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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/10/18

Associate Professor NAKAGAWA, Takashi

Faculty, Affiliation

Emerging Media Initiative

College and School Educational Field


Academic Background


The University of Hong Kong Associate Professor(2018/10/01-2020/09/25)
JAMSTEC Senior Scientist(2013/04/01-2018/09/30)
JAMSTEC Scientist(2011/04/01-2013/03/31)
ETH Zurich Senior Research Associate(2009/01/01-2011/03/31)
Kyushu University Assistant Professor(2007/04/01-2008/12/31)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society

American Geophysical Union
Japan Geoscience Union


Japan Geoscience Union


Solid earth and planetary physics

Speciality Keywords

Geodynamics, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Research Themes

Water and carbon cycle in plate-mantle system: Towards the feedback to the surface environment

Influence on phase relations to dynamics and structure in the deep mantle

Verification on observational geophysical data in mantle convection simulations

Elucidation of thermal and magnetic evolution in a coupled core-mantle model

Structure of Earth's outer core in 1D radial convective structure

Direct links between variations of geomagnetic field and dynamics of Earth's outer core in MHD dynamo simulations



  •  Numerical modeling on global-scale mantle water cycle and its impact on the sea-level change Takashi Nakagawa Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2023/10
  •  Influence of Mantle Rheology on the Formation of Plate Tectonic Style of Mantle Convection Takashi Nakagawa,Shun-ichiro Karato Dynamics of Plate Tectonics and Mantle Convection 2023
  •  Combined dynamical and morphological characterisation of geodynamo simulations Takashi Nakagawa,Christopher Davies Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2022/09
  •  Influence of realistic rheological properties on the style of mantle convection: roles of dynamic friction and depth-dependence of rheological properties Takashi Nakagawa,Shun-ichiro Karato Geophysical Journal International 2021/06/05
  •  A coupled core-mantle evolution: review and future prospects Takashi Nakagawa Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 7 1 2020/12

