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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/18

Professor NAKASHIMA Koji


Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Human and Social Sciences

College and School Educational Field

Division of Humanities, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Division of Human and Socio-Environment Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
School of Humanities, College of Human and Social Sciences
Course in Environmental Coexistence, School of Regional Development Studies, College of Human and Social Sciences


Department of Geography TEL:076-264-5331 FAX:076-264-6031

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kyushu University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Letters 198903 Unfinished course
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Kyushu University 198503


Kanazawa University Professor(2019/04/01-)
Kanazawa University Associate Professor(2007/04/01-)
Kanazawa University Faculty of Human Science Associate Professor(1998/04/01-)
Oita University Faculty of Education(1993/04/01-1998/03/31)
Oita University Faculty of Education(1989/04/01-1993/03/31)

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society

Association for East Asian Environmental History

Ishikawa Geographical Society

The Human Geographical Society of Japan
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Hokuriku Society of Historical Research
Japan Sociological Society



y Human geography

Speciality Keywords

geographies of nature, anti-base movement, empire forestry, Okinawa, Hijudai

Research Themes

Theoretical study on \"social nature\"

critical study on national environmentalism

Geographical study on people\'s security


  •  Tatsushi Fujihara ed. (分担執筆 Koji Nakashima) Handbook of Environmental History in Japan MHM Limited 2023/03
  •  Koji Nakashima ed. Empire of Japan and forests: environmental conservation and resource development in modern East Asia Keiso Shobo Publishing 2023/02
  •  Berg, L., Best, U. and Larsen, H. G. eds (分担執筆:Koji Nakashima, Tamami Fukuda and Takeshi Haraguchi)  Placing Critical Geographies: Historical Geographies of Critical Geography Routledge 2022/01
  •  Editorial committee of Encyclopedia of contemporary geopolitics Encyclopedia of contemporary geopolitics Maruzen Publishers 2020/01
  •  Toshihisa ASANO, Koji NAKASHIMA et al. Social geographies of nature Kaiseisha Publishing Company 2013/03

show all

  •  The Human Geographical Society of Japan The Dictionary of Human Geography Maruzen Publishing Co., Ltd. 2013/10
  •  Geography of Japan, Vol. 10: Kyushu and Okinawa Asakura Publishing Company 2012/11
  •  Wing-Shing Tang, Fujio Mizuoka et al East Asia: a critical geography perspective Kokon Shoin 2010/05
  •  Nature, Society, and Human: Studying Geography Kokon Shoin Publishers 2009/03
  •  Homeland: representations & practices 2003/06


  •  Militarization and resistance in the Hijudai maneuver field of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Koji Nakashima The Ritsumeikan journal of peace studies 24 5-18 2023/03/24
  •  Loss and Reconstruction of Places in Rikuzentakata: Reading Natsumi SEO’s “Nijyuu no machi” Koji Nakashima Space, Society and Geographical Thought 25 3-16 2022/03
  •  Development and Conservation of Forest in the Japanese Empire: a Case of Taiwan Koji Nakashima Journal of Forest Economics 67 1 3-15 2021/03/01
  •  The development of resident movements of the Ryukyu Arc during the 1970s and 1980s: the rise of new regional identities and aspirations for independence Koji Nakashima Materiality, People's Experience and Making Geographical Knowledge: Japanese Contributions to the History of Geographical Thought 12 43-57 2020/03
  •  Minamata desease, biopolitics, and body: Michiko Ishimure and Masato Ogata Koji Nakashima Space, Society and Geographical Thought 22 63-76 2019/03/13

