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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/01/24

Associate Professor Nisikawa Usio

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology Division of Terrestrial Environmental Studies

College and School Educational Field

Division of Natural Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Natural System, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology


Conservation Biology Lab

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
University of Otago Doctor Department of Zoology 200103 Completed
Hokkaido University Master 199503 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Hokkaido University 199203


Kanazawa University Institute of Nature and Environmental Te Associate Professor (2013/09/01-)
Niigata University Center for Toki & Ecological Restoration Associate Professor (2009/12/01-2013/08/31)
National Institute for Environmental Studies Research Scientist(2006/04/01-2009/11/30)
National Institute for Environmental Studies NIES Postdoctoral Fellow (2004/04/01-2006/03/31)
Colorado State University Depart. Fishery and Wildlife Biology Visiting Researcher (2001/05/01-2002/07/31)
Hokkaido University FSC JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow(2001/04/01-2004/03/31)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society

Ecological Society of Japan
The Japanese Society of Limnology
The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering
The Carcinological Society of Japan


○13th Denzaburo Miyadi Award(2009/03/20)
○Best Oral Presentation Award at the 7th EAFES International Congress(2016/04)
○Runner-up Oral Presentation Award at the Joint Annual Conference of the New Zealand Limnological Society and Australian Society of Limnology(1998/11)
○Best Poster Presentation Award at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan(2010/03)
○Best Poster Presentation Award at the 22nd Symposium of the Society of Population Ecology(2005/10)


Conservation of biological resources、Ecology/Environment

Speciality Keywords

Wildlife-friendly farming,Biodiversity,Ecological restoration,Environmentally friendly farming,Macroinvertebrate,Crayfish

Research Themes

Conservation and restoration of biodiversity in terrestrial and freshwater systems

Keywords: Biodiversity, Ecosystem service, Field work, Freshwater ecosystem, Terrestrial ecosystem

Ecological restoration of paddy-dominated landscapes

Keywords: Satoyama, Environmentally friendly farming, Wildlife-friendly farming, Biological control, Integrated Biodiversity Management

Invasion risk assessment and management of non-native species

Keywords: Invasive species, Invasion ecology, Ecosystem management

Collaboration & supervision

I can possibly accommodate international students or overseas researchers in my lab, if you ca prepaere for your own funding. Please refer to my web site for my research interests. http://usio24111.net/index_e.html


  •  西川, 潮,宮下, 直 Social-ecological restoration in paddy-dominated landscapes Springer Verlag 2014


  •  Distribution and control status of the invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in Japan N. Usio,Kazuyoshi Nakata,Tadashi Kawai,Satoshi Kitano Japanese Journal of Limnology 68 3 471 2007/12 
  •  Effects of pond management on the distributions of aquatic invaders in japanese farm ponds N. Usio,Miho Imada,Munemitsu Akasaka,Noriko Takamura Japanese Journal of Limnology 70 3 261 2009 
  •  Endangered crayfish in northern Japan: Distribution, abundance and microhabitat specificity in relation to stream and riparian environment Nisikawa Usio Biological Conservation 134 4 517 2007/02 
  •  Effects of common carp on nutrient dynamics and littoral community composition: roles of excretion and bioturbation Shin-ichiro S. Matsuzaki,Nisikawa Usio,Noriko Takamura,Izumi Washitani Fundamental and Applied Limnology 168 1 27 2007 
  •  Predicting the distribution of invasive crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in a Kusiro Moor marsh (Japan) using classification and regression trees N Usio,H Nakajima,R Kamiyama,Wakana, I,S Hiruta,N Takamura ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH 21 2 271 2006/03 

