Professor KAWAI, Nozomu
Faculty, Affiliation
Institute for Frontier Science Initiative
Director, Institute for the Study of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources
College and School Educational Field
Division of Humanities, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences,Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative
Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
School of Humanities, College of Human and Social Sciences
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
The Johns Hopkins University Doctor Department of Near Eastern Studies Completed
Waseda University Doctor Accomplished credits for doctoral program
American Research Center in Egypt Samuel H. Kress Fellow in Egyptian Art and Architecture(2000/10-2001/09)
The Johns Hopkins University(2005/07-2005/08)
Waseda University(2007/04-2012/03)
The University of Tsukuba(2012/08-2013/03)
American University in Cairo William Kelly Simpson Professor of Egyptology(2015/02-2015/06)
Waseda University(2006/04-2016/03)
Waseda University(2007/04-2016/03)
Waseda University(2013/04-2016/03)
Waseda University(2016/04-2017/03)
Kanazawa University(2016/04-2016/06)
University of California, Berkeley Department of Near Eastern Studies Visiting Scholar(2017/02-2017/03)
The Open University of Japan(2018/04/01-2018/09/01)
Tokyo University of the Arts(2018/05/01-2018/05/31)
Kanazawa University Institute for Frontier Science Initiative Associate Professor(2016/07/01-2019/03/31)
Kanazawa University Institute for Frontier Science Initiative Professor(2019/04/01-)
Kanazawa University Institute for the Study of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources Director General(2023/04/01-)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
International Association of Egyptologists
The American Research Center in Egypt
The Egypt Exploration Society
○Samuel H. Kress Fellowship in Egyptian Art and Architecture(2000/09)
○Samuel H. Kress Fellowship in Egyptian Art and Architecture(2000/09)
○Samuel H. Kress Fellowship in Egyptian Art and Architecture(2000/09)
Archaeology、History of Asia and Africa、Cultural assets study and museology、Fine art history、Area studies
Speciality Keywords
Egyptology, Archaeology, Cultural Heritage Studies, Museology, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Comparative Studies of Ancient Civilizations
Research Themes
History and Archaeology of New Kingdom Egypt
Archaeological Studies of the tombs and burial custom in the New Kingdom
Archaeological Excavations at Saqqara, Egypt
Studies on the Conservation, Restoration, Management of Egypt's Cultural Heritage Sites
- Nozomu Kawai and Benedict Davies (eds.) The Star Who Appears in Thebes. Studies in Honour of Jiro Kondo Abercromby Press 2022/06
- Kazuhiro Sakaue, Nozomu kawai Mummies of Ancient Egypt Rediscovering Six Lives Asahi Shinbun 2021/10
- Nozomu Kawai A Comprehensive History of Ancient Egypt 2021/05
- Jiro Kondo and Nozomu Kawai in Andrew Bednarski, Aidan Dodson, Salima Ikram (eds.) A History of World Egyptology Cambridge University Press 2021/04
- Searching for Ancient Orient 2021/04
- Nozomu Kawai Egyptological Seminar 2017 Kaisai University International Research Center for Cultural Property and Culture 2018/03/31
- Nozomu Kawai Seminar on Egyptology Center for the Global Study of Cultural Heritage and Culture, Kansai University 2017/03/13
- Conservation of the Wall Paintings in the Royal Tomb of Amenophis III 2007
- Iwanami World History 02 Ancient Western Asia and Greece -1st Century BC Iwanami Publishing 2023/12
- The Lioness Goddess Statuary from the Rock-Cut Chambers at Northwest Saqqara and Their Cult in Middle Kingdom Egypt Nozomu Kawai Women and Religion in the Ancient Near East and Asia 303-338 2023/03/01
