中田 光俊 (なかだ みつとし) 教授 NAKADA Mitsutoshi
医薬保健研究域 医学系
医薬保健学域 医学類
医薬保健学総合研究科 医学専攻
脳・脊髄機能制御学 (脳神経外科) TEL:076-265-2384 FAX:076-234-4262
金沢大学 博士課程 医学研究科 脳神経外科学 1999/03 修了
金沢大学 医学部 医学科 1994/03 卒業
博士 (医学)
日本脳神経外科学会 理事(2023-2025)
日本脳神経外科コングレス 庶務会計副幹事, 第40回会長 (2020)(2016-2024)
日本脳腫瘍病理学会 理事(2015-2030)
日本癌学会 評議員(2016-2024)
日本脳腫瘍学会 理事(2016-2024)
日本分子脳神経外科学会 運営委員 第22回会長 (2022)(2015-2025)
アメリカ癌学会 Active member
日本脳腫瘍の外科学会 理事(2019-2021)
日本脳神経外科光線力学学会 運営委員 第13回会長 (2017)(2015-2025)
Neuro-Oncology WEST 世話人 当番世話人 (2019)(2012-2026)
日本脳卒中学会 評議員、代議員(2020-2022)
石川県てんかん医療研究会 世話人(2013-)
関西脳神経外科手術研究会 世話人(2015-2021)
日本脳神経CI学会 世話人(2020-2025)
日本awake surgery学会 運営委員 第21回会長 (2023)(2018-2025)
日中脳神経外科連盟 世話人(2018-2025)
外視鏡手術研究会 世話人(2022-2032)
アジア脳腫瘍学会 事務局長(2023-2025)
日本老年脳神経外科学会 世話人(2023-2033)
日本脳神経減圧術学会 運営委員(2021-2026)
○高難度新規医療技術等評価委員会 委員長(2022-2026)
○受託研究審査委員会 委員長(2022-2026)
○富山県未来財団 とやま賞(2003/05/09)
○日本脳腫瘍学会 星野賞(2005/10/31)
○がん研究振興財団 がん研究助成金(2007)
○日本脳神経外科財団 学術研究助成(2008)
○臨床薬理研究振興財団 研究奨励金(2008/12/10)
○安田記念医学財団 若手癌研究助成(2008/12/13)
○がん研究振興財団 がん研究助成金(2009/03/30)
○大阪癌研究会 一般学術研究助成(2010/12/01)
○小林がん学術振興会 研究助成(2011/06/25)
○武田科学振興財団 医学系研究奨励(2012/11/12)
○がん研究振興財団 がん研究助成金(2013/01/23)
○公益財団法人 持田記念医学薬学振興財団研究助成(2013/10/25)
○公益財団法人 三谷研究開発支援財団助成(2015/07/02)
○BrainLab Neurosurgery Award (2021/10/19)
近年のがん基礎研究では腫瘍の起源となる癌幹細胞の存在が提唱されており,脳腫瘍においてもグリオーマ幹細胞がいちはやく同定され,研究領域が急速に拡大している。当研究室では摘出した悪性グリオーマ検体からグリオーマ幹細胞を抽出し研究を基礎研究を展開している。脳内浸潤にEph/ephrin チロシンキナーゼ群やintegrinが重要であることを明らかにした。また幹細胞シグナルとして重要なNotchシグナル、STATシグナルに対する分子標的薬を使用した実験を進め悪性グリオーマ幹細胞の制御を試みている。
1. GSK3β阻害作用を有する既存医薬品を使用した悪性グリオーマの化学療法
糖代謝経路の下流で発見されたglycogen synthase kinase (GSK)3βは細胞周期,増殖・分化,アポトーシスや細胞骨格・運動能など多彩な細胞生命現象を制御する多機能分子である。近年GSK3βの過剰発現やリン酸化による活性調節機構の破綻ががん細胞の生存と増殖を維持・促進することが明らかとなり,GSK3βはがんに対する新しい標的分子として注目されている。当研究室ではGSK3βの阻害により膠芽腫細胞の悪性形質が著しく抑えられる基礎研究結果を報告した。これを受けて,GSK3βを阻害する四種類の既存医薬品を検索・抽出しGSKカクテル(特開2012-41314)と名付けて膠芽腫に適用することにより,迅速に臨床試験へ移行させた。これまでの大学病院での単施設第I/II相臨床試験から,GSKカクテルが脳内の腫瘍組織で確実に効果を発揮していることを証明するとともにその臨床上の安全性と有効性を確認した。
2. 悪性グリオーマ摘出検体の標的タンパク質発現解析に基づく個別化分子標的療法
- 脳機能 入門 2023/07/12 編著 中田光俊 4840481784
- 今日の疾患辞典 株式会社プレシジョン 2020/01 分担執筆 中田光俊
- Neurosurgical Controversies メジカルビュー社 2019/08/20 原著書 分担執筆 中田光俊
- 大脳白質解剖入門 メディカ出版 2019/03/15 共著 中田光俊、木下雅史、中嶋理帆
- 覚醒下手術 ことはじめ 中外医学社 2019/03/15 編著 中田光俊 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系脳・脊髄機能制御学 教授 編著 木下雅史 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系脳・脊髄機能制御学講師 中嶋理帆 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系リハビリテーション科学領域助教 松久大希 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系麻酔・集中治療医学助教 沖田浩一 金沢大学附属病院リハビリテーション部言語聴覚士 中出祐介 金沢大学附属病院検査部副臨床検査技師長 油野岳夫 金沢大学附属病院検査部臨床検査技師 篠原治道 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系脳医科学専攻機能解剖学分野客員教授
- カダバーと動画で習得する脳深部アプローチ 白質神経線維の走行と機能 2018/10/10 共著 4. 中田光俊、中嶋理帆、篠原治道
- カダバーと動画で習得する脳深部アプローチ 中外医学社 2018/10/10 共著 3. 中田光俊、中嶋理帆、木下雅史
- 脳幹・脳深部の手術 メジカルビュー社 2018/09/10 共著 宮下勝吉、中田光俊
- プライム脳神経外科 2018第4巻 グリオーマ 三輪書店 2018/04/20 共著 中田光俊、木下雅史
- 機能的脳神経外科診療ガイドブック メジカルビュー社 2018/04/01 共著 木下雅史、中田光俊
- 最新臨床検査学講座 生理学 医歯薬出版株式会社 2018/03/10 共著 中田光俊
- 脳腫瘍臨床病理カラーアトラス 医学書院 2017/10/01 共著 中田光俊
- 脳神経外科学改訂12版 金芳堂 2016/03/15 共著 中田光俊
- Signaling cascades driving the malignant phenotype of glioma cells Springer 2014/10 原著書 共著 Nakada M, Kita D, Furuta T, Watanabe T, Hayashi Y, Hamada JI.
- Current applications of 5-ALA in glioma diagnostics and therapy InTech 2013/01 原著書 共著 Teng L, Nakada M, Hayashi Y, Yoneyama T, Zhao SG, Hamada JI
- Receptor tyrosine kinases: principles and functions in glioma invasion Springer 2013/01 原著書 共著 Nakada M, Kita D, Teng L, Pyko IV, Watanabe T, Hayashi Y, Hamada JI.
- Distinct pathologic roles for glycogen synthase kinase 3b in colorectal cancer progression InTech Colorectal Cancer/Book 1 2011/12 原著書 共著 Minamoto T, Kotake M, Nakada M, Shimasaki T, Motoo Y, Kawakami K.
- 脳腫瘍における新しい治療効果予測因子と薬物治療展望 技術情報協会 がんの新しいバイオマーカー/予測因子による個別化医療時代に求められる抗がん剤開発 2011/06 原著書 共著 中田光俊
- The pivotal role of GSK3beta in glioma biology InTech Molecular Targets of CNS Tumors 2011/06 原著書 共著 Nakada M, Minamoto T, Pyko IV, Hayashi Y, Hamada JI. 567-590頁
- グリオーマにおけるADAMTS familyの発現について ポストシークエンス時代における脳腫瘍の研究と治療 2002/04 原著書 共著 高橋友哉,中田光俊,喜多大輔,佐藤博,山下純宏 135-140頁
- MT1-MMP抑制分子;N-Tesの同定とグリオーマ浸潤抑制効果の解析 九州大学出版会 ポストシークエンス時代における脳腫瘍の研究と治療 2002/04 原著書 共著 中田光俊,高橋友哉,喜多大輔,佐藤博,山下純宏
- LINAC メジカルビュー 脳神経外科Advanced Practice 5 神経膠腫 2001/12 原著書 共著 中田光俊,長谷川光広,山下純宏
- RNAi in malignant brain tumors: relevance to molecular and translational research RNA Technologies and Their Applications 2010/01 原著書 共著 in press頁
- 髄膜腫の再発危険因子の検討−MIB-1およびLCAによる解析− メディカ出版 髄膜腫の外科 1997/12 原著書 共著 中田光俊,長谷川光広,山嶋哲盛,山下純宏
- Drug repositioning for treatment of glioma: current state and future perspective. InTech 2020/07/14 原著書 共著 Tamai S, Hirai N, Jiapaer S, Furuta T, Nakada M.
- Asymptomatic carotid intraplaque hemorrhage is associated with a high risk of cerebral infarction and death after cardiovascular surgery Misaki K, Uno T, Nambu I, Kimura R, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Hayashi Y, Uchiyama N, Iino K, Takemura H, Nakada M. J Neurol Sci. 2020/03 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Recurrent spinal intramedullary arachnoid cyst: A case report and literature review Ichinose T, Miyashita K, Tanaka S, Oikawa N, Oishi M, Nambu I, Kinoshita M, Nakada M World Neurosurg 2020/03 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Does the superior fronto-occipital fascicle exist in the human brain? Fiber dissection and brain functional mapping in 90 patients with gliomas Liu X, Kinoshita M, Shinohara H, Hori O, Ozaki N, Nakada M Neuroimage Clin. 2020/01 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 高次脳機能に関する実践的知識 −視空間認知障害のみかた− 中嶋理帆、中田光俊 脳神経外科速報 30巻 98-105頁 2020/01 査読無
- Integrated Clinical, Histopathological, and Molecular Data Analysis of 190 Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors from the iGCT Consortium 31. Takami H, Fukuoka K, Fukushima S, Nakamura T, Mukasa A, Saito N, Yanagisawa T, Nakamura H, Sugiyama K, Kanamori M, Tominaga T, Maehara T, Nakada M, Kanemura Y, Asai A, Takeshima H, Hirose Y, Iuchi T, Nagane M, Yoshimoto K, Matsumura A, Kurozumi K, Nakase H, Sakai K, Tokuyama T, Shibui S, Nakazato Y, Narita Y, Nishikawa R, Matsutani M, Ichimura K Neuro-Oncology 21巻 1565-1577頁 2019/12 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Progressively enlarged convexity arachnoid cysts in elderly patients: A report of two cases Kimura R, Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Kobayashi M, Oishi M, Nakada M World Neurosurg 2019/12 査読有
- Effect of unilateral carotid artery stenting on cognitive function in patients with severe bilateral stenosis: a case report Nakahara M, Misaki K, Tsutsui T, Nakajima R, Yoshikawa A, Miyashita K, Uchiyama N, Nakada M World Neurosurg 2019/12 査読有
- Method for the Detection of Tumor Blood Vessels in Neurosurgery Using a Gripping Force Feedback System Yokota H, Yoneyama T, Watanabe T, Sasagawa Y, Nakada M Sensors (Basel) 19巻 2019/11 査読有
- Intratumoral continuous facial nerve stimulation for surgical resection of cystic vestibular schwannoma: Technical note Miyashita K, Kimura R, Tamai S, Tanaka S, Kinoshita M, Hayashi Y, Nakada M Surg Neurol Int 10巻 231頁 2019/11 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Identification of Vortex Cores in Cerebral Aneurysms on 4D Flow MRI Futami K, Uno T, Misaki K, Tamai S, Nambu I, Uchiyama N, Nakada M AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2019/11 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products as a biomarker of symptomatic vasospasm in subarachnoid hemorrhage Aida Y, Kamide T, Ishii H, Kitao Y, Uchiyama N, Nakada M, Hori O J Neurosurg 2019/11 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Fibulin-7 is over-expressed in glioblastomas and modulates glioblastoma neovascularization through interaction with angiopoietin-1 28. de Vega S, Kondo A, Suzuki M, Arai H, Jiapaer S, Sabit H, Nakada M, Ikeuchi T, Ishijima M, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Yamada Y, Okada Y Int J Cancer 145巻 2157-2169頁 2019/10 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Two cases of primary supratentorial intracranial rhabdomyosarcoma with DICER1 mutation which may belong to a “spindle cell sarcoma with rhabdomyosarcoma-like feature, DICER1 mutant” Sakaguchi M, Nakano Y, Honda-Kitahara M, Kinoshita M, Tanaka S, Oishi M, Noguchi K, Fukuda M, Maeba H, Watanabe T, Hayashi Y, Ikeda H, Minato H, Ichimura K, Nojima T, Nakada M Brain Tumor Pathol 36巻 174-182頁 2019/10 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Efficacy of cyst-cisternal shunt for refractory cyst regrowth of cystic vestibular schwannomas Kimura R, Miyashita K, Tamai S, Kawahara Y, Nakada M Acta Neurochir (Wien) 161巻 1817-1819頁 2019/09 査読有
- Spinal accessory nerve meningioma at the foramen magnum with medullar compression: a case report and literature review 29. Mohri M, Yamano J, Miyamori T, Saito K, Nakada M. World Neurosurg 128巻 158-161頁 2019/08 査読有
- The superior longitudinal fascicle: Reconsidering the fronto-parietal neural network based on anatomy and function Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Shinohara H, Nakada M Brain Imaging and Behavior 2019/08 査読有 総説 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Awake surgery for glioblastoma can preserve independence level, but is dependent on age and the preoperative condition Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Okita H, Yahata T, Nakada M J Neurooncol 144巻 155-163頁 2019/08 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Neuroprotective effects of endogenous secretory receptor for advanced glycation end-products in brain ischemia Shimizu Y, Harashima1 A, Munesue S, Oishi M, Hattori T, Hori O, Kitao Y, Yamamoto H, Leerach N, Nakada M, Yamamoto Y, Hayashi Y Aging and Disease 2019/07 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Identification of GSK3β inhibitor kenpaullone as a temozolomide enhancer against glioblastoma Kitabayashi T, Dong Y, Furuta T, Sabit H, Jiapaer S, Zhang J, Zhang G, Hayashi Y, Kobayashi M, Domoto T, Minamoto T, Hirao A, Nakada M Sci Rep 9巻 10049頁 2019/07 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- グリオーマ覚醒下手術で見えてくる高次脳機能 木下雅史, 中嶋理帆, 中田光俊 脳神経外科速報 29巻 773-779頁 2019/07 査読無
- Entirely suprasellar Rathke cleft cysts: clinical features and surgical efficacy of endoscopic endonasal transtuberculum sellae approach Hayashi Y, Kobayashi M, Sasagawa Y, Oishi M, Tachibana O, Nakada M World Neurosurg 126巻 e921-e929頁 2019/06 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Intratumoural immune cell landscape in germinoma reveals multipotent lineages and exhibits prognostic significance Takami H, Fukushima S, Aoki K, Satomi K, Narumi K, Hama N, Matsushita Y, Fukuoka K, Yamasaki K, Nakamura T, Mukasa A, Saito N, Suzuki T, Yanagisawa T, Nakamura H, Sugiyama K, Tamura K, Maehara T, Nakada M, Nonaka M, Asai A, Yokogami K, Takeshima H, Iuchi T, Kanemura Y, Kobayashi K, Nagane M, Kurozumi K, Yoshimoto K, Matsuda M, Matsumura A, Hirose Y, Tokuyama T, Kumabe T, Ueki K, Narita Y, Shibui S, Totoki Y, Shibata T, Nakazato Y, Nishikawa R, Matsutani M, Ichimura K; Intracranial Germ Cell Tumor Genome Analysis Consortium (the iGCT Consortium). Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 2019/06 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- A case of metastasis of a glioblastoma with primitive neuronal component to the lung Tamai S, Kinoshita M, Sabit H, Furuta T, Miyashita K, Yoshimura K, Homma T, Harada K, Nakada M 39巻 218-223頁 2019/06 査読有
- Ligand-dependent EphB4 activation serves as an anchoring signal in glioma cells Kawahara Y, Furuta T, Sabit H, Tamai S, Yu D, Jiapaer S, Zhang J, Zhang G, Oishi M, Miyashita K, Hayashi Y, Nakada M Cancer Letters 2019/05 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Practical procedures for the integrated diagnosis of astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumors Sonoda Y, Yokoo H, Tanaka S, Kinoshita M, Nakada M, Nishihara H, The committee for molecular diagnosis of the Japan Society of Brain Tumor Pathology Brain Tumor Pathol 36巻 56-62頁 2019/04 査読有
