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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/02/16

Associate Professor Jenkins, Robert

Mail Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering,Institute of Science and Engineering
Associate Professor

College and School Educational Field

Division of Natural Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Natural System, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Course in Earth and Planetary Science, School of Geosciences and Civil Engineering, College of Science and Engineering


Geobiology Laboratory TEL:076-264-6512

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
The University of Tokyo Doctor Graduate School, Division of Science Department of Earth and Planetary Science 200603 Completed
The University of Tokyo Master Graduate School, Division of Science Department of Earth and Planetary Science 200203 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Tokai University  Department of Information and Communication Technology 199903
Ph. D
Master of Science


Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

Palaeontological Society of Japan


○Most Cited Award(2009/01/01)
○Most Cited Award(2009/01/01)



Speciality Keywords

paleontology,geobiology,ancient ecosystem,extreme environment,hydrothermal vent,methane seep,cold seep,chemosynthetic community

Research Themes

Evolution of chemosynthesis-based ecosystems


  •  STROMATOLITES: Interaction of Microbes with Sediments  Springer  2011/04
  •  Encyclopedia of Geobiology Springer 2011/03


  •  Mollusks from late Mesozoic seep deposits, chiefly in California. Kaim, A., Jenkins, R.G., Tanabe, K., and Kiel, S. Zootaxa 3861 401-440 2014 
  •  Provenance of grains in submarine event deposits inferred from benthic foraminiferal assemblages:Examples of deposits formed by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami  Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan 73 1 pp.37-43 2014
  •  A new Paleocene species of Bentharca (Bivalvia; Arcidae) from eastern Hokkaido, with remarks on evolutionary adaptation of suspension feeders to deep sea. Amano, K., Jenkins, R.G., Nishida, K. Paleontological Research 19 2 128-138 2015
  •  Effect of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake on deep-sea meiofaunal assemblages inhabiting the landward slope of the Japan Trench. Kitahashi T., Jenkins, R. G., Nomaki, H., Shimanaga, M., Fujikura K., Kojima, S. MARINE GEOLOGY in press 2014 
  •  Possible submarine tsunami deposits on the outer shelf of Sendai Bay, Japan resulting from the 2011 earthquake and tsunami off the Pacific coast of Tohoku. Ikeharaa, K., Irino, T., Usami, K., Jenkins R.G., Omurad, A., Ashi, J. MARINE BIOLOGY 349 2014/03

