Professor KOBAYASHI Hiroaki
Faculty, Affiliation
Faculty of Education, Institute of Human and Social Sciences
College and School Educational Field
Division of Regional Development Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
United Graduate School of Child Depelopment
Course in Educational Science, School of Teacher Education, College of Human and Social Sciences
Department of special education TEL:076-264-5513 FAX:076-264-5510
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
University of Tsukuba Doctor Graduate School, Division of Special Education Disability Sciences 199903 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
University of Tsukuba College of Human Sciences 199403
Kanazawa University Faculty of Education(2002/04/01-)
University of Tsukuba Insitute of Disability Sciences(2001/06/01-2002/03/31)
University of Tsukuba Insitute of Disability Sciences(1999/05/16-2001/05/31)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
The Japanese Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrios
The Japanese Association of Cognitive Nerosciences
Japanese Academy of Leaning DIsabilities
Japan Society of Developmental Psychology
Japanese Socienty of Stuttering and Other Fluency Disorders
The Japanese Association of Special Education
The Japanese Society of Hearing and Language Disorders
The Japanese Association of Communication Disorders
International Fluency Association
The Japanese Association of Communication Disorders
The Japanese Association of Special Education
Special needs education
Speciality Keywords
Communication Disorders,Speech Language Disorders,Stuttering
Research Themes
Education of resource room for children who have speech-language disorders
Development of special needs education for children who stutter
Development of comprehensive assessment for children who stutter
- Stuttering, An integrated approach to its nature and treatment 2007/05
- The clinical essence of childhood stuttering. 2015/06/25
- Dictionary of developmental disorders 2016/10/25
- Understanding and supporting stuttering: Symptoms and causes, consideration of surrounding people and relationships with experts and supporters 72 11 1246-1252 2018/10/31
- Actual state and request of support for siblings of people with developmental disabilities. Hiroaki Kobayshi, Saho Honma 10 119-120 2018/03/29
- Understanding and consideration of stuttering 71 15 94-103 2017/10/31
- Attitudes and Considerations of Teachers and Schoolmates : Questionnaire Survey on School Life of Elementary School Children who stutter 46 1 9-19 2017/06/30
- Support for children who stutter in school Hiroaki Kobayashi 499 20-23 2015/12
- Multidimensional and Comprehensive Educational and Clinical Approaches to School-Age Children Who Stutter : A Review 49 3 305-315 2011/09
- Differential Diagnosis and Mothers' Judgement of a Young Child's Disfluent Speech Naishi Maeara, Kazuko Yamazaki, Hiroaki Kobayashi 22 2 73-82 2005/08
- Actual Situation and Need of Professional Treatment and Support for Stuttering : A Survey of Members of 'Genyukai' The Japanese journal of communication disorders 21 2 88-96 2004/08
- Manual Diadochokinetic Movements in Children with Stuttering and Phonological Disorders The Japanese journal of special education 40 6 649-662 2003/03
- Development of Coordinative Finger Movements in Children with Stuttering and Phonological Disorders (2) : Perfomance in Novel Movement Production The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics 43 3 247-255 2002/07
- Treatment of Severe Stuttering in a Child : Through Integration of Direct and Indirect Treatments The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics 41 3 237-242 2000/07
- Coordinative Movements in Children with Stuttering and Phonological Disorders : Based on Ability of Manual Diadochokinesis in Interfering Manual Movements with the Opposite Hand The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics 41 3 229-236 2000/07
- Diagnosis and Treatment of a Speech-delayed Infant Stutterer Based on U Hypothesis The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics 39 4 388-395 1998/10
- Characteristics of Near-onset Stuttering Children Accompanied by Phonological Disorder : From the Viewpoints of Speech Analysis and Standardized Developmental Assessment Tests The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics 38 3 273-280 1997/07
Conference Presentations
- Title of Proposal: Clinical Methods for School-Age Children Who Stutter: A Survey Study(conference:ASHA 2018 Convention Session)(2018/11/16)
- Experimental Treatment of Early Stuttering: Preliminary Findings of a Randomized Controlled Trial(conference:One World, Many Voices: Science and Community,2018 World Congress)(2018/07/16)
