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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/07

Associate Professor MURAYAMA Takayuki

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Institute of Liberal Arts and Science

College and School Educational Field

Division of Regional Development Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies


Motor Behavior Laboratory TEL:076-264-5863 FAX:076-264-5996

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Master Graduate School, Division of Education
Hiroshima University Doctor


Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

Japanese Society of Sport Psychology
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
Japanese Motor Learning Seminar (JMLS)
North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity
International Society of Sport Psychology


○Excellent Paper Award(2010/11/20)
○Incentive Award of the Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences(2010/09/08)
○Incentive Award of the Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences(2010/09/08)
○Incentive Award of the Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences(2010/09/08)
○Excellent Presentation Award(2018/07/02)
○Excellent Presentation Award(2018/07/02)
○Excellent Presentation Award(2018/07/02)


Sports science

Speciality Keywords

Quiet Eye,Sport Psychology,Motor Learning,Motor Control

Research Themes

Elucidation of the Mechanism of ‘Choking Under Pressure’

Motor control and learning in human behavior

Development of the Mental Training Program for Sport



  •  Factor analysis of the mechanisms underlying choking under pressure in sports Tanaka, Y., Sekiya, H. 7 55-60 2010/12
  •  Modulation of Corticospinal Motor Tract Excitability during a Fine Finger Movement under Psychological Pressure: A TMS Study Yoshifumi Tanaka, Kozo Funase, Hiroshi Sekiya, Takayuki Murayama International Journal of Sport and Health Science 10 39-49 2012/04
  •  Factors Related to Choking under Pressure in Sports and the Relationships among Them Takayuki Murayama, Hiroshi Sekiya International Journal of Sport and Health Science 13 1-16 2015
  •  Psychological pressure distorts high jumpers' perception of the height of the bar. Tanaka, Y., Sasaki, J., Karakida, K., Goto, K., Tanaka, Y.M., & Murayama, T. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 3 2 10.3390/jfmk3020029  2018
  •  Size perception and performance outcome in a dart-throwing task under psychological pressure Yoshifumi Tanaka, Kenta Karakida, Takayuki Murayama, Yufu M. Tanaka, Kana Goto Japan J. Phys. Educ. Hlth. Sport Sci. 63 1 441-455 2018

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  •  Machine learning judged neutral facial expressions as key factors for a “good therapist” within the first five minutes: An experiment to simulate online video counselling Satoshi Yokoyama, Asuna Shikano, Hiroki Chiba, Takeshi Murakami, Takushi Kawamorita, Takayuki Murayama, Daisuke Ito, Kanako Ichikura PEC innovation 2024/06/04

Conference Presentations



Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

○「Quiet Eyeはプレッシャー下における知覚-運動系の崩壊をいかに抑制するか?」(2016-2018) 
○「生態心理学的分析による発達性協 運動 害児の動作の不安定性とその発達的意義」(2022-2024) 

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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