihiko;Kawahara, Masami;Tomita, Katsuro JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE 16巻 1号 77-84頁 2011
- Efficacy of novel platinum complexes against osteosarcoma bone targeting platinum and proteasome inhibitory platinum Igarashi, Kentaro;Yamamoto, Norio;Shirai, Toshiharu;Hayashi, Katsuhiro;Nishida, Hideji;Takeuchi, Akihiko;Tanzawa, Yoshikazu;Kimura, Hiroaki;Miwa, Shinji;Inatani, Hiroyuki;Shimozaki, Shingo;Odani, Akira;Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE 30巻 0号 S6-S6頁 2012
- Effect of anti-beta 1 integrin antibody on lung seeding of osteosarcoma cells in live mice visualized by single-cell in vivo imaging. Kimura, Hiroaki;Tome, Yasunori;Momiyama, Masashi;Hayashi, Katsuhiro;Bouvet, Michael;Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki;Hoffman, Robert M. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 30巻 15号 0-0頁 2012
- Marginal resection for osteosarcoma: Long-term outcomes Yamamoto, Norio;Takeuchi, Akihiko;Shirai, Toshiharu;Hayashi, Katsuhiro;Kimura, Hiroaki;Igarashi, Kentaro;Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 30巻 15号 0-0頁 2012
- Use of 99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy in the evaluation of the response to chemotherapy for osteosarcoma: Comparison with 201Tl scintigraphy and angiography International Journal of Clinical Oncology 16巻 4号 373-378頁 2011/08/01
- Uncultured Autogenous Adipose-derived Regenerative Cells Promote Bone Formation During Distraction Osteogenesis in Rats Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research? 2014/04/08
- Salvage method for unplanned excision of soft tissue sarcoma: Long-term results of second-look surgery following radio-hyperthermo-chemotherapy Anticancer Research 35巻 1号 493-498頁 2015/01/01
- Functional outcomes after total scapulectomy for malignant bone or soft tissue tumors in the shoulder girdle Int J Clin Oncol 2011/10 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
○基盤研究(C)(一般)「骨軟部腫瘍切除後欠損に対する脂肪由来幹細胞再生医療の新たなアプローチ」(2017-2019) 代表者
○基盤研究(C)「脂肪由来幹細胞を応用した骨軟部腫瘍切除後組織欠損の再生医療と蛍光イメージング評価」(2014-2016) 代表者
○若手研究(B)「骨軟部腫瘍切除後欠損に対する脂肪由来幹細胞による組織再生と蛍光イメージング評価」(2011-2013) 代表者
○若手研究(B)「蛍光抗体を応用した骨軟部腫瘍の生体内イメージング」(2009-2010) 代表者