- Characteristics of Peer Consultations Among Members of a Self-Help Group.(conference:One World, Many Voices: Science and Community,2018 World Congress)(2018/07/16)
- Survey on Actual Condition on School Life Activity of Child with Stuttering(2017/08/20)
- Survey on the environment surrounding school life of children with stuttering(2017/07/08)
- Investigation on school life of elementary school children who stutter (1)(2015/09/19)
- Investigation on school life of elementary school children who stutter (2)(2015/10/15)
- Negotiation of stuttering identities between novice and expert stutterers.(conference:GURT2008)(2008/03)
- Conflict talk: Conversations between expert PWS and novice PWS.(conference:5th World Congress on Fluency Disorders. )(2006/08)
- "Emotion and Speech" Treatment Approach for Young Children Who Stutter.(conference:4th World Congress on Fluency Disorders)(2003/08)
- Coordinative movement in children with stuttering and phonological disorders.(conference:International Congress on Fluency Disorders 2000)(2000/08)
- The characteristics of stuttering children accompanied by developmental phonological disorder(1997/08)
- Co-occurrence of Learning Disabilities, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children Who Stutter(conference:2019 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention)(2019/11/23)
- An Investigation of Teens' Opinions on Receiving Stuttering Therapy from "Speech Teachers" at School(conference:2019 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention)(2019/11/23)
- A mentor course by a person with stuttering for those with stuttering 2018/03/31
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
○Support for children and adolescence who stutter
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
○「発達障害を重複する吃音の子どもの実態 −発達的変化の追跡調査−」(2016-2018)
○「国際標準としてのICF 理念にもとづく「個別の教育支援計画」策定と実践モデルの構築」(2006-2008)
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Intervention to Speech, Language, and Hearing Disorders(2022)
○Specialty Exercise to Be A Teacher(2022)
○School Internship(2022)
○Teaching Methods of Language for Preschool Children(2022)
○Seminar in Articulation Disorders II(2022)
○Seminar in Educational Services to Individuals with Developmental Disorders(2022)
○Intervention to Speech, Language, and Hearing Disorders(2022)
○Specialty Exercise to Be A Teacher(2022)
○School Internship(2022)
○Teaching Methods of Language for Preschool Children(2022)
○Practice in Communication Support(2022)
○Specialty Exercise to Be A Teacher(2022)
○Workshop on Teaching Practice(2022)
○Workshop on Teaching Practice(2022)
○Introduction to the Education for the Handicapped(2022)
○Introduction to the Education for the Handicapped(2022)
○Introduction to the Education for the Handicapped(2022)
○Speech and Language Disorders and Communication(2022)
○Methods of Support The Speech Capacity(2022)
○School Internship(2022)
○School Supporting(2022)
○Seminar in Articulation Disorders I(2022)
○Specialty Exercise to Be A Teacher(2022)
○Workshop on Teaching Practice(2022)
○Workshop on Teaching Practice(2022)
○Speech and Language Disorders and Communication(2022)
○Methods of Support The Speech Capacity(2022)
○School Supporting(2022)
○School Internship(2022)
○Teaching Methods of Language for Preschool Children(2021)
○Introduction to the Special Educational Needs Coordinator(2021)
○Seminar in Articulation Disorders II(2021)
○Seminar in Articulation Disorders I(2021)
○Specialty Exercise to Be A Teacher(2021)
○Workshop on Teaching Practice(2021)
○Introduction to the Education for the Handicapped(2021)
○Introduction to the Education for the Handicapped(2021)
○Speech and Language Disorders and Communication(2021)
○School Supporting(2021)
○School Internship(2021)
○Methods of Support The Speech Capacity(2021)
○Intervention to Speech, Language, and Hearing Disorders(2021)
○School Supporting(2020)
○Teaching Methods of Language for Preschool Children(2020)
○School Internship(2020)
○Intervention to Speech, Language, and Hearing Disorders(2020)
○Introduction to the Education for the Handicapped(2020)
○Introduction to the Education for the Handicapped(2020)
○Workshop on Teaching Practice(2020)
○Specialty Exercise to Be A Teacher(2020)
○Introduction to the Special Educational Needs Coordinator(2020)
○Seminar in Educational Services to Individuals with Developmental Disorders(2020)
○Practice in Communication Support(2020)
○Seminar in Articulation Disorders I(2020)
○Seminar in Articulation Disorders II(2020)
○Speech and Language Disorders and Communication(2020)
○Methods of Support The Speech Capacity(2020)
○Seminar in Articulation Disorders II(2019)
○Seminar in Articulation Disorders I(2019)
○Practice in Communication Support(2019)
○Seminar in Educational Services to Individuals with Developmental Disorders(2019)
○Introduction to the Special Educational Needs Coordinator(2019)
○Intervention to Speech, Language, and Hearing Disorders(2019)
○Specialty Exercise to Be A Teacher(2019)
○Introduction to the Education for the Handicapped(2019)
○Speech and Language Disorders and Communication(2019)
○Methods of Support The Speech Capacity(2019)
○School Supporting(2019)
○Teaching Methods of Language for Preschool Children(2019)
○Seminar in Articulation Disorders I(2018)
○Seminar in Articulation Disorders II(2018)
○Practice in Communication Support(2018)
○Seminar in Educational Services to Individuals with Developmental Disorders(2018)
○Introduction to the Special Educational Needs Coordinator(2018)
○Intervention to Speech, Language, and Hearing Disorders(2018)
○Specialty Exercise to Be A Teacher(2018)
○Introduction to the Education for the Handicapped(2018)
○Speech and Language Disorders and Communication(2018)
○Methods of Support The Speech Capacity(2018)
○Teaching Methods of Language for Preschool Children(2018)
○Introduction to Region-studies(2018)
○Freshman Seminar I(2018)
○Practice in Communication Support(2017)
○Teaching Methods of Language for Preschool Children(2017)
○Methods of Support The Speech Capacity(2017)
○Intervention to Speech, Language, and Hearing Disorders(2017)
○Seminar in Articulation Disorders I(2017)
○Speech and Language Disorders and Communication(2017)
○Introduction to the Special Educational Needs Coordinator(2017)
○Seminar in Articulation Disorders II(2017)
○Specialty Exercise to Be A Teacher(2017)
○Introduction to the Education for the Handicapped(2017)
○Seminar in Educational Services to Individuals with Developmental Disorders(2017)
○Introduction to Region-studies(2017)
○Introduction to the Education for the Handicapped(2016)
○Teaching Methods of Language for Preschool Children(2016)
○Methods of Support The Speech Capacity(2016)
○Specialty Exercise to Be A Teacher(2016)
○Seminar in Articulation Disorders II(2016)
○Intervention to Speech, Language, and Hearing Disorders(2016)
○Seminar in Articulation Disorders I(2016)
○Practice in Communication Support(2016)
○Speech and Language Disorders and Communication(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Comprehension of and Support for Children with Developmental Disorder(2022)
○Comprehension of and Support for Children with Developmental Disorder(2022)
○Lectures in Leading Regional Development Studies(2022)
○Educational Research of Children with Disabilities 2(2022)
○Special Study on Support of Children with Speech and Language Disorders 2(2022)
○Educational Research of Children with Disabilities 1(2022)
○Special Study on Support of Children with Speech and Language Disorders 1(2022)
○Special Study on Assessment of Disabled Children 2(2022)
○Special Study on Assessment of Disabled Children 1(2022)
○Lectures in Leading Regional Development Studies(2022)
○Special Study on Assessment of Disabled Children 2(2021)
○Special Study on Support of Children with Speech and Language Disorders 2(2021)
○Educational Research of Children with Disabilities 1(2021)
○Educational Research of Children with Disabilities 2(2021)
○Special Study on Assessment of Disabled Children 1(2021)
○Special Study on Support of Children with Speech and Language Disorders 1(2021)
○Comprehension of and Support for Children with Developmental Disorder(2021)
○Special Study on Support of Children with Speech and Language Disorders 1(2020)
○Special Study on Support of Children with Speech and Language Disorders 2(2020)
○Special Study on Assessment of Disabled Children 1(2020)
○Special Study on Assessment of Disabled Children 2(2020)
○Educational Research of Children with Disabilities 1(2020)
○Educational Research of Children with Disabilities 2(2020)
○Comprehension of and Support for Children with Developmental Disorder(2020)
○Special Study on Assessment of Disabled Children 1(2019)
○Special Study on Support of Children with Speech and Language Disorders 1(2019)
○Special Study on Support of Children with Speech and Language Disorders 2(2019)
○Special Study on Assessment of Disabled Children 2(2019)
○Educational Research of Children with Disabilities 1(2019)
○Educational Research of Children with Disabilities 2(2019)
○Comprehension of and Support for Children with Developmental Disorder(2019)
○Special Study on Assessment of Disabled Children 2(2018)
○Special Study on Assessment of Disabled Children 1(2018)
○Comprehension of and Support for Children with Developmental Disorder(2018)
○Lectures in Leading Regional Development Studies(2018)
○Comprehension of and Support for Children with Developmental Disorder(2017)
○Clinical Practicum in Handicapped Children(2016)
○Seminar in Speech and Language Disorders(2016)
○Psychology of Speech and Language Disorders(2016)
○Clinical Approach to Handicapped Children(2016)