- MicroRNA regulating stanniocalcin-1 is a metastasis and dissemination promoting factor in glioblastoma Sakata J, Sasayama T, Tanaka K, Nagashima H, Nakada M, Tanaka H, Hashimoto N, Kagawa N, Kinoshita M, Nakamizo S, Maeyama M, Nishihara M, Hosoda K, Kohmura E J Neurooncol 142巻 241-251頁 2019/04 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Intraorbital solitary fibrous tumor requiring preoperative embolization of feeding artery Demura M, Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Mohri M, Takahira M, Nakada M Asian J Neurosurg 14巻 593-597頁 2019/04 査読有
- A case of metastasis of a glioblastoma with primitive neuronal component to the lung. Tamai S, Kinoshita M, Sabit H, Furuta T, Miyashita K, Yoshimura K, Homma T, Harada K, Nakada M. Neuropathology 2019/04/25 査読有
- Radiological and endocrinological evaluations with grading of hypothalamic perifocal edema caused by craniopharyngiomas. Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Oishi M, Misaki K, Kozaka K, Tachibana O, Nakada M. Pituitary 22巻 146-155頁 2019/04/22 査読有
- Fibulin-7 is over-expressed in glioblastomas and modulates glioblastoma neovascularization through interaction with angiopoietin-1. de Vega S, Kondo A, Suzuki M, Arai H, Jiapaer S, Sabit H, Nakada M, Ikeuchi T, Ishijima M, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Yamada Y, Okada Y. Int J Cancer 2019/03/28 査読有
- Entirely suprasellar Rathke cleft cysts: clinical features and surgical efficacy of endoscopic endonasal transtuberculum sellae approach. Hayashi Y, Kobayashi M, Sasagawa Y, Oishi M, Tachibana O, Nakada M. World Neurosurg 2019/03/11 査読有
- Practical procedures for the integrated diagnosis of astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumors Sonoda Y, Yokoo H, Tanaka S, Kinoshita M, Nakada M, Nishihara H, The committee for molecular diagnosis of the Japan Society of Brain Tumor Pathology. Brain Tumor Pathol. 36巻 56-62頁 2019/03/07 査読有
- Vascular RAGE transports oxytocin into the brain to elicit its maternal bonding behaviour in mice. Yamamoto Y, Liang M, Munesue S, Deguchi K, Harashima A, Furuhara K, Yuhi T, Zhong J, Akther S, Goto H, Eguchi Y, Kitao Y, Hori O, Shiraishi Y, Ozaki N, Shimizu Y, Kamide T, Yoshikawa A, Hayashi Y, Nakada M, Lopatina O, Gerasimenko M, Komleva Y, Malinovskaya N, Salmina AB, Asano M, Nishimori K, Shoelson SE, Yamamoto H, Higashida H. Commun Biol. 2019/02/25 査読有
- Ligand-dependent EphB4 activation serves as an anchoring signal in glioma cells. Kawahara Y, Furuta T, Sabit H, Tamai S, Yu D, Jiapaer S, Zhang J, Zhang G, Oishi M, Miyashita K, Hayashi Y, Nakada M. Cancer Letters 449巻 56-65頁 2019/02/15 査読有
- 右前頭葉病変に対する高次脳機能温存型覚醒下手術 中田光俊,木下雅史,中嶋理帆,篠原治道 脳神経外科 47巻 179-197頁 2019/02/10 査読無
- Recovery time from supplementary motor area syndrome depends on postoperative 1 week paralysis and damage of the cingulum. Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Yahata T, Nakada M. J Neurosurg 2019/02/08 査読有
- Bright spot analysis for photodynamic diagnosis of brain tumors using confocal microscopy. Yoneyama T, Watanabe T, Tamai S, Miyashita K, Nakada M. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 25巻 463-471頁 2019/02/06 査読有
- Bright spot analysis for photodynamic diagnosis of brain tumors using confocal microscopy Yoneyama T, Watanabe T, Tamai S, Miyashita K, Nakada M Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther 25巻 463-471頁 2019/02 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Vascular RAGE transports oxytocin into the brain to elicit its maternal bonding behaviour in mice Yamamoto Y, Liang M, Munesue S, Deguchi K, Harashima A, Furuhara K, Yuhi T, Zhong J, Akther S, Goto H, Eguchi Y, Kitao Y, Hori O, Shiraishi Y, Ozaki N, Shimizu Y, Kamide T, Yoshikawa A, Hayashi Y, Nakada M, Lopatina O, Gerasimenko M, Komleva Y, Malinovskaya N, Salmina AB, Asano M, Nishimori K, Shoelson SE, Yamamoto H, Higashida H Commun Biol 2巻 76頁 2019/02 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- A suprasellar colloid cyst over an 11-year follow-up: case report and literature review Uno T, Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Miyamori T, Oishi M, Nakada M World Neurosurgery 2019/01 査読有
- 右前頭葉機能の高次脳機能ネットワーク 中嶋理帆、中田光俊 J Wellness and Health Care 43巻 1-9頁 2019/01 査読無
- MicroRNA regulating stanniocalcin-1 is a metastasis and dissemination promoting factor in glioblastoma. Sakata J, Sasayama T, Tanaka K, Nagashima H, Nakada M, Tanaka H, Hashimoto N, Kagawa N, Kinoshita M, Nakamizo S, Maeyama M, Nishihara M, Hosoda K, Kohmura E. J Neurooncol 142巻 241-251頁 2019/01/30 査読有
- A case of suprasellar colloid cyst over an 11-year follow-up. Uno T, Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Miyamori T, Oishi M, Nakada M. World Neurosurg 2019/01/18 査読有
- A suprasellar colloid cyst over an 11-year follow-up: case report and literature review. Uno T, Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Miyamori T, Oishi M, Nakada M. World Neurosurgery 2019/01/18 査読有
- Glioma surgery under awake condition can lead to good independence and functional outcome excluding deep sensation and visuospatial cognition. Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Okita H, Yahata T, Nakada M. Neurooncol Pract 2018/12/20 査読有
- Significance of molecular classification of ependymomas: C11orf95-RELA fusion-negative supratentorial ependymomas are a heterogeneous group of tumors. Fukuoka K, Kanemura Y, Shofuda T, Fukushima S, Yamashita S, Narushima D, Kato M, Honda-Kitahara M, Ichikawa H, Kohno T, Sasaki A, Hirato J, Hirose T, Komori T, Satomi K, Yoshida A, Yamasaki K, Nakano Y, Takada A, Nakamura T, Takami H, Matsushita Y, Suzuki T, Nakamura H, Makino K, Sonoda Y, Saito R, Tominaga T, Matsusaka Y, Kobayashi K, Nagane M, Furuta T, Nakada M, Narita Y, Hirose Y, Ohba S, Wada A, Shimizu K, Kurozumi K, Date I, Fukai J, Miyairi Y, Kagawa N, Kawamura A, Yoshida M, Nishida N, Wataya T, Yamaoka M, Tsuyuguchi N, Uda T, Takahashi M, Nakano Y, Akai T, Izumoto S, Nonaka M, Yoshifuji K, Kodama Y, Mano M, Ozawa T, Ramaswamy V, Taylor MD, Ushijima T, Shibui S, Yamasaki M, Arai H, Sakamoto H, Nishikawa R, Ichimura K; Japan Pediatric Molecular Neuro-Oncology Group (JPMNG). Acta Neuropathol Commun 2018/12/04 査読有
- Enlargement of Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the hypothalamus with progression into the basal ganglia and white matter. 23. Tamai S, Ueno M, Hayashi Ya, Sasagawa Y, Watanabe T, Murakami KI, Nakada M, Hayashi Yu. Surg Neurol Int 2018/10/03 査読有
- Directional regulation of extrasellar extension by sellar dura integrity and intrasphenoidal septation in pituitary adenomas. Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Oishi M, Kita D, Ueda F, Tachibana O, Nakada M. World Neurosurg 2018/09/26 査読有
- Potential strategies overcoming the temozolomide resistance for glioblastoma. Jiapaer S, Furuta T, Tanaka S, Kitabayashi T, Nakada M. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 58巻 2018/09/21
- RUNX2 promotes malignant progression in glioma. Yamada D, Fujikawa K, Kawabe K, Furuta T, Nakada M, Takarada T. Neurochem Res 2018/09/10 査読有
- Effectiveness of modified dural incision to preserve the patency of the occipital sinus in foramen magnum decompression for a patient with Chiari malformation type I. Hayashi Y, Fukui I, Sasagawa Y, Misaki K, Oishi M, Nakada M. Surg Neurol Int 9巻 2018/08/03 査読有
- Autophagy inhibition synergizes with calcium mobilization to achieve efficient therapy of malignant gliomas. Vu HT, Kobayashi M, Hegazy AM, Tadokoro Y, Ueno M, Kasahara A, Takase Y, Nomura N, Peng H, Ito C, Ino Y, Todo T, Nakada M, Hirao A. Cancer Sci 2018/07/26 査読有
- Transsphenoidal surgery for elderly patients with acromegaly and its outcomes: comparison with younger patients. Sasagawa Y, Hayashi Y, Tachibana O, Nakagawa A, Oishi M, Takamura T, Iizuka H, Nakada M. World Neurosurg 2018/06/30 査読有
- A de novo mouse model of C11orf95-RELA fusion-driven ependymoma identifies driver functions in addition to NFκB. Ozawa T, Arora S, Szulzewsky F, Juric-Sekhar G, Miyajima Y, Bolouri H, Yasui Y, Barber J, Kupp R, Dalton J, Jones TS, Nakada M, Kumabe T, Ellison DW, Gilbertson RJ, Holland EC. Cell Reports 2018/06/26 査読有
- Evaluation of soft tissue hypertrophy at the retro-odontoid space in patients with Chiari malformation type I on magnetic resonance imaging. Hayashi Y, Oishi M, Sasagawa Y, Kita D, Kozaka K, Nakada M. World Neurosurg 116巻 2018/06/02 査読有
- Hyperperfusion syndrome after trapping with high-flow bypass for a giant paraclinoid internal carotid artery aneurysm. Mohri M, Ichinose T, Uchiyama N, Misaki K, Nambu I, Takabatake Y, Nakada M. World Neurosurg 116巻 143-146頁 2018/04/22 査読有
- Contribution of intrasellar pressure elevation to headache manifestation in pituitary adenoma evaluated with intraoperative pressure measurement Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Oishi M, Kita D, Misaki K, Fukui I, Tachibana O, Nakada M Neurosurgery 2018/03/29 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- High pressure in virtual post-coiling model is a predictor of internal carotid artery aneurysm recurrence after coiling Nambu I, Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Mohri M, Suzuki T, Takao H, Murayama Y, Futami K, Kawamura T, Inoguchi Y, Matsuzawa T, Nakada M. Neurosurgery 2018/03/15 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Clinicopathological and genetic association between epithelioid glioblastoma and pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma Furuta T, Miyoshi H, Komaki S, Arakawa F, Morioka M, Ohshima K, Nakada M, Sugita Y Neuropathol. 2018/03/13 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Activation of the receptor tyrosine kinase AXL mediates the immune microenvironment in glioblastoma Sadahiro H, Kang KD, Gibson JT, Minata M, Yu H, Shi J, Chhipa R, Chen Z, Lu S, Simoni Y, Furuta T, Sabit H, Zhang S, Bastola S, Yamaguchi S, Alsheikh HA, Komarova S, Wang J, Kim SH, Hambardzumyan D, Lu X, Newell EW, DasGupta B, Nakada M, Lee LJ, Nabors B, Norian LA, Nakano I Can Res. 2018/03/12 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Objective evaluation of cerebrovascular reactivity for acetazolamide predicts cerebral hyperperfusion after carotid artery stenting: Comparison with region of interest methods Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Inaki A, Kinuya S, Nambu I, Kamide T, Mohri M, Hayashi Ya, Nakada M J Neuroradiol 2018/03/07 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Identification of blood biomarkers in glioblastoma by SWATH mass spectrometry and quantitative targeted absolute proteomics Miyauchi E, Furuta T, Ohtsuki S, Tachikawa M, Uchida Y, Sabit H, Obuchi W, Baba T, Watanabe M, Terasaki T, Nakada M PLOS ONE 13巻 3号 e0193799頁 2018/03/07 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Outcome of diabetes insipidus in patients with Rathke cleft cysts Oishi M, Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Kita D, Tachibana O, Nakada M Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2018/02/21 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- N-myc downstream-regulated gene 2 protects blood-brain barrier integrity following cerebral ischemia Takarada-Iemata M, Yoshikawa A, Hieu TM, Okitani N, Nishiuchi T, Aida Y, Kamide T, Hattori T, Ishii H, Kitao Y, Matsuyama T, Nakada M, Hori O Glia 2018/02/12 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Physical risk factors of hemorrhagic complications associated with Angio-Seal closure device use in neurointerventional procedures Aida Y, Misaki K, Kamide T, Mohri M, Uchiyama N, Nakada M World Neurosurgery 2018/01/08 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Delayed occurrence of diabetes insipidus following transsphenoidal surgery with radiological evaluation of the pituitary stalk on magnetic resonance imaging Hayashi Y, Aida Y, Sasagawa Y, Oishi M, Kita