show all

  •  Environmental conservation and "wise use": a history of environmental conservation in the United States Koji Nakashima Geographical Sciences 72 3 182-194 2017/10
  •  Who stopped the US base construction?: Recent anti-base movements in Okinawa and resistance from “bare life” Koji Nakashima Power relations, situated practices, and the politics of the common: Japanese Contribution to the History of Geography 11 5-15 2017/03/31
  •  Production and consumption of nature: a “geographies of nature” perspective Koji Nakashima, Setsu Tachibana, Tamami Fukuda, Toshihisa Asano, Masaya Iga, Noriko Ishiyama, Masato Mori E-journal GEO 11 1 348-351 2016/10
  •  Production and consumption of nature: a “geographies of nature” perspective Koji Nakashima Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 89 41 2016/03
  •  Opposition movements against the land-requisition by the US Forces in postwar Oita: resistances from lifeworlds Koji Nakashima Proceedings of the Association of Japanese Geographers 87 166 2015/03
  •  Changing city of Kanazawa and its development Koji Nakashima Geography 60 2 42-51 2015/02/01
  •  Introduction : Rethinking Geographies of Nature Koji Nakashima Japanese Journal of Human Geography 66 6 1-3 2014/12
  •  Re-appropriating the Grassland : Toward an Alternative Production of Nature for Changing Militarized Reality Koji Nakashima Japanese Journal of Human Geography 66 6 77-91 2014/12
  •  Mud, Stone, Body: Toward Material Imaginations Koji Nakashima Space, Society and Geographical Thought 17 19-32 2014/03
  •  Military base and local culture: a case of the east coast of Nago City, Okinawa Koji Nakashima Proceedings of the general meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 83 42 2013/03
  •  Transformation of living environment and changes in local culture through the US base-related regional development projects: two cases of Henoko and Futami-ihoku Jukku in Nago City, Okinawa Koji Nakashima Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Human Geographical Society of Japan 82-83 2012/11
  •  Militarization and resistance in Hijudai maneuver field, Oita Koji Nakashima Proceedings of the general meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 80 70 2011/09
  •  Japanese colonialism and the afforestation campaign in the Asia-Pacific War. The Japanese Journal of the History of Biology 84 51-71 2010/10
  •  The contested nature of Hijudai: peoples' struggles for nature in the Hijudai maneuver field, Japan Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Historical Geographers 52-53 2010/08
  •  Nature conservation and anti-base movement in Okinawa  Geographical Sciences 65 3 231-241 2010/07
  •  Nature as a locus of resistance: a case of the grassroots movement against construction of the US military airport in Henoko, Okinawa. Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 76  126 2009/09
  •  Social nature and the afforestation campaign in Oita Prefecture during the latter 1950s Kansai Sociological Review 8  64-75 2009/05
  •  Sovereign power, people and nature: grassroots antiwar movements and alternative productions of nature The 5th East Regional Conference in Alternative Geographies Program Book 211-212 2008/12
  •  Nature conservation and anti-base movement in Okinawa: a case of "Save the Dugong" movement. Studies and Essays: History, Archeology, Geography 28 77-94 2008/03
  •  Self and others in the social construction of nature: critical inquiry into the afforestation campaign in modern Japan Critical and radical geographies of the social, the spatial and the politicalURP Research Paper 1 59-73 2006/04
  •  Re-appropriaring the grassland: people\'s project of getting back the Hijudai maneuvering ground The 4th International Conference of Critical Geography (CD-ROM) not paged 2005/01
  •  Nature as a locus of resistance: representation and appropriation of nature in the grass-roots movement against the U.S. military exercises in Hijudai, Japan Representing local places and raising voices from below 91-101 2003/08
  •  Nationalizing nature: discourses of "fudo" and national environmentalism in modern Japan 金沢大学文学部地理学報告 10 115-125 2002/03
  •  Forestry development and forest management in Japan: a critical reassessment Economic development and the environment in Malaysia: lessons from Japan 133-150 2002/03
  •  Nationalism, colonialism and the representation of nature: "national land" and "forest" in the afforestation campaign in modern Japan 2nd International Critical Geography Conference 434-447 2000/08
  •  Representing nature and nation: National-Land Afforestation Campaign and the production of forest in the 1960s~1970s Japan Nation, Region and the Politics of Geography in East Asia 13-29 1999/03
  •  Development of the Philosophy of Survival in Kin Bay Struggle: From the Viewpoint of “Politics of Existence” Koji Nakashima Space, Society, and Geographical Thought 27 27-38 2024/03/25

