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last modified:2024/10/24

Associate Professor SASAKI, Yuka


Faculty, Affiliation

Institute for the Study of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources

College and School Educational Field


Academic Background


Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society



○Excellent presentation award(2020/11)
○Young Presentation Award(2014/09)
○Excellent presentation award(2018/11)
○Excellent presentation award(2018/11)
○Excellent presentation award(2018/11)



Speciality Keywords

Research Themes



  •  Imprssion of Panicum miliaceum L. on potsherds from the final Jomon and middle Yayoi Periods 中沢 道彦,佐々木 由香 資源環境と人類 : 明治大学黒耀石研究センター紀要 1 113 2011/03 
  •  Impressions on pottery revealed cultivation of Glycine max subsp. max (soybean) in the late to latest Jomon Periods in Kyusyu Island 小畑 弘己,佐々木 由香,仙波 靖子 Japanese journal of historical botany 15 2 97 2007/11 
  •  Utilization of plant resources reconstructed from plant macrofossils during the latter half of the Jomon period at the Shimo-yakebe site, Tokyo 佐々木 由香,工藤 雄一郎,百原 新 Japanese journal of historical botany 15 1 35 2007/07 
  •  Use of timber resources at the Shimo-yakebe site, Tokyo, and its characteristics in the Kanto plain of the late to latest Jomon periods 能城 修一,佐々木 由香 Japanese journal of historical botany 15 1 19 2007/07 
  •  A chronological study of archaeological remains showing plant utilization during the second half of the Jomon period at the Shimo-yakebe site, Tokyo, Japan 工藤 雄一郎,佐々木 由香,坂本 稔 Japanese journal of historical botany 15 1 5 2007/07 