D, Tachibana O, Ueda F, Nakada M World Neurosurgery 110巻 e1072-e1077頁 2018 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- A case of a mobile choroid plexus cyst presenting with different types of obstructive hydrocephalus Tamai S, Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Oishi M, Nakada M Surg Neurol Int 9巻 47号 2018 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Neural networks mediating high-level mentalizing in patients with right cerebral hemispheric gliomas Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Okita H, Yahata T, Matsui M, Nakada M Front Behav Neurosci 12巻 33頁 2018 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- ROCK-dependent phosphorylation of NUP62 regulates p63 nuclear transport and squamous cell carcinoma proliferation Hazawa M, Lin DC, Kobayashi A, Jiang YY, Xu L, Dewi F, Mohamed M, Hartono H, Nakada M, Meguro-Horike M, Horike S, Koeffler HP, Wong R EMBO Reports 19巻 73-88頁 2018 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- CNS high-grade neuroepithelial tumor with BCOR internal tandem duplication: a comparison with its counterparts in the kidney and soft tissue Yoshida Y, Nobusawa S, Nakata S, Nakada M, Arakawa Y, Mineharu Y, Sugita Y, Yoshioka T, Araki A, Sato Y, Okada M, Nishi A, Yamazaki T, Kohashi K, Oda Y, Hirato J, Yokoo H Brain Pathology 2017/12/11 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Genome-wide methylation profiles in primary intracranial germ cell tumors indicate a primordial germ cell origin for germinomas Fukushima S, Yamashita S, Kobayashi H, Takami H, Fukuoka K, Nakamura T, Yamasaki K, Matsushita Y, Nakamura H, Totoki Y, Kato M, Suzuki T, Mishima K, Yanagisawa T, Mukasa A, Saito N, Kanamori M, Kumabe T, Tominaga T, Nagane M, Iuchi T, Yoshimoto K, Mizoguchi M, Tamura K, Sakai K, Sugiyama K, Nakada M, Yokogami K, Takeshima H, Kanemura Y, Matsuda M, Matsumura A, Kurozumi K, Ueki K, Nonaka M, Asai A, Kawahara N, Hirose Y, Takayama T, Nakazato Y, Narita Y, Shibata T, Matsutani M, Ushijima T, Nishikawa R, Ichimura K; Intracranial Germ Cell Tumor Genome Analysis Consortium (The iGCTConsortium) Acta Neuropathologica 133巻 445-462頁 2017 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 覚醒下脳手術による高次脳機能研究 中田光俊 金沢大学十全医学会雑誌 125巻 131-132頁 2017 査読無 研究論文(大学・研究所等紀要)
- 右前頭葉の機能局在と覚醒下手術 中田光俊、木下雅史、中嶋理帆、篠原治道 脳神経外科ジャーナル 26巻 657-667頁 2017 査読有 総説 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 覚醒下手術の現状と今後 脳科学の未来を見据えて 脳神経外科速報 27巻 1001-1010頁 2017 査読無
- 高次脳機能温存型覚醒下手術 中田光俊、木下雅史 脳神経外科速報 27巻 1039-1045頁 2017 査読無
- Rathke cleft cyst with entirely ossified cyst wall and partially solid cyst content: a case report and literature review Hayashi Y, Oishi M, Fukui I, Sasagawa Y, Harada K, Nakada M World Neurosurgery 98巻 e15-882,e20頁 2017 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Preoperative evaluation of the interface between tuberculum sellae meningioma and the optic nerves on fast imaging with steady-state acquisition for extended endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery Hayashi Y, Kita D, Fukui I, Sasagawa Y, Oishi Y, Tachibana O, Ueda F, Nakada M. World Neurosurgery 103巻 153-160頁 2017 査読有 原著論文
- Contribution of sellar dura integrity to symptom manifestation in pituitary adenomas with intratumoral hemorrhage Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Kita D, Fukui I, Oishi M, Tachibana O, Nakada M Pituitary 20巻 5号 531-538頁 2017 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Delayed occurrence of diabetes insipidus following transsphenoidal surgery with radiological evaluation of the pituitary stalk on magnetic resonance imaging Hayashi Y, Aida Y, Sasagawa Y, Oishi M, Kita D, Tachibana O, Ueda F, Nakada M World Neurosurgery 2017 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Unique venous drainage of a sphenoid wing dural arteriovenous fistula with ocular symptoms Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Mohri M, Aida Y, Uno T, Nakada M World Neurosurg 97巻 753.e1-753.e5頁 2017 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Clinical characteristics of acromegalic patients with empty sella and their outcomes following transsphenoidal surgery Sasagawa Y, Hayashi Y, Tachibana O, Oishi M, Fukui I, Iizuka H, Nakada M Pituitary 20巻 4号 403-408頁 2017 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Concurrent cervical dural and multiple perimedullary arteriovenous fistulas presenting with subarachnoid hemorrhage: The source of bleeding was invisible at initial angiography Nambu I. Uchiyama N, Misaki K, Mohri M, Nakada M Surgical Neurology International 8巻 2頁 2017 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Radiation-induced gliomas: a report of four cases and analysis of molecular biomarkers Nakao T, Sasagawa Y, Nobusawa S, Takabatake Y, Sabit H, Kinoshita M, Miyashita K, Hayashi Y, Yokoo H, Nakada M Brain Tumor Pathol 34巻 10号 149-154頁 2017 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Intraoperative Rupture of Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysm during Craniotomy: A Case Report Yoshiki K, Misaki K, Nambu I, Fukui I, Mohri M, Uchiyama N, Nakada M Case Rep Neurol 9巻 261–266頁 2017 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Identification of antipsychotic drug fluspirilene as a potential anti-glioma stem cell drug Dong Y, Furuta T, Sabit H, Kitabayashi T, Jiapaer S, Kobayashi M, Ino Y, Todo T, Teng L, Hirao A, Zhao SG, Nakada M Oncotarget 8巻 111728-111741頁 2017 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Biological basis and clinical trial of glycogen synthase kinase-3β-targeted therapy by drug repositioning for glioblastoma Furuta T, Sabit H, Yu D, Miyashita K, Kinoshita M, Uchiyama N, Hayashi Y, Hayashi Y, Minamoto T, Nakada M Oncotarget 8巻 22811-22824頁 2017 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Inflow hemodynamics evaluated by using four-dimensional flow magnetic resonance imaging and the size ratio of unruptured cerebral aneurysms Futami K, Nambu I, Kitabayashi T, Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Ueda F, Nakada M Neuroradiology 59巻 411-418頁 2017 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Fluorescence intensity and bright spot analyses using confocal microscope for photodynamic diagnosis of brain tumors Yoneyama T, Watanabe T, Kagawa H, Hayashi Y, Nakada M Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther 17巻 13-21頁 2017 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- MR spectroscopy to distinguish between supratentorial intraventricular subependymoma and central neurocytoma Ueda F, Aburano H, Ryu Y, Yoshie Y, Nakada M, Hayashi Y, Matsui O, Gabata T Magn Reson Med Sci 16巻 223-230頁 2017 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Force-visualized silicone retractor attachable to surgical suction pipes Watanabe T, Koyama T, Yoneyama T, Nakada M Sensors (Basel) 17巻 2017 査読有 原著論文
- Long spinal cord lesions in a patient with pathologically proven multiple sclerosis Komatsu J, Sakai K, Nakada M, Iwasa K, Yamada M Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 42巻 106-108頁 2017 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Multiple sclerosis showing elevation of adenosine deaminase levels in the cerebrospinal fluid. Samuraki M, Sakai K, Odake Y, Yoshita M, Misaki K, Nakada M, Yamada M Mult Scler Relat Disord 13巻 44-46頁 2017 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Damage of the right dorsal superior longitudinal fascicle by awake surgery for glioma causes persistent visuospatial dysfunction Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Miyashita K, Okita H, Genda R, Yahata T, Hayashi Y, Nakada M Sci Rep 7巻 17158頁 2017 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- In vivo imaging xenograft models for the evaluation of anti-brain-tumor efficacy of targeted drugs Kita K, Arai1 S, Nishiyama A, Taniguchi H, Fukuda K, Wang R, Yamada T, Takeuchi S, Tange S, Tajima A, Nakada M, Yasumoto K, Motoo Y, Murakami T, Yano S Cancer Medicine 6巻 2972-2983頁 2017 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Descent of the anterior communicating artery after removal of pituitary macroadenoma using transsphenoidal surgery Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Fukui I, Oishi M, Kita D, Misaki K, Kozaka K, Tachibana O, Nakada M Surg Neurol Int 8巻 306頁 2017 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Rathke cleft cyst with entirely ossified cyst wall and partially solid cyst content: a case report and literature review. Hayashi Y, Oishi M, Fukui I, Kita D, Sasagawa Y, Aida Y, Tachibana O, Nakada M World Neurosurgery 2017/02 査読有
- Acute progression of recurrent meningioma during luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist treatment for prostate cancer Tsutsui T, Miyashita K, Sabit H, Fukui I, Hayashi Y, Mizokami A, Ikeda H, Nagatani H, Nakada M World Neurosurg 91巻 670号 e1-6頁 2016 査読有
- Simultaneous ventriculoperitoneal shunt removal and endoscopic third ventriculostomy for three patients previously treated for intracranial germ cell tumors more than 20 years ago Kita D, Hayashi Y, Fukui I, Oishi M, Nakada M Child's Nervous System 32巻 1543-7頁 2016 査読有
- Xanthomatous hypophysitis associated with autoimmune disease in an elderly patient: A rare case report Oishi M, Hayashi Y, Fukui I, Kita D, Miyamori T, Nakada M Surg Neurol Int 7巻 S449-453 頁 2016
- Simple classification of carotid bifurcation: is it possible to predict twisted carotid artery during carotid endarterectomy? Kamide T, Nomura M, Tamase A, Mori K, Seki S, Kitamura Y, Nakada M. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) 158 巻 2393-2397 頁 2016
- Prediction of postoperative diabetes insipidus using morphological hyperintensity patterns in the pituitary stalk on magnetic resonance imaging after transsphenoidal surgery for sellar tumors Hayashi Y, Kita D, Watanabe T, Fukui I, Sasagawa Y, Oishi M, Tachibana O, Ueda F, Nakada M. Pituitary 19巻 552-559頁 2016
- Treatment result of in the initial stage of Kanazawa Mobile Embolectomy Team for acute ischemic stroke Uchiyama N, Misaki K, Mohri M, Kamide T, Hirota Y, Higashi R, Minamide H, Kohda Y, Asahi T, Shoin K, Iwato M, Kita D, Hamada H, Yoshida Y, Nakada M. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 56巻 737-744頁 2016
- 脳腫瘍に対するドラッグリポジショニング研究 中田光俊 Neuro-Oncologyの進歩 23-3巻 1-8頁 2016
- 脳腫瘍摘出術におけるフェンスポスト法 中田光俊 脳神経外科速報 26巻 914- 921頁 2016
- 脳腫瘍浸潤の基礎と臨床 中田光俊 日本臨床 脳腫瘍学―基礎研究と臨床研究の進歩 74巻 261-266頁 2016
- Critical neural networks in awake surgery for gliomas. Kinoshita M, Miyashita K, Tsutsui T, Furuta T, Nakada M Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 56巻 674-686頁 2016 査読有
- Chronic spatial working memory deficit associated with the superior longitudinal fasciculus: a study using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping and intraoperative direct stimulation in the right prefrontal glioma surgery Kinoshita M, Nakajima R, Shinohara H, Miyashita K, Tanaka S, Okita H, Nakada M , Hayashi Y. J Neurosurg 125巻 1024-1032頁 2016 査読有
- Pseudoaneurysm formation caused by the withdrawal of a Trevo ProVue stent at a tortuous cerebral vessel: a case report Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Mohri M, Kamide T, Tsutsui T, Kanamori N, Kurokawa K, Nakada M Acta Neurochirurgica 158巻 2085-2088頁 2016 査読有
- Glycogen synthase kinase-3β is a pivotal mediator of cancer invasion and resistance to therapy Domoto T, Pyko IV, Furuta T, Miyashita K, Uehara M, Shimasaki T, Nakada M, Minamoto T. Cancer Sci. 107巻 1363-1372 頁 2016 査読有
- The role of AKT isoforms in glioblastoma: AKT3 delays tumor progression. Joy A, Kapoor M, Georges J, Butler L, Chang Y, Li C, Crouch A, Smirnov I, Nakada M, Hepler J, Marty M, Feuerstein BG. J Neurooncol. 130巻 43-52,頁 2016 査読有
- Force-sensible silicone retractor for attachment to surgical suction pipes. Watanabe T, Koyama T, Yoneyama T, Nakada M Sensors (Basel) 16巻 2016 査読有
