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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/03

Professor HASEGAWA Kazuyuki

Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Education, Institute of Human and Social Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of Mathematical and Physical Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Teacher Education, College of Human and Social Sciences


Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Tokyo University of Science  Doctor Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Tokyo University of Science
Ph. D


Tokyo University of Science(2002/04/01-2007/03/31)
Tokyo University of science(2007/04/01-2009/03/31)
Kanazawa University(2009/04/01-)
Musashi Institute of Technology(2002/04/01-2009/03/31)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society

Mathematical Society of Japan




Speciality Keywords

Research Themes

submanifold geometry



  •  The H/Q-correspondence and a generalization of the supergravity c-map V. Cortés, K.Hasegawa Tohoku Math. J. 76 2 255-292 2024/06/30
  •  The quaternionic/hypercomplex-correspondence V. Cortés, K. Hasegawa Osaka J. Math. 58 1 213-238 2021/03/01
  •  Nearly Kahler submanifolds with vertically pluri-harmonic lifts K. Hasegawa Procedings of 20th International Workshop on Hermitian Symmetric Spaces and Submanifolds 49-58 2017/10/01
  •  An inclusive immersion into a quaternionic manifold and its invariants K. Hasegawa Manuscripta Math. 154 527-549 2017/09/01
  •  Twistor lifts and factorization for conformal maps from a surface to the Euclidean four-space K. Hasegawa, K. Moriya Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebr. 27 1243-1262 2017/04/01

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  •  Twistor holomorphic affine surfaces and projective invariants K. Hasegawa SUT J. Math. 50 2 325-341 2015
  •  Extremal Lorentzian surfaces with null r-planar geodesics in space forms K. Hasegawa, K. Miura Tohoku Math. J. 67 4 611-634 2015
  •  Twistor holomorphic affine surfaces and projective invariants K. Hasegawa 49-56 2015
  •  The first Chern class and conformal area for a twistor holomorphic immersion K. Hasegawa Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg. 84 1 67-83 2014/01
  •  Surfaces of genus zero in self-dual Einstein manifolds whose twistor lifts are harmonic sections 2012/11
  •  A Lorentzian surface in a four-dimensional manifold of neutral signature and its reflector lift 26 71-83 2012/09
  •  Surfaces in self-dual Einstein manifolds and their twistor lifts DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 29 S220-S226 2011/06
  •  Surfaces in four-dimensional hyperkaehler manifolds whose twistor lifts are harmonic sections K. Hasegawa PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 139 309-317 2011/01
  •  Surfaces in hyperkaehler manifolds whose twistor lifts are harmonic sections 2010/11
  •  On surfaces of low genus whose twistor lifts are harmonic sections Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics 17 35-43 2010/10
  •  Stability of twistor lifts for surfaces in four-dimensional manifolds as harmonic sections 59 1326-1338 2009
  •  A generalization of Cartan's identities for isoparametric hypersurfaces and its applications N. Abe 52 197-210 2008
  •  On surfaces whose twistor lifts are harmonic sections 57 1549-1566 2007
  •  Affine differential geometry of the unit normal vector fields of hypersurfaces in the real space forms 35 613-627 2006
  •  Harmonic sections of normal bundles for submanifolds and their stability 83 57-64 2005
  •  Certain stability of the identity maps on principal bundles with Kaluza-Klein metric for the energy functionals 4 209-223 2004
  •  Harmonic sections normal to submanifolds and their stability 27 457-468 2004
  •  An affine submersion with horizontal distribution and its applications N. Abe 14 235-250 2001
  •  The index and certain stability of minimal anti invariant submanifolds in Sasakian and Kaehler manifolds 25 465-479 2001
  •  The fundamental theorems for affine immersions into hyperquadrics and its applications 131 37-48 2000
  •  Certain metrics on a principal fiber bundle and variational problems 33  239-255 1997
  •  Stability of twistor lifts for surfaces in four-dimensional manifolds as harmonic sections Kazuyuki Hasegawa JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS 59 9 1326 2009/09
  •  The first Chern class and conformal area for a twistor holomorphic immersion Kazuyuki Hasegawa ABHANDLUNGEN AUS DEM MATHEMATISCHEN SEMINAR DER UNIVERSITAT HAMBURG 84 1 67 2014/04

Conference Presentations

  • The H/Q-correspondence and a generalization of the supergravity c-map(2023/12/06)
  • The H/Q-correspondence and a generalization of the supergravity c-map(2023/09/22)
  • The H/Q-correspondence and a generalization of the supergravity c-map(conference:Pure and Applied Differentila Geometry)(2023/07/14)
  • The quaternionic/hypercomplex-correspondence(conference:Submanifold Geometry and Lie Group Actions 2020)(2022/03/21)
  • The quaternionic/hypercomplex-correspondence and its converse(conference:Special Geometry, Mirror Symmetry and Integrable Systems)(2021/11/30)