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  •  Utilization of forest resources in the Late Jomon Period deduced from wooden remains for water usage at the Shimo-yakebe Site, Tokyo, Japan Sasaki Yuka,Noshiro Shuichi Japanese Journal of Historical Botany 12 1 37 2004/05 
  •  Identification of charcoals at Nakayashiki site, Ohi-machi, Kanagawa Prefecture Yuka SASAKI Bulletin of the Society for Cultural History 7 7 64 2003 
  •  Archaeobotanical investigations of charred plant remains and seed impressions on pottery using the replication method from the Mekiri site, Okaya, Nagano Prefecture, central Japan 会田 進,中沢 道彦,那須 浩郎,佐々木 由香,山田 武文,輿石 甫 資源環境と人類 : 明治大学黒耀石研究センター紀要 2 2 49 2012/03 
  •  Archaeological soybean (Glycine max) in East Asia: does size matter? Gyoung-Ah Lee,Gary W Crawford,Li Liu,Yuka Sasaki,Xuexiang Chen PloS one 6 11 e26720 2011
  •  Characterization of plant remains on Jomon potteries excavated from the Shimo-yakebe site, Tokyo, Japan 工藤 雄一郎,佐々木 由香 Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History 158 1 2010/03 
  •  Use of the timber resources of Quercus gilva in the Kanto district, central Japan, during the Yayoi to Kofun periods 能城 修一,佐々木 由香,鈴木 三男 植生史研究 21 1 29 2012/02 
  •  新城平岡(4)遺跡出土木材の年輪年代解析 大山幹成,大和田めぐみ,鈴木三男,佐々木由香,伊藤茂 青森市埋蔵文化財調査報告書 第112集-3 石江遺跡群発掘調査報告書V – 石江土地区画整理事業に伴う発掘報告-, 第3分冊: 新城平岡(2)・(7)遺跡編・石江遺跡群分析編3 210 2012
  •  Vegetation analysis by polypores excavated from the Shimo-yakebe site, Tokyo 佐々木 由香,服部 力 Japanese journal of historical botany 15 1 51 2007/07 
  •  Report of Artifacts from Kanekodai Site, Ohi-machi, Ashigara-kami-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture(I) : Reevaluation of Late Jomon Period Pottery from Stone Monuments Yuka SASAKI Bulletin of the Society for Cultural History 4 4 116 2000 
  •  Pre-agricultural management of plant resources during the Jomon period in Japan-a sophisticated subsistence system on plant resources Shuichi Noshiro,Yuka Sasaki JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE 42 1 93 2014/02 
  •  How natural are natural woods from wetland sites? - a case study at two sites of the Jomon period in central Japan Shuichi Noshiro,Yuka Sasaki,Mitsuo Suzuki JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE 36 7 1597 2009/07 
  •  Importance of Rhus verniciflua Stokes (lacquer tree) in prehistoric periods in Japan, deduced from identification of its fossil woods Shuichi Noshiro,Mitsuo Suzuki,Yuka Sasaki VEGETATION HISTORY AND ARCHAEOBOTANY 16 5 405 2007/07 
  •  青森県板柳町土井(1)遺跡出土漆器類の材質同定と製作技術の解明 片岡太郎,上條信彦,柴正敏,伊藤由美子,小林和貴,鈴木三男,佐々木由香,白鳥文雄,鳥越俊行 考古学と自然科学 67 7 2015/02 
  •  The study 1 put to use of the plant in the Yayoi Period in the northern kyusyu 山崎 頼人,比嘉 えりか,坂井 貴志,渡邉 隆行,金 民善,西江 幸子,佐々木 由香 古文化談叢 71 73 2014/03 
  •  Management of Lacquer and Chestnut Resources during the Late Jomon Period at the Shimo-yakebe Site Deduced from the Growth Trends of Extant Lacquer Trees 能城 修一,佐々木 由香 国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History 187 189 2014/07 
  •  Exploitation of plant resources in Jomon period 佐々木 由香 季刊考古学 132 63 2015/08 
  •  Vegetation history and use of plant resources from the incipient to early Jomon periods at the Torihama shell midden site, Fukui Prefecture, central Japan 吉川 昌伸,吉川 純子,能城 修一,工藤 雄一郎,佐々木 由香,鈴木 三男,網谷 克彦,鯵本 眞友美 植生史研究 24 2 69 2016/09 
  •  Experiment of Lacquer Tapping Using Lithic Tools 千葉 敏朗,工藤 雄一郎,佐々木 由香,能城 修一 国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History 187 479 2014/07 