- miR-150-5p and miR-133a suppress glioma cell proliferation and migration through targeting membrane-type-1 matrix metalloproteinase. Sakr M, Takino T, Sabit H, Nakada M, Li Z, Sato H Gene 587巻 155-62頁 2016 査読有
- High efficacy of third generation EGFR inhibitor AZD9291 in a leptomeningeal carcinomatosis model with EGFR-mutant lung cancer cells. Nanjo S, Ebi H, Arai S, Takeuchi S, Yamada T, Mochizuki S, Okada Y, Nakada M, Murakami T, Yano S. Oncotarget 7巻 3847-3856頁 2016 査読有
- Fluorescence intensity and bright spot analyses using confocal microscope for photodynamic diagnosis of brain tumors Yoneyama T, Watanabe T, Kagawa H, Hayashi Y, Nakada M Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 2016 査読有
- MR spectroscopy to distinguish between supratentorial intraventricular subependymoma and central neurocytoma. Ueda F, Aburano H, Ryu Y, Yoshie Y, Nakada M, Hayashi Y, Matsui O, Gabata T. Magn Reson Med Sci. 2016 査読有
- Tip60 regulates MT1-MMP transcription and invasion of glioblastoma cells through NF-κB pathway. Takino T, Nakada M, Li Z, Yoshimoto T, Domoto T, Sato H. Clin Exp Metastasis 33巻 45-52頁 2016 査読有
- Intracranial aneurysm formation after radiotherapy for medulloblastoma. Kamide T, Mohri M, Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Nakada M Surg Neurol Int 7巻 S880-S882頁 2016 査読有
- Establishment of anti-human ATRX monoclonal antibody AMab-6 Ogasawara S, Fujii Y, Kaneko MK, Oki H, Sabit H, Nakada M, Suzuki H, Ichimura K, Komori T, Kato Y. Monoclon Antib Immunodiagn Immunother. 35巻 254-258頁 2016 査読有
- Volumetric growth analysis of an insular dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor over a 10-year follow-up Uno T, Kinoshita M, Furuta T, Miyashita K, Sabit H, Nakada M Surg Neurol Int 7 巻 S1154-1157 頁 2016 査読有
- Midline dural filum of the sellar floor; its relationship to the septum attachment to the sellar floor and the ossification in the sphenoid sinus Hayashi Y, Kita D, Iwato M, Fukui I, Sasagawa Y, Oishi M, Tachibana O, Nakada M. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 147巻 53-58頁 2016 査読有
- Pediatric symptomatic Rathke cleft cyst compared to cystic craniopharyngioma Hayashi Y, Kita D, Fukui I, Sasagawa Y, Oishi M, Okajima M, Tachibana O, Nakada M. Child's Nervous System 32巻 1625-32頁 2016
- Inflow jet patterns of unruptured cerebral aneurysms based on flow velocity of the parent artery: evaluation using 4D flow MRI. Futami K, Shimizu Y, Kitabayashi T, Sano H, Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Ueda F, Nakada M. 37巻 2016 査読有
- Recurrent neomorphic mutations of MTOR in central nervous system and testicular germ cell tumors may be targeted for therapy" Ichimura K, Fukushima S, Totoki Y, Matsushita Y, Otsuka A, Tomiyama A, Niwa T, Takami H, Nakamura T, Suzuki T, Fukuoka K, Yanagisawa T, Mishima K, Nakazato Y, Hosoda F, Narita Y, Shibui S, Yoshida A, Mukasa A, Saito N, Kumabe T, Kanamori M, Tominaga T, Kobayashi K, Shimizu S, Nagane M, Iuchi T, Mizoguchi M, Yoshimoto K, Tamura K, Maehara T, Sugiyama K, Nakada M, Sakai K, Kanemura Y, Nonaka M, Asai A, Yokogami K, Takeshima H, Kawahara N, Takayama T, Yao M, Kato M, Nakamura H, Hama N, Sakai R, Ushijima T, Matsutani M, Shibata T, Nishikawa R, Intracranial Germ Cell Tumor Genome Analysis Consortium (iGCT Consortium) Acta Neuropathologica 131巻 889-901頁 2016 査読有
- Serine/Threonine kinase MLK4 determines Mesenchymal Identity in Glioma Stem Cells in an NFkB-dependent manner Kim SH, Ezhilarasan R, Chhipa R, Ladner K, Phillips E, Sparks A, Taylor D, Furuta T, Sabit H, Kurozumi K, Kuroiwa T, Akio A, Gallego-Perez1 D, Sulman EP, Cheng S, Lee J, Nakada M, Guttridge D, DasGupta B, Goidts V, Bhat KP, Walker J, Nakano I. Cancer Cell 29巻 201-213頁 2016 査読有
- Prediction of carotid artery in-stent restenosis by quantitative assessment of vulnerable plaque using computed tomography. Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Mohri M, Hayashi Y, Ueda F, Nakada M J Neuroradiol 43: 18-24, 2016 43巻 18-24頁 2016 査読有
- Optimizing the volume of the initial framing coil to facilitate tight packing of intracranial aneurysms Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Nambu I, Aida Y, Kamide T, Mohri M, Ueda F, Nakada M World Neurosurg 90巻 397-402頁 2016
- Carotid artery protrusion and dehiscence in patients with acromegaly Sasagawa Y, Tachibana O, Doai M, Hayashi Y, Tonami H, Iizuka H, Nakada M. Pituitary 19:巻 482-7頁 2016 査読有
- Cerebral infarction related to carmustine wafers in glioblastoma Nakada M, Tanaka S, Oishi M, Miyashita K, Misaki K, Mohri M, Hayashi Y, Uchiyama N, Watanabe T, Hayashi Y. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 2巻 1号 36-39頁 2015/01 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Strong therapeutic potential of γ-secretase inhibitor MRK003 for CD44-high and CD133-low glioblastoma initiating cells Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2014/10/08
- Functional recovery from pure dyslexia with preservation of subcortical association fiber networks Hayashi Y, Okita H, Kinoshita M, Miyashita K, Nakada M. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery 1巻 3号 59-62頁 2014/09 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(大学・研究所等紀要)
- Epithelioid glioblastoma arising from pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma with the BRAF V600E mutation 4. Tanaka S, Nakada M, Nobusawa S, Suzuki SO, Sabit H, Miyashita K, Hayashi Y. Brain Tumor Pathol 31巻 172-176頁 2014/08 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- The mechanism of chemoresistance against tyrosine kinase inhibitors in malignant glioma Nakada M, Kita D, Watanabe T, Hayashi Y, Hamada JI. Brain Tumor Pathol 31巻 198-207頁 2014/08 査読有 総説 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Neurolymphomatosis exhibiting repeated exacerbation and remission in both the peripheral and central nervous systems Akagi A, Ono K, Hamaguchi T, Samuraki M, Nakada M, Shima Y, Oohata T, Yamada M J Neurol Sci in press巻 2014/07 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase regulates fibronectin assembly and N-cahderin adhesion 3. Takino T, Yoshimoto T, Nakada M, Li Z, Domoto T, Kawashiri S, Sato H. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2014/06 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 脳腫瘍に対するドラッグリポジショニング ―GSK3βを標的とした膠芽腫治療― 中田光俊,源利成 癌と化学療法 41巻 720-724頁 2014/06 査読無 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Identification of the inflow zone of unruptured cerebral aneurysms: comparison of four-dimensional flow MRI- and three-dimensional TOF MRA data Futami K, Sano H, Misaki K, Nakada M, Ueda F, Hamada J. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 2014/05 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Prognostic paradox: Brain damage around the glioblastoma resection cavity Furuta T, Nakada M, Ueda F, Watanabe T, Arakawa Y, Higashi R, Hashimoto M, Nitta H, Hayashi Y, Hamada JI. J Neurooncol 118巻 187-192頁 2014/05 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Reversible acute bilateral blindness resulting from a frontal brain tumor: A case report Hayashi K, Nakada M, Miyashita K, Hayashi Y, Hamada JI. Br J Neurosurg 1-3頁 2014/05 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- PCDH10 is required for the tumorigenicity of glioblastoma cells Echizen K, Nakada M, Hayashi T, Sabit H, Furuta T, Nakai M, Nasu-Koyama R, Nishimura Y, Taniue K, Morishita Y, Hirano S, Terai K, Todo T, Ino Y, Mukasa A, Takayanagi S, Otani R, Saito N, Akiyama T. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 444巻 13-18頁 2014/01 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Characterizing invading glioma cells based on IDH1-R132H and Ki-67 immunofluorescence Sabit H, Nakada M, Furuta T, Watanabe T, Hayashi Y, Sato H, Kato Y, Hamada JI. Brain Tumor Pathol 2014/01 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- PCDH10 is required for the tumorigenicity of glioblastoma cells Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 444巻 1号 13-18頁 2014/01/31
- Prognostic paradox: Brain damage around the glioblastoma resection cavity Journal of Neuro-Oncology 118巻 1号 187-192頁 2014/01/01
- Functional reorganization in the patient with progressing glioma of the pure primary motor cortex: A case report with special reference to the topographic central sulcus defined by somatosensory-evoked potential World Neurosurgery 82巻 3号 5360-5360000頁 2014/01/01
- Reversible acute bilateral blindness resulting from a frontal brain tumor: A case report British Journal of Neurosurgery 28巻 6号 793-795頁 2014/01/01
- Neurolymphomatosis exhibiting repeated exacerbation and remission in both the peripheral and central nervous systems Journal of the Neurological Sciences 345巻 1号 267-268頁 2014/01/01
- Molecular analysis of a recurrent glioblastoma treated with bevacizumab Brain Tumor Pathology 31巻 1号 32-39頁 2014/01/01
- Direct evidence for the causal role of the left supplementary motor area in working memory: A preliminary study Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 126巻 201-204頁 2014/01/01
- Identification of the inflow zone of unruptured cerebral aneurysms: Comparison of 4D flow MRI and 3D TOF MRA data American Journal of Neuroradiology 35巻 7号 1363-1370頁 2014/01/01
- Characterizing invading glioma cells based on IDH1-R132H and Ki-67 immunofluorescence Brain Tumor Pathology 31巻 4号 242-246頁 2014/01/01
- The mechanism of chemoresistance against tyrosine kinase inhibitors in malignant glioma Brain Tumor Pathology 31巻 3号 198-207頁 2014/01/01
- Epithelioid glioblastoma arising from pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma with the BRAF V600E mutation Brain Tumor Pathology 31巻 3号 172-176頁 2014/01/01
- Ligand-dependent EphB1 signaling suppresses glioma invasion and correlates with patient survival Neuro-Oncology 15巻 12号 1710-1720頁 2013/12/01
- Predictive value of fractional anisotropy of the arcuate fasciculus for the functional recovery of language after brain tumor resection: A preliminary study Kinoshita M, Nakada M, Okita H, Hamada JI, Hayashi Y. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 117巻 45-50頁 2013/12 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Glycogen synthase kinase 3β inhibition sensitizes human glioblastoma cells to temozolomide by affecting O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase promoter methylation via c-Myc signaling Carcinogenesis 34巻 2206-2217頁 2013/09 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Ligand-dependent EphB1 signaling suppresses glioma invasion and correlates with patient survival Neuro-Oncology 15巻 1710-1720頁 2013/08 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Progressive adult primary glioblastoma in the medulla oblongata with an unmethylated MGMT promoter and without an IDH mutation Brain Tumor Pathol 30巻 175-179頁 2013/07 査読有 原著論文
- Surgical strategies for nonenhancing slow-growing gliomas with special reference to functional reorganization: a review with own experience Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 53巻 438-446頁 2013/07 査読有 総説
- Integrin α3 is overexpressed in glioma stem-like cells and promotes invasion Br J Cancer 108巻 2516-2524頁 2013/06 査読有 原著論文
- Right superior longitudinal fasciculus: Implications for visuospatial neglect mimicking Gerstmann’s syndrome Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 115巻 775-777頁 2013/06 査読有 原著論文
- Right superior longitudinal fasciculus: Implications for visuospatial neglect mimicking Gerstmann's syndrome Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 115巻 6号 775-777頁 2013/06/01
- Molecular analysis of a recurrent glioblastoma treated with bevacizumab Brain Tumor Pathology 2013/03 査読有 原著論文
- Visualization of dominant angiographical arteriovenous shunting in parasylvian glioblastomas Acta Neurochirurgica 2013/02 査読有 原著論文
- Aberrant glycogen synthase kinase 3β is involved in pancreatic cancer cell invasion and resistance to therapy PLoS One 8巻 e55289頁 2013/02 査読有 原著論文
- Force-detecting gripper and force feedback system for neurosurgery applications Int J Comp Assist Radiol and Surg 2013/01 査読有 原著論文
