THELEN TIMO (てーれん ていも) 准教授 THELEN, Timo
人間社会研究域 国際学系 人間社会学域 国際学類
人間社会学域 国際学類 ヨーロッパコース
人間社会環境研究科 国際学専攻
デュッセルドルフ大学 博士課程 現代日本学 2018 単位取得満期退学
デュッセルドルフ大学 修士課程 現代日本学・ドイツ語教育 2012 修了
デュッセルドルフ大学 2009 卒業
ヨーロッパ日本研究協会 EAJS Member(2016-2024)
Anthropology of Japan in Japan Member(2012-2024)
JGG 北陸 Member(2018-2024)
Cultural Anthropology, Japanese Studies, Media Tourism
- Revitalization and Internal Colonialism in Rural Japan (Japan Anthropology Workshop Series) Routledge 2022/04/05 単著 Timo Thelen 1032198710
- Understanding fan tourists at a non-commodified fan pilgrimage site: an application of fan capital theory Current Issues in Tourism 1頁 2021/12/09 査読有 原著論文 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Local Governance of Public Transport Services Rethinking Locality in Japan 153頁 2021/06/02 その他
- Between 1990s’ Nostalgia and ‘LGBT-friendly’ Tokyo Olympics: Representations of LGBTQ People in NHK’s Morning Drama Series Japanese Studies 1頁 2021/05/04 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Real Mermaid vs. Nuclear Power Plant: Ecofeminist Vengeance and Ama Divers in Japanese Horror Timo Thelen Gothic Nature 2巻 175頁 2021/03 査読有
- Transnational comic franchise tourism and fan capital: Japanese Attack on Titan fans travelling to Germany Timo Thelen Participations 17巻 2号 303頁 2020/11 査読有
- Following Oshin and Amachan Locating Imagination in Popular Culture 134頁 2020/12/29 査読無 その他
- Film tourism impacts: a multi-stakeholder longitudinal approach Tourism Recreation Research 45巻 3号 291頁 2020/07/02 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Longing for the “Absolute Satoyama.” Reconsidering Nostalgia and Environmentalism in My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro) Das ländliche Japan zwischen Idylle und Verfall 2020/06/08
- The Japanization of wife and whisky in NHK’s morning drama Massan East Asian Journal of Popular Culture 5巻 2号 177頁 2019/08/01 査読有 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Disaster and Salvation in the Japanese Periphery. “The Rural” in Shinkai Makoto’s Kimi no na wa (Your Name) Timo Thelen FFK Journal 4巻 215頁 2019/03 査読無 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Drama Off-Screen: A Multi-stakeholder Perspective on Film Tourism in Relation to the Japanese Morning Drama (Asadora) Film Tourism in Asia 2018
- On Countryside Roads to National Identity: Japanese Morning Drama Series (Asadora) and Contents Tourism Elisabeth Scherer, Timo Thelen Japan Forum 2017 査読有
- Meerjungfrauen in der Krise: Die ama-Taucherinnen von Wajima/Hegura im Zeitalter von Überalterung und schwindenden Ressourcen Timo Thelen OAG Magazin 2017巻 12号 10-33頁 2017 査読無 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Auf Mares Spuren durchs Hinterland. ; Publikumsaktivität und Vermarktungsstrategien zu japanischen TV-Serien am Beispiel des asadora Mare 2016
- 変容する海外で働く日本人 : 現地採用者に着目して 丹羽孝仁, 中川聡史, ティモ・テーレ 埼玉大学紀要. 教養学部 51巻 2号 205-222頁 2016 査読無
- Connecting Academia and Furusato-zukuri in Rural Japan: The ‘Festival Support Project’ of Kanazawa University and its Impact on a Village Community in the Noto Peninsula Timo Thelen Kanazawa University Human Socio-Environmental Studies 30巻 171-193頁 2015
- Narrating the Nation in a Global Crisis: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Japanese Morning Drama (Asadora) The Coronavirus Pandemic in Japanese Literature and Popular Culture 2023/09 査読無
- The homeland of Sanuki udon: unconsolidated placemaking processes in a food tourism destination Handbook on Food Tourism 167頁 2024/03/12 その他
- The Emergence of Fan Pilgrimage Sites – Unintended and Intended Touristic World-Making and Fan Pilgrimage in Popular Culture Destinations 31頁 2024/02/17 その他
- From watching to eating: food tourism perspectives on Japans ama divers and their catches Handbook on Food Tourism 209頁 2024/03/12 その他
- Planung fast unmöglich: Feldforschung in Covid-19-Japan(会議名:Japanolog:innentag 2022, Sektion Ethnologie, Dusseldorf University Online)(2022/08/25)
- Actors, Networks, and Where to Find Them in Rural Japan(会議名: German Institute for Japan Studies (DIJ) Method Talks)(2022/06/23)
- Der Einfluss von Attack on Titan auf japanische Deutschlernende und Medientoruist:innen(会議名:Hokuriku Germanistik Jahrestagung 2022, Kanazawa)(2022/02/19)
- Celebrating Hope: The Continuation of Village Festivals in Depopulated Rural Japan(会議名:EAJS Conference Online, Section Urban Studies, Ghent University (Online))(2021/08/25)
- Eco-Anime Movies and Satoyama Environmental Movements(会議名:Mechademia International Conference Online, Kyoto University)(2021/06/05)
- Transnational fan tourism and spatial poaching: Japanese Attack on Titan fans in Germany(会議名:Worlds of Imagination Conference Online. University of Rotterdam)(2021/04/08)
- Preservation of Immaterial Cultural Heritage in an Age of Crisis: A Case Study on Japanese Rural Festivals(会議名:CRM (Cultural Resource Management) Symposium 2021 Online, Institut Teknologi Bandung and Japan National Museum of Japanese History)(2021/03/23)
- Witch heritage and tourism in the Harz region(会議名:Hokuriku Germanistik Jahrestagung 2023, Kanazawa)(2023/11/11)
- Longing for tourists: The countryside reinvented after the COVID-19 pandemic(会議名:EAJS Conference 2023, Ghent University)(2023/08/20)
- Living with ever-changing currents: Following an ama diving community over one decade(会議名:U:Japan Lectures; University of Vienna)(2024/03/14)
- Attack on Titan and its utilization in right-wing discourses(会議名:Mechademia Conference in Japan 2023, ;Kyoto Seika University, Kyoto International Manga Museum)(2023/05/28)
○若手研究「Reconciling Light Contents Tourism and Dark History: A Case Study of Witch-Themed Tourism and Its Conflicts」(2022-2024) 代表者
○若手研究「Challenges and Potentials of Transnational Film/Contents Tourism: A Case Study of Japanese Fan Tourists in Germany」(2019-2021) 代表者
○競争的資金(学外) (2023-2024) 研究 文化遺産・観光資源としての海女漁に関する地域比較研究 北陸銀行若手研究者助成金 北陸銀行
○助成金 (2019-2020) 研究 日本の若者のドイツ体験に対するマンガとアニメの影響について 山岡記念財団研究助成 山岡記念財団研究助成