  •  An Aspect of Plant Use during the Jomon Period Viewed from the Weaving Materials from the Shimo-yakebe Site 佐々木 由香,小林 和貴,鈴木 三男,能城 修一 国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History 187 323 2014/07 
  •  Management of Forest Resources during the Jomon Period in Japan Deduced from Excavated Plant Remains 能城 修一,佐々木 由香 国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History 187 15 2014/07 
  •  The beginning of the Yayoi period seen from the archaeobotany 佐々木 由香,能城 修一 季刊考古学 138 138 38 2017/02 
  •  Identification of Baskets and Bundles of their Materials from the Shimo-yakebe Site, Tokyo Using the Plant Opal Phytolith Analysis 米田 恭子,佐々木 由香 国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History 187 347 2014/07 
  •  Examining the utilization of pulses in the Middle Jomon period of the Suwa region from carbonized seed remains 那須 浩郎,会田 進,佐々木 由香,中沢 道彦,山田 武文,輿石 甫 資源環境と人類 : 明治大学黒耀石研究センター紀要 = Natural resource environment and humans : proceedings of the Meiji University Center for Obsidian and Lithic Studies 5 5 37 2015/03 
  •  Commentary on the Reconstruction Pictures for the Plant Use in the Jomon Period 工藤 雄一郎,千葉 敏朗,佐々木 由香,能城 修一,小畑 弘己,鈴木 三男 国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History 187 387 2014/07 
  •  縄文時代から弥生時代の出土炭化鱗茎同定の試み 佐々木由香,米田恭子,小林和貴 日本文化財科学会大会研究発表要旨集 33rd 30‐31 2016/06/04 
  •  Mixture of many seeds of Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis : Discovered in Jomon vessel's clay and its implications 会田進,酒井幸則,佐々木由香,山田武文,那須浩郎,中沢道彦 資源環境と人類 7 7 23 2017/03 
  •  Radiocarbon dating of plant macrofossils excavated from the Torihama shell midden site, Fukui Prefecture, Japan : A chronological reconsideration of sediment layers and types of pottery from the incipient to early Jomon periods 工藤 雄一郎,網谷 克彦,吉川 純子,佐々木 由香,鯵本 眞友美,能城 修一 植生史研究 24 2 43 2016/09 
  •  Report on pottery-burning experiments to make seed impressions 那須 浩郎,会田 進,山田 武文,輿石 甫,佐々木 由香,中沢 道彦 資源環境と人類 : 明治大学黒耀石研究センター紀要 = Natural resource environment and humans : proceedings of the Meiji University Center for Obsidian and Lithic Studies 5 5 103 2015/03 
  •  Impression Replica Investigation and the Use of Seeds at the Shimo-yakebe Site 小畑 弘己,真邉 彩,百原 新,那須 浩郎,佐々木 由香 国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History 187 279 2014/07 
  •  An Analysis of Carbonized Rice Grains Excavated from the Iwasaki Site in Fukuoka Pref. 設楽 博己,佐々木 由香,國木田 大,米田 穣,山﨑 孔平,大森 貴之 東京大学考古学研究室研究紀要 29 29 147 2015/03/29 
  •  Dispersal ofToxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F. A. Barkley Pollen 吉川 昌伸,工藤 雄一郎,能城 修一,吉川 純子,佐々木 由香,千葉 敏朗 国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History 187 187 469 2014/07/31 
  •  Tea of the early modern Edo period contained in a cloth bag excavated from the Minamimotomachi site, Shinjuku, Tokyo 鈴木三男,小林和貴,吉川純子,佐々木由香,佐々木由香,能城修一 植生史研究 26 2 79 2017/12 
  •  Material plants used for the baskets of the Jomon and Yayoi periods 145 8,44 2018/11 
  •  新潟県長岡市根立遺跡出土の漆製品と植物遺体の研究(1) 小澤清男,小林和貴,佐々木由香,鈴木三男,永嶋正春,能城修一,BHANDRI Sudarshan,四柳嘉章 長岡市立科学博物館研究報告 52 52 73‐92 2017/03/31 
  •  秋田県戸平川遺跡出土編組製品の素材植物と技法 小林和貴,佐々木由香,能城修一,鈴木三男,斉藤洋子 秋田県立博物館研究報告 43 43 32 2018/03 
  •  Plant Use of the Early Jomon Period Revealed from Plant Impressions on Pottery at the Inuzuka Site, Saitama, Japan 142 1 2018/07 
  •  新潟県長岡市根立遺跡出土の漆製品と植物遺体の研究(2) 小澤清男,片岡太郎,鹿納晴尚,上條信彦,小林和貴,佐々木理,佐々木由香,佐々木由香,鈴木三男,永嶋正春,能城修一,BHANDARI Sudarshan 長岡市立科学博物館研究報告 53 53 65‐98 2018/03/31 
  •  Intensive selection of Quercus gilva for hoes and spades of the Yayoi to Kofun periods in western Japan 能城修一,村上由美子,佐々木由香,佐々木由香,鈴木三男 植生史研究 27 1 3 2018/06 