- A Report of the Special Exhibition by Students at Kanazawa University Museum in 2021, "The force of light." Haruka Tada, Tomoyuki Tubakino, Yuga Nakagami, Atsushi Matsunaga, Nozomu Kawai Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 18 1-25 2023/03/31
- Intact Simultaneous Multiple Burials on the slope of an Outcropping in Northwest Saqqara Nozomu Kawai The Star Who Appears in Thebes. Studies in Honour of Jiro Kondo 183-206 2022/06/29
- A Report of the Special Exhibition by Students at Kanazawa University Museum in 2020, “Kanazawa University’s Former Schools seen in the photos, Part II – Tracing the origins of modern medicine” Tatsuro Furuta, Saeko Ooki, Atsushi Matsunaga, Nozomu Kawai 17 1-24 2022/03
- A newly discovered Roman catacomb at North Saqqara: Recent results and future prospects Nozomu Kawai Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2020 331-346 2021/12
- Exploring the New Kingdom Tombs at North Saqqara: Preliminary results of the Archaeological Survey at North Saqqara. The 2016 and 2017 seasons Nozomu Kawai Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2020 245-262 2021/12
- A Report of the Special Exhibition by Students at Kanazawa University Museum in 2019, "IROHA: The World of Colors Seen from Various Technologies." Mutsumi Okabe, Atsushi Matsunaga, Hirofumi Sugawara, Nozomu Kawai Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 16 1-22 2021/03/31
- Exploring the New Kingdom Tombs at North Saqqara: A Brief Report on the Archaeological Survey from 2016 to 2017 Nozomu Kawai 18 52-67 2020/12/01
- The Ceremonial Canopied Chariot of Tutankhamun (JE61990 and JE60705) A Tentative Virtual Reconstruction Nozomu Kawai, Yasushi Okada, Takeshi Oishi, Masataka Kagesawa, Akiko Nishisaka, Hussein Kamal CIPEG Journal: Ancient Egyptian & Sudanese Collections and Museums 4 1-11 2020/11/01
- The Discovery of a Roman Catacomb at North Saqqara Nozomu Kawai Egyptian Archaeology 57 10-15 2020/10/01
- The statues of Lioness Goddess at the Rock-Cut Chambers at Northwest Saqqara and Their Funerary Cult in the Middle Kingdom Egypt Nozomu Kawai Proceedings of the International Workshop on Women's Religious and Economic Roles in Antiquity 63-71 2019/10
- A Report on the Special Exhibition by Students at Kanazawa University Museum in 2017, "BANKARA-RYOUSEIRUI; History of Student's Dormitory of Kanazawa University for 124 years" Ayaka Suzuki, Yuka Yoneda, Soyoka Murotani, Kenji Kasahara, Hirofumi Sugawara, Nozomu Kawai Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 14 19-38 2019/03/31
- A Report on the Special Exhibition by Students at Kanazawa University Museum in 2016 "Hakarimono: the Science Experiment Equipment Presented by the Humanities major Students" Ayumi Oguchi, Sakiko Kawabe, Yuki Honjyo, Kenji Kasahara, Hirofumi Sugawara, Nozomu Kawai Bulletin of the Kanazawa University Museum 13 2018/03
- The World Cultural Heritage site in Luxor, Egypt, and its Living People and Community Nozomu Kawai 20 39-46 2018/03/31
- Research and Studies on the Memphite Necropolis Nozomu Kawai Archaeology Quarterly 141 1 83-86 2017/11/01
- Discovered, lost, rediscovered: Userhat and Khonsuemheb Jiro Kondo, Nozomu Kawai Egyptian Archaeology 50 Spring 2017 22-16 2017/03
- Egyptological landscape in Japan: Past, Present, and Future
Nozomu Kawai CIPEG Journal: Ancient Egyptian & Sudanese Collections and Museums 1 1 51-59 2017/10
- Ancient Egyptian Antiquities in the Tomioka collection, Aizu Museum, Waseda University Jiro Kondo, Nozomu Kawai, Nobutaka Hirahara Bulletin of Aizu Museum, Waseda University 18 11-20 2017/03/31
- The Administrators and Notables in Nubia under Tutankhamun Nozomu Kawai Joyful in Thebes. Egyptological Studies in Honor of Betsy M. Bryan 309-322 2015/08
- The New Kingdom Tomb Chapel of Isisnofret at Northwest Saqqara Nozomu Kawai Quest for the Dream of the Pharaohs: Studies in Honour of Sakuji Yoshimura, Supplément aux annales du service des antiquiteés de l’Égypte Cahier no. 43 69-90