Conference Presentations

  • Loss and Reconstruction of “Place” in Rikuzentakata: Reading Natsumi SEO’s “Nijyuu no machi” (conference:The HGSJ Annual Meeting 2021)(2021/11/21)
  • Conservation and exploitation: Japan’s tropical forest development in Southeast Asia during the 1930s-1960s(conference:The Sixth Biennial Conference of East Asian Environmental History)(2021/09/09)
  • Development and Conservation of Forest in the Japanese Empire: a Case of Taiwan(conference:2021 Spring Meeting of The Japanese Forest Economic Society)(2021/03/24)
  • Forest Experiment Station of the Japanese Government-General of Taiwan and the Empire Forestry(conference:2020 Autumn Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers)(2020/11/08)
  • Militarization and local society of Hijudai(conference:The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society)(2019/10/05)

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  • Development of residents’ movements in Ryukyu Arc during the late 1970s and 1980s: the rise of new regional identities and aspirations for the independence(conference:The 4th Workshop on the Geopolitical Economy of East Asian Developmentalism East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography )(2019/11/27)
  • Panel session "Production of scientific knowledge and the Japanese empire forestry"(conference:The Fifth Biennial Conference of East Asian Environmental History)(2019/10/26)
  • Environmental movement in the epoch of ‘Anthropocene’(conference:The General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers)(2019/03/21)
  • Research on knowledge and practices of empire forestry: initial accomplishments(conference:歴史學系専題演講系列)(2019/03/07)
  • Thought of “right to life” in the anti-CTS movement and residents’ movement in Ryukyu Arc(conference:The 9th East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography )(2018/12/11)
  • Knowledge and practices of the Japanese empire forestry: an overview of the research project(conference:International Workshop “Empire Forestry Networks and Knowledge Production”)(2018/11/24)
  • Struggle for life: Okinawan activist Seishin Asato’s environmentalism(conference:International Geographical Union 2018 Regional Conference)(2018/08/10)
  • Environmentalism of Ryuichi Matsushita and Seishin Asato: from “environmental rights” to “right to live”(conference:The Academic Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers Spring 2018)(2018/03/23)
  • Minamata Disease, Biopolitics, and Body: Michiko Ishimure and Masato Ogata(conference:2017 Annual Meeting of the Human Geographical Society of Japan)(2017/11/18)
  • Locating tropical timber in the empire: the Forestry Research Institute of the Japanese Government-General of Taiwan and its researches(conference:The Fourth Conference of East Asian Environmental History)(2017/10/28)
  • Exploitation of tropical forest resource and Japanese forestry: inheritance of imperial forestry(conference:The Study Meeting of the AJG Spring 2017)(2017/03/28)
  • Anti-base movements from lifeworlds: opposition movements against the land-requisition by the US Forces in the 1950s Japan(conference:The 8th Meeting of East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography)(2016/12/07)
  • Inheritance of imperial forestry: Japan’s tropical forest development in Southeast Asia(conference:The 33rd International Geographical Congress)(2016/08/25)
  • Production and consumption of nature: a “geographies of nature” perspective(conference:The General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers)(2016/03/22)
  • Forestry development in Borneo and a fate of tropical forest: a case of Japanese forestry company(conference:The Third Conference of East Asian Environmental History)(2015/10/24)
  • Opposition movements against the land-requisition by the US Forces in postwar Oita: resistances from lifeworlds (conference:General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers)(2015/03/29)
  • Conditions of constructing peace: some cases of the anti-base movements in Japan(conference:International Geographical Union Regional Conference in Krakow, Poland)(2014/08/22)
  • History of the development of forest resource in Southeast Asia under the total war system of Japanese empire (conference:The 7th East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography)(2014/07/24)