- Functional reorganization in the patient with progressing glioma of pure primary motor cortex: A case report with special reference to the topographic central sulcus defined by SEP. World Neurosurgery 2013/01 査読有 原著論文
- Receptor tyrosine kinases: Principles and functions in glioma invasion Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 986巻 143-170頁 2013/01/01
- Force-detecting gripper and force feedback system for neurosurgery applications Yoneyama, Takeshi;Watanabe, Tetsuyou;Kagawa, Hiroyuki;Hamada, Junichiro;Hayashi, Yutaka;Nakada, Mitsutoshi INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED RADIOLOGY AND SURGERY 8巻 5号 819-829頁 2013
- Awake surgery with line bisection task for two cases of parietal glioma in the non-dominant hemisphere Neurological Surgery 40巻 12号 1087-1093頁 2012/12/01
- 非優位半球頭頂葉グリオーマに対し線分二等分試験をタスクとして施行した覚醒下手術の二症例 北林朋宏、中田光俊、木下雅史、櫻井裕之、小林沙織、沖田浩一、南部裕子、林裕 脳神経外科 40巻 1095-1099頁 2012/12 査読有 原著論文
- Combination therapy using Notch and Akt inhibitors is effective for suppressing invasion but not proliferation in glioma cells Neuroscience letters 534巻 316-321頁 2012/12 査読有 原著論文
- Correlation between language function and the left arcuate fasciculus detected by diffusion tensor imaging tractography after brain tumor surgery J Neurosurg 117巻 839-843頁 2012/11 原著論文
- Neuro-Sweet disease mimicking recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma associated with therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome: a case report Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 114巻 1049-51頁 2012/09 査読有 原著論文
- The strategy for enhancing temozolomide against malignant glioma Frontiers in Radiation Oncology 2巻 98頁 2012/08 査読有 総説
- Association between carotid plaque composition assessed by multidetector computed tomography and cerebral embolism after carotid stenting Neuroradiology 54巻 487-493頁 2012/05 査読有 原著論文
- Prediction of high-grade meningioma by preoperative MRI assessment J Neurooncol 108巻 147-152頁 2012/05 査読有 原著論文
- What bone-part is important to remove in accessing the suprachiasmatic region with less frontal lobe retraction in frontotemporal craniotomies World Neurosurgery 77巻 342-348頁 2012/02
- Recurrent anaplastic meningioma treated by sunitinib based on the absolute quantitative proteomics Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 38巻 105-110頁 2012/02 査読有 原著論文
- Progressive tentorial cavernous malformation Surgical Neurology International 3巻 18頁 2012/02 査読有 原著論文
- Association fibers connecting the Broca center and the lateral superior frontal gyrus: a microsurgical and tractographical anatomy J Neurosurg 116巻 323-330頁 2012/02 査読有
- 脳腫瘍識別を目指した共焦点顕微鏡による腫瘍観察 栂野浩太郎、米山猛、濵田潤一郎、林裕、中田光俊、渡辺哲陽、香川博之 生体医工学 50巻 62-67頁 2012/01 査読有 原著論文
- Neuro-Sweet disease mimicking recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma associated with therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome: A case report Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 114巻 7号 1049-1051頁 2012/09/01
- Association between carotid plaque composition assessed by multidetector computed tomography and cerebral embolism after carotid stenting Neuroradiology 54巻 5号 487-493頁 2012/05/01
- Recurrent anaplastic meningioma treated by sunitinib based on results from quantitative proteomics Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 38巻 1号 105-110頁 2012/02/01
- Ganglioglioma of the thoracolumbar spinal cord in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1: A case report and literature review Pediatric Neurosurgery 47巻 3号 210-213頁 2012/01/01
- Role of Eph/ephrin tyrosine kinase in malignant glioma Neuro-Oncology 13巻 11号 1163-1170頁 2011/11/01
- Aberrant signaling pathways in Glioma Cancers 3巻 3号 3242-3278頁 2011/09/01
- MGMT promoter methylation and temozolomide response in choroid plexus carcinoma Brain Tumor Pathology 28巻 3号 259-263頁 2011/07/01
- Role of Eph/ephrin tyrosine kinase in malignant glioma Neuro-Oncology 13巻 1163-1170頁 2011/11 査読有 総説
- Ganglioglioma of the thoracolumbar spinal cord in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1: a case report and literature review Pediatr Neurosurg 47巻 210-213頁 2011/10 査読有 原著論文
- MGMT promoter methylation and temozolomide response in choroid plexus carcinoma Brain Tumor Pathol 28巻 259-63頁 2011/07 査読有 原著論文
- Secondary anaplastic astrocytoma developing in a young adult with autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS) Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 37巻 423-427頁 2011/06 査読有 原著論文
- Anaplastic meningioma with extremely rapid recurrence Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 51巻 386-388頁 2011/05 査読有 原著論文
- Ependymoma and choroid plexus papilloma as synchronous multiple neuroepithelial tumors in the same patient: a case report and review of literature Neurosurgery 68巻 E1144-1147頁 2011/04 査読有 原著論文
- Silencing of ferrochelatase enhances 5-aminolevulinic acid-based fluorescence and photodynamic therapy efficacy Br J Cancer 104巻 798-807頁 2011/03 査読有 原著論文
- Transcrusal approach to the retrochiasmatic region with special reference to temporal lobe retraction: An anatomical study. Acta Neurochirurgica 153巻 659-665頁 2011/03 査読有 原著論文
- The correlation between promoter methylation status and the expression level of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase in recurrent glioma 2 Jpn J Clin Oncol 41巻 190-196頁 2011/02 査読有 原著論文
- NKX2.2 suppresses self-renewal of glioma-initiating cells Can Res 71巻 1135-1145頁 2011/02 査読有 原著論文
- Epithelioid glioblastoma changed to typical glioblastoma: the methylation status of MGMT promoter and 5-ALA fluorescence Brain Tumor Pathol 28巻 59-64頁 2011/02 査読有 原著論文
- Aberrant signaling pathways in glioma Cancers 3巻 3242-3278頁 2011/01 査読無 総説
- Force detecting gripper and flexible micro manipulator for neurosurgery Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2011巻 6695-6699頁 2011/01
- Ependymoma and Choroid Plexus Papilloma as Synchronous Multiple Neuroepithelial Tumors in the Same Patient: A Case Report and Review of Literature Hayashi, Yutaka;Mohri, Masanao;Nakada, Mitsutoshi;Hamada, Jun-ichiro NEUROSURGERY 68巻 4号 E1144-E1147頁 2011
- NKX2.2 Suppresses Self-Renewal of Glioma-Initiating Cells Muraguchi, Teruyuki;Tanaka, Shingo;Yamada, Daisuke;Tamase, Akira;Nakada, Mitsutoshi;Nakamura, Hideo;Hoshii, Takayuki;Ooshio, Takako;Tadokoro, Yuko;Naka, Kazuhito;Ino, Yasushi;Todo, Tomoki;Kuratsu, Jun-ichi;Saya, Hideyuki;Hamada, Jun-ichiro;Hirao, Atsushi CANCER RESEARCH 71巻 3号 1135-1145頁 2011
- Transcrusal approach to the retrochiasmatic region with special reference to temporal lobe retraction: an anatomical study Kinoshita, Masashi;Nakada, Mitsutoshi;Tanaka, Shingo;Ozaki, Noriyuki;Hamada, Jun-ichiro;Hayashi, Yutaka ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA 153巻 3号 659-665頁 2011
- The Correlation between Promoter Methylation Status and the Expression Level of O-6-Methylguanine-DNA Methyltransferase in Recurrent Glioma Suzuki, Tomohide;Nakada, Mitsutoshi;Yoshida, Yuya;Nambu, Emi;Furuyama, Natsuki;Kita, Daisuke;Hayashi, Yutaka;Hayashi, Yasuhiko;Hamada, Jun-ichiro JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 41巻 2号 190-196頁 2011
- Anaplastic Meningioma With Extremely Rapid Recurrence-Case Report Kawahara, Yosuke;Nakada, Mitsutoshi;Hayashi, Yutaka;Watanabe, Takuya;Tamase, Akira;Hayashi, Yasuhiko;Uchiyama, Naoyuki;Nitta, Hisashi;Hamada, Jun-ichiro NEUROLOGIA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA 51巻 5号 386-388頁 2011
- Radiation induced cerebellar high grade glioma accompanied by meningioma and cavernoma 29 years after the treatment of medulloblastoma: a case report J Neurooncol 100巻 299-303頁 2010/11 査読有 原著論文
- PDGFRA gene rearrangements are frequent genetic events in PDGFRA-amplified glioblastomas Genes & Development 24巻 2205-2218頁 2010/10 査読有 原著論文
- A case of neurosarcoidosis with necrotizing granuloma expressing angiotensin converting enzyme Mod Rheumatol 20巻 506-510頁 2010/10 査読有 原著論文
- Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor type 1 regulates glioma cell proliferation and correlates with survival of patients with glioblastoma. 98巻 2341-2352頁 2010/05 査読有 原著論文
- The phosphorylation of ephrin-B2 ligand promotes glioma cell migration and invasion 126巻 1155-1165頁 2010/05 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Implication of 5-ALA fluorescence of the ventricle wall for postoperative communicating hydrocephalus associated with CSF dissemination in glioblastoma patients - A report of seven cases- J Neurosurg 112巻 1015-1019頁 2010/05 査読有 原著論文
- The expression level of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor type 1 is related to MIB-1 labeling index and predicts survival of glioblastoma patients J Neurooncol 98巻 41-47頁 2010/05 査読有 原著論文
- Retro-odontoid pseudotumor without atlantoaxial subluxation J Clin Neurosci 17巻 649-652頁 2010/05 査読有 原著論文
- 悪性神経膠腫浸潤における細胞外微小環境の役割 中田光俊,濵田潤一郎 日本臨床 新時代の脳腫瘍学―診断・治療の最前線― 68巻 88-92頁 2010/01 査読無 総説
- 悪性脳腫瘍の浸潤機構に関する基礎的・臨床的研究 中田光俊 金沢大学十全医学会雑誌 119巻 164-168頁 2010/01 査読無 総説
- Skull osteohypertrophy as a complication of bone wax J Clin Neurosci 16巻 1658-1660頁 2009/12 査読有 原著論文
- An emerging strategy for cancer treatment targeting aberrant glycogen synthase kinase 3b Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 9巻 1114-1122頁 2009/12 査読無 総説
- Intraparenchymal pneumocephalus caused by ethmoid sinus osteoma J Clin Neurosci 16巻 1487-1489頁 2009/11 査読有 原著論文
- Mollaret’s meningitis associated with occipital dermal sinus Journal of Pediatrics 155巻 757頁 2009/11 査読有 原著論文
- Identification of tumor-initiating cells in a highly aggressive brain tumor using promoter activity of nucleostemin PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AME 106巻 40号 17163-17168頁 2009/09 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Ossified peripheral middle cerebral artery aneurysm in a 30-year-old man J Clin Neurosci 16巻 1075-1077頁 2009/08 査読有 原著論文
- Role of Rac1-regulated signaling in medulloblastoma invasion Journal of Neurosurg: Pediatrics 4巻 2号 97-104頁 2009/08 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- BCL10 single nucleotide polymorphism and its association with CSF dissemination of primary intracranial germ cell tumors Pediatr Neurosurg 45巻 291-295頁 2009/04 査読有 原著論文
- Potential effect of glycogen synthase kinase beta inhibition against human glioblastoma CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 15巻 3号 887-897頁 2009/02 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and its receptor in human meningiomas Clinical Neurol and Neurosurg 45巻 291-295頁 2009/02 査読有 原著論文
- 脳腫瘍浸潤の分子機構 中田光俊,佐谷秀行 脳21 12巻 16-20頁 2009/01 査読無 総説
- グリオーマの浸潤研究―最近のトピックス― 中田光俊,濵田潤一郎 脳神経外科速報 19巻 900-907頁 2009/01 査読無 総説
- A reevaluation of the primary diagnosis of hemangiopericytoma and the clinical importance of differential diagnosis from solitary fibrous tumor of the central nervous system Clinical Neurol and Neurosurg 111巻 34-38頁 2009/01 査読有 原著論文
- The guanine nucleotide exchange factors Trio, Ect2, and Vav3 mediate the invasive behavior of glioblastoma Am J Pathol 173巻 1828-1838頁 2008/12 査読有 原著論文
- Unusual angiographic changes in an internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm after infection in the deep neck space NEUROLOGIA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA 48巻 5号 216-9頁 2008/05 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Role of myosin II activity and the regulation of myosin light chain phosphorylation in astrocytomas. 65巻 1212-1222頁 2008
- Autotaxin: a secreted autocrine/paracrine factor that promotes glioma invasion. JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY 86巻 297-309頁 2008 査読有 原著論文
- Glioma cells on the run, the migratory transcriptome of 10 human glioma cell lines. BMC Genomics 9巻 54頁 2008 査読有 原著論文
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- Ephrin-B3 ligand promotes glioma invasion through activation of Rac1. CANCER RESEARCH 66巻 8492-8500頁 2006/09 査読有 原著論文