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  •  On the implications of the coupled evolution of the deep planetary interior and the presence of surface ocean water in hydrous mantle convection Takashi Nakagawa,Hikaru Iwamori Comptes Rendus Geoscience 2019/02
  •  Trace-element characteristics of east–west mantle geochemical hemispheres Hikaru Iwamori,Hitomi Nakamura,Masaki Yoshida,Takashi Nakagawa,Kenta Ueki,Atsushi Nakao,Tatsuji Nishizawa,Satoru Haraguchi Comptes Rendus Geoscience 351 2-3 209 2019/02
  •  On the evolution of the water ocean in the plate-mantle system Takashi Nakagawa,Hikaru Iwamori,Ryunosuke Yanagi,Atsushi Nakao Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 5 1 2018/12
  •  On the numerical modeling of the deep mantle water cycle in global-scale mantle dynamics: The effects of the water solubility limit of lower mantle minerals Takashi Nakagawa Journal of Earth Science 2017/08
  •  Long‐Term Stability of Plate‐Like Behavior Caused by Hydrous Mantle Convection and Water Absorption in the Deep Mantle Takashi Nakagawa,Hikaru Iwamori Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 2017/10
  •  On the thermo-chemical origin of the stratified region at the top of the Earth’s core Takashi Nakagawa Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 2017/05
  •  Global-scale water circulation in the Earth's mantle: Implications for the mantle water budget in the early Earth Takashi Nakagawa,Marc W. Spiegelman Earth and Planetary Science Letters 464 189 2017/04
  •  Compositional mantle layering revealed by slab stagnation at ~1000-km depth Maxim D. Ballmer,Nicholas C. Schmerr,Takashi Nakagawa,Jeroen Ritsema Science Advances 1 11 2015/12/04 
  •  An implication for the origin of stratification below the core–mantle boundary region in numerical dynamo simulations in a rotating spherical shell Takashi Nakagawa Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 247 94 2015/10
  •  Water circulation and global mantle dynamics: Insight from numerical modeling Nakagawa, Takashi,Nakakuki, Tomoeki,Iwamori, Hikaru Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 16 5 2015
  •  Influence of plate tectonic mode on the coupled thermochemical evolution of Earth's mantle and core Nakagawa, Takashi,Tackley, Paul J. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 16 10 2015
  •  Influence of combined primordial layering and recycled MORB on the coupled thermal evolution of Earth's mantle and core Nakagawa, Takashi,Tackley, Paul J. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 15 3 2014
  •  Implications of high core thermal conductivity on Earth's coupled mantle and core evolution Takashi Nakagawa,Paul J. Tackley Geophysical Research Letters 40 11 2652 2013/06/10
  •  Influence of magmatism on mantle cooling, surface heat flow and Urey ratio Takashi Nakagawa,Paul J. Tackley Earth and Planetary Science Letters 329-330 1 2012/05
  •  Radial 1-D seismic structures in the deep mantle in mantle convection simulations with self-consistently calculated mineralogy Nakagawa, Takashi,Tackley, Paul J.,Deschamps, Frederic,Connolly, James A. D. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 13 2012
  •  Low seismic resolution cannot explain S/P decorrelation in the lower mantle Della Mora, S.,Boschi, L.,Tackley, P. J.,Nakagawa, T.,Giardini, D. Geophysical Research Letters 38 2011
  •  Effects of low-viscosity post-perovskite on thermo-chemical mantle convection in a 3-D spherical shell Nakagawa, Takashi,Tackley, Paul J. Geophysical Research Letters 38 2011
  •  Effect of a stably stratified layer near the outer boundary in numerical simulations of a magnetohydrodynamic dynamo in a rotating spherical shell and its implications for Earth's core Nakagawa, Takashi Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 187 3-4 2011
  •  The influence of MORB and harzburgite composition on thermo-chemical mantle convection in a 3-D spherical shell with self-consistently calculated mineral physics Nakagawa, Takashi,Tackley, Paul J.,Deschamps, Frederic,Connolly, James A. D. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 296 3-4 403 2010/08
  •  Temperature and heat flux scalings for isoviscous thermal convection in spherical geometry Deschamps, Frederic,Tackley, Paul J.,Nakagawa, Takashi Geophysical Journal International 182 1 2010
  •  Influence of initial CMB temperature and other parameters on the thermal evolution of Earth's core resulting from thermochemical spherical mantle convection Nakagawa, T.,Tackley, P. J. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 11 2010
  •  The survival of reservoirs of dense material at in the lower mantle and the source of OIB Deschamps, F.,Kaminski, E.,Tackley, P. J.,Nakagawa, T. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 73 13 2009
  •  Influence of MORB bulk composition on 3-D spherical models of thermo-chemical mantle convection with self-consistently calculated mineral physics Nakagawa, Takashi,Tackley, Paul J.,Deschamps, Frederic,Connolly, James A. D. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 73 13 2009
  •  Incorporating self-consistently calculated mineral physics into thermochemical mantle convection simulations in a 3-D spherical shell and its influence on seismic anomalies in Earth's mantle Nakagawa, Takashi,Tackley, Paul J.,Deschamps, Frederic,Connolly, James A. D. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 10 2009
  •  Size and compositional constraints of Ganymede's metallic core for driving an active dynamo Kimura, Jun,Nakagawa, Takashi,Kurita, Kei Icarus 202 1 216 2009/07
  •  Lateral variations in CMB heat flux and deep mantle seismic velocity caused by a thermal-chemical-phase boundary layer in 3D spherical convection Nakagawa, Takashi,Tackley, Paul J. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 271 1-4 348 2008/07
  •  Influence of the Post-Perovskite Transition on Thermal and Thermo-Chemical Mantle Convection Tackley, Paul J,Nakagawa, Takashi,Hernlund, John W Post-Perovskite: the Last Mantle Phase Transition 174 2007
  •  Effects of self-consistently-calculated thermodynamic properties in thermo-chemical multiphase mantle convection in a 3D spherical shell Nakagawa, Takashi,Tackley, Paul J.,Deschamps, Frederic,Connolly, James A. D. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 71 15 2007
  •  Three-dimensional structures and dynamics in the deep mantle: Effects of post-perovskite phase change and deep mantle layering Nakagawa, Takashi,Tackley, Paul J. Geophysical Research Letters 33 12 2006
  •  The interaction between the post-perovskite phase change and a thermo-chemical boundary layer near the core–mantle boundary T NAKAGAWA,P TACKLEY Earth and Planetary Science Letters 238 1-2 204 2005/09
  •  Mass transport mechanism between the upper and lower mantle in numerical simulations of thermochemical mantle convection with multicomponent phase changes Nakagawa, T,Buffett, BA Earth and Planetary Science Letters 230 1-2 2005
  •  Three-dimensional numerical simulations of thermo-chemical multiphase convection in the Earth’s mantle Takashi Nakagawa,Paul J. Tackley Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2005 2005
  •  Deep mantle heat flow and thermal evolution of the Earth's core in thermochemical multiphase models of mantle convection Nakagawa, T,Tackley, PJ Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 6 2005
  •  Thermo-chemical structure in the mantle arising from a three-component convective system and implications for geochemistry Nakagawa, T,Tackley, PJ Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 146 1-2 2004
  •  Effects of a perovskite-post perovskite phase change near core-mantle boundary in compressible mantle convection Nakagawa, T,Tackley, PJ Geophysical Research Letters 31 16 2004
  •  Effects of thermo-chemical mantle convection on the thermal evolution of the Earth's core Nakagawa, T,Tackley, PJ Earth and Planetary Science Letters 220 1-2 2004

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

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Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

International Project

International Students

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