  • "Resourcing" of forest and forestry capital in the Japanese empire(conference:The 3rd International Workshop on JSPS project of “Historical Studies on Japanese Imperial Sciences )(2014/07/06)
  • Imperial Gaze on the Forest: Through the Modern History of Development of Forest Resources in Southeast Asia by Japanese Forestry Capital(conference:The Second Conference of East Asian Environmental History)(2013/10/25)
  • Geographies of Nature and Neil Smith: Toward Alternative Productions of Nature (conference:International Geographical Union Regional Conference in Kyoto, Japan)(2013/08/05)
  • Situating nature in landscape: a Japanese case(conference:International Geographical Union Regional Conference in Kyoto, Japan)(2013/08/05)
  • Military base and local culture: a case of the east coast of Nago City, Okinawa(conference:Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers )(2013/03/30)
  • Transformation of living environment and changes in local culture through the US base-related regional development projects: two cases of Henoko and Futami-ihoku Jukku in Nago City, Okinawa(conference:Annual Meeting of the Human Geographical Society of Japan)(2012/11/18)
  • Critical inquiry into national environmentalism in modern Japan(conference:The 32nd International Geographical Congress in Cologne, Germany)(2012/08/27)
  • Militarization and resistance in Hijudai maneuver field, Oita(conference:Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers )(2011/09/23)
  • Re-appropriation of nature in the grassroots antiwar movement: towards an alternative biopolitics(conference:6th International Conference of Critical Geography)(2011/08/20)
  • Japanese colonialism and nature: afforestation campaigns during the Asia-Pacific War(conference:Symposium of Biological Unit of the History of Science Society of Japan)(2009/12/13)
  • Nature as a locus of resistance: a case of the grassroots movement against construction of the US military airport in Henoko, Okinawa. (conference:Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers )(2009/10/24)
  • The contested nature of Hijudai: peoples’ struggles for nature in the Hijudai maneuver field, Japan(conference:The 14th International Conference of Historical Geographers)(2009/08/24)
  • Sovereign power, people and nature: grassroots antiwar movements and alternative productions of nature(conference:The Fifth East Asian Regional Conferences in Alternative Geography)(2008/12/13)
  • Social nature and the afforestation campaign in Oita Prefecture during the postwar Japan(conference:Annual Meeting of the Kansai Sociological Association )(2008/05/25)
  • Nature Conservation and Antiwar Movements in Okinawa, Japan: Towards an Alternative Production of Nature(conference:The fifth International Conference of Critical Geography)(2007/12/06)
  • Re-appropriating the grassland: people’s project of getting back the Hijudai maneuvering ground(conference:The 4th International Conference in Critical Geography)(2005/01/10)
  • Nature as a locus of resistance: representation and appropriation of nature in the grass-roots movement against the US military exercises in Hijudai, Japan(conference:The Third International Conference of Critical Geography)(2002/06/26)
  • Ontological study on the philosophy of survival in Kin Bay Struggle(conference:The General Meeting of the AJG Spring 2024)(2024/03/19)
  • Imagining Places in Rikuzentakata: Memory and Representation of Places in the Reconstruction(conference:Annual Meeting of the Human Geographical Society of Japan)(2023/11/26)
  • Formation and development of tropical forestry in modern Japan(conference:The Seventh Biennial Conference of East Asian Environmental History)(2023/06/30)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Advanced Practice in Social Environment 1(2017)
○Study in Social Environment A1(2017)
○Study in Social Environment A2(2017)
○Advanced Practice in Social Environment 2(2017)
○Seminar for Social Environment 2(2017)
○Study in Social Environment B(2017)
○Laboratory Research on Regional Analysis 1(2017)
○Laboratory Research on Regional Analysis(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation Thesis(2017)