- Increased Fn14 expression levels promote glioma cell invasion via Rac1 and NF-kappa B and correlate with poor patient outcome. 66巻 208-215頁 2006
- EphB2/R-Ras signaling regulates glioma cell adhesion, growth, and invasion. Nakada M, Niska JA, Tran NL, ほか2名 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 167巻 565-576頁 2005/08 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Human glioblastomas overexpress ADAMTS-5 that degrades brevican. ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA 110巻 239-246頁 2005 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Cell migration and invasion assays. METHODS 37巻 208-215頁 2005 査読有 原著論文
- JSAP1/JIP3 cooperates with FAK to regulate c-Jun N-terminal kinase and cell migration. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 280巻 37772-37781頁 2005 査読有 原著論文
- Inhibition of Rho-Kinase effects astrocytoma morphology, motility and invasion through activation of Rac1. CANCER RESEARCH 65巻 8792-8800頁 2005 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Role of synaptojanin 2 in glioma cell migration and invasion. Chuang YY, Tran NL, Nakada M 他3名 CANCER RESEARCH 64巻 8271-8275頁 2004/12 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- ADAM12 is selectively overexpressed in human glioblastoma and is associated with glioblastoma cell proliferation and shedding HB-EGF. Kodama T, Ikeda E, Nakada M他7名 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 165巻 1743-1753頁 2004/11 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- The phosphorylation of EphB2 receptor regulates migration and invasion of human glioma cells. Nakada M, Niska JA, Miyamori H, 他4名 CANCER RESEARCH 64巻 3179-3185頁 2004/07 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Recurrent intracranial esthesioneuroblastoma outside the initial field of radiation with progressive dural and intra-orbital invasion. Tamase A, Nakada M, Hasegawa M 他2名 ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA 146巻 179-182頁 2004/05 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Simulation of clipping position for cerebral aneurysms using three-dimensional computed tomography angiography. Futami K, Nakada M, Iwato M 他3名 NEUROLOGIA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA 44巻 6-13頁 2004/01 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Testican 2 abrogates inhibition of membrane-type matrix metalloproteinases by other testican family proteins. Nakada M, Miyamori H, Yamashita J 他1名 CANCER RESEARCH 63巻 3364-3369頁 2003/06 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- CrkI adaptor protein modulates cell migration and invasion in glioblastoma. Takino T, Nakada M, Miyamori H 他3名 CANCER RESEARCH 63巻 2335-2337頁 2003/05 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Suppression of MT1-MMP-mediated MMP-2 activation and tumor invasion by testican 3 and its splicing variant gene product N-Tes. Nakada M, Yamada A, Takino T 他4名 CANCER RESEARCH 61巻 8896-8902頁 2001/12 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Expression of dominant negative form of Ets-1 suppresses fibronectin-stimulated cell adhesion and migration through down-regulation of integrin α5 expression in U251 glioma cell line Kita D, Takino T, Nakada M, Takahashi T, Yamashita J, Sato H Cancer Res 61巻 21号 7985-7991頁 2001/11 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Contrast-enhanced fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery MRI is useful to detect the CSF dissemination of glioblastoma Misaki K, Nakada M, Hayashi Y, Tachibana O, Yamashita J, Ueda F, Suzuki M J Comput Assist Tomogr 25巻 6号 953-956頁 2001/11 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Roles of membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 2 in invasion and dissemination of human malignant glioma Nakada M, Kita D, Futami K, Yamashita J, Fujimoto N, Sato H, Okada Y J Neurosurg 94巻 3号 464-73頁 2001/03 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Rupture of an aneurysm during three-dimensional computerized tomography angiography Nakada M, Akaike S, Futami K J Neurosurg 93巻 5号 900頁 2000/11 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- MRI findings of cerebral paragonimiasis in chronic stage Nomura M, Nitta H, Nakada M, Yamashima T, Yamashita J Clin Radiol 54巻 9号 622-624頁 1999/09 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Ets-1 positively regulates expression of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and invasiveness of astrocytic tumors Nakada M, Yamashita J, Okada Y, Sato H J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 58巻 4号 329-334頁 1999/04 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Expression and tissue localization of membrane-types 1, 2, and 3 matrix metalloproteinases in human astrocytic tumors Nakada M, Nakamura H, Ikeda E, Fujimoto N, Yamashita J, Sato H, Seiki M, Okada Y Am J Pathol 154巻 2号 417-428頁 1999/02 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Sweet's syndrome associated with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor Hasegawa M, Sato S, Nakada M, Nitta H, Shirasaki H, Kasahara K, Takehara K Eur J Dermatol 8巻 7号 503-505頁 1998/10 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- The cluster of arachnoid diverticula in the occipital bone: report of two cases with literature review Nakada M, Hasegawa M, Sakuda K, Muramatsu N, Yamashita J, Suzuki M Acta Neurochir(Wien) 140巻 7号 647-650頁 1998/07 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 両側即発性外傷性顔面神経麻痺を呈した1例 中田光俊,浜田秀剛,宗本滋,黒田英一,蘇馬真理子,毛利正直 救急医学 21巻 2号 244-246頁 1997/02 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Interlocking detachable coil を用いて治療した急性期に破裂を繰り返した 解離性椎骨動脈瘤の1例 中田光俊,池田清延,立花修,山下純宏,松井修,野畠浩司,宗本滋 脳神経外科 25巻 1号 57-60頁 1997/01 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Contrast-enhanced MRI of intracellar arachnoid cyst: relationship between the pituitary gland and cyst. Nomura M, Tachibana O, Nakada M 他 5名 NEURORADIOLOGY 38巻 566-568頁 1996/08 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 組織破壊性プロテアーゼとしてのマトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ 中田光俊,岡田保典 呼吸 18巻 365-371頁 1999 査読無 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
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- SMURF2 phosphorylation at Thr249 modifies glioma stemness and tumorigenicity by regulating TGF-β receptor stability. Hiraiwa M, Fukasawa K, Iezaki T, Sabit H, Horie T, Tokumura K, Iwahashi S, Murata M, Kobayashi M, Suzuki A, Park G, Kaneda K, Todo T, Hirao A, Nakada M, Hinoi E. Commun Biol 5巻 22頁 2022 査読有 原著論文
- Two different subcortical language networks supporting distinct Japanese orthographies: morphograms and phonograms. Tamai S, Kinoshita M, Nakajima R, Okita H, Nakada M. Brain Struct Funct. 2022 査読有 原著論文
- Late complications of visual impairment and hydrocephalus after flow diverter-assisted coil embolisation for intracranial large aneurysm: a case report and literature review. Ichinose T, Misaki K, Uchiyama N, Kamide T, Nambu I, Yoshikawa A, Tsuchiya S, Nakada M. Br J Neurosurg. 2022 査読有 原著論文
- 脳神経外科医が挑む脳科学 中田光俊 神経科学研究所医誌 6巻 3-7頁 2021 査読無 総説
- 左下頭頂小葉腫瘍に対する摘出術後に相貌変形視を呈した左利きの1例 沖田浩一、福永真哉、中嶋理帆、木下雅史、中田光俊、八幡徹太郎 高次脳機能研究 41巻 368-376頁 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Morphological factors affecting vortex core instability on 4D flow MRI of unruptured cerebral aneurysms. Futami K, Misaki K, Uno T, Nambu I, Kamide T, Nakada M. Neurol Res 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Cancer among children, adolescents and young adults in the Hokushin region, Japan, between 2010 and 2015. Okura E, Nishino Y, Sakashita K, Tanimoto A, Hayashi R, Yoshida Y, Nakada M, Koizumi T, Yano S, Nakazawa Y. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Efficacy and safety of nivolumab in Japanese patients with first recurrence of glioblastoma: an open-label, non-comparative study. Aoki T, Kagawa N, Sugiyama K, Wakabayashi T, Arakawa Y, Yamaguchi S, Tanaka S, Ishikawa E, Muragaki Y, Nagane M, Nakada M, Suehiro S, Hata N, Kuroda J, Narita Y, Sonoda Y, Iwadate Y, Natsumeda M, Nakazato Y, Minami H, Hirata Y, Hagihara S, Nishikawa R. Int J Clin Oncol. 26巻 2205-2215頁 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Low tumor cell content predicts favorable prognosis in germinoma patients. Takami H, Satomi K, Fukuoka K, Fukushima S, Matsushita Y, Yamasaki K, Nakamura T, Tanaka S, Mukasa A, Saito N, Suzuki T, Yanagisawa T, Nakamura H, Sugiyama K, Tamura K, Maehara T, Nakada M, Nonaka M, Asai A, Yokogami K, Takeshima H, Iuchi T, Kanemura Y, Kobayashi K, Nagane M, Kurozumi K, Yoshimoto K, Matsuda M, Matsumura A, Hirose Y, Tokuyama T, Kumabe T, Narita Y, Shibui S, Nakazato Y, Nishikawa R, Matsutani M, Ichimura K. Neurooncol Adv 3巻 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Mathematical modeling and mutational analysis reveal optimal therapy to prevent malignant transformation in grade II IDH-mutant gliomas. Aoki K, Suzuki H, Yamamoto T, Yamamoto KN, Maeda S, Okuno Y, Ranjit M, Motomura K, Ohka F, Tanahashi K, Hirano M, Nishikawa T, Shimizu H, Kitano Y, Yamaguchi J, Yamazaki S, Nakamura H, Takahashi M, Narita Y, Nakada M, Deguchi S, Mizoguchi M, Momii Y, Muragaki Y, Abe T, Akimoto J, Wakabayashi T, Saito R, Ogawa S, Haeno H, Natsume A. Cancer Res 81巻 4861-4873頁 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Multi-institutional survey of malignant pleural mesothelioma patients in the Hokushin region. Uramoto H, Takiguchi T, Koizumi T, Tanimoto A, Hayashi R, Nakazawa Y, Ito KI, Nakada M, Hirono Y, Nishino Y, Yano S. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Necessity for craniospinal irradiation of germinoma with positive cytology but without spinal lesion on MR imaging - A controversy Neuro-Oncology Advances 19. Kanamori M, Takami H, Suzuki T, Tominaga T, Kurihara J, Tanaka S, Hatazaki S, Nagane M, Matsuda M, Yoshino A, Natsumeda M, Yamaoka M, Kagawa N, Akiyama Y, Fukai J, Negoto T, Shibahara I, Tanaka K, Inoue A, Mase M, Tomita T, Kuga D, Kijima N, Fukami T, Nakahara Y, Natsume A, Yoshimoto K, Keino D, Tokuyama T, Asano K, Ujifuku K, Abe H, Nakada M, Matsuda KI, Arakawa Y, Ikeda N, Narita Y, Shinojima N, Kambe A, Nonaka M, Izumoto S, Kawanishi Y, Kanaya K, Nomura S, Nakajima K, Yamamoto S, Terashima K, Ichimura K, Nishikawa R Neurooncol Adv 3巻 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Late-onset acute disseminated encephalomyelitis followed by optic neuritis without anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies: a biopsied case report Mori M, Sakai K, Tada Y, Nozaki I, Usui Y, Ichinose T, Tanaka S, Takahashi T, Nakada M, Yamada M. Neurol Sci 42巻 4731-4735頁 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Quality of life following awake surgery depends on ability of executive function, verbal fluency, and movement. Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Okita H, Nakada M J Neurooncol 156巻 173-183頁 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Simultaneous Damage of the Cingulate Cortex Zone II and Fronto-Striatal Circuit Causes Prolonged Selective Attentional Deficits. Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Nakada M Front Hum Neurosci 15巻 762578頁 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Limb-shaking syndrome derived from the contralateral hemisphere following unilateral revascularisation for moyamoya disease. Demura, Demura M, Oishi M, Uchiyama N, Mohri M, Miyashita K, Nakada M. Surg Neurol Int 12巻 579頁 2021 査読有 原著論文