- Archaeobotany of Two Middle Kingdom Cult Chambers at North Saqqara, Egypt Ahmed Fahmy, Nozomu Kawai, Sakuji Yoshimura The Archaeology of African Plant Use 141-149 2014
- Some Remarks on the Funerary Equipment from the tomb of Amenhotep III (KV 22) Nozomu Kawai Archaeological Research in the Valley of the Kings and Ancient Thebes 2013/08
- The Tomb of Isisnofret at Northwest Saqqara Nozomu Kawai Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2010 497-511 2012
- Khaemwaset Nozomu Kawai The Encyclopedia of Ancient History 2012/10
- Thebes East Nozomu Kawai The Encyclopedia of Ancient History 2012/10
- Upper Egypt Nozomu Kawai The Encyclopedia of Ancient History 2012/10
- Middle Kingdom Pottery from Waseda University Excavations at Northwest Saqqara 2001-2003 Nozomu Kawai, Kazumitsu Takahashi, Ken Yazawa Handbook of Pottery of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, Volume II: The Regional Volume 147-160 2012
- Transition in the use of cobalt-blue colorant in the New Kingdom of Egypt Yoshinari Abe, Rodan Harimoto, Tadashi Kikugawa, Ken Yazawa, Akiko Nishisaka, Nozomu Kawai, Sakuji Yoshimura, Izumi Nakai Journal of Archaeological Science 39 6 1793-1808 2012/06
- An early cult centre at Abusir-Saqqara? Recent discoveries at a rocky outcrop in north-west Saqqara Nozomu Kawai Egypt at its Origins 3: Proceedings of the Third International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt” London, 27th July – 1st August 2008 801-830 2011
- Ay versus Horemheb: The Political Situation in the Late Eighteenth Dynasty Revisited Nozomu Kawai Journal of Egyptian History 3 2 261-292 2010
- Theban Tomb 46 and its owner, Ramose Nozomu Kawai Offering to the Discerning Eye: An Egyptological Medley in Honor of Jack A. Josephson, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, vol. 38 38 2010
- On-site analysis of archaeological artifacts excavated from the site on the outcrop at North Saqqara, Egypt, by using a newly developed portable fluorescence spectrometer and diffractometer Yoshinari Abe, Izumi Nakai, Kazumitsu Takahashi, Nozomu Kawai, Sakuji Yoshimura Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 395 7 1987-1996 2009/09
- A Sacred Hillside at Northwest Saqqara: A Preliminary Report on the Excavations 2001-2003 Sakuji Yoshimura, Nozomu Kawai, and Hiroyuki Kashiwagi Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteiling Kairo 61 361-402 2006
- A New Early Old Kingdom Layered Stone Structure at Northwest Saqqara Nozomu Kawai, Sakuji Yoshimura Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology 363-374 2006
- Studies in the Reign of Tutankhamun Nozomu Kawai 2005
- A coronation stela of Tutankhamun ? (JdE 27076) Nozomu Kawai Egyptian Museum Collections Around the World: Studies for the Centennial of the Egyptian Museum 637-644 2002
- Development of the Royal burial assemblage in the Eighteenth Dynasty Nozomu Kawai Orient 35 2000
- Royal tombs of the Third Intermediate and Late Periods Nozomu Kawai Orient 33 33-45 1998
- A Report of the Special Exhibition by Students at Kanazawa University Museum in 2022, "KODAN - A Narrative History of International Exchange at Kanazawa University." 19 1-27 2024/03/31
- Neferneferuaten from the Tomb of Tutankhamun Revisited Nozomu Kawai Wonderful Things: Essays in Honor of Nicholas Reeves 109-122 2023/06
Conference Presentations
- The Power Behind the Throne: Tutankhamun’s Court Officials and Their Functions(conference:American Research Center in Egypt DC Chapter: a Tutankhamun Centennial Lecture)(2022/10/15)
- Understanding the Reigns of Tutankhamun and his predecessors from the objects in the Tomb of Tutankhamun(conference:International Colloquium: Tutankhamun and Carter. Assessing the Impact of A Major Archaeological Find)(2023/02/16)
- Some Remarks on the Locations and Nature of the New Kingdom Cemeteries at North Saqqara(conference:Prospects of North Saqqara)(2022/06/30)