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  • The quaternionic/hypercomplex-correspondence(conference:The 6th Workshop "Complex geometry and Lie groups")(2021/02/01)
  • A construction of a hypercomplex manifold from a quaternionnic manifold −the quaternionic/hypercomplex-correspondence−(2020/03/16)
  • An inclusive immersion in a quaternionic manifold and its invariants(conference:Differential Geometry)(2017/06/17)
  • A quaternionic invariant for an inclusive immersion(2016/09/17)
  • A quaternionic Willmore immersion(2016/09/17)
  • An inclusive immersion in a quaternionic manifold and its invariants(conference:Quaternion differential geometry and related topics)(2016/09/08)
  • Twistor lifts and factorization for conformal maps of a surface(conference:20th International Workshop on Hermitian Symmetric Spaces and Submanifolds)(2016/07/28)
  • Twistor lifts and factorization for conformal maps of a surface Ⅰ(2016/03/16)
  • Twistor lifts and factorization for conformal maps of a surface Ⅱ(2016/03/16)
  • Twistor holomorphic affine surfaces and projective invariants(2014/09/04)
  • Lorentzian surfaces in pseudo-Riemannian space forms and their reflector lifts(2012/09/10)
  • Surfaces in hyperk{\" a}hler manifolds whose twistor lifts are harmonic sections,
  • The fundamental theorems for affine immersions into hyperquadrics


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Exercises in Geometry(2020)
○Graduation thesis(2020)
○Seminar in Mathematics II(2020)
○Fundamentals of Geometry A(2020)
○Applied Geometry(2020)
○Matrices and Determinants(2020)
○Seminar in Mathematics I(2020)
○Modern Geometry(2020)
○Sets and General Topology(2020)
○Fundamentals of Geometry B(2020)
○Exercises in Geometry(2020)
○Lecture on Life in Campus and Society(2020)
○Mathematical Thinking(2020)
○Exercises in Geometry(2019)
○Modern Geometry(2019)
○Applied Geometry(2019)
○Studies in Curriculum Design for School Mathematics II(2019)
○Fundamentals of Geometry B(2019)
○Matrices and Determinants(2019)
○Sets and General Topology(2019)
○Seminar in Mathematics I(2019)
○Seminar in Mathematics II(2019)
○Studies in Curriculum Design for School Mathematics I(2019)
○Mathematical Thinking(2019)
○Fundamentals of Geometry A(2019)
○Applied Geometry(2018)
○Studies in Curriculum Design for School Mathematics II(2018)
○Studies in Curriculum Design for School Mathematics I(2018)
○Applied Geometry(2017)
○Seminar in Mathematics I(2017)
○Modern Geometry(2017)
○Fundamentals of Geometry B(2017)
○Studies in Curriculum Design for School Mathematics I(2017)
○Sets and General Topology(2017)
○Exercises in Geometry(2017)
○Fundamentals of Geometry A(2017)
○Studies in Curriculum Design for School Mathematics II(2017)
○Seminar in Mathematics II(2017)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession A / Schoolteacher(2016)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession A / Schoolteacher(2016)
○Modern Geometry(2016)
○Matrices and Determinants(2016)
○Seminar in Mathematics I(2016)
○Sets and General Topology(2016)
○Seminar in Mathematics II(2016)
○Applied Geometry(2016)
○Fundamentals of Geometry A(2016)
○Fundamentals of Geometry B(2016)
○Exercises in Geometry(2016)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession A / Schoolteacher(2016)
○Studies in Curriculum Design for School Mathematics II(2016)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession A / Schoolteacher(2016)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession A / Schoolteacher(2016)
○Studies in Curriculum Design for School Mathematics I(2016)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession A / Schoolteacher(2016)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession A / Schoolteacher(2016)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession A / Schoolteacher(2016)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession A / Schoolteacher(2016)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession A / Schoolteacher(2016)
○Practical Seminar for Teaching Profession A / Schoolteacher(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Differential Geometry(2020)
○Differential Geometry(2020)
○Differential Geometry(2020)
○Differential Geometry(2020)
○Geometry IIb(2020)
○Geometry IIa(2020)
○Geometry IIb(2019)
○Geometry IIa(2019)
○Differential Geometry(2019)
○Differential Geometry(2019)
○Differential Geometry(2019)
○Differential Geometry(2019)
○Differential Geometry(2018)
○Differential Geometry(2017)
○Differential Geometry(2017)
○Differential Geometry(2017)
○Differential Geometry(2017)
○Geometry Ib(2017)
○Geometry Ia(2017)
○Seminar in Curriculum Content of Mathematics B(2016)
○Topics in Curriculum Content of Mathematics B(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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