show all

  •  Roles of crayfish: Consequences of predation and bioturbation for stream invertebrates Nisikawa Usio,Colin R. Townsend Ecology 85 3 807 2004 
  •  Functional significance of crayfish in stream food webs: roles of omnivory, substrate heterogeneity and sex N Usio,CR Townsend Oikos 98 3 512 2002/09 
  •  Is invertebrate shredding critical for collector invertebrates? A test of the shredder-collector facilitation hypothesis N Usio,M Konishi,S Nakano ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH 16 2 319 2001/06 
  •  Species displacement between an introduced and a 'vulnerable' crayfish: The role of aggressive interactions and shelter competition Nisikawa Usio,Motoharu Konishi,Shigeru Nakano Biological Invasions 3 2 179 2001 
  •  Effects of crayfish on leaf processing and invertebrate colonisation of leaves in a headwater stream: Decoupling of a trophic cascade Nisikawa Usio Oecologia 124 608 2000/01/01 
  •  Distribution of the New Zealand crayfish Paranephrops zealandicus in relation to stream physico-chemistry, predatory fish, and invertebrate prey Nisikawa Usio,Colin R. Townsend New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 34 557 2000/01/01 
  •  Influences of microhabitat use and foraging mode similarities on intra- and interspecific aggressive interactions in a size-structured stream fish assemblage N Usio,S Nakano Ichthyological Research 45 1 19 1998/02 
  •  Microevolution in invasive species: Relative importance of genetic drift and natural selection Ryuji Yonekura,Kouichi Kawamura,N. Usio Japanese Journal of Ecology 59 2 153 2009/12/01 
  •  Introduction to the special feature: Molecular approaches to the study of biological invasions N. Usio,Ryuji Yonekura Japanese Journal of Ecology 59 129 2009/12/01 
  •  Molecular approaches to the study of biological invasions: Applicability to ecosystem management N. Usio,Ryuji Yonekura,Keiji Iwasaki,Mutsumi Nishida,Kouichi Kawamura,Hiroshi Kawai Japanese Journal of Ecology 59 2 161 2009/12/01 
  •  Summary of discussion of symposium on biological invasions and human activities Kimiko Uchii,N. Usio Japanese Journal of Limnology 70 3 285 2009 
  •  How do alien species and humans interact? N. Usio,Kimiko Uchii Japanese Journal of Limnology 70 3 247 2009 
  •  Alien vs. endemic crayfish: roles of species identity in ecosystem functioning Nisikawa Usio,Kana Suzuki,Motoharu Konishi,Shigeru Nakano Archiv für Hydrobiologie 166 1 1 2006/05 
  •  Do crayfish affect invertebrate distribution in a headwater stream? Usio N Freshwater Crayfish XIII 396 2002
  •  The significance of the crayfish Paranephrops zealandicus as shredders in a New Zealand headwater stream N. Usio,C. R. Townsend Journal of Crustacean Biology 21 354 2001/01/01 
  •  Temporal variation in foraging group structure of a size-structured stream fish community Usio Nisikawa,Shigeru Nakano Environmental Biology of Fishes 52 357 1998/01/01 
  •  Shoreline urbanization interrupts allochthonous subsidies to a benthic consumer over a gradient of lake size Eric R. Larson,Julian D. Olden,Nisikawa Usio Biology Letters 7 4 551 2011/08 
  •  Genetic population structure of the invasive signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus in Japan inferred from newly developed microsatellite markers Noriko Azuma,Nisikawa Usio,Tomoko Korenaga,Itsuro Koizumi,Noriko Takamura Plankton and Benthos Research 6 4 187 2011 
  •  Decoupled conservatism of Grinnellian and Eltonian niches in an invasive arthropod Eric R. Larson,Julian D. Olden,Nisikawa Usio Ecosphere 1 6 2010/12 
  •  Size-dependent impacts of invasive alien crayfish on a littoral marsh community Nisikawa Usio,Rui Kamiyama,Azumi Saji,Noriko Takamura Biological Conservation 142 7 1480 2009/07 
  •  Contrasting impacts of invasive engineers on freshwater ecosystems: an experiment and meta-analysis. Shin-Ichiro S Matsuzaki,Nisikawa Usio,Noriko Takamura,Izumi Washitani Oecologia 158 4 673 2009/01 
  •  Effects of land use on trophic states and multi-taxonomic diversity in Japanese farm ponds Nisikawa Usio,Megumi Nakagawa,Takashi Aoki,Shinsuke Higuchi,Yasuro Kadono,Munemitsu Akasaka,Noriko Takamura Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 247 205 2017/09 
  •  New record of Marmorkrebs from western Japan and its potential threats to freshwater ecosystems Nisikawa Usio,Noriko Azuma,Shinichi Sasaki,Tomoharu Oka,Mikio Inoue Cancer 26 5 2017/08
  •  Phylogeographic insights into the invasion history and secondary spread of the signal crayfish in Japan Nisikawa Usio,Noriko Azuma,Eric R. Larson,Cathryn L. Abbott,Julian D. Olden,Hiromi Akanuma,Kenzi Takamura,Noriko Takamura Ecology and Evolution 6 15 5366 2016/08 
  •  Effectiveness of wildlife-friendly farming on Sado Island, a globally-important agricultural heritage system site in Japan Nisikawa Usio Japanese Journal of Ecology 65 3 269 2015/11/30 
  •  Effects of Pond Draining on Biodiversity and Water Quality of Farm Ponds Nisikawa Usio,Miho Imada,Megumi Nakagawa,Munemitsu Akasaka,Noriko Takamura Conservation Biology 27 6 1429 2013 
  •  Chlorantraniliprole application differentially affects adult emergence of Sympetrum dragonflies in rice paddy fields Kosuke Nakanishi,Nisikawa Usio,Hiroyuki Yokomizo,Tadao Takashima,Takehiko I. Hayashi Paddy and Water Environment 20 1 177 2021/11/22 