- Was Tutankhamun ruling under the shadow of powerful officials?(conference:Themes Valley Ancient Egyptian Society Online Lecture)(2022/12/03)
- Some Remarks on Tutankhamun’s Officialdom(conference:Transcending Eternity: The Centennial Tutankhamun Conference)(2022/11/05)
- Tutankhamun’s Canopied Ceremonial Chariot. A Vehicle for the Afterlife?(conference:Archaeology of Death: Ritual and Afterlife in Ancient Egypt)(2022/10/08)
- Tutankhamun and His Time -What new research has revealed-(2022/10/03)
- Neferneferuaten from the tomb of Tutankhamun Revisited(conference:The 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt)(2022/04/23)
- Tutankhamun and his men and women: Status and Representations of the Officials under Tutankhamun (conference:The 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt )(2021/04/24)
- Tutankhamun’s Royal Court(conference:Lecture for the American Research Center in Egypt, Pennsylvania Chapter)(2022/02/19)
- Tutankhamun and His Entourage (conference:100th Anniversary of the Discovery of King Tutankhamen’s Tomb)(2021/12/03)
- The Tomb of Amenhotep III (KV 22) and its Funerary Equipment(conference:The International Symposium, Thebes under Amenhotep III)(2019/09/02)
- A Virtual Reconstruction of the Ceremonial Canopied Chariot of Tutankhamun (JE61990 and JE60705) – A Case of Virtual Representation in a Museum(conference:CIPEG Annual Meeting, The 25th ICOM Conference)(2019/09/21)
- Reading the Decoration and Iconography of Tutankhamun’s State Chariots(conference:The Fifth Grand Egyptian Museum Tutankhamun Conference,)(2019/05/04)
- The statues of Lioness Goddess at the Rock-cut Chambers at Northwest Saqqara and their Funerary Cult in the Middle Kingdom Egypt(conference:Women's Religious and Economic Roles in Antiquity)(2017/11/11)
- The First 2019 Season of the Excavation at North Saqqara: A Preliminary Report(conference:2019 American Research Center in Egypt Annual Meeting)(2019/04/13)
- Tutankhamun's World(conference:The History of Egypt Podcast)(2021/09/21)
- Studies on the Funerary beds and Chariots from the tomb of Tutankhamun(conference:The 59th Annual Meeting of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan)(2017/10/29)
- New Kingdom Cemetery in North Saqqara, Egypt: Report of the 2017 Work(conference:The 59th Annual Meeting of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan)(2017/10/29)
- Exploring the New Kingdom Tombs at North Saqqara(conference:The 69th Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt)(2018/04/21)
- The value of the Targeted Ancient Egyptian Treasures(conference:The Grand Egyptian Museum Joint Conservation Project Symposium)(2017/11/05)
- The value of the Targeted Ancient Egyptian Treasures(conference:The Grand Egyptian Museum Joint Conservation Project Symposium)(2017/11/04)
- Ancient Egypt through the objects from Tutankhamun's Tomb(2017/10/15)
- The Tomb of Isisnofret and Recent Work at North Saqqara(conference:ARCE Lecture)(2017/09/20)
- The New Kingdom Memphis and its Necropolis(conference:Egyptological Seminar, 2017)(2017/07/23)
- An early Eighteenth Dynasty multiple burial at Northwest Saqqara(conference:Second Intermediate Period Assemblages The Building Blocks of Local Relative Sequences of Material Culture)(2017/06/23)
- Excavating the Sacred Hill in Ancient Egypt - Research in Abusir and Saqqara in Egypt(conference:The 10th Seminar for Cultural Resource Studies)(2017/05/16)
- A Preliminary Study of the Manufacturing Techniques of the Tutankhamen Ritual beds and chariots based on X-ray Radiography(conference:The Third International Tutankhamun Conference)(2017/05/08)
- Research on the New Kingdom Necropolis -Survey in North Saqqara, Egypt-(conference:The 24th Annual Meeting for Excavation report)(2017/03/26)
- Excavation at a Sacred Outcrop in Ancient Egypt: The 2016 Season of Excavation at Abusir South, Egypt(conference:Annual Meeting for Excavation Report)(2017/03/26)
