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Researcher Information

last modified:2025/01/16

Associate Professor HOSOKAWA, Kohei

Mail Laboratory Website
Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

University Hospital

College and School Educational Field


Academic Background


NIH,NHLBI,hematology branch  Visiting fellow

Year & Month of Birth

Academic Society





Speciality Keywords

Research Themes

Clonal hematopoiesis in acquired aplastic anemia

immune pathophysiology of bone marrow failure


  •  Hosokawa, K, Scheinberg, P, and Young, N.S Congenital and Acquired Bone Marrow Failure 2017/01/09
  •  全トランスクリプトームシークエンス法を用いた発作性夜間ヘモグロビン尿症関連新規経路の同定:PNH顆粒球におけるCXCR2発現量の増加 細川晃平  PNH Frontier 2016 No.3


  •  Hosokawa K, Kajigaya S, Keyvanfar K, Qiao Wangmin, Xie Yanling, Townsley DM, Feng X, Young NS.T Cell Transcriptomes from Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria Patients Reveal Novel Signaling Pathways.J Immunol. 2017 In press
  •  Hosokawa K, Kajigaya S, Keyvanfar K, Qiao Wangmin, Xie Yanling, Biancotto A, Townsley DM, Feng X, Young NS. Whole transcriptome sequencing identifies increased CXCR2 expression in PNH granulocytes. British J Haematol. 2017 Apr;177(1):136-141.
  •  Hosokawa K, Kajigaya S, Feng X, Desierto MJ2, Fernandez Ibanez MD, Rios O, Weinstein B, Scheinberg P, Townsley DM, Young NS. A plasma microRNA signature as a biomarker for acquired aplastic anemia. Haematologica 2017 Jan;102(1):69-78
  •  Maruyama H, Katagiri T, Kashiwase K, Shiina T, Sato-Otsubo A, Zaimoku Y, Maruyama K, Hosokawa K, Ishiyama K, Yamazaki H, Inoko H, Ogawa S, Nakao S. Clinical significance and origin of leukocytes that lack HLA-A allele expression in patients with acquired aplastic anemia. Exp Hematol 2016;44(10):931-939.
  •  Hosokawa K, Muranski P, Feng X, Townsley DM, Liu B, Knickelbein J, Keyvanfar K, Dumitriu B, Ito S, Kajigaya S, Taylor JG 6th, Kaplan MJ, Nussenblatt RB, Barrett AJ, O'Shea J, Young NS. Memory Stem T Cells in Autoimmune Disease: High Frequency of Circulating CD8+ Memory Stem Cells in Acquired Aplastic Anemia. J Immunol. 2016;196(4):1568-1578.