  •  New records of nonnative signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in Nagano Prefecture with implications for multiple translocation pathways Kitano S,Ishizuka S,Murakami M,Sawamoto Y,Usio N,Ohtaka Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology (accepted) 27 2021/12
  •  Lineage‐level distribution models lead to more realistic climate change predictions for a threatened crayfish Zhixin Zhang,Jamie M. Kass,Stefano Mammola,Itsuro Koizumi,Xuecao Li,Kazunori Tanaka,Kousuke Ikeda,Toru Suzuki,Masashi Yokota,Nisikawa Usio Diversity and Distributions 27 4 684 2021/01/21 
  •  Effectiveness of ground bamboo mulching in suppressing weeds and enhancing rice production: a microcosm experiment Nisikawa Usio,Masfiro Lailati,Thien Quang Huynh,Yichen Shang,Koji Ito,Naoya Katsumi,Yumiko Mizuuchi,Masaya Ino Paddy and Water Environment, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10333-020-00827-2 19 1 159 2021 
  •  Do agrochemical-free paddy fields serve as refuge habitats for Odonata? Thien Huynh,Aisha Oyabu,Shinya Nomura,Tadao Takashima,Nisikawa Usio Ecologies 2 1 1 2020/12/31 
  •  Diel activity patterns of alpine carabid beetles differ according to habitat type Hiramatsu S,Usio N The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 96 2 99 2020/06
  •  Introduction to the special feature: Ecological restoration of paddy fields with regards to biodiversity Nisikawa Usio,Yusuke Koseki Japanese Journal of Ecology 65 3 267 2015/11/30 
  •  Toward ecological restoration of paddy fields with regards to multifunctionality Yusuke Koseki,Nisikawa Usio Japanese Journal of Ecology 65 3 299 2015/11/30 
  •  A new species of Pardosa (Araneae: Lycosidae) from sadogashima is., Japan Akio Tanikawa,Nisikawa Usio,Atsushi Ohwaki,Chihiro Endo,Tadashi Miyashita Acta Arachnologica 63 1 23 2014/09/19 
  •  Freshwater biodiversity in human-dominated landscapes: introduction Nisikawa Usio,Junjiro N. Negishi Limnology 15 3 199 2014/08 
  •  Exploring factors affecting farmers' implementation of wildlife-friendly farming on Sado Island, Japan Nakamura S,Tsuge T,Okubo S,Takeuchi K,Usio N Journal of Resources and Ecology 5 370 2014
  •  Effectiveness of wildlife-friendly farming on aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity on Sado Island in Japan Nisikawa Usio,Ryoji Saito,Hiromi Akanuma,Ryugo Watanabe pp. 95 2014
  •  Assessing the difficulty of implementing wildlife-friendly farming practices by using the best–worst scaling approach Takahiro Tsuge,Satosi Nakamura,Nisikawa Usio pp. 223 2014
  •  Synthesis Nisikawa Usio,Tadashi Miyashita pp. 295 2014
  •  The signal crayfish is not a single species: cryptic diversity and invasions in the Pacific Northwest range of Pacifastacus leniusculus Eric R. Larson,Cathryn L. Abbott,Nisikawa Usio,Noriko Azuma,Kimberly A. Wood,Leif-Matthias Herborg,Julian D. Olden FRESHWATER BIOLOGY 57 9 1823 2012/09 
  •  Loss of Genetic Diversity Means Loss of Geological Information: The Endangered Japanese Crayfish Exhibits Remarkable Historical Footprints Itsuro Koizumi,Nisikawa Usio,Tadashi Kawai,Noriko Azuma,Ryuichi Masuda Plos ONE 7 3 2012/03 
  •  Sporadic dwarf shrubs in alpine fellfields provide important habitats for carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Hiramatsu S,Usio N Japanese Journal of Environmental Entomology and Zoology 32 4 175 2021/12
  •  Spatiotemporal Patterns of Latrine-Site Use by Small-Clawed Otters in a Heterogeneous Rice Field Landscape Aadrean,Nisikawa Usio Mammal Study 45 2 103 2020/04
  •  Impacts of climate change on the global potential distribution of two notorious invasive crayfishes Zhixin Zhang,César Capinha,Nisikawa Usio,Robbie Weterings,Xuan Liu,Yiming Li,José M. Landeria,Qiang Zhou,Masashi Yokota Freshwater Biology 65 3 353 2020/03
  •  Underestimated species diversity and hidden habitat preference in Moina (Crustacea, Cladocera) revealed by integrative taxonomy Wataru Makino,Ryuji J. Machida,Jiro Okitsu,Nisikawa Usio Hydrobiologia 847 3 857 2020/02/01
  •  New policy directions for global pond conservation Matthew J. Hill,Christopher Hassall,Beat Oertli,Lenore Fahrig,Belinda J. Robson,Jeremy Biggs,Michael J. Samways,Nisikawa Usio,Noriko Takamura,Jagdish Krishnaswamy,Paul J. Wood Conservation Letters 11 2018/09/01 
  •  Tourism's impacts on rural livelihood in the sustainability of an aging community in Japan Bixia Chen,Zhenmian Qiu,Nisikawa Usio,Koji Nakamura Sustainability (Switzerland) 10 2018/08/15 
  •  Conservation and contingent valuation of farming landscape amenities by visitors: A case study of terraced paddy fields in Central Japan Bixia Chen,Zhenmian Qiu,Nisikawa Usio,Koji Nakamura Paddy and Water Environment 16 1 2018/05 
  •  Assemblage Characteristics and Habitat Specificity of Carabid Beetles in a Japanese Alpine-Subalpine Zone Shinichi Hiramatsu,Nisikawa Usio Psyche (New York) 2018 2018 
  •  Small-clawed otters (Aonyx cinereus) in Indonesian rice fields: latrine site characteristics and visitation frequency Aadrean,Nisikawa Usio Ecological Research 32 6 899 2017/11 
  •  Effects of ground bamboo application on weed suppression and rice production: a 3‑year paddy field experiment Lailati M,Shang Y,Huynh TQ,Ito K,Katsumi N,Mizuuchi Y,Ino M,Takashima T,Usio N CABI Agriculture and Bioscience 3 1 Article number 20 2022/04/09 