- The Lioness goddess statues from the rock-cut chambers at Northwest Saqqara(conference:Sekhmet Omnipresent)(2017/03/26)
- Excavating a Sacred Outcropping at Northwest Saqqara: The Ramesside Tomb of Isisnofret(conference:Egyptology Lecture)(2017/03/09)
- The unusual New Kingdom Tomb-Chapel of Isisnofret on a rocky outcropping at Northwest Saqqara(conference:Egyptology Lecture)(2017/03/03)
- Reconstructing Ancient Egyptian History through Excavations(conference:West Asian Archaeology Top Runner Seminar)(2017/02/05)
- The World Heritage in Luxor, Egypt: its people and community(conference:Living with the World Heritage sites: Perspective from the community and people)(2017/01/28)
- An Interdisciplinary studies on the tombs and burials in Egypt's New Kingdom(2017/01/26)
- On the New Kingdom Cemeteries in Saqqara, Egypt(conference:58th Annual Meeting, Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan)(2016/11/13)
- The conservation and studies of the sarcophagus of Isisnofret from Abusir South, Egypt(conference:58th Annual Meeting, Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan)(2016/11/13)
- Funerary Cones from El-Khoka area on the West Bank of Luxor, Egypt(conference:Annual Meeting, Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan)(2016/11/13)
- Application of 3D documentation for Egyptian archaeology(conference:Symposium "Challenging 3D archaeology")(2016/10/16)
- Egypt under Tutankhamun's Regn(conference:Egyptological Research Seminar)(2016/07/31)
- Egyptological Landscape in Japan: Past, Present, and Future(2016/07/09)
- Egyptian Collections in Japan: An Overview(conference:ICOM General Conference, CIPEG meetings)(2016/07/06)
- Investigation of the production technique and the transition of ancient Egyptian "Copper-red" glass artifacts based on non-destructive on-site analysis(conference:The 33rd Annual Meeting for JSSSCP)(2016/06/04)
- Identification of pigments used in the wall paintings of the private tomb of Khonsuemheb in Egypt by nondestructive onsite analysis(conference:The 33rd Annual Meeting for JSSSCP)(2016/06/04)
- Some remarks on the Middle Kingdom cult ritual at a rocky outcrop in Northwest Saqqara/South Abusir(conference:The 11th International Congress of Egyptologists)(2015/08/27)
- Some Remarks on the lion goddess at Northwest Saqqara(conference:Goden van Sakkara)(2018/11/19)
- Tutankhamun's blocks from Heliopolis in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo (conference:CIPEG Annual Meeting)(2018/09/06)
- Excavating the first Roman catacomb at Saqqara(conference:EES Online Lecture)(2021/03/16)
- Excavating a Previously Unknown Cemetery at North Saqqara The Significance of the Discovery of the Roman Catacomb and the Future Prospect of the Research(2021/03/28)
- New excavation at North Saqqara. Revealing the development of funerary landscape through millennia(conference:Egyptoogical Seminars under the Tower)(2023/12/20)
- Tutankhamun's Reign-What New Evidence Reveals(conference:Museo Egizio Lecture)(2023/12/19)
- The Reign of Tutankhamun-What New Evidence Reveals (conference:The National Arts Club Lecture)(2023/12/06)
- Tutankhamun’s Canopied Ceremonial Chariot: A Royal Vehicle for the Afterlife?(conference:The 8th International Congress of Egyptologists)(2023/08/10)
- Egypt Nozomu Kawai Annual Report of the Archaeological Society in Japan 75 60-66 2023/12
- The Time of Tutankhamun. What New Evidence Reveals Nozomu Kawai SCRIBE: The Magazine of the American Research Center in Egypt 9 2022/04/01
- Tombs and Burials in Ancient Egypt Nozomu Kawai Mummies of Ancient Egypt: Rediscovering Six Lives 264-273 2021/10
- Tutankhamun and his men and women: Status and Representations of the Officials under Tutankhamun Nozomu kawai he 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt Abstract 57 2021/04
- Tutankhamun's canopied Chariot and Kingship Nozomu Kawai 305-310 2021/10
