Associate Professor TATSUNO, Daichi
Faculty, Affiliation
Advanced Manufacturing Technology Institute
College and School Educational Field
Division of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Frontier Engineering, College of Science and Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Science and Engineering
Academic Background
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Production engineering/Processing studies
Speciality Keywords
Carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic, Press forming, Joining, Cutting, Forging
Research Themes
Manufacturing technologies for thermoplastic CFRP
Carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics have been expected to be used the automotive and aviation in future because of its excellent strength per unit weigth and high productivity. We are developing the manufacturing technologies such as press forming, joining, cutting and forging, for mass production of thermoplastic CFRP products.
- Effect of press slide speed and stroke on cup forming using a plain-woven carbon fiber thermoplastic composite sheet Takeshi Yoneyama,Daichi Tatsuno,Kiichiro Kawamoto,Masayuki Okamoto International Journal of Automation Technology 10 3 381 2016
- Effect of Cooling Rate on the Mechanical Strength of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Sheets in Press Forming D. Tatsuno,T. Yoneyama,K. Kawamoto,M. Okamoto Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 26 7 3482 2017/07/01
- V-Shape Forming of Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Sheet KONDA Takashi,OKUMURA Wataru,KAWAMOTO Kiichirou,OKAMOTO Masayuki,TATSUNO Daichi,YONEYAMA Takeshi Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity 57 663 359 2016
- Measurement of Ski deflection with torsion and ski-snow contacting pressure during the turn on the snow Takeshi Yoneyama,Hiroyuki Kagawa,Daichi Tatsuno,Nathan Scott,Kazutaka Osada Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C 75 752 1100 2009
- B28 Measurement of the ski deflection and the contacting pressure with snow during the turn YONEYAMA Takeshi,KAGAWA Hiroyuki,TATSUNO Daichi,SCOTT Nathan,OSADA Kazutaka The Proceedings of Joint Symposium: Symposium on Sports Engineering, Symposium on Human Dynamics 2007 336 2007
- B35 Measurement of the deflection of the ski and the snow contacting pressure during the turn YONEYAMA Takeshi,TATSUNO Daichi,SCOTT Nathan,OSADA Kazutaka The Proceedings of Joint Symposium: Symposium on Sports Engineering, Symposium on Human Dynamics 2006 356 2006
- Effect of press slide speed and stroke on cup forming using a plain-woven carbon fiber thermoplastic composite sheet Takeshi Yoneyama,Daichi Tatsuno,Kiichiro Kawamoto,Masayuki Okamoto International Journal of Automation Technology 10 3 381 2016
- Effect of side die pressure and adaptive die temperature control in press forming of U-beam using carbon fiber-reinforced PA6 sheets Daichi Tatsuno,Takeshi Yoneyama,Kiichirou Kawamoto,Masayuki Okamoto Journal of Composite Materials 51 30 4273 2017/12/01
- Design and Fabrication of Heating-Transferring Equipment for Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Sheet TATSUNO Daichi,YONEYAMA Takeshi,KAWAMOTO Kiichirou,OKAMOTO Masayuki JOURNAL OF JAPAN SOCIETY FOR DESIGN ENGINEERING 52 5 351 2017
- Press Forming and Strength Evaluation of CFRTP Varying-Cross-Section Beam YONEYAMA Takeshi,TATSUNO Daichi,KAWAMOTO Kiichiro,OKAMOTO Masayuki,ECHIGO Yuto Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity 58 678 605 2017
- Deformation and Strain in Square Cup Forming Using Woven Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Sheet TATSUNO Daichi,YONEYAMA Takeshi,KAWAMOTO Kiichirou,OKAMOTO Masayuki Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity 57 668 892 2016
- Production system to form, cut, and join by using a press machine for continuous carbon fiber‐reinforced thermoplastic sheets Daichi Tatsuno,Takeshi Yoneyama,Kiichirou Kawamoto,Masayuki Okamoto Polymer Composites 39 7 2571 2016
- Fiber deformation behavior during press forming of rectangle cup by using plane weave carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic sheet Shoji Hineno,Takeshi Yoneyama,Daichi Tatsuno,Masaki Kimura,Keisuke Shiozaki,Takashi Moriyasu,Masayuki Okamoto,Shigenori Nagashima 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGY OF PLASTICITY, ICTP 2014 81 1614 2014
- Design and Fabrication of Heating-Transferring Equipment for Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Sheet 立野 大地,米山 猛,河本 基一郎,岡本 雅之 設計工学 = Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering 52 5 351 2017/05