- A Fiber Dissection Study of the Anterior Commissure: Correlations with Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Tractography and Clinical Relevance in Gliomas. Liu X, Kinoshita M, Shinohara H, Hori O, Ozaki N, Nakada M. Brain Topogr. 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Hemodynamic factor evaluation using computational fluid dynamics analysis for de novo bleb formation in unruptured intracranial aneurysms. Uno T, Misaki K, Futami K, Nambu I, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Uchiyama N, Nakada M. Neurol Sci 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Ocular ischemic syndrome due to severe internal carotid artery stenosis improved by intracranial stent placement: A case report. Uchida W, Kamide T, Uno T, Yoshikawa A, Misaki K, Nakada M Surg Neurol Int 12巻 294頁 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Thyrotropin-secreting pituitary adenomas induce left atrial enlargement with subclinical atrial fibrillation: an echocardiographic study. Yoshiki K, Sasagawa Y, Shimojima M, Takeshita Y, Takata S, Hayashi Y, Takamura T, Tachibana O, Nakada M Pituitary 24巻 778-786頁 2021 査読有 原著論文
- Disconnection of posterior part of the frontal aslant tract causes acute phase motor functional deficit. Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Okita H, Shinohara H, Nakada M Brain Cogn 151巻 105752頁 2021 査読有 原著論文
- 覚醒下手術 中田光俊、中嶋理帆、木下雅史 157-163頁 2020
- Glioma stem-like cells can be targeted in boron neutron capture therapy with boronophenylalanine Kondo N, Hikida M, Nakada M, Sakurai Y, Hirata E, Takeno S, Suzuki M. 12巻 3040頁 2020
- The guanine nucleotide exchange factor, LARG, and RhoC play a role in glioblastoma cell invasion and resistance. Ding Z, Dong Z, Yang Y, Fortin-Ensign SP, Sabit H, Nakada M, Ruggieri R, Kloss JM, Symons M, Tran NL, Loftus JC. 190巻 2165-2176頁 2020/07/18
- Laminin subunit alpha-4 and osteopontin are glioblastoma-selective secreted proteins that are increased in the cerebrospinal fluid of glioblastoma patients Kohata T, ItoS, Masuda T, Furuta T, Nakada M, Ohtsuki S 19巻 3542-3553頁 2020/07/06
- PD-L1 and PD-L2 expression in the tumor microenvironment including peritumoral tissue in primary central nervous system lymphoma. Furuse M, Kuwabara H, Ikeda N, Hattori Y, Ichikawa T, Kagawa N, Kikuta K, Tamai S, Nakada M, Wakabayashi T, Wanibuchi M, Kuroiwa T, Hirose Y, Miyatake SI. 20巻 277号 2020
- Nucleoporin TPR (translocated promoter region, nuclear basket protein) upregulation alters MTOR-HSF1 trails and suppresses autophagy induction in ependymoma. Dewi FRP, Jiapaer S, Kobayashi A, Hazawa M, Ikliptikawati DK, Hartono, Sabit H, Nakada M, Wong RW. 1-12頁 2020/03/24
- Effect of neck size on the inflow magnitude evaluated on 4D flow MRI in unruptured internal carotid artery aneurysms Futami K, Misaki K, Uno T, Kamide T, Nakada M. 29巻 105116号 2020/01/11
- Potential therapeutic effect of targeting glycogen synthase kinase 3β in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Bolidong D, Domoto T, Uehara M, Sabit H, Okumura T, Endo Y, Nakada M, Ninomiya I, Miyashita T, Wong RW, Minamoto T. 10巻 11807号 2020
- Osimertinib overcomes alectinib resistance caused by amphiregulin in a leptomeningeal carcinomatosis model of ALK-rearranged lung cancer. Arai S, Takeuchi S, Fukuda K, Taniguchi H, Nishiyama A, Tanimoto A, Satouchi M, Yamashita K, Ohtsubo K, Nanjo S, Kumagai T, Katayama R, Nishio M, Zheng MM, Wu YL, Nishihara H, Yamamoto T, Nakada M, Yano S. 15巻 752-765頁 2020/01/21
- Intra-aneurysmal embolization of cellulose porous beads to regenerate vessel wall: an experimental study. Hasegawa T, Uchiyama N, Sano H, Kawahara Y, Nakada M. 62巻 1169-1175頁 2020/05/01
- Direct evidence of the relationship between brain metastatic adenocarcinoma and white matter fibers: a fiber dissection and diffusion tensor imaging tractography study Liu X, Kinoshita M, Shinohara H, Hori O, Ozaki N, Hatta T, Honma S, Nakada M. 77巻 55-61頁 2020/05/11
- RBPJ contributes to the malignancy of glioblastoma and induction of proneural-mesenchymal transition via IL-6-STAT3 pathway. Zhang G, Tanaka S, Jiapaer S, Sabit H, Tamai S, Kinoshita M, Nakada M. 2020/09/03
- Gelsolin inhibits malignant phenotype of glioblastoma and is regulated by miR-654-5p and miR-450b-5p. Zhang J, Furuta T, Sabit H, Tamai S, Jiapaer S, Dong Y, Kinoshita M, Uchida Y, Ohtsuki S, Terasaki T, Zhao S, Nakada M. 111巻 2413-2422頁 2020
- Identification of 2-fluoropalmitic acid as a potential therapeutic agent against glioblastoma. Jiapaer S, Furuta T, Dong Y, Kitabayashi T, Sabit H, Zhang J, Zhang G, Tanaka S, Kobayashi M, Hirao A, Nakada M 111巻 2413-2422頁 2020/04/23
- Motor functional reorganization are triggered by tumor infiltration into the primary motor area and repeated surgery. Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Nakada M 14巻 327号 2020
- Cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistula with an enhanced lesion in the brainstem mimicking a malignant tumor. Nambu K, Misaki K, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Nambu I, Sasagawa Y, Uchiyama N, Nakada M. 140巻 327号 2020
- Progressively Enlarged Convexity Arachnoid Cysts in Elderly Patients: A Report of 2 Cases. Kimura R, Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Kobayashi M, Oishi M, Kinoshita M, Nakada M. 135巻 253-358頁 2020
- Superficial siderosis associated with long-term recurrence of pilocytic astrocytoma in an elderly person. Yoshiki K, Sasagawa Y, Kinoshita M, Furuta T, Tamai S, Sabit H, Tanaka S, Nakada M. 138巻 541-544頁 2020/03/27
- Morphological characteristics of infected subdural hematoma: Comparison with images of chronic subdural hematoma. Tamai S, Watanabe T, Ichinose T, Murakami KI, Ueno M, Munemoto S, Nakada M, Hayashi Y. 194巻 105831号 2020/08/08
- Prediction of internal carotid artery aneurysm recurrence by pressure difference at the coil mass surface. Uno T, Misaki K, Nambu I, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Uchiyama N, Nakada M. 2020/09/14
- TERT promoter mutation confers favorable prognosis regardless of 1p/19q status in adult diffuse gliomas with IDH1/2 mutations. Arita H, Matsushita Y, Machida R, Yamasaki K, Hata N, Ohno M, Yamaguchi S, Sasayama T, Tanaka S, Higuchi F, Iuchi T, Saito K, Kanamori M, Matsuda KI, Miyake Y, Tamura K, Tamai S, Nakamura T, Uda T, Okita Y, Fukai J, Sakamoto D, Hattori Y, Pareira ES, Hatae R, Ishi Y, Miyakita Y, Tanaka K, Takayanagi S, Otani R, Sakaida T, Kobayashi K, Saito R, Kurozumi K, Shofuda T, Nonaka M, Suzuki H, Shibuya M, Komori T, Sasaki H, Mizoguchi M, Kishima H, Nakada M, Sonoda Y, Tominaga T, Nagane M, Nishikawa R, Kanemura Y, Kuchiba A, Narita Y, Ichimura K. 8巻 201号 2020
- Glioma-derived extracellular vesicles promote tumor progression by conveying WT1 Tsutsui T, Kawahara H, Kimura R, Dong Y, Jiapaer S, Sabit H, Zhang J, Yoshida T, Nakada M, Hanayama R. 41巻 1238-1245頁 2020/05/28
- Pyramid-shape crossings and inter-crossing fibers are key elements for construction of the neural network in the superficial white matter of the human cerebrum. Shinohara H, Liu X, Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Ozaki N, Hori O, Nakada M. 30巻 5218-5228頁 2020
- The multipotential of leucine-rich α-2 glycoprotein 1 as a clinicopathological biomarker of glioblastoma. Furuta T, Sugita Y, Komaki S, Ohshima K, Morioka M, Uchida Y, Tachikawa M, Ohtsuki S, Terasaki T, Nakada M. 79巻 873-879頁 2020
- Oculomotor nerve palsy in pituitary apoplexy associated with pituitary adenoma: a radiological analysis with fast imaging employing with steady-state acquisition. Sasagawa Y, Aburano H, Ooiso K, Oishi M, Hayashi Y, Nakada M. 2020/10/31
- Ependymoma with C11orf95-MAML2 fusion: Presenting with granular cell and ganglion cell features. Tamai S, Nakano Y, Kinoshita M, Sabit H, Nobusawa S, Arai Y, Hama N, Totoki Y, Shibata T, Ichimura K, Nakada M. 2020/11/22
- So-called “bifocal tumors” with diabetes insipidus and negative tumor markers: Are they all germinoma? Kanamori M, Takami H, Yamaguchi S, Sasayama T, Yoshimoto K, Tominaga T, Inoue A, Ikeda N, Kambe A, Kumabe T, Matsuda M, Tanaka S, Natsumeda M, Matsuda KI, Nonaka M, Jun K, Yamaoka M, Kagawa N, Shinojima N, Negoto T, Nakahara Y, Arakawa Y, Hatazaki S, Shimizu H, Yoshino A, Abe H, Akimoto J, Kawanishi Y, Suzuki T, Natsume A, Nagane M, Akiyama Y, Keino D, Fukami T, Tomita T, Kanaya K, Tokuyama T, Izumoto S, Nakada M, Kuga D, Yamamoto S, Anei R, Uzuka T, Fukai J, Kijima N, Terashima K, Ichimura K, Nishikawa R. 2020/08/20
- Usefulness of 2D-perfusion analysis for the assessment of unilateral cervical internal carotid artery stenosis Yoshikawa A, Uno T, Nambu I, Kamide T, Misaki K, Nakada M 2020
- 脳腫瘍手術における高次脳機能障害と対策 木下雅史、中田光俊 47巻 893-898頁 2020
- Awake surgery for right frontal lobe glioma can preserve visuospatial cognition and spatial working memory. Nakada M, Nakajima R, Okita H, Nakade Y, Yuno T, Tanaka S, Kinoshita M. 2020/11
- 広範な下垂体卒中により成長ホルモン過剰分泌が消退した小児成長ホルモン産生下垂体腺腫の1例 小林 雅明, 笹川 泰生, 林 康彦, 中田 光俊 45巻 2号 116-120頁 2020
- トラクトグラフィと覚醒下マッピングを用いた皮質アプローチについて 木下雅史、田中慎吾、宮下勝吉、中田光俊 42巻 2020
- 【脳の感染症-脳炎と寄生虫】細菌性脳炎 脳膿瘍・硬膜下膿瘍 笹川 泰生, 中田 光俊 38巻 10号 1231-1233頁 2020
- Extracranial-intracranial high flow bypass as a rescue therapy for incomplete cerebral aneurysm occlusion after flow diversion: a case report. Surg Neurol Int 12巻 57頁 2021 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Multi-institutional survey of thymic carcinoma patients in Hokushin region J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2021 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- A Case of rapid deterioration in a subacute period after endoscopic third ventriculostomy. Br J Neurosurg 2021 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Inflow hemodynamics of intracranial aneurysms: a comparison of computational fluid dynamics and 4D flow magnetic resonance imaging. Misaki K, Futami K, Uno T, Nambu I, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Nakada M. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 30巻 105685頁 2021 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Multi-institutional survey of cancer disparities in disabled patients in the region of northwestern Japan. Sato S, Tanimoto A, Yanagimura N, Suzuki C, Takumi Y, Nishiyama A, Yamashita K, Takeuchi S, Ohtsubo K, Makino T, Yoshida Y, Hirono Y, Hayashi R, Koizumi T, Nakazawa Y, Ito KI, Motoo Y, Uramoto H, Nakada M, Nishino Y, Yano S. Int J Clin Oncol. 2021 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Preserving right pre-motor and posterior prefrontal cortices contribute to maintaining overall basic emotion. Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Okita H, Liu Z, Nakada M. Front Hum Neurosci 15巻 612890頁 2021 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- The multipotential of leucine-rich α-2 glycoprotein 1 as a clinicopathological biomarker of glioblastoma. Furuta T, Sugita Y, Komaki S, Ohshima K, Morioka M, Uchida Y, Tachikawa M, Ohtsuki S, Terasaki T, Nakada M. 79巻 873-879頁 2020
- 高次脳機能に関する実践的知識 −視空間認知障害のみかた− 中嶋理帆、中田光俊 30巻 98-105頁 2020
- 広範な下垂体卒中により成長ホルモン過剰分泌が消退した小児成長ホルモン産生下垂体腺腫の1例 小林 雅明, 笹川 泰生, 林 康彦, 中田 光俊 45巻 2号 116-120頁 2020
- トラクトグラフィと覚醒下マッピングを用いた皮質アプローチについて 木下雅史、田中慎吾、宮下勝吉、中田光俊 42巻 2020
- Prediction of post-embolization recurrence of anterior communicating aneurysms with A1 segment asymmetry by fluid dynamic analysis. Misaki K, Uno T, Nambu I, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Uchiyama N, Nakada M 2020
- Progressively Enlarged Convexity Arachnoid Cysts in Elderly Patients: A Report of 2 Cases. Kimura R, Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Kobayashi M, Oishi M, Kinoshita M, Nakada M. 135巻 253-358頁 2020
- Usefulness of 2D-perfusion analysis for the assessment of unilateral cervical internal carotid artery stenosis Yoshikawa A, Uno T, Nambu I, Kamide T, Misaki K, Nakada M 2020
- Asymptomatic carotid intraplaque hemorrhage is associated with a high risk of cerebral infarction and death after cardiovascular surgery Misaki K, Uno T, Nambu I, Kimura R, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Hayashi Y, Uchiyama N, Iino K, Takemura H, Nakada M. 412巻 116801号 2020
- Potential therapeutic effect of targeting glycogen synthase kinase 3β in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Bolidong D, Domoto T, Uehara M, Sabit H, Okumura T, Endo Y, Nakada M, Ninomiya I, Miyashita T, Wong RW, Minamoto T. 10巻 11807号 2020