- Finding and Growing Cultural Heritage in a Living Nozomu Kawai, Ryuichi Tanigawa Kanazawa Cultural Resource Studies 17 2022/03
- Excavating a Previously Unknown Cemetery at North Saqqara The Significance of the Discovery of the Roman Catacomb and the Future Prospect of the Research Nozomu Kawai 2021/03/31
- What is Cultural Heritage in a mature society for diversity and sustainability? Nozomu Kawai, Ryuichi Tanigawa Kanazawa Cultural Resource Studies No. 26 26 2021/03/01
- A Preliminary Report on the Fourth Season of the Excavation at North Saqqara Nozomu kawai et al. Journal of Egyptian Studies 26 12-31 2020/03/31
- A Preliminary Report on the Fifth Season of the Excavation at North Saqqara Nozomu Kawai et al. Journal of Egyptian Studies 26 32-61 2020/03/31
- Preliminary Report on the Twelfth Season of the Work at al-Khokha Area in the Theban Necropolis by the Waseda University Egyptian Expedition Jiro Kondo, Sakuji Yoshimura, Hiroyuki Kashiwagi, Nozomu Kawai et al. Journal of Egyptian Studies 26 2020/03/31
- Excavating a Previously Unknown Cemetery at North Saqqara: Discovery of a Roman Catacomb A Preliminary Report on the Fourth and Fifth Season of Excavation at North Saqqara( 2019) 114-119 2020/03/31
- The 2019 Season of the Excavation at North Saqqara: A Preliminary Report Nozomu Kawai The 70th Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt 2019/04/12
- A Virtual Reconstruction of the Ceremonial Candied Chariot of Tutankhamun (JE61889 and JE60705 Nozomu Kawai et al. CIPEG Annual Meeting as part of the 25th ICOM General Conference Kyoto, Japan 2-7 September 2019 2019/09/02
- The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Antiquities Museum: The Glory of Ancient Alexandria 21 5-11 2019/03/31
- Exploring the New Kingdom Tombs at North Saqqara Nozomu Kawai The 69th Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt 55-56 2018/04/20
- Preliminary Report on the Twenty-Sixth Season of the Work at Northwest Saqqara Sakuji Yoshimura, Nozomu kawai et al. The Journal of Egyptian Studies 24 36-47 2018/03/31
- Preliminary Report on the Third Season of Arcaeological Survey at North Saqqara: Archaeological Work Nozomu Kawai et al. The Journal of Egyptian Studies 24 82-112 2018/03/31
- Preliminary Report on the Third Season of Arcaeological Survey at North Saqqara: Archaeological Reconnaissance, Mapping and Geophysical Survey Nozomu Kawai et al. The Journal of Egyptian Studies 24 48-81 2018/03/31
- Preliminary Report on the Ninth Season of the Work at al-Khokha Area in the Theban Necropolis by the Waseda University Egyptian Expedition Journal of Egyptian Studies 23 13-35 2017/03/31
- Preliminary Report on the Twenty-Fifth Season of the Waseda University Excavations at Northwest Saqqara, 2016 Journal of Egyptian Studies 25 114-126 2017/03/31
- A Preliminary of the First Season of the Archaeological Survey at North Saqqara Journal of Egyptian Studies 23 127-144 2017/03/31
- A Preliminary of the Second Season of the Archaeological Survey at North Saqqara Journal of Egyptian Studies 23 145-181 2017/03/31
- Report of the CIPEG meeting of the 24th General Meeting of ICOM Nozomu Kawai Museum Research 52 1 26-28 2017/01
- Excavation at a Sacred Outcrop in Ancient Egypt: The 2016 Season of Abusir-Saqqara Project Nozomu Kawai, Kazumitsu Takahashi, Sakuji Yoshimura Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of Excavations in West Asia: Ancient Orient Revealed through Excavations in 2016 152-155 2017/03/25
- Exploration of Egypt's New Kingdom Cemetery: The 2016 Archaeological Survey at North Saqqara, Egypt Nozomu Kawai, Kazumitsu Takahashi Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of Excavations in West Asia: Ancient Orient Revealed through Excavations in 2016 148-151 2017/03/25
Arts and Fieldwork
○Research on the objects from the tomb of Tutankhamun(2016/12-)(place:Arab Republic of Egypt)