  •  Utilized plant resources of the middle Jomon period revealed from various plant remains at the Shitanoya site, Tokyo, Japan 山本華,佐々木由香,佐々木由香,大網信良,亀田直美,黒沼保子 植生史研究 26 2 63 2017/12 
  •  Relationship between Plant Use and Ruins during the Middle Jomon Period as Seen from Earthenware Impressions from the Tama Newtown Ruins(First Report) 大網 信良,守屋 亮,佐々木 由香,長佐古 真也 東京都埋蔵文化財センター研究論集 = Tokyo Metropolitan Buried Cultural Property Research Center research papers ⅩⅩⅩⅡ 32 1 2018/03 
  •  Did a cooling event in the middle to late Jomon periods induced change in the use of plant resources in Japan? Yuka Sasaki,Shuichi Noshiro Quaternary International 471 369 2018/04/01 
  •  Why are seed and insect impressions remained into pottery?(Part 1)Report of an investigation of the pottery making environment at pottery making villages in Thailand and Laos 小畑 弘己,佐々木 由香,櫛原 功一,真邉 彩,新田 栄治,川島 秀義,中村 直子 古代 144 81 2019/05 
  •  Sedentism, pottery and inland fishing in Late Glacial Japan: a reassessment of the Maedakochi site Kazuki Morisaki,Noriyoshi Oda,Dai Kunikita,Yuka Sasaki,Yasuko Kuronuma,Akira Iwase,Takeshi Yamazaki,Naoichiro Ichida,Hiroyuki Sato Antiquity 93 372 1442 2019/12 
  •  栃原岩陰遺跡における縄文時代早期の植物資源利用 佐々木,由香 北相木村考古博物館研究紀要 第1号 第1号 1 22 2020/03 
  •  Material selection and weaving techniques for the oldest basketry in Japan found at the Higashimyou site, Saga Prefecture Shuichi Noshiro,Yuka Sasaki,Yuka Sasaki,Kazutaka Kobayashi,Kazutaka Kobayashi,Mitsuo Suzuki,Iwao Nishida Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23 12 2019/02/01 
  •  Archaeobotanical Study on the Charred Wheat Grains from the Amakashi no oka Toroku Site, Japan : A Eurasian Perspective 庄田慎矢,BHANDARI Sudarshan,佐々木由香,村上夏希,LIU Xinyi 奈文研論叢 2 29 2021/03 
  •  Plantation and Utilization of Toxicodendron vernicifluum and Castanea crenata in the Japanese Archipelago during the Jomon Period 225 59 2021/03 
  •  香坂山遺跡出土炭化材の樹種 能城,修一,佐々木,由香 ユーラシア旧石器研究報告 : 香坂山遺跡2020年発掘調査成果報告書 7 119 2021/06/20
  •  Dating research of use of cereals from sites of Yayoi period in the Kanto region (2) 國木田大,佐々木由香,山下優介,稲田健一,設楽博己 日本文化財科学会大会研究発表要旨集 38th 2021
  •  The Ages of Charred Grains from the Yawata Archaeological Site in Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture 國木田大,佐々木由香,小笠原善範,設楽博己 日本考古学 52 52 59 2021/05 
  •  Importance of Quercus gilva (イチイガシ) for the prehistoric periods in western Japan Noshiro S,Sasaki Y,Murakami Y Japanese Journal of Archaeology 8 2 133 2021/03
  •  Отпечатки проса на керамике раннего железного века из кургана Тортоба в Западном Казахстане Юка Сасаки,Сауле Жангельдыевна Рахимжанова,Ақан Оңғар,Архат Мирхатович Каирмагамбетов,Эйко Эндо,Паула Доумани Дюпюй,Мадина Макулбекова,Роберт Шпенглер,Шинья Шода Археология Казахстана 2022 4 (18) 116 2022/12/19 
  •  Vegetation change and formation of an artificial ecosystem from the initial to final Jomon periods in the central Kanto Plain, central Japan Yoshikawa Masanobu,Noshiro Shuichi,Kudo Yuichiro,Sasaki Yuka,Mori Masashi,Suzuki Shigeru Japanese Journal of Historical Botany 30 1 5 2022/03 
  •  The first discovery of a nest of mud-dauber wasp from shell mounds of Jomon cultural age Konishi Kazuhiko,Abe Yoshiro,Sasaki Yuka,Miyaura Mai,Obata Hiroki Japanese Journal of Entomology (New Series) 25 3 117 2022/09/25 
  •  Improvement of living infrastructure during;the Jomon;period deduced from the utilization of;lant;resources Yuka Sasaki 68 4 25 2022/03 

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