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  •  Inaguma Y,Akatsuka Y, Hosokawa K, Maruyama H, Okamoto A, Katagiri T, Shiraishi K, Murayama Y, Tsuzuki-Iba S, Mizutani Y, Nishii C, Yamamoto N, Demachi-Okamura A, Kuzushima K, Ogawa S, Emi N,Nakao S.Induction of HLA-B*40:02-restricted T cells possessing cytotoxic and suppressive functions against hematopoietic progenitor cells from a patient with severe aplastic anemia. British J Haematol. 2016;172(1):131-134.
  •  Hosokawa K, Muranski P, Feng X, Keyvanfar K, Townsley DM, Dumitriu B, Chen J, Kajigaya S, Taylor JG, Hourigan CS, Barrett AJ, Young NS Identification of novel microRNA signatures linked to acquired aplastic anemia. Haematologica. 2015;100(12):1534-1545.
  •  Yoshizato T*, Dumitriu B*, Hosokawa K, Makishima H, Yoshida K, Townsley D, Sato-Otsubo A, Sato Y, Liu D, Suzuki H, Wu C, Shiraishi Y, Clemente M, Kataoka K, Shiozawa Y, Okuno Y, Chiba K, Tanaka H, Nagata Y, Katagiri T, Kon A, Sanada M, Scheinberg P, Miyano S, Maciejewski J, Nakao S, Young NS, Ogawa S. NEJM. 2015;373(1):35-47.
  •  Hosokawa K, Sugimori N, Katagiri T, Sasaki Y, Saito C, Seiki Y, Mochizuki K, Yamazaki H, Takami A, Nakao S. Increased glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein-deficient granulocytes define a benign subset of bone marrow failures in patients with trisomy 8. Eur J Haematol. 2015;95(3):230-8.
  •  Hosokawa K, Yamazaki H, Nakamura T, Yoroidaka T, Imi T, Shima Y, Ohata K, Takamatsu H, Kotani T, Kondo Y, Takami A, Nakao S. Successful hyperbaric oxygen therapy for refractory BK virus-associated hemorrhagic cystitis after cord blood transplantation. Transpl Infect Dis. 2014;16(5):843-6
  •  Hosokawa K, Takami A, Tsuji M, Araoka H, Ishiwata K, Takagi S, Yamamoto H, Asano-Mori Y, Matsuno N, Uchida N, Masuoka K, Wake A, Makino S, Yoneyama A, Nakao S, Taniguchi S. Relative incidences and outcomes of Clostridium difficile infection following transplantation of unrelated cord blood, unrelated bone marrow, and related peripheral blood in adult patients: a single institute study. Transpl Infect Dis. 2014;16(3):412-20.
  •  Mochizuki K, Kondo Y, Hosokawa K, Ohata K, Yamazaki H, Takami A, Sasaki M, Sato Y, Nakanuma Y, Nakao S. Adenovirus pneumonia presenting with nodular shadows on chest X-ray in two unrelated allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipients. Intern Med. 2014;53(5):499-503.
  •  Seiki Y, Sasaki Y, Hosokawa K, Saito C, Sugimori N, Yamazaki H, Takami A, Nakao S.. Increased plasma thrombopoietin levels in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome: a reliable marker for a benign subset of bone marrow failure. Haematologica. 2013;98(6):901-7.
  •  Katagiri T, Kawamoto H, Nakakuki T, Ishiyama K, Okada-Hatakeyama M, Ohtake S, Seiki Y, Hosokawa K, Nakao S. Individual hematopoietic stem cells in human bone marrow of patients with aplastic anemia or myelodysplastic syndrome stably give rise to limited cell lineages. Stem Cells. 2013;31(3):536-46.
  •  Takami A, Ohtake S, Morishita E, Terasaki Y, Fukushima T, Kurokawa T, Sugimori N, Matano S, Ohata K, Saito C, Yamaguchi M, Hosokawa K, Yamazaki H, Kondo Y, Nakao S.. Late response to low-dose imatinib in patients with chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia. Int J Hematol. 2012;96(3):357-63.
  •  Nagai T, Suzuki T, Komatsu N, Hosokawa K, Nakao S, Ozawa K. Alteration of chromosome 13 abnormalities after therapeutic hematopoiesis recovery in myelodysplastic syndrome. Open Journal of Hematology 3-7. 2012.
  •  Hosokawa K, Katagiri T, Sugimori N, Ishiyama K, Sasaki Y, Seiki Y, Sato-Otsubo A, Sanada M, Ogawa S, Nakao S. Favorable outcome of patients who have 13q deletion: a suggestion for revision of the WHO 'MDS-U' designation. Haematologica. 2012;97(12):1845-9.
  •  Hosokawa K, Yamazaki H, Nishitsuji M, Kobayashi S, Takami A, Fujimura M, Nakao S.. Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease following reduced-intensity allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia. Intern Med. 2012;51(2):195-8.
  •  Hosokawa K, Yamazaki H, Mochizuki K, Ohata K, Ishiyama K, Hayashi T, Kondo Y, Sugimori N, Okumura H, Takami A, Nakao S. Successful treatment of Trichosporon fungemia in a patient with refractory acute myeloid leukemia using voriconazole combined with liposomal amphotericin B. Transpl Infect Dis. 2012;14(2):184-7.
  •  Ishiyama K, Katagiri T, Ohata K, Hosokawa K, Kondo Y, Yamazaki H, Takami A, Nakao S. Safety of pre-engraftment prophylactic foscarnet administration after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Transpl Infect Dis. 2012;14(1):33-9.
  •  Katagiri T, Sato-Otsubo A, Kashiwase K, Morishima S, Sato Y, Mori Y, Kato M, Sanada M, Morishima Y, Hosokawa K, Sasaki Y, Ohtake S, Ogawa S, Nakao S. Frequent loss of HLA alleles associated with copy number-neutral 6pLOH in acquired aplastic anemia. Blood. 2011 15;118(25):6601-9.