○Archaeological Excavation(2023/02/25-2023/03/21)(place:Egypt)
○Excavation at North Saqqara, Egypt(2019/02/09-2019/03/09)
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
○LABEX "TOUTANKHAMON À KARNAK La légitimité politique et religieuse en question" (2015-2018)
Classes (Bachelors)
○Practice of Museology D(2023)
○Basic Practice of Program Studies(2023)
○Survey of Archaeology and Cultural Resource Studies B(2023)
○Practice of Museology(2023)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis D(2023)
○Near Eastern Archaeology Seminar B(2023)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2023)
○Basic Practice of Field Research(2023)
○Survey of Field Studies of Cultures B(2023)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2023)
○Practice of Museology C(2023)
○Practice of Museology(2023)
○Survey of Archaeology and Cultural Resource Studies A(2023)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis C(2023)
○Near Eastern Archaeology Seminar A(2023)
○Basic Practice of Program Studies(2023)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2023)
○Regional Archaeology B(2023)
○Methods of Archaeolofy(2023)
○Introduction to Humanity B(2023)
○Basic Practice of Field Research(2023)
○Survey of Field Studies of Cultures A(2023)
○Practice of Museology B(2023)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2023)
○Practice of Museology(2023)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2023)
○Regional Archaeology A(2023)
○Methodology of Field Research B(2023)
○Methids of Cultural Resource Studies(2023)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2023)
○Practice of Museology A(2023)
○Practice of Museology(2023)
○Survey of Archaeology A(2023)
○Methodology of Field Research A(2023)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2023)
○Academic Skills(2023)
○Presentation and Debate(2023)
○The Origins of the Ancient Civilizations(2023)
○Presentation and Debate (Freshman Seminar II)(2023)
○Freshman Seminar I(2023)
○The Origins of the Ancient Civilizations(2022)
○Practice of Museology D(2022)
○Ancient Civilization Studies(2022)
○Basic Practice of Program Studies(2022)
○Survey of Archaeology and Cultural Resource Studies B(2022)
○Practice of Cultural Heritage Studies D(2022)
○Seminar in Social Archeology B(2022)
○Seminar in Comparative Archaeology B2(2022)
○Practice of Museology(2022)
○Practice of Museology C(2022)
○Practice of Museology(2022)
○Survey of Archaeology and Cultural Resource Studies A(2022)
○Basic Practice of Program Studies(2022)
○Survey of Field Studies of Cultures B(2022)
○Basic Practice of Field Research(2022)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies A(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis D(2022)
○Seminar in Comparative Archaeology B1(2022)
○Seminar in Social Archeology A(2022)
○Practice of Museology B(2022)
○Methods of Archaeolofy(2022)
○Social Archaeology B(2022)
○Practice of Museology(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2022)
○Area Archaeology B2(2022)
○Basic Practice of Field Research(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis C(2022)
○Survey of Field Studies of Cultures A(2022)
○Methids of Cultural Resource Studies(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2022)
○Methodology of Field Research A(2022)
○Introduction to Humanity B(2022)
○Practice of Museology(2022)
○Practice of Museology A(2022)
○Social Archaeology A(2022)
○Area Archaeology B1(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis B(2022)
○Seminar of Graduation thesis A(2022)
○Methodology of Field Research B(2022)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2020)
○Survey of Cultural Heritage Studies B(2020)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Studies II(2023)
○Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Studies II(2023)
○Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Studies I(2023)