○Basic Seminar for Social Environment(2017)
○Advanced Seminar for Social Environment 1(2017)
○Study in Social Environment A(2017)
○Study for Graduation Thesis(2017)
○Seminar for Social Environment 1(2017)
○Advanced Seminar for Social Environment 2(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2017)
○Field Research A(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2017)
○Intern Ship(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Laboratory Study in Human Geography 1(2017)
○Introduction to Humanity B(2017)
○Human Sciences in the Age of Globalization(2017)
○Intern Ship(2017)
○Laboratory Study in Human Geography(2017)
○Seminar on Regional Geography 1(2017)
○Basic Seminar on Field Research 1(2017)
○Introduction to Humanity 1(2017)
○Basic Seminar on Field Research 2(2017)
○Basic Field Research on Human Geography 1(2017)
○World Geography B(2017)
○Lecture on Regional Geography 2(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Lecture on Regional Geography A(2017)
○Basic Field Research on Human Geography(2017)
○Lecture on Regional Geography 1(2017)
○World Geography:B(2017)
○Laboratory Research on Regional Analysis 2(2017)
○Seminar on Regional Geography 2(2017)
○Freshman Seminar I(2017)
○Basic Field Research on Human Geography 2(2017)
○Laboratory Study in Human Geography 2(2017)
○Seminar on Regional Geography(2017)
○Basic Seminar on Field Research(2017)
○Advanced Seminar on Field Research(2017)
○Advanced Field Research on Human Geography(2017)
○Seminar on Regional Geography(2016)
○Seminar for Social Environment 2(2016)
○Basic Seminar for Social Environment(2016)
○Laboratory Study in Human Geography(2016)
○Laboratory Research on Regional Analysis(2016)
○Study in Social Environment B(2016)
○Introduction to the Modern Japanese Culture and Society(2016)
○Advanced Practice in Social Environment 2(2016)
○Advanced Practice in Social Environment 1(2016)
○Advanced Seminar for Social Environment 2(2016)
○Advanced Seminar for Social Environment 1(2016)
○Seminar for Social Environment 1(2016)
○World Geography A(2016)
○World Geography:A(2016)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2016)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2016)
○Basic Seminar on Field Research(2016)
○Advanced Seminar on Field Research(2016)
○Basic Field Research on Human Geography(2016)
○Advanced Field Research on Human Geography(2016)
○Intern Ship(2016)
○Intern Ship(2016)
○Lecture on Regional Geography B(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Seminar on Social Environment II(2017)
○Research Seminar: Fieldwork in Geographic Study 2(2017)
○Seminar on(2017)
○Seminar Readings: Fieldwork in Geographic Study 1(2017)
○Seminar Readings: Fieldwork in Geographic Study 2(2017)
○Research Seminar: Fieldwork in Geographic Study 1(2017)
○Seminar Readings :Articles on Geographic Study III2(2017)
○Social Environment I(2017)
○Seminar on Social Environment I(2017)
○Practice in Geography 2(2017)
○Practice in Geography 1(2017)
○Seminar on Regional Social Structures(2017)
○Seminar Readings :Articles on Geographic Study III1(2017)
○Studies in Geography IV2(2017)
○Studies in Geography IV1(2017)
○Social Environment II(2017)
○Regional Social Structures(2017)
○Seminar on Regional Social Structures(2016)
○Seminar on(2016)
○Regional Social Structures(2016)
○Seminar on Social Environment II(2016)
○Social Environment I(2016)
○Social Environment II(2016)
○Seminar on Social Environment I(2016)
○Practice in Geography 1(2016)
○Research Seminar: Fieldwork in Geographic Study 2(2016)
○Seminar Readings :Articles on Geographic Study III2(2016)
○Seminar Readings: Fieldwork in Geographic Study 2(2016)
○Seminar Readings: Fieldwork in Geographic Study 1(2016)
○Seminar Readings :Articles on Geographic Study III1(2016)
○Research Seminar: Fieldwork in Geographic Study 1(2016)
○Studies in Geography III2(2016)
○Practice in Geography 2(2016)
○Seminar Readings :Articles on Geographic Study III(2016)
○Seminar Readings: Fieldwork in Geographic Study(2016)
○Practice in Geography(2016)
○Studies in Regional Geography III(2016)
○Studies in Geography III1(2016)
○Studies in Geography III(2016)
○Research Seminar: Fieldwork in Geographic Study(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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