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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/11

Assistant Professor ICHIHASHI, Sayumi


Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Department of Nursing,School of Health Sciences, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences


Academic Background


St. Luke's International Hospital(2016/04-2019/03)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society



Clinical nursing

Speciality Keywords

Research Themes



  •  長期療養施設入所中の高齢者に対する慢性浮腫評価のためのAFTD-Pittingテストの評定者間信頼性(Inter-rater reliability of the AFTD-pitting test among elderly patients in a long-term medical facility) 臺 美佐子,須釜 淳子,土屋 紗由美,佐藤 文,松本 勝,井内 映美,前馬 宏子,大桑 麻由美,真田 弘美,Moffatt Christine J. リンパ浮腫管理の研究と実践 3 1 1 2015/12 
  •  Effects of vibration on chronic leg edema in chair-bound older adults: A pilot trial Sayumi Tsuchiya,Aya Sato,Terumi Ueda,Misako Dai,Mayumi Okuwa Lymphoedema Research and Practice 9 1 14 2022/01
  •  Influences of lower limb edema on daily lives of elderly individuals in an elderly day care center. Sayumi Tsuchiya,Takuto Sawazaki,Shuji Osawa,Makoto Fujiu,Mayumi Okuwa,Junko Sugama Japan journal of nursing science : JJNS 18 2 e12383 2020/10/06
  •  座位をとる日本の高齢者における夜間臥床による慢性下腿浮腫の変化(The changes of chronic leg oedema after recumbent position at night in chair-bound elderly Japanese individuals) 土屋 紗由美,井内 映美,佐藤 文,臺 美佐子,Imran,小林 正和,須釜 淳子 リンパ浮腫管理の研究と実践 6 1 1 2018/12 
  •  Objective assessment of leg edema using ultrasonography with a gel pad. Terumi Iuchi,Masato Kobayashi,Sayumi Tsuchiya,Naoki Ohno,Misako Dai,Masaru Matsumoto,Kazuhiro Ogai,Aya Sato,Takuto Sawazaki,Tosiaki Miyati,Shinobu Tanaka,Junko Sugama PloS one 12 8 e0182042 2017

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  •  The effectiveness of small changes for pressure redistribution; using the air mattress for small changes. Sayumi Tsuchiya,Aya Sato,Eri Azuma,Hiroko Urushidani,Masako Osawa,Kanaho Kadoya,Mana Takamura,Makiko Nunomi,Akimi Mitsuoka,Tomoe Nishizawa Yokono,Junko Sugama Journal of tissue viability 25 2 135 2016/05
  •  療養施設入所中の高齢者における浮腫と皮膚損傷の横断研究(A cross-sectional study of elderly individuals with oedema and skin injuries in long-term care facilities) 佐藤 文,臺 美佐子,藤本 由美子,Saldy Yusuf,土屋 紗由美,井内 映美,田端 恵子,山下 明美,中谷 壽男,真田 弘美,須釜 淳子 金沢大学つるま保健学会誌 39 2 63 2016/01 
  •  Characteristics of Developmental and Healing Process of Docetaxel-Induced Lower Limb Edema in Patients with Stage IV Breast Cancer: A Case Series Yuko Imakata, Junko Sugama, Sayumi Ichihashi, Fumiya Oohashi, Masato Kobayashi, Makoto Oe Palliative Medicine Reports 4 1 49-55 2023/02

Conference Presentations

  • The survey of clinical activities and educational needs of health professionals managing genital oedema: National database in Japan(conference:10th International Lymphoedema Framework Conference)
  • Influences of Lower Limb Edema on Daily Lives of Older Adults in an Elderly Day Care Center(conference:The 9th Asia Pacific Enterostomal Therapy Nurse Association Conference)
  • A study on prevalence of elderly people with edema according to activity at long-term care hospital and nursing home in Japan(conference:18th East Asian Forum Of Nursing Scholars)(2015/02)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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