Conference Presentations

  • Ecological roles of koura (crayfish) in New Zealand stream communities(conference:Trout Lake Station, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Trout Lake Station seminar))(1999/08)
  • Effectiveness of wildlife-friendly farming on paddy field biodiversity: a case of Sado Island in central Japan(conference:2020 International Conference on Eco-Agriculture: Technology Development and Landscape Management (Online Presentation))(2020/11/05)
  • Using Crested Ibis as a flagship: the wildlife-friendly farming on Sado Island(conference:2013 Good Practice Program of Niigata University, International Satellite Seminar I & II" Agricultural Capacity Building by Global Gym System", Niigata)(2013/08/28)
  • Using Crested Ibis as a flagship for social-ecological restoration: the case of Sado Island(conference:Chinese Academy of Science Seminar, Beijing)(2013/10/23)
  • Towards sustainable agriculture, forestry and fisheries using satoyama-satoumi resources.(conference:Program of the 7th Joint Workshop between Kanazawa University and Prince of Songkla University)(2019/11/22)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

○Developing wildlife-friendly farming practices
○Invasion risk assessment and management of non-native species
○Conservation-related themes

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Research Seminar in Biology (1)(2017)
○Research Work in Biology(2)(2017)
○Introduction to Biology, Material Engineering and Geosciences A(2017)
○Global Environment and Biodiversity(2017)
○Individual,Population and Ecosystem(2017)
○Research Work in Biology(1)(2017)
○Field Work of Biology 1(2017)
○Guide to Biology and Earth Sciences(2017)
○Research Seminar in Biology (2)(2017)
○Experiments in Biology(2017)
○Experiments in Biology(2017)
○Individual,Population and Ecosystem(2016)
○Experiments in Biology(2016)
○Experiments in Biology(2016)
○Introduction to Biology, Material Engineering and Geosciences A(2016)
○Field Work of Biology 1(2016)
○Basic Biology Lab(2016)
○Research Seminar in Biology (1)(2016)
○Research Work in Biology(1)(2016)
○Research Seminar in Biology (2)(2016)
○Research Work in Biology(2)(2016)
○Global Environment and Biodiversity(2016)
○Guide to Biology and Earth Sciences(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Conservation and Restoration Ecology(2017)
○Systems Ecology B(2017)
○Conservation and Restoration Ecology(2017)
○Systems Ecology A(2017)
○Conservation and Restoration Ecology(2017)
○Conservation and Restoration Ecology(2017)
○Conservation and Restoration Ecology(2016)
○Systems Ecology A(2016)
○Systems Ecology B(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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