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  •  A Paleocene aporrhaid gastropod 1 from eastern Hokkaido, northern Japan.  Amano, K., Jenkins, R.G. Paleontological Research 18 1 pp.33-39 2014/01
  •  A new Lower Cretaceous hydrocarbon seep locality from the Czech Carpathians and its fauna Kaim,A., Skupien, P., Jenkins, R.G PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY 390  pp.42-51  2013/11 
  •  A new Provanna (Gastropoda: Provannidae) from the Oligocene Nuibetsu Formation in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Amano, K., Jenkins, R.G..  Paleontological Research 17 4 pp.325-329 2013/10
  •  A Paleogene deep-sea methane-seep community from Honshu, Japan.  Amano, K., Jenkins, R.G., Sako, Y., Ohara, M., Kiel, S PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY 387 126-133 2013/10 
  •  Worldwide distribution of modiomorphid bivalve genus Caspiconcha in late Mesozoic hydrocarbon seeps Jenkins, R.G., Kaim, A., Little, C.T.S, Campbell, K., Iba, Y., Tanabe, K. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA 58 357-382 2013/06 
  •  Novel use of burrow casting as a research tool in deep-sea ecology Seike, K., Jenkins, R.G., Watanabe, H., Nomaki, H., and Sato., K. Biology Letters 8 648-651 2012/08 
  •  Preferential predatory peeling: Ammonoid vs. nautiloid shells from the Upper Carboniferous of Texas, USA. Wani, R., Jenkins, R.G., Mapes, R.H. GEOBIOS 45 129-137 2012/01 
  •  Carbonate Sediments Microbially Induced by Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Hydrocarbon-Seeps. Jenkins, R. G. and Hikida, Y. STROMATOLITES: Interaction of Microbes with Sediments 18 591-605 2011/04 
  •  Fossil records of extant vesicomyid species from Japan. Amano, K., and Jenkins, R.G. Venus 69 163-176 2011/06
  •  New fossil Bathymodiolus (sensu lato) (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) from Oligocene seep-carbonates in eastern Hokkaido, Japan, with remarks on the evolution of the genus Amano, K., and Jenkins, R.G. NAUTILUS 125 29-35 2011/03
  •  A Miocene chemosynthetic community from the Ogaya Formation in Joetsu: evidence for a depth-related ecologic structure among fossil seep communities in the Japan Sea back-arc basin PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY 286 164-170 2010/02 
  •  A monospecific assemblage of terebratulide brachiopods in the Upper Cretaceous seep deposits of Omagari, Hokkaido, Japan Kaim, A., Bitner, M.A., Jenkins, R.G., and Hikida, Y. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA 55 73-84 2010/03 
  •  Gastropods from Late Cretaceous Omagari and Yasukawa hydrocarbon seep deposits in,the Nakagawa area, Hokkaido, Japan Kaim, A., Jenkins, R. G., Hikida, Y. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA 54 463-490 2009/09 
  •  Wood-fall associations from Late Cretaceous deep-water sediments of Hokkaido, Japan: Kiel, S., Amano, K., Hikida, Y., and Jenkins, R.G. LETHAIA 42 74-82 2009/03 
  •  A new genus for Vesicomya inflata Kanie and Nishida, a lucinid shell convergent with that of Vesicomyids, from Cretaceous strata of Hokkaido, Japan Amano, K., Jenkins, R. G., Kurihara, Y., Kiel, S VELIGER 50 255-262 2008/12
  •  Provannid and provannid-like gastropods from the Late Cretaceous cold seeps of Hokkaido (Japan) and the fossil record of the Provannidae (Gastropoda: Abyssochrysoidea) Kaim, A., Jenkins, R.G., Werén, A. ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY 154 421-436 2008/11 
  •  Bivalves from Cretaceous cold-seep deposits on Hokkaido, Japan Kiel. S., Amano, K., Jenkins, R. G. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA 53 525-537 2008/09 
  •  Microbially induced formation of ooid-like coated grains in the Late Cretaceous methane-seep deposits of the Nakagawa area, Hokkaido, northern Japan Jenkins, R.G., Y. Hikida, Y. Chikaraishi, N. Ohakouchi, K. Tanabe ISLAND ARC 17 261-269 2008/06 
  •  Chemosynthesis-based associations on Cretaceous plesiosaurid carcasses Kaim, A., Kobayashi, Y., Echizenya, H., Jenkins, R.G., and Tanabe, K. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA 53 97-104 2008/03 
  •  Lithofacies and fossil assemblages of the Upper Cretaceous Sada Limestone, Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan The Fossils 84 47-60 2008/10
  •  Antiquity of the substrate choice among acmaeid limpets from the Late Cretaceous chemosynthesis-based communities Jenkins, R.G., Kaim, A., Hikida, Y. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA 52 369-373 2007/06
  •  Methane-flux-dependent lateral faunal changes in a Late Cretaceous chemosymbiotic assemblage from the Nakagawa area of Hokkaido, Japan Jenkins, R.G., Kaim, A., Hikida, Y., Tanabe, K. Geobiology 5 127-139 2007/06 
  •  A new gigantic Nucinella (Bivalvia: Solemyoida) from the Cretaceous cold-seep deposit in Hokkaido, northern Japan Amano, K., Jenkins, R. G., Hikida, Y. VELIGER 49 84-90 2007/07
  •  Eocene drill holes in the cold seep bivalves from Hokkaido, northern Japan Amano, K. and Jenkins, R. G.,  Marine Ecology 28 108-114 2007/03 
  •  Stratigraphy and megafauna of the Upper Cretaceous Yezo Supergroup in the Teshionakagawa area, northern Hokkaido, Japan Takahashi, A., Hikida, Y., Jenkins, R. G., Tanabe, K. Bulletin of the Mikasa City Museum 11 25-29 2007/09
  •  Methane-induced calcareous concretions and chemosynthetic community on an outer shelf of the Joban forearc basin : an example from the Miocene Kokozura Formation, Takaku Group, north of Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan The Fossils 78 47-58 2005/09
  •  Outline of R/V Kaiyo KY 03-09Cruise (piston coring and heat flow surveys) in the Kuroshima Knoll area, southwestern part of the Ryukyu Arc JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research 24 85-98 2004/03
  •  Outline of "Shinkai 2000" dive surveys and long-term monitoring on the Kuroshima Knoll, off Ishigaki Island-Preliminary report of the NT02-07 & 08 Cruise.  JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research 22 199-210 2003/03
  •  Organic geochemical study of bacterial mats collected from Kuroshima Knoll  JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research 22 107-114 2003/03
  •  Cold-seep Jenkins, R.G. Encyclopedia of Geobiology 278-290 2011/03

Conference Presentations

  • A Cretaceous sea turtle ded fall supported chemosynthesis-based ecosystem. (conference:4th International Paleontological Congress)(2014/10/02)
  • Chemosynthesis-based communities on Cretaceous plesiosaurid bones: Distribution patterns of associated molluscs and borings.(conference:4th International Paleontological Congress)(2014/09/29)
  • Fossil record of the chemosynthesis-based communities –what we know after 30 years of research.(conference:4th International Paleontological Congress)(2014/09/29)
  • Evolution of photosynthetic ecosystem effects on chemosynthetic ecosystem in late Mesozoic.(conference:Second International Meeting of IGCP608)(2014/09/05)
  • Importance of burrows at cold-seeps(conference:5th International Symposium on Chemosynthesis-based ecosystems)(2013/08/19)

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  • Early Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) methane seeps and their associated fauna from southern Alaska(conference:Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015)(2013/05/22)
  • Probable submarine ”tsunami” deposits by the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku earthquake(conference:Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012)(2012/05/20)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

○Methods for Geological Field Work(2018)
○Pale ontological Experiments(2018)
○Geological Field Work B(2018)
○Applied Treatment of Geological Materials(2018)
○Practice in Geology(2018)
○Geological Field Work B(2017)
○Practice in Geology(2017)
○Practice in Geology(2017)
○Methods for Geological Field Work(2017)
○Applied Treatment of Geological Materials(2017)
○Guide to Biology and Earth Sciences(2017)
○Practice in Geology(2016)
○Guide to Biology and Earth Sciences(2016)
○Geological Field Work B(2016)
○Applied Treatment of Geological Materials(2016)
○Methods for Geological Field Work(2016)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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