- Measurement of Ski deflection with torsion and ski-snow contacting pressure during the turn on the snow Takeshi Yoneyama,Hiroyuki Kagawa,Daichi Tatsuno,Nathan Scott,Kazutaka Osada Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C 75 752 1100 2009
- Press Forming of Hemispherical Cup Using Carbon-Fiber-Fabric-Reinforced Thermoplastic Sheet YONEYAMA Takeshi,ITO Takumi,MASUZAWA Kenta,TATSUNO Daichi,NISHIHARA Yoshitaka,MORIYASU Takashi,NAGASHIMA Shigenori,OKAMOTO Masayuki,KONDA Takashi Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity 55 636 23 2014
- Forming of Panel with Ribs of Thermoplastic Carbon-Fiber Composites Using Die Cushion YONEYAMA Takeshi,TATSUNO Daichi,KIMURA Taisuke,KAWAMOTO Kiichiro,OKAMOTO Masayuki,ECHIGO Yuto Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity 59 690 123 2018
- Effect of flexural stiffness distribution of a ski on the ski–snow contact pressure in a carved turn Takeshi Yoneyama,Hiroyuki Kagawa,Daichi Tatsuno,Motoki Kitade,Kazutaka Osada,Satoshi Shigehara Sports Engineering 24 1 2021/12
- Billet flow formation of discontinuous carbon fiber ribbed square panels from continuous carbon fibers D. Tatsuno,T. Yoneyama,K. Kawamoto,M. Okamoto,T. Sekido International Journal of Material Forming 12 1 1 2018/03/28
- Effect of process parameters of shear cutting for carbon fiber–reinforced thermoplastic laminate Daichi Tatsuno, Takeshi Yoneyama, Motohiro Ibuki The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 110 3 1125-1138 2020/09
- Local heat clamp bending of carbon-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic sheet Daichi Tatsuno, Takeshi Yoneyama, Takahito Matsumoto The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2020/11
- Braid-press forming for manufacturing thermoplastic CFRP tube Daichi Tatsuno, Takeshi Yoneyama, Toshiyasu Kinari, Eiki Sakanishi, Taichi Ochiai, Yasumasa Taniichi International Journal of Material Forming 2020/08
- Center Clamp Forming of a Rectangular Cup with Bottom Edge Trimming Using a Continuous Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Sheet Daichi Tatsuno, Takeshi Yoneyama, Kiichirou Kawamoto, Masayuki Okamoto, Tomio Bando Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 26 7 3482-3488 2020/06
- Effect of Cooling Rate on the Mechanical Strength of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Sheets in Press Forming Daichi Tatsuno, Takeshi Yoneyama, Kiichirou Kawamoto, Masayuki Okamoto Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 26 7 3482-3488 2017/07
- Effect of side die pressure and adaptive die temperature control in press forming of U-beam using carbon fiber reinforced PA6 sheets Daichi Tatsuno, Takeshi Yoneyama, Kiichirou Kawamoto, Masayuki Okamoto Journal of Composite Materials 51 30 4273-4286 2017/12
- Production System to Form, Cut, and Join by Using a Press Machine for Continuous Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Sheets Daichi Tatsuno, Takeshi Yoneyama, Kiichirou Kawamoto, Masayuki Okamoto Polymer Composites 39 7 2571-2586 2018/01
- Billet flow formation of discontinuous carbon fiber ribbed square panels from continuous carbon fibers Daichi Tatsuno, Takeshi Yoneyama, Kiichirou Kawamoto, Masayuki Okamoto, Toshihide Sekido International Journal of Material Forming 12 1 145-160 2019/01
Conference Presentations
- 熱可塑性CFRPシートによる角筒成形と強度・内部組織(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2013/10/15)
- 熱可塑性CFRPによる異形断面のビーム成形(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2015/05/11)
- ダイクッションを活用した熱可塑性CFRPのリブ付パネル成形(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2017/05/19)
- UDテープカット材を用いた熱可塑性CFRPランダムシート製作と強度評価(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2017/05/19)
- 熱可塑性炭素繊維シートを用いた角筒プレス成形における圧力と温度の測定(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2017/10/20)
- 熱可塑性CFRPシートの加熱溶融接合(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2015/05/11)
- 熱可塑性CFRPシートを用いた成形加工に関する研究(conference:日本塑性加工学会北陸支部講演会講演論文集)(2016/03/08)
- 熱可塑性CFRPのプレス成形と成形パラメータ(conference:複合材料シンポジウム講演要旨集)(2014)
- ロボットを用いた熱可塑性CFRPのテープ成形(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2017/05/19)
- 熱可塑性CFRPのプレス成形時の金型界面の観察(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2014/09/22)
- 熱可塑性CFRPのV曲げ成形における加工精度に及ぼす温度履歴の影響(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2013/10/15)
- 熱可塑性CFRP異形断面ビームのプレス成形における各種条件の影響(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2015/10/13)
- 積層シートの重ね合わせによる熱可塑性CFRPの溶融接合(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2016/09/30)
- 熱可塑性CFRPのリブ付パネル成形におけるリブ成形方法のリブ強度への効果(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2017/10/20)
- 熱可塑性CFRPシートを用いたビーム成形およびせん断加工(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2014/05/20)
- 熱可塑性CFRPの接合による閉断面ビームの製作と衝撃吸収特性(conference:日本塑性加工学会北陸支部講演会講演論文集)(2017/03/06)
- Fiber deformation behavior during press forming of rectangle cup by using plane weave carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic sheet(conference:11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGY OF PLASTICITY, ICTP 2014)(2014)
- 熱可塑性CFRPの接合による閉断面ビームの製作と衝撃吸収特性(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2016/09/30)
- スキー滑走時のパウダースノーの浮遊感に関する考察(conference:日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM))(2015/09/12)
- 熱可塑性CFRPの加熱圧着接合(conference:日本塑性加工学会北陸支部講演会講演論文集)(2017/03/06)
- スキーターンにおけるたわみ・雪面圧力と雪面溝深さとの関係(conference:日本機械学会シンポジウム:スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマンダイナミクス講演論文集)(2012/11/14)
- 熱可塑性CFRPシートの積層平板成形における温度と圧力の効果(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2016/04/28)
- Measurement of the ski deflection and the contacting pressure with snow during the turn(conference:日本機械学会スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウムヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集)(2007/11/13)
- 熱可塑性CFRPのハット曲げ成形における残留ひずみと形状精度(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2017/10/20)
- 熱可塑性CFRPシートの積層平板成形(conference:日本塑性加工学会北陸支部講演会講演論文集)(2017/03/06)
- 熱可塑性CFRPシートを用いた異形断面ビームのプレス成形と有限要素解析(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2015/10/13)
- 熱可塑性CFRPを用いた1mサイズの閉断面ビームのプレス成形と強度評価(conference:型技術ワークショップ講演論文集)(2016/11/28)
- Measurement of the deflection of the ski and the snow contacting pressure during the turn(conference:日本機械学会スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウムヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集)(2006/11/08)
- J1020105 A Consideration on Floating Sensation of Skiing on Powder Snow(conference:The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan)(2015)
- 234 Relation among Deflection, Pressure and Snow Groove Depth in the Ski Turn(conference:The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics)(2012)
- B28 Measurement of the ski deflection and the contacting pressure with snow during the turn(conference:The Proceedings of Joint Symposium: Symposium on Sports Engineering, Symposium on Human Dynamics)(2007)
- B35 Measurement of the deflection of the ski and the snow contacting pressure during the turn(conference:The Proceedings of Joint Symposium: Symposium on Sports Engineering, Symposium on Human Dynamics)(2006)
- 熱可塑性CFRPのプレス成形の取り組み状況(conference:FRP CON-EX講演要旨集)(2013/10/24)
- 熱可塑性CFRPシートを用いたプレス成形における側面加圧の効果(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2016/04/28)
- 熱可塑性CFRPシートを用いた角筒成形(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2013/05/20)
- 熱可塑性CFRPの平板プレス成形と強度評価(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2017/10/20)
- 熱可塑性CFRPのU字ビーム成形(conference:日本複合材料合同会議(CD-ROM))(2015)
- ロボットを活用した熱可塑性CFRPのテープ成形(conference:日本塑性加工学会北陸支部講演会講演論文集)(2018/03/05)
- 熱可塑性不連続CFRPを用いた鍛造(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2018/10/04)
- 熱可塑性不連続CFRPの局部加熱曲げ加工(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2019/05/22)
- ロボットを活用した熱可塑性CFRPのテープ成形(conference:日本塑性加工学会北陸支部講演会講演論文集)(2019/03/08)
- 熱可塑性CFRPの組紐プレス成形(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2019/09/25)
- 熱可塑性CFRPの接合成形法(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2018/05/10)
- ロボットを活用した熱可塑性CFRPテープ成形と強度評価(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2019/05/22)
- 熱可塑性CFRP鍛造におけるビレット繊維配向と強度(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2019/09/25)
- 炭素繊維による熱可塑性CFRP接合界面強化法(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2019/05/22)
- 炭素繊維を活用した熱可塑性CFRPの接合法(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2018/10/04)
- 熱可塑性CFRP連続繊維シートを用いた角筒プレス成形(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2018/05/10)
- 連続繊維熱可塑性CFRPを用いたT字ビーム成形(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2019/09/25)
- ロボットハンドを活用した熱可塑性CFRPのテープ成形(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2018/05/10)
- 熱可塑性CFRPのせん断切断(conference:塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集)(2019/05/22)
- 熱可塑性CFRPを用いた歯車成形(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2019/09/25)
- 組紐技術を用いた熱可塑性樹脂炭素繊維含浸テープの立体成形(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2019/09/25)
- 炭素繊維を活用した熱可塑性CFRPの接合法(conference:日本塑性加工学会北陸支部講演会講演論文集)(2019/03/08)
- 熱可塑性不連続CFRPを用いたプレス成形(conference:型技術ワークショップ講演論文集)(2018/11/29)
- 熱可塑性CFRPの角筒成形における成形方式と材料変形(conference:塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集)(2018/10/04)
- 炭素繊維含浸PA6スリット糸の組紐編組・プレスによる立体成形(conference:繊維学会予稿集)(2019/11/09)
Arts and Fieldwork
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research