  •  Sano H, Hosokawa K, Kidoya H, Takakura N. Negative regulation of VEGF-induced vascular leakage by blockade of angiotensin II type 1 receptor. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 26:2673-2680. 2006.
  •  Somatic mutations and clonal expansions in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. Kohei Hosokawa,Shinji Nakao Seminars in hematology 59 3 143 2022/07
  •  Hematopoietic stem progenitor cells with malignancy-related gene mutations in patients with acquired aplastic anemia are characterized by the increased expression of CXCR4. Takamasa Katagiri,Jorge Luis Espinoza,Mizuho Uemori,Honoka Ikeda,Kohei Hosokawa,Ken Ishiyama,Takeshi Yoroidaka,Tatsuya Imi,Hiroyuki Takamatsu,Tatsuhiko Ozawa,Hiroyuki Kishi,Yasuhiko Yamamoto,Mahmoud Ibrahim Elbadry,Yoshinori Yoshida,Kazuhisa Chonabayashi,Katsuto Takenaka,Koichi Akashi,Yasuhito Nannya,Seishi Ogawa,Shinji Nakao EJHaem 3 3 669 2022/08
  •  Hemolytic paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria: 20 years of medical progress Regis Peffault de Latour,Kohei Hosokawa,Antonio Maria Risitano Seminars in Hematology 2022
  •  Anti-COX-2 autoantibody is a novel biomarker of immune aplastic anemia. Tiina Kelkka,Mikko Tyster,Sofie Lundgren,Xingmin Feng,Cassandra Kerr,Kohei Hosokawa,Jani Huuhtanen,Mikko Keränen,Bhavisha Patel,Toru Kawakami,Yuka Maeda,Otso Nieminen,Tiina Kasanen,Pasi Aronen,Bhagwan Yadav,Hanna Rajala,Hideyuki Nakazawa,Taina Jaatinen,Eva Hellström-Lindberg,Seishi Ogawa,Fumihiro Ishida,Hiroyoshi Nishikawa,Shinji Nakao,Jaroslaw Maciejewski,Neal S Young,Satu Mustjoki Leukemia 36 9 2317 2022/09
  •  [Clinical significance of detecting human leukocyte antigen class I allele-lacking leukocytes in aplastic anemia]. Kohei Hosokawa,Shinji Nakao [Rinsho ketsueki] The Japanese journal of clinical hematology 63 8 899 2022
  •  Incidence of Acquired Pure Red Cell Aplasia: A Nationwide Epidemiologic Analysis With 2 Registry Databases in Japan. Hideyuki Nakazawa,Kaoko Sakai,Akiko Ohta,Naohito Fujishima,Akira Matsuda,Kohei Hosokawa,Fumi Nakamura,Shinji Nakao,Kinuko Mitani,Fumihiro Ishida Blood advances 6 24 6282 2022/05/06
  •  Clinical significance of the increased expression of the WT1 gene in peripheral blood of patients with acquired aplastic anemia. Ken Ishiyama,Tran Cao Dung,Tatsuya Imi,Kohei Hosokawa,Yasuhito Nannya,Hirohito Yamazaki,Seishi Ogawa,Shinji Nakao EJHaem 3 4 1116 2022/11
  •  A longitudinal analysis of paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria-type cells in patients with bone marrow failure: Results of a prospective multi-centre study in Japan. Ken Ishiyama,Yuji Yonemura,Tatsuya Kawaguchi,Kohei Hosokawa,Chiharu Sugimori,Yasutaka Ueda,Hiroyuki Takamori,Naoshi Obara,Hideyoshi Noji,Yukari Shirasugi,Kiyoshi Ando,Tsutomu Shichishima,Haruhiko Ninomiya,Shigeru Chiba,Jun-Ichi Nishimura,Yuzuru Kanakura,Shinji Nakao British journal of haematology 2023/08/31
  •  [Immune pathophysiology of bone marrow failure]. Kohei Hosokawa [Rinsho ketsueki] The Japanese journal of clinical hematology 64 9 908 2023
  •  Minor GPI(-) granulocyte populations in aplastic anemia and healthy individuals derived from a few PIGA-mutated hematopoietic stem progenitor cells. Hiroki Mizumaki,Dung Cao Tran,Kohei Hosokawa,Kazuyoshi Hosomichi,Yoshitaka Zaimoku,Hiroyuki Takamatsu,Hirohito Yamazaki,Ken Ishiyama,Rena Yamazaki,Hiroshi Fujiwara,Atsushi Tajima,Shinji Nakao Blood cancer journal 13 1 165 2023/11/08
  •  Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis With Elevated Cytokines Related to Macrophage Activation After Liver Transplantation for Autoimmune Hepatitis: A Case Report. Shinichi Nakanuma,Ryosuke Gabata,Mitsuyoshi Okazaki,Akihiro Seki,Kohei Hosokawa,Tadafumi Yokoyama,Kaoru Katano,Hiroaki Sugita,Tomokazu Tokoro,Satoshi Takada,Isamu Makino,Takumi Taniguchi,Kenichi Harada,Shintaro Yagi Transplantation proceedings 2023/08/01

Conference Presentations

  • Immunosuppressive therapy(conference:3rd REGIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROMES)(2024/03)
  • Recent advances in the pathogenesis and treatment of aplastic anemia(conference:2023 Korean Society of Hematology International Conference & 64rd annual meeting)(2023/03)
  • PNH clone expansion: our understanding in 2022 (conference:Eighth International Bone Marrow Failure Scientific Symposium)(2022/05)


Arts and Fieldwork


Theme to the desired joint research

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

Classes (Bachelors)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Overview of Cellular Transplantation Biology(2021)
○Overview of Cellular Transplantation Biology(2020)
○Overview of Cellular Transplantation Biology(2020)
○Overview of Cellular Transplantation Biology(2019)
○Overview of Cellular Transplantation Biology(2019)
○Overview of Cellular Transplantation Biology(2018)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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