- PD-L1 and PD-L2 expression in the tumor microenvironment including peritumoral tissue in primary central nervous system lymphoma. Furuse M, Kuwabara H, Ikeda N, Hattori Y, Ichikawa T, Kagawa N, Kikuta K, Tamai S, Nakada M, Wakabayashi T, Wanibuchi M, Kuroiwa T, Hirose Y, Miyatake SI. 20巻 277号 2020
- Glioma stem-like cells can be targeted in boron neutron capture therapy with boronophenylalanine Kondo N, Hikida M, Nakada M, Sakurai Y, Hirata E, Takeno S, Suzuki M. 12巻 3040頁 2020
- Pyramid-shape crossings and inter-crossing fibers are key elements for construction of the neural network in the superficial white matter of the human cerebrum. Shinohara H, Liu X, Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Ozaki N, Hori O, Nakada M. 30巻 5218-5228頁 2020
- Gelsolin inhibits malignant phenotype of glioblastoma and is regulated by miR-654-5p and miR-450b-5p. Zhang J, Furuta T, Sabit H, Tamai S, Jiapaer S, Dong Y, Kinoshita M, Uchida Y, Ohtsuki S, Terasaki T, Zhao S, Nakada M. 111巻 2413-2422頁 2020
- Motor functional reorganization are triggered by tumor infiltration into the primary motor area and repeated surgery. Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Nakada M 14巻 327号 2020
- Cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistula with an enhanced lesion in the brainstem mimicking a malignant tumor. Nambu K, Misaki K, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Nambu I, Sasagawa Y, Uchiyama N, Nakada M. 140巻 327号 2020
- 覚醒下手術 中田光俊、中嶋理帆、木下雅史 157-163頁 2020
- 脳腫瘍手術における高次脳機能障害と対策 木下雅史、中田光俊 47巻 893-898頁 2020
- 【脳の感染症-脳炎と寄生虫】細菌性脳炎 脳膿瘍・硬膜下膿瘍 笹川 泰生, 中田 光俊 38巻 10号 1231-1233頁 2020
- Potential therapeutic effect of targeting glycogen synthase kinase 3β in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Bolidong D, Domoto T, Uehara M, Sabit H, Okumura T, Endo Y, Nakada M, Ninomiya I, Miyashita T, Wong RW, Minamoto T. 10巻 11807号 2020
- 高次脳機能に関する実践的知識 −視空間認知障害のみかた− 中嶋理帆、中田光俊 30巻 98-105頁 2020
- 広範な下垂体卒中により成長ホルモン過剰分泌が消退した小児成長ホルモン産生下垂体腺腫の1例 小林 雅明, 笹川 泰生, 林 康彦, 中田 光俊 45巻 2号 116-120頁 2020
- Asymptomatic carotid intraplaque hemorrhage is associated with a high risk of cerebral infarction and death after cardiovascular surgery Misaki K, Uno T, Nambu I, Kimura R, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Hayashi Y, Uchiyama N, Iino K, Takemura H, Nakada M. 412巻 116801号 2020
- Usefulness of 2D-perfusion analysis for the assessment of unilateral cervical internal carotid artery stenosis Yoshikawa A, Uno T, Nambu I, Kamide T, Misaki K, Nakada M 2020
- Motor functional reorganization are triggered by tumor infiltration into the primary motor area and repeated surgery. Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Nakada M 14巻 327号 2020
- Cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistula with an enhanced lesion in the brainstem mimicking a malignant tumor. Nambu K, Misaki K, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Nambu I, Sasagawa Y, Uchiyama N, Nakada M. 140巻 327号 2020
- Gelsolin inhibits malignant phenotype of glioblastoma and is regulated by miR-654-5p and miR-450b-5p. Zhang J, Furuta T, Sabit H, Tamai S, Jiapaer S, Dong Y, Kinoshita M, Uchida Y, Ohtsuki S, Terasaki T, Zhao S, Nakada M. 111巻 2413-2422頁 2020
- Progressively Enlarged Convexity Arachnoid Cysts in Elderly Patients: A Report of 2 Cases. Kimura R, Hayashi Y, Sasagawa Y, Kobayashi M, Oishi M, Kinoshita M, Nakada M. 135巻 253-358頁 2020
- Pyramid-shape crossings and inter-crossing fibers are key elements for construction of the neural network in the superficial white matter of the human cerebrum. Shinohara H, Liu X, Nakajima R, Kinoshita M, Ozaki N, Hori O, Nakada M. 30巻 5218-5228頁 2020
- Glioma stem-like cells can be targeted in boron neutron capture therapy with boronophenylalanine Kondo N, Hikida M, Nakada M, Sakurai Y, Hirata E, Takeno S, Suzuki M. 12巻 3040頁 2020
- トラクトグラフィと覚醒下マッピングを用いた皮質アプローチについて 木下雅史、田中慎吾、宮下勝吉、中田光俊 42巻 2020
- 脳腫瘍手術における高次脳機能障害と対策 木下雅史、中田光俊 47巻 893-898頁 2020
- 覚醒下手術 中田光俊、中嶋理帆、木下雅史 157-163頁 2020
- 【脳の感染症-脳炎と寄生虫】細菌性脳炎 脳膿瘍・硬膜下膿瘍 笹川 泰生, 中田 光俊 38巻 10号 1231-1233頁 2020
- The multipotential of leucine-rich α-2 glycoprotein 1 as a clinicopathological biomarker of glioblastoma. Furuta T, Sugita Y, Komaki S, Ohshima K, Morioka M, Uchida Y, Tachikawa M, Ohtsuki S, Terasaki T, Nakada M. 79巻 873-879頁 2020
- Prediction of post-embolization recurrence of anterior communicating aneurysms with A1 segment asymmetry by fluid dynamic analysis. Misaki K, Uno T, Nambu I, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Uchiyama N, Nakada M 2020
- PD-L1 and PD-L2 expression in the tumor microenvironment including peritumoral tissue in primary central nervous system lymphoma. Furuse M, Kuwabara H, Ikeda N, Hattori Y, Ichikawa T, Kagawa N, Kikuta K, Tamai S, Nakada M, Wakabayashi T, Wanibuchi M, Kuroiwa T, Hirose Y, Miyatake SI. 20巻 277号 2020
- TERT promoter mutation confers favorable prognosis regardless of 1p/19q status in adult diffuse gliomas with IDH1/2 mutations. Arita H, Matsushita Y, Machida R, Yamasaki K, Hata N, Ohno M, Yamaguchi S, Sasayama T, Tanaka S, Higuchi F, Iuchi T, Saito K, Kanamori M, Matsuda KI, Miyake Y, Tamura K, Tamai S, Nakamura T, Uda T, Okita Y, Fukai J, Sakamoto D, Hattori Y, Pareira ES, Hatae R, Ishi Y, Miyakita Y, Tanaka K, Takayanagi S, Otani R, Sakaida T, Kobayashi K, Saito R, Kurozumi K, Shofuda T, Nonaka M, Suzuki H, Shibuya M, Komori T, Sasaki H, Mizoguchi M, Kishima H, Nakada M, Sonoda Y, Tominaga T, Nagane M, Nishikawa R, Kanemura Y, Kuchiba A, Narita Y, Ichimura K. 8巻 201号 2020
- 高次脳機能に関する実践的知識 −視空間認知障害のみかた− 中嶋理帆、中田光俊 30巻 98-105頁 2020
- Asymptomatic carotid intraplaque hemorrhage is associated with a high risk of cerebral infarction and death after cardiovascular surgery Misaki K, Uno T, Nambu I, Kimura R, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Hayashi Y, Uchiyama N, Iino K, Takemura H, Nakada M. 412巻 116801号 2020
- Prediction of post-embolization recurrence of anterior communicating aneurysms with A1 segment asymmetry by fluid dynamic analysis. Misaki K, Uno T, Nambu I, Yoshikawa A, Kamide T, Uchiyama N, Nakada M 2020
- TERT promoter mutation confers favorable prognosis regardless of 1p/19q status in adult diffuse gliomas with IDH1/2 mutations. Arita H, Matsushita Y, Machida R, Yamasaki K, Hata N, Ohno M, Yamaguchi S, Sasayama T, Tanaka S, Higuchi F, Iuchi T, Saito K, Kanamori M, Matsuda KI, Miyake Y, Tamura K, Tamai S, Nakamura T, Uda T, Okita Y, Fukai J, Sakamoto D, Hattori Y, Pareira ES, Hatae R, Ishi Y, Miyakita Y, Tanaka K, Takayanagi S, Otani R, Sakaida T, Kobayashi K, Saito R, Kurozumi K, Shofuda T, Nonaka M, Suzuki H, Shibuya M, Komori T, Sasaki H, Mizoguchi M, Kishima H, Nakada M, Sonoda Y, Tominaga T, Nagane M, Nishikawa R, Kanemura Y, Kuchiba A, Narita Y, Ichimura K. 8巻 201号 2020
- 膠芽腫病勢診断血液バイオマーカーAtaxin-2の検証(会議名:第41回日本脳腫瘍学会学術集会)(2023/12/03)
- 右前頭葉グリオーマに対する高次脳機能温存を狙った覚醒下手術(会議名:日本脳神経外科学会 第82回学術総会)(2023/10/25)
- 脳神経外科臨床情報から推測する視空間認知機能のハブの局在(会議名:日本脳神経外科学会 第82回学術総会)(2023/10/25)
- 覚醒下手術による脳機能マッピングのコンセンサスと発展性(会議名:第43回日本脳神経外科コングレス総会)(2023/05/18)
- 高齢者に対する覚醒下手術の適応(会議名:第36回日本老年脳神経外科学会)(2023/04/15)
- 前方言語野ネットワークにおけるコア領域と機能シフトの解析(会議名:第46回日本脳神経CI学会総会)(2023/01/20)
- Optic/Hypothalamic Glioma(会議名:4th Congress of Asian-Australasian Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (AASPN) 2023)(2023/12/13)
- Glioblastomas located in the right inferior parietal lobe causes a poor postoperative performance level.(会議名:Society for Neuro-Oncology 28th Annual Meeting 2023)(2023/11/15)
- Blood biomarkers distinguishing pseudoprogression from recurrence in glioblastoma.(会議名:23rd International Conference on Brain Tumor Research and Therapy )(2023/05/26)
- 脳機能ネットワークの新しい理解と脳腫瘍手術(会議名:第12回 劒ニューロオンコロジーセミナー )(2023/11/29)
- グリオーマと高次脳機能障害(会議名:第7回日本脳神経外科認知症学会学術総会)(2023/11/04)
- 脳神経外科の次世代指導者を育てる- Trainer of Trainersが意識すべきディテール – 教科書無き私の理念(会議名:日本脳神経外科学会 第82回学術総会)(2023/10/25)
- 脳腫瘍外科から神経ネットワークを考える(会議名:第24回Skill-building Neurosurgical Conference)(2023/10/14)
- 理工と脳神経外科との融合研究(会議名:理工と医薬保健の融合研究フロンティア )(2023/09/25)
- 脳神経外科医が紡ぎだす脳科学と大脳の理解(会議名:北海道脳腫瘍セミナー)(2023/06/24)
- 悪性脳腫瘍の最先端手術:脳機能の可視化と機能温存(会議名:第130回慶應義塾大学医学部生涯教育研修セミナー)(2023/06/24)
- 脳回路と機能シフトに基づく新時代の脳手術(会議名:桶狭間脳神経外科学術講演会)(2023/03/10)
- 脳神経外科医に必要な大脳機能局在の理解(会議名:兵庫脳神経外科手術手技セミナー)(2023/02/18)
- 機能温存のための大脳機能ネットワークの理解(会議名:東北大学講演会『脳内ネットワーク -臨床と研究の最前線-』 )(2023/02/15)
- 高次脳機能局在と大脳ネットワーク(会議名:第7回脳腫瘍学会Webinar講演会)(2023/02/09)
- ネットワーク臓器としての脳の理解(会議名:石川県立金沢泉丘高等学校 講演)(2023/01/12)
- 高次脳機能局在と大脳ネットワーク研究のすすめ(会議名:第37回臨床高次脳機能研究会えひめ )(2023/01/07)
- Deep white matter portion of dorsal superior longitudinal fascicle is a critical region for preservation of visuospatial cognition during glioma surgery(会議名:The 6th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology Societies (WFNOS)/The 17th Meeting of the Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology (ASNO))(2022/03/24)
- 脳腫瘍摘出術の新たな扉を開く(会議名:第2回四国Neurosurgery Skill up Seminar)(2022/03/04)
- 脳神経外科学的アプローチによる脳科学研究(会議名:第24回 日本薬物脳波学会 & 第38回 日本脳電磁図トポグラフィ研究会)(2022/02/04)
- 術後経過にみるグリオーマ手術のありかた(会議名:第39回日本脳腫瘍学会学術集会)(2021/12/05)
- 脳神経外科医療における光線力学診断と治療の進歩 (会議名:第24回日本臨床脳神経外科学会)(2021/11/11)
- 覚醒下マッピングによる言語機能シフトの特徴と解剖学的メカニズムに関する考察(会議名:日本脳神経外科学会 第80回学術総会)(2021/10/27)
- 右前頭葉グリオーマ摘出術後に視空間認知機能障害をきたす背側上縦束責任領域の同定(会議名:日本脳神経外科学会 第80回学術総会)(2021/10/27)
- 視空間認知と作業記憶の温存を意図した右前頭葉グリオーマ摘出時の不可侵領域の策定(会議名:第26回日本脳腫瘍の外科学会)(2021/09/09)
- 高次脳機能温存のための白質解剖(会議名:第41回日本脳神経外科コングレス総会)(2021/05/13)
- Factors influencing poor independence level following resection of the right temporo-parietal glioblastomas(会議名:Society for Neuro-Oncology 26th Annual Meeting 2021)(2021/11/18)
- Awake surgery for right frontal lobe glioma can preserve visuospatial cognition and spatial working memory(会議名:2021 CNS Annual Meeting)(2021/10/16)
- Preservation of deep posterior part of the middle frontal gyrus and cingulate gyrus zone II prevents visuospatial cognition and working memory impairment during right frontal glioma surgery(会議名:2021 CNS Annual Meeting)(2021/10/16)
- 脳腫瘍治療における脳機能を守り抜く戦い(会議名:最新のグリオーマの治療戦略)(2021/07/21)
○国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B))「人種間の他者理解脳内ネットワーク解析と覚醒下手術への応用」(2020-2024) 代表者
○挑戦的研究(萌芽)「脳腫瘍進展に伴う脳機能シフトの法則と限界の解明」(2020-2021) 代表者
○基盤研究(B)(一般)「悪性神経膠腫由来のエクソソームを介したミクログリアによる微小環境整備の解明」(2018-2020) 代表者
○挑戦的研究(萌芽)「高次脳機能局在に基づく右前頭葉腫瘍に対する摘出限界策定の試み」(2018-2019) 代表者
○挑戦的萌芽研究「次世代プロテオミクスによる悪性グリオーマのバイオマーカー探索」(2016-2017) 代表者
○若手研究(A)「グリオーマ幹細胞の浸潤関連分子の同定と機能解析」(2009-2010) 代表者
○若手研究(B)「Eph/ephrinバイオロジーと神経膠腫浸潤」(2007-2008) 代表者
○若手研究(B)「新規細胞外マトリックス分解酵素阻害分子による神経膠芽腫」(2002-) 代表者
○挑戦的研究(萌芽)「右前頭葉機能の賦活・抑制に関わる新規神経機能ネットワークの解明」(2019-2020) 分担者
○基盤研究(B)(一般)「感情識別機能の術後回復に伴う神経ネットワーク再編成メカニズムの解明」(2018-2020) 分担者
○基盤研究(B)「膜型マトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ-1のがん悪性化形質に果たす役割の解析」(2009-) 分担者
○基盤研究(B)「神経膠芽腫の浸潤に関与する転写因子と細胞外マトリックス」(2002-) 分担者
○基盤研究A「膠芽腫医療に抜本的変革をもたらす血液バイオマーカーの分子基盤の構築」(2022-2025) 代表者
○基盤研究(B)(一般)「言語機能回復に伴う脳内ネットワーク再組織化の構造的メカニズムの解明」(2021-2023) 分担者
○挑戦的研究(萌芽)「回復期待度による新規リハビリテーション指針確立に向けた白質神経線維の可塑性の解明」(2021-2022) 分担者
○競争的資金(学内) (2022-2022) 研究 片頭痛薬ロメリジンによる膠芽腫幹細胞抑制効果の検討 金沢大学がん進展制御研究所共同研究助成 金沢大学がん進展制御研究所
○競争的資金(学内) (2022-2023) 研究 ヒトの高次脳機能障害に対する包括的融合研究 附属病院戦略的研究推進プログラム (B4プロジェクト 2022) 金沢大学附属病院
○競争的資金(学外) (2023-2025) 研究 造影病変全切除可能な初発膠芽腫に対する標準的手術法確立に関する研究 革新的がん医療実用化研究事業 国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構(AMED)
○競争的資金(学外) (2022-2025) 研究 代謝型グルタミン酸受容体を標的としたがん脳転移治療法の開発 革新的がん医療実用化研究事業 国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構(AMED)
○競争的資金(学外) (2020-2020) 研究 抗グリオーマ幹細胞作用を有する抗真菌薬ペンタミジンによる臨床応用へ向けた基礎研究 令和2年度金沢大学附属病院臨床研究助成金 金沢大学附属病院
○競争的資金(学内) (2021-2021) 研究 抗グリオーマ幹細胞作用を有する抗真菌薬ペンタミジンによる膠芽腫の新規治療開発 令和3年度金沢大学附属病院臨床研究助成金 金沢大学附属病院
○競争的資金(学内) (2021-2021) 研究 膠芽腫マウスモデルによる抗グリオーマ幹細胞薬ペンタミジンの効果検証 金沢大学がん進展制御研究所共同研究助成 金沢大学がん進展制御研究所
○競争的資金(学内) (2020-2020) 研究 臨床応用を目指した抗グリオーマ幹細胞薬ペンタミジンの基礎実験 金沢大学がん進展制御研究所共同研究助成 金沢大学がん進展制御研究所
○競争的資金(学外) (2021-2023) 研究 膠芽腫の標準治療後病勢を診断する血液バイオマーカーの実用化 革新的がん医療実用化研究事業 国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構(AMED)
○競争的資金(学外) (2019-2020) 研究 革新的プロテオミクスを用いた膠芽腫病勢診断マーカーの探索と診断システムのキット化 国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構(AMED) 次世代がん医療創生研究事業