○Introduction to Practical Data Analysis and Statistics(2023)
○Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Studies I(2023)
○Seminar on Ancient Egyptian Civilization II(2023)
○Introduction to Practical Data Analysis and Statistics(2023)
○Training on Research Project Management I(2023)
○Seminar on Ancient Egyptian Civilization I(2023)
○Training on Research Project Management I(2023)
○Ancient Egyptian Civilization II(2023)
○Ancient Egyptian Civilization I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Science in Archaeology b(2023)
○Science in Archaeology a(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies b(2023)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies a(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory RotationⅠ(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Seminar in Civilization Studies 2(2023)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages II2(2023)
○Practice in archaeology II2(2023)
○Practice in archaeology I1(2023)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 2(2023)
○Special Lecture on Study of Civilizations 2(2023)
○Practice in archaeology I2(2023)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages I2(2023)
○Practice in archaeology II1(2023)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages II1(2023)
○Seminar in Civilization Studies 1(2023)
○Special Lecture on Study of Civilizations 1(2023)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages I1(2023)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 1(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation II(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation II(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Laboratory Rotation I(2023)
○Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Studies II(2022)
○Training on Research Project Management I(2022)
○Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Studies I(2022)
○Introduction to Practical Data Analysis and Statistics(2022)
○Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Studies I(2022)
○Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Studies II(2022)
○Introduction to Practical Data Analysis and Statistics(2022)
○Seminar on Ancient Egyptian Civilization II(2022)
○Ancient Egyptian Civilization II(2022)
○Ancient Egyptian Civilization I(2022)
○Training on Research Project Management I(2022)
○Seminar on Ancient Egyptian Civilization I(2022)
○Ancient Egyptian Civilization II(2022)
○Seminar on Ancient Egyptian Civilization II(2022)
○Ancient Egyptian Civilization I(2022)
○Seminar on Ancient Egyptian Civilization I(2022)
○Science in Archaeology a(2022)
○Science in Archaeology b(2022)
○Introduction to Practical Data Analysis and Statistics(2022)
○Introduction to Practical Data Analysis and Statistics(2022)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies a(2022)
○Introduction to Practical Data Analysis and Statistics b(2022)
○Introduction to Practical Data Analysis and Statistics(2022)
○Introduction to Practical Data Analysis and Statistics(2022)
○Practice in archaeology II2(2022)
○Seminar in Technical Culture History 2(2022)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages II2(2022)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages I1(2022)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 1(2022)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 1(2022)
○Practice in archaeology I1(2022)
○Seminar in Technical Culture History 1(2022)
○Special Lecture on Study of Civilizations 1(2022)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages II1(2022)
○Practice in archaeology II1(2022)
○Practice in Cultural Heritages I2(2022)
○Practice in archaeology I2(2022)
○Special Lecture on Study of Civilizations 2(2022)
○Special Lecture on Study of Civilizations 2(2022)
○Special Lecture on Study of Civilizations 1(2022)
○Introduction to Practical Data Analysis and Statistics(2019)