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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/18

Professor ADACHI Takuro


Faculty, Affiliation

Institute for the Study of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources

College and School Educational Field

Division of Humanities, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies


Academic Background

【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Aoyama Gakuin University 198903
Ph. D.


The Middle Eastern Culture Cente
Teikyo Heisei University

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society



Speciality Keywords

Research Themes


  •  Fujii, S. and Adachi, T. Stone Tools in Transition: From Hunter-Gatherers to Farming Societies in the Near East Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions 2013/12
  •  Takuro Adachi Namvrnameh: Papers in Honor of Massoud Azarnoush, Iran Negar 2012/09
  •  Ohtsu, T., Nokandeh, J., Yamauchi, K., and Adachi, T. Report of the Iran Japan Joint Archaeological Expedition to Gilan Iranian Cultural Heritage and Tourism, and the Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan 2008/03
  •  Takuro Adachi Tange-e Bolaghi: The Iran-Japan Archaeological Project for the Sivand Dam Salvage Area ranian Center for Archaeological Research and Department of Archaeology and University of Tsukuba 2008/03


  •  Chalcolithic Ceramic Spoons from Harrat Juhayra 1 and 2, Southern Jordan Adachi, T. and S. Fujii Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 14 14 135-143 2022/05
  •  Jabal Juhayra, 2015-2016: Excavations of the Layer 3 (Pre-Pottery Neolithic B) Settlement. Fujii, S., Adachi, T. and Nagaya, K. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 60 60 675~707 2022/03
  •  Early Islamic and Ancient North Arabian graffiti and petroglyphs in Tabūk province — Saudi-Japanese al-Jawf/Tabūk Archaeological Project (JTAP), March 2017 field season Tokunaga, R., Fujii, S., & Adachi, T. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 49 49 275–282 2019/08
  •  A Chronological Division of the Iron Age III Period at the Tappei Jalaliye in Giran, Northern Iran Adachi, T. Decades in Deserts: Essays on Near Eastern Archaeology in honour of Sumio Fujii 319-322 2019/02
  •  Shell Ornaments from the Bishri Cairn Fields: New Insights into the Middle Bronze Age Trade Network in Central Syria Takuro Adachi, Sumio Fujii Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East  239-246 2018/04/03

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  •  Wadi Hedaja 1 and 2: A Chronological Assessment Based on Unearthed Artifacts  Takuro Adachi, Sumio Fujii al-Rafidan 39 55-69 2018/03/31
  •  Shell Ornament Processing Methods in Northern Syria during the Early and Middle Bronze Ages Adachi, T. Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum 35 31-44 2016/03
  •  Experience-based Exhibits at Westren Asia-themed Museums in Japan: an Attempt at the Classification of Experienced-based and Hands-on Exhibits Takuro Adachi Foundations of Cultural Resource Studies: A Reader 1 61-70 2014/01
  •  Considering the Neo-Assyrian Influence on Ceramic Bowls in the Iron Age Levant 29-30 2010/03
  •  Achaemenid and post-Achaemenid Remains from TB 75, TB130 and the General Survey Takuro Adachi Tange-e Bolaghi: The Iran-Japan Archaeological Project for the Sivand Dam Salvage Area 2008
  •  Considering the Regional Differences in the Parthian Fine Pottery Takuro Adachi Al-Rafidan 26 25-36 2005/03
  •  The Development of the "Ear" Pommel Sword in Northwestern Iran Takuro Adachi Bulletin of the Okayama Orient Museum 19 25-37 2002/03
  •  The Fine Carinated Bowl in Levant Takuro Adachi Bulletin of Ancient Orient Museum 18 41-55 1998/03
  •  Wadi Ghuweir 106: A Neolithic barrage system in the northeastern al-Jafr Basin Fujii, S., Adachi, T., Quintero, L.A. and Wilke, P.J. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 55 189-212 2011/10
  •  Wadi al-Hajana 1: A Preliminary Report of the 2010 Excavation Season Fujii, S., Adachi, T., Akashi, Ch., and Suzuki, K. Al-Rafidan 32 134-145 2011/03
  •  Considering the Neo-Assyrian Influence on Ceramic Bowls in the Iron Age Levant Takuro Adachi Bulletin of Ancient Orient Museum 29 33-50 2010/03
  •  Archaeological Investigations of Bronze Age Cairn Fields on the Northern Flank of Mt. Bishri Fujii, S. and Adachi, T. Al-Rafidan Special Issue 61-77 2010/03
  •  Preliminary Report of the Iran Japan Joint Research Study of the Gorgan Material in the National Museum of Iran, Tehran Ohtsu, T., Furuse, K., Adachi, T., Karami, M., Nojima, H., Arimatsu, Y. and Wakiyama, K. 20 129-150 2009/10
  •  The Second Field Season at Rujum Hedaja 1 Fujii, S., Adachi, T. and Suzuki, K. Al-Rafidan 30 180-187 2009/03
  •  The Soundings of the Hedaja Cairn Field, the Northwestern Flank of Jebel Bishri Fujii, S., Adachi, T. and Suzuki, K. Al-Rafidan 30 216-223 2009/03
  •  The Developments of the Beak-shaped Spouted Vessels in Iron Age Iran Takuro Adachi Archaeological Reports 5 35-45 2006/03
  •  The Iron Age Pottery from Tappe Jalaliye Layer II and III Takuro Adachi Preliminary Report of the Iran Japan Joint Archaeological Expedition to Gilan, Fourth Season 69-95 2005/03
  •  A few Chipped Stone Artifacts Found in Shu'ul and Tappe Jalaliye Takuro Adachi Preliminary Report of the Iran Japan Joint Archaeological Expedition to Gilan, Third Season 72-75 2004/03
  •  Tentative Chronological Sequence of Bow-Tie Designs in Baba Jan III Painted Ware Takuro ADACHI Orient 39 79-95 2004/03

Conference Presentations

  • A Chronological Division of the Iron Age III Period at Tappe Jalaliye Site in Gilan, Northern Iran(conference:The 11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East )(2018/04/03)
  • Shell ornaments from Wādī Sharmah 1, a Pre-Pottery Neolithic B settlement along the east coast of the Red Sea(conference:Seminar for Arabian Studies 2017)(2017/09/04)
  • Dating of Female Figurines from Iron Age Gilan, Northern Iran(conference:World Archaeology Congress 8)(2016/08/29)
  • Shell Ornamentsfrom the Bishri Cairn Fields: New Insight into the Middle Bronze Age Trade Network in Central Syria(conference:0th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East)(2016/05/26)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Seminar in Area Archaeology B2(2017)
○Methodology of Field Research(2017)
○Survey of the Cultures of Southwestern Asia(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2017)
○Survey of Archaeology B(2017)
○Survey of Archaeology A(2017)
○Methodology of Field Research A(2017)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2017)
○Methodology of Field Research B(2017)
○Seminar in Area Archaeology A1(2017)
○West Asian Culture(2017)
○Asian Archaeology A(2017)
○Practice of Archaeology IB(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2017)
○Japanese Archaeology B(2017)
○Seminar in Archeology of Area Cultures A(2017)
○Seminar in Asian Archaeology B(2017)
○Practice of Field Archaeology A(2017)
○Seminar in Area Archaeology A2(2017)
○Practice of Field Archaeology B(2017)
○Practice of Archaeology IA(2017)
○Comparative Archaeology A1(2017)
○Comparative Archaeology A2(2017)
○Seminar in Area Archaeology B1(2017)
○Freshman Seminar I(2017)
○Introduction to Region-studies(2017)
○An Introduction to History(2017)
○Area Archaeology A(2016)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2016)
○Basic Practice of Field Research(2016)
○Seminar in Asian Archaeology A(2016)
○An Introduction to History(2016)
○Area Archaeology B(2016)
○Survey of the Cultures of Southwestern Asia(2016)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2016)
○Measurement Practice B(2016)
○Seminar in Asian Archaeology B(2016)
○Measurement Practice A(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Seminar on History of Cultural Interaction Between East and West II(2017)
○History of Cultural Interaction Between East and West(2017)
○History of Cultural Interaction Between East and West II(2017)
○Study in regional archaeology II1(2017)
○Basic Lecture II1 (History 1)(2017)
○Study in regional archaeology II2(2017)
○Basic Lecture II2 (History 2)(2017)
○Seminar on History of Cultural Interaction Between East and West I(2017)
○History of Cultural Interaction Between East and West I(2017)
○Seminar on History of Cultural Interaction Between East and West(2017)
○Practice in archaeology III2(2017)
○Practice in archaeology III1(2017)
○Study in regional archaeology I1(2016)
○Practice in archaeology I1(2016)
○Practice in archaeology I2(2016)
○Practice in archaeology II1(2016)
○Practice in archaeology II2(2016)
○Seminar on History of Cultural Interaction Between East and West(2016)
○Study in regional archaeology I2(2016)
○History of Cultural Interaction Between East and West I(2016)
○History of Cultural Interaction Between East and West II(2016)
○Seminar on History of Cultural Interaction Between East and West I(2016)
○Seminar on History of Cultural Interaction Between East and West II(2016)
○History of Cultural Interaction Between East and West(2016)
○Practice in archaeology II(2016)
○Supervised Independent Study and Research II(2016)
○Seminar in archaeology of regional cultures II(2016)
○Study in regional archaeology I(2016)
○Basic Lecture II2 (History 2)(2016)
○Basic Lecture II (History)(2016)
○Basic Lecture II1 (History 1)(2016)
○Practice in archaeology I(2016)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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