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Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences


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编号 姓名(片假名) 所属部门 职位 专业领域、关键词
1 安部 聪一郎 Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences 教授 中國中古史(魏晉南北朝), 《後漢書》, 走馬樓吳簡
2 荒木 友希子 Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences 教授 无力感、悲观主义、压力对应、放松
3 AN, Jaesun Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences 特聘助教
4 INOSE, Chihiro Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences 副教授
5 入江 浩司 Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences 教授 冰岛语、法罗语
6 岩津 航 Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences 教授
7 岩本 健良 Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences 副教授 社会阶层、入学考试、学术杂志
8 上田 望 Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences 教授
9 UEDA, Hisao Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences 教授
10 UEMIYA, Ai Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences 讲师

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