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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/16

Associate Professor IKKATAI, Yuko


Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Regional Development Studies, Institute of Human and Social Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of Regional Development Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Course in Regional Planning, School of Regional Development Studies, College of Human and Social Sciences


Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Keio University Doctor Graduate School of Human Relations  Psychology Accomplished credits for doctoral program
Keio University Master Graduate School of Human Relations  Psychology Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Keio University Psychology
PhD (psychology)


Kanazawa University Institute of Human and Social Sciences Faculty of Human Sciences Associate Professor(2021/10-2023/03)
University of Tokyo Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli-IPMU) Project researcher(2018/01-2021/09)
Shiga University Faculty of Education Specially Appointed lecturer(2017/04-2017/12)
Kyoto University Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) Science Communication Group (SCG) Project researcher(2016/04-2017/03)
Aichi University Faculty of Letters, Psychology Postdoctor(2015/04-2016/03)
The University of Tokyo School of Science Project researcher(2013/07-2015/03)
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) Cognition and Behavior Joint Research Laboratory Project researcher(2013/04-2015/03)
Keio University Global research center for logic and sensivity Collaborative Researcher(2012/05-2013/03)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellowship for Young Scientists DC1 (GCOE)(2009/04-2012/03)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society

The Science Communication Society of Japan


The Science Communication Society of Japan
○Academic Day's award(2017)
○Academic Day's award(2017)


Science, technology and society (STS)、Science Communication、Experimental psychology

Speciality Keywords

ELSI,Artificial Intelligence (AI),Gender,Crowd science,social behavior,science communication,citizen science,shimin kagaku,Open science,crowdfunding,Java sparrow,budgerigar,Experimental psychology,comparative cognition,Science communication,Psychology

Research Themes

ELSI Scoring for Advanced Technologies

Underrepresentation of women in STEM fields

Development of a theoretical framework for the analysis and integration of シチズンサイエンス with 市民科学.


  •  Let Us Discuss Space Activities Together 2022/06/30
  •  Ikkatai, Y,Watanabe, S CARLS Series of Advanced Study of Logic and Sensibility Vol.5 2012 2012
  •  Ikkatai, Y,Izawa, E,Watanabe, S CARLS Series of Advanced Study of Logic and Sensibility Vol.4 2010 2011
  •  Ikkatai,YWatanabe, S CARLS Series of Advanced Study of Logic and Sensibility Vol.3 2009 2010


  •  Support and trust in the government and COVID-19 experts during the pandemic. HIromi M Yokoyama,Yuko Ikkatai Frontiers in Communication 7 940585 2022/09/15 
  •  Artificial intelligence ELSI score for science and technology: a comparison between Japan and the US Hartwig T,Ikkatai Y,Takanashi N,Yokoyama MH AI & Society 2022/01/22 
  •  Segmentation of ethics, legal, and social issues (ELSI) related to AI in Japan, the United States, and Germany Yuko Ikkatai,Tilman Hartwig,Naohiro Takanashi,Hiromi M. Yokoyama AI and Ethics 2022/09/01 
  •  Octagon Measurement: Public Attitudes toward AI Ethics Yuko Ikkatai,Tilman Hartwig,Naohiro Takanashi,Hiromi M Yokoyama International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction Online first 2022/01/10 
  •  Do chimpanzees enjoy a virtual forest? A pilot investigation of the use of interactive art as a form of environmental enrichment for zoo‐housed chimpanzees Yumi Yamanashi,Kazuki Hitoosa,Nobuaki Yoshida,Fumihiro Kano,Yuko Ikkatai,Hidefusa Sakamoto American Journal of Primatology 2021/11/11 

show all

  •  Diversity in Citizen Science: Considering the Issues in Japan Yuko Ikkatai,Eiri Ono,Teruaki Enoto JAPANESE JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 71 2 91 2021/07 
  •  Effect of providing gender equality information on students’ motivations to choose STEM Yuko Ikkatai,Atsushi Inoue,Azusa Minamizaki,Kei Kano,Euan McKay,Hiromi M. Yokoyama PLOS ONE 16 6 e0252710 2021/06/23 
  •  Staff Evaluation of Childrenʼs Works: A Case Study of VIVISTOP Kashiwanoha Yuko Ikkatai,Keio Kano,Momoko sato,Kotera Takaaki,Fumio Yamamori,Yoshitaka Morimura,Mikihiko Mori 滋賀大学教育実践研究論集 3 33 2021/03 
  •  Factors related to girls’ choice of physics for university entrance exams in Japan Yuko Ikkatai,Atsushi Inoue,Kei Kano,Azusa Minamizaki,Euan McKay,Hiromi M. Yokoyama Physical Review Physics Education Research 17 1 2021/06/21 
  •  Gender stereotypes and students' intentions to choose majors Atsushi Inoue,Yuko Ikkatai,Azusa MInamizaki,Kei Kano,Euan McKay,Hiromi M Yokoyama 19 64 2021/05 
  •  Gendered image of STEM competencies: A comparative study between Japan and the UK Yuko Ikkatai,Atsushi Inoue,Azusa Minamizaki,Kei Kano,Euan McKay,Hiromi M. Yokoyama 19 79 2021/05 
  •  Confrontational Science Café on Issues of Space Policy Tamazawa Harufumi,Ikkatai Yuko Japanese Journal of Science Communication 28 49 2021/03 
  •  Masculinity in the public image of physics and mathematics: a new model comparing Japan and England Yuko Ikkatai,Atsushi Inoue,Azusa Minamizaki,Kei Kano,Euan McKay,Hiromi M. Yokoyama Public Understanding of Science 30 7 810 2021/10 
  •  Current Conditions and Particular Issues of Online Citizen Science in Japan Yuko Ikkatai 18 33 2020
  •  Gender-biased public perception of STEM fields, focusing on the influence of egalitarian attitudes toward gender roles Yuko Ikkatai,Azusa Minamizaki,Kei Kano,Atsushi Inoue,Euan McKay,Hiromi M. Yokoyama Journal of Science Communication 19 01 A08 2020/03/09
  •  Increasing crowd science projects in Japan: Case study of online citizen participation Ono E,Ikkatai Y,Enoto T International Journal of Institutional Research and Management 2 1 2018 
  •  Research on Participants and Potential Participants in Science Cafes and Science and Art Events from the Viewpoint of their Interest in S&T Kei Kano,Eri Mizumachi,Yuko Ikkatai Journal of Science Education in Japan 44 4 254 2020 
  •  Masculine public image of six scientific fields in Japan: physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, information science, mathematics, and biology Yuko Ikkatai,Azusa Minamizaki,Kei Kano,Atsushi Inoue,Euan McKay,Hiromi M. Yokoyama Journal of Science Communication 19 06 A02 2020/11/02
  •  Relationship between the level of interest in science and technology and the willingness to participate in citizen science in Japan Yuko Ikkatai,Eiri Ono,Hiroko Udaka,Teruaki Enoto Japanese Journal of Science Communication 27 27 50 2020/08 
  •  Thundercloud Project: Exploring high-energy phenomena in thundercloud and lightning Takayuki Yuasa,Yuuki Wada,Teruaki Enoto,Yoshihiro Furuta,Harufumi Tsuchiya,Shohei Hisadomi,Yuna Tsuji,Kazufumi Okuda,Takahiro Matsumoto,Kazuhiro Nakazawa,Kazuo Makishima,Shoko Miyake,Yuko Ikkatai Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2020 10 2020/10/09 
  •  Parental egalitarian attitudes towards gender roles affect agreement on girls taking STEM fields at university in Japan Yuko Ikkatai,Atsushi Inoue,Kei Kano,Azusa Minamizaki,Euan McKay,Hiromi M. Yokoyama International Journal of Science Education 41 16 2254 2019/11/02 
  •  The impact of open science revolution on citizen-participatory bird researches The Japanese journal of the history of biology 97 75 2018/08
  •  Science created by crowds: a case study of science crowdfunding in Japan Yuko Ikkatai,Euan McKay,Hiromi M. Yokoyama Journal of Science Communication 17 03 A06 2018/08/06
  •  How Do Researchers Engage in Academic Crowdfunding in Japan? Yuko Ikkatai,Euan McKay,Hiromi M Yokoyama Japanese journal of science communication 24 55 2018/12
  •  Assessing Scientific Knowledge of High School Students Participating in an Inquiry-based Hands-on Program, Using a PISA Framework KANO Kei,IKKATAI Yuko,MIZUMACHI Eri Journal of Science Education in Japan 41st 2 107 2017 
  •  Encouraging Citizen Motivation of Crowd Science: A Case Study of Kyoto Open Science Activities Eiri Ono,Yuko Ikkatai,Teruaki Enoto Proceedings - 2017 6th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI-AAI 2017 116 2017/11/15
  •  Observing real-time social interaction via telecommunication methods in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) Yuko Ikkatai,Kazuo Okanoya,Yoshimasa Seki BEHAVIOURAL PROCESSES 128 29 2016/07
  •  What Could Science Communicators Do After the Great EastJapan Earthquake? 一方井 祐子,横山 広美 科学技術コミュニケーション 19 19 57 2016/07
  •  Reconciliation and third-party affiliation in pair-bond budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) Yuko Ikkatai,Shigeru Watanabe,Ei-Ichi Izawa BEHAVIOUR 153 9-11 1173 2016
  •  Eye surface temperature detects stress response in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) Yuko Ikkatai,Shigeru Watanabe NeuroReport 26 11 642 2015/08/05 
  •  Relevance of Social Interactions to Pair-bond Formation and Maintenance in Budgerigars, Melopsittacus undulatus 73 49 2012
  •  Public interest and expectation for science : Comparative study of eight scientific fields 11 83 2012/06
  •  Discriminative and reinforcing properties of paintings in Java sparrows (Padda oryzivora) Yuko Ikkatai,Shigeru Watanabe Animal Cognition 14 2 227 2011/03 
  •  Internet-based services to obtain information on science and technology according to the degree of interest Eiri Ono,Yuko Ikkatai 2020 9th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI) 2020/09 

Conference Presentations

  • Lightning initiation near the gamma-ray glow region(conference:URSI